The New Fire Expert ( Jelsa...

By melantha123

300K 13.1K 9.5K

It’s fire station 313. Jack Overland is well known young firefighting chief in Burgess. He is daring and cari... More

1 The Road Called Life
2 Ending or a Beginning
3 The Meaning of Fire
Merry Jelsa Christmas!
4 Fire that Burns You
5 Lift the Cat on Table
6 She's in Town
7 Friendly Ghost
8 A Suggestion
9 Messing Around
10 Odd Events
11 Ghostbusting and Adoptions
12 Modern Fairy Tale
13 Burning Liquid
14 Girl Trouble
15 Passing Away
16 The Awakening of Sleeping Heroes
17 Beating Heart
18 Feeling Hurt
19 Modern Snow White
20 Proposal
21 The Connection
22 The End?
23 Secrets to Know
24 Winter 4
25 Movies are Heart Crushing
A/N All about private
27 Remember?
28 Obsessed Minds
29 Choices of Life
30 Dream of Something Better
31 Monday the Sick-minded Day
32 Hate is Poisonate
33 The Denial
34 Voice Inside the Brightness
35 Do Memories Hurt?
36 One 'A' Going Down
37 The Ones We Love
38 Damaged Sisters
39 The Plan of Y
40 Friendships Last
41 Glowing Flames
42 Yokai
43 Long Story
Final Words
After 8 years

26 Hooked

6.4K 263 250
By melantha123

POV Elsa

Merida wanted to see me after working day. So I waited her outside the fire station. Today no one felt like going at the usual hangout place, actually this had been going on for the whole two weeks after Hiccup's accident. No one felt like celebrating.

"Hey!" Merida shouted at me and I look at her quickly. I waved my hand at her.

"So umm.. would you mind coming with me today?" Merida said and rubbed her neck. Her body language was all about nervousness.

"Sure, where?" I smiled to her.

"To hospital to see Hiccup. It's not so weird if the chief is with me. I mean it's awkward for me being a girl and all... the nurses look at me weirdly," Merida mumbled.

"Alright but I don't know why you're nervous about it because you two are friends since childhood. Right?" I laughed and Merida blushed.

"They think of us as a couple, which we are not. He has Astrid," Merida sighed.

"Oh. That explains it. Sure I will come, it's nice to have a break from all the packing," I smiled. I have been gathering my things because Frost would move to his home soon. I need to move out.

Merida gave me a ride. She had been using Hiccup's car because he had given it to her for the time being. As a thanks for helping out with taking care of his dog.

At the hospital we went to the floor where Hiccup was. My cheeks flushed for the idea that Frost would be one floor up. However I haven't visited him, not even once after he woke up. It's just too hard for me, to see him when he doesn't remember.

When we got into Hiccup's room his bed was empty. Merida and I went to the desk and a kind nurse helped us out. "Mr Haddock is having his rehabilitation down the hall. You can go and see how he is doing. Today he uses the crutches for the first time. He is a fast learner and has positive attitude which is great," the nurse laughed and we thanked her.

"I can't wait to see him! It's so wonderful to hear that he is doing okay!" Merida cheered and I laughed faintly.

I saw the part where hospital turned into rehabilitation facility and I glance at Merida. She responded to my look with a smile.

"MR. Haddock! MR Overland!"I heard a woman cheering. It made me and Merida exchange worried looks as we approached a wide doorway. We heard laughter, loud and deep.

"Overland is reaching Haddock on the curve. OH MY GOOOD!!! Overland is passing him and aiming for the straight line to last speed burst before finishing line!" It was Frost's voice and I froze to my spot. Then I saw him and Hiccup, they came around the corner laughing. Both of them were riding on their wheelchairs and moving fast while laughing.

"Jump!" Merida screamed as the two guys were approaching us fast. A nurse was running after them.

"BREAK!" Hiccup shouted to Frost who then noticed us. I yelped when he almost hit me.

"Oh gosh!" Frost gulped out as he stared at me. I felt my cheeks flushing.

Then the nurse came out panting, "I told you - two - that - you cannot - take a race - in - here. Too - dangerous." She said while catching her breath. Frost grinned and jerked his head up, looking upside down to his back with his head slightly crooked.

"Yeah yeah, nothing happened to us," Frost laughed and smiled mischievously.

"I was more concerned about other people actually," the nurse crossed her arms.

"Well, this sure was something to except when you two are in the same hospital," Merida hissed to Hiccup.

"Chill Mer. It's not like we knocked you two out," Frost laughed.

"Mmhmm," Hiccup hummed and gave a grin.

"So haven't seen you in a while," Frost's attention turned back to me. Hiccup and Merida glanced at me quickly, their looks told everything that was needed to know. They were confused.

"Umm.. been a bit busy and uh.." I mumbled.

"Yeah so how about another race Hiccs?" Frost smiled.

"Mr Haddock needs to practice walking with crutches," the nurse said strictly and walked over. She gave Hiccup crutches which Hiccup took while smiling. I watch as he takes support and starts walking with them.

"You're doing great!" The nurse cheered. She was about to take out the extra wheelchair but I told her that I would bring it back. Then she left us after saying that now it's our turn to watch over the guys.

"Great my ass.. this is not like walk in a park," Hiccup mumbled as he was getting back towards the facility.

"Cheer up, soon you'll be running in the park," Frost shouted after him. Merida was walking beside Hiccup.

"Anyway! I have my goal ahead! They're serving coffee in 10 minutes. My treat, they have some tasty doughnuts," Hiccup yelled cheerfully and I let out a laugh.

When Frost heard my laughter he glances at me quickly. Flush formed on my face and my laughter ended short. Frost hummed and gave me a smile as I went to push the extra wheelchair.

"So how is rehabilitation?" I asked carefully.

"Well, it's fine. Hey, stop pushing that chair and hop on. I'm in for another race. To the doorway," Frost chuckled.

"No way," I sighed but then he drove his chair before me. He cocked his eyebrow up and smiled slyly.

"Pretty please?" He said. "It would cheer me up," he said mischievously while popping the 'p' of the word up loudly.

"Fine," I mumbled as I sat on the chair. He went next to me and started the countdown. Then we hit off and I actually beat him on it.

"Frost! They have chocolate doughnuts! Better hurry before they run out!" Hiccup's voice yelled. I see them getting a tray with coffee.

"Do you like chocolate doughnuts?" Frost asks from me when I stood up.

"Yeah,I love chocolate. Let me get some for you too-," I said quietly but then I saw him putting his hands on the arms of the chair. He pushed himself up while gritting his teeth. His body was shaking but then he sighed when he was standing.

"No, I'm getting some for you," he laughed and I saw how he slowly walked towards the area where they served coffee. I went to the table where Hiccup and Merida were and then Frost returned with the tray. He gave me one coffee and doughnut and then he sat next to me. He let out a sigh of relief as he was sitting.

"You're doing fine it seems?" Merida asked from Frost.

"Yup, they'll put me home next week. There's an aim for you Hiccs, walk without crutches like I do," Frost laughed and sipped his coffee.

Then I slapped him, "He lost his leg idiot!" I snapped at Frost. He started coughing as he had sipped his coffee to wrong throat. He is looking at me in misbelieve as the others.

"Wow. You actually said against him even when you don't know him that well," Hiccup gasped and then he grinned. "Thanks, he is a jackass. Probably where his parents got his first name anyway. But Elsa, Jack knows that I'm planning to get a prosthetic leg and walk on it soon. Tomorrow is the fitting actually," Hiccup smiled.

"Yeah, I do know stuff," Frost said while his breath hitched.

"S-sorry," I whispered.

"It's fine. But an idiot?" Frost smirked. "I guess that I deserved it," he shrugged and took a bite of his doughnut.

"M-maybe," I mumbled. Gosh, I need to realize that he doesn't remember me. He is just a nice him, not the one that tried to annoy me to get me out of his home. He might be a bit mischievous but.. he seems to be kind and warm person.

I kept on listening while Frost was being filled up of the events that had happened during him being in coma. He was laughing, speaking with them and making jokes but I could see from his eyes that he wasn't doing as well as he let us think. He was sad, because of the things that he had missed.

"Time to continue Mr. Haddock," a nurse came in after we finished our coffee.

Frost stood up. "I'll get back to my room since my rehabilitation is over from today," he announced and glanced at me. "I could have a chat with you. You know, because you've been working as a chief on my place," he smiled.

I nodded my head as I stood up. We left Merida and Hiccup. I heard Merida instructing Hiccup who had to push some weights with his right leg.

Frost and I walked on the corridor while a veil of silence was over us. One we got on the hospital side I notice how he trembled on his feet. He took support from a pole and started breathing heavily.

"C-could you help me out?" He whispered and I saw the shame from his face. His eyes were wide as he stared at the ground, his cheeks being red. I leaned down, his hand went over my shoulder and his bodyweight was now against mine.

"You should use the chair," I whispered as we slowly walked forward on the corridor.

"No. I need to practice, so my muscles wouldn't be weak. I just didn't want my friends to see how weak I got while laying on the bed for months," he whispered.

"So you asked me as your help because you don't know me?" I sighed.

"Sort of but because uh.. I needed to speak with you about something. Just get me into my room first," he said.

Once Frost was back on his bed he inhaled deeply. He was relieved to get back to his room.

"Whoa it was exhausting," he whistled and laughed on top.

"What did you want to talk about? I mean I must get going and--," I whispered.

"Mmm.. My family brought up a weird subject when they saw me after waking up," Frost started and sat up. His eyes were measuring me, examining me.

"And what would that be?" I laughed nervously. I have a bad feeling.

"That I have a girlfriend. However I don't remember dating anyone, ever... and the funny thing is," he whispered.

"Is?" I said with my cheeks burning up. I just wanted to dig a hole, crawl into it and die.

"Her name... is Elsa Arendelle. Mind telling me... what the heck is going on?" His voice was strict.

"Well... it was only that the family members could come here and uh... I wanted to see the legendary fire man," I laughed.

"So you pretended to be my girlfriend? Lied to my family?" He sounded harsh and I nodded my head slowly.

"Because of you... I'm alive... thanks. They told me that you didn't let me be plugged off from life support and you took care of my hospital bills. It's a bit weird but thanks, I guess," he said and rubbed his neck.

"I-it's a Norwegian thing," I replied.

"Mmmhmm, sure...," he replied and closed his eyes.

"Uh... I'm going to let you rest. I guess that I see you at job next time. Bye!" I said quickly and I practically ran to the door.

"Yup, see ya. I'll figure out some explanation to my family," he chuckled.

I closed the door. This is bad. Really bad. He is coming back to work, how can I work with someone that I love and doesn't feel the same way? This will be awkward because of my lie from before.

POV Punzie

I heard some loud speaking from the coffee room. It sounded like it was Hiro and I sneaked to the door. He was on the phone.

"OH my god you weren't kidding! It's a total disaster!" He kept gasping and I heard the sound of television.

"Hiro?" I asked as I went inside. I saw that he was watching the news.

"Hey, I need to hang up," Hiro gulped and turned around.

I watched the news, as the helicopter was filming something. On the bottom of the screen were text sliding sideways. 'Bomb in underground-people trapped'.

"Some terrorists attacked on the subway!" Hiro shouted and pointed at the television.

"That's horrible," I whispered and I sat behind the table.

My phone started beeping. It was the whatsapp.

Hiccup: Did you see the news! Were u called there? ¨

Jack: They won't respond if they were

I started typing a response but Hiro was faster.

Hiro: Not yet.

Jack: Gosh I wish that I was back in duty.

Hicc: Me too!

Mer: What's going on?

Hiro: A bomb in sub

Mer: wow!

Jack: U guys r on whatsapp during work time.. whatta heck

Hiro: OMG! We miss someone!

Mer: Who?

Elsa Arendelle added by Hiro

Hiro: Bomb!

Elsa: Excuse me?

Jack: Newbie tries to say. Bomb in sub

Elsa: WHAT!

Punz: coffee room, come to check the news

I see how Merida and Elsa ran inside the coffee room.

"Alright, I'm gonna be our messager!" Hiro offered and I saw him typing.

Hiro: We're all in coffee room. There's a lot of units on the scene!

Jack: Seriously I thought that u would be called already

Hicc: odd

An alarm started ringing and the coffee room had red light flashing. It gave us info that it was a high threat.

Hiro: GTG, Alarm

Jack: C u

Elsa: See you

Jack: In a week.. finally.

Hicc: Be safe

Jack: Yeah, don't do anything stupid like my one legged friend did. haha!

Hicc: :P

Elsa: Not funny Frost.

Now Elsa stuffed her phone to pocket as she run to the pole. She slides herself down and we all ran to the fire truck.

Once we got on the scene one thing was common. Everything and everyone was covered by the dust that was rising from the subway. We got information that the tunnel had collapsed on a subway train, making some people being trapped on the inside.

"Elsa!" a young man yelled and I noticed him being the fire chief of station 131. He was always happy and positive, his ideas had lead him to leading position of Storybrooke's station which is part of Burgess but on the edge of town.

"Henry, what's the situation?" Elsa asked as she put on her helmet.

"Bad, extremely bad. Some terrorists blew up a bomb in the middle of the sub. There's one cart still behind the rocks that have fallen. Other than that everyone's evacuated," Henry said and he ruffled his hair making the gray dust remove from his brown hair.

"Is there any new threat?" Elsa questioned.

"Police is patrolling so we should be safe who knows but I just sent my team in," Henry sighed.

Elsa glances at us and waves us to come closer, "I'm sending my team in. Hiro and Merida will go in with me. Punzie will stay here, alright?" I nodded my head slowly.

"Fine. So you guys will join with my team, there's Regina, Mr Gold, Emma and Hook. They can be a bit harsh but they are alright," Henry smiled.

"Thank you, I leave you to take care of things up here," Elsa smiled to Henry before she left.

"So," Henry started and took one step forward.

"What?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Do you read books?" Henry grinned.

"Haha, what?" I laughed nervously.

"See, I lift up the mood a bit by random question," he hummed and then he took his radio.

"How are the things up there?" Henry asked.

"Really dusty. I can barely see and these rocks are a pain in the --," a male groaned.

"Watch your tongue Hook!" a woman snapped.

"Hook and Emma, behave. A team from station 313 is coming to your way soon. Just work together and get the strained people out. Deal?" Henry spoke strictly but I saw a smirk forming on his face.

"Fine," a group of voices said in unison.

POV Hook

"Start helping us Gold!" Emma groaned to Gold who is taking a break and sitting on the floor of the metro car. The tunnel had collapsed over it and the passage to the last car was squashed. Some people were still trapped on the inside.

I kept on pulling some lose rocks so I could get the jack under it to lift up the pile. Then we would have the passage. Some lights started to dance on the walls and I turn around. I see how another team runs to the scene, probably the ones that Henry mentioned. Their helmet's lights were bright.

"We're here! How can we help?" A woman with blue eyes and platinum blonde hair asked.

"Just help us with these rocks since Gold is just sitting around," Emma groaned.

"He has been whining today, a lot," Regina sighed as she tried to fit the jack to the hole again.

"Get up and help your team or I will freez--- free you from your misery," the platinum blonde girl yelled to Gold who stood up.

"Fine Miss Fiery one," Gold laughed and came to help us.

"Name's Elsa Arendelle. This is Hiro and Merida, part of my team," Elsa introduced them while we worked with the pile.

"Hook, this is Emma and Regina is the one on the left.. and you already met Mr Gold," I gave an angry glare at Gold who kept laughing by himself.

"Pleased to meet you," Elsa smiled.

Finally we had a small opening which the jack could fit. We started lifting the pile up and I quickly placed some supports on the crawl through sized hole.

"I'll go in first because I'm superior in here," Elsa said as she started to crawl in. I went in next and Emma joined us. Others remained there to wait until we would start helping the people out from the car.

Once I got in the car was black, all except the lights from our helmets. Some people were laying on the floor, sometimes I heard a cough from here and there. We started checking on the people.

"Here!" Elsa called out. We went to her, I almost tripped onto a suitcase.

"This kids need to be taken out right away," Elsa told us. I gave them some oxygen and they started waking up slowly.

"W-what happened?" The girl asked and then she gasped. She started pushing a boy awake right next to her.

"Taran! Wake up!" The girl pleaded. The boy slowly flickered his brown eyes open and ran his hand through his auburn colored hair.

"E-Eilonwy?" The boy whispered and started coughing.

"Does it hurt anywhere?" Elsa asked and the kids shook their heads.

"Good, now then, Emma will guide you both to a passageway. It's quite tight but you can squeeze your way out. You were in accident, subway collapsed. But now, let's get you both out from here safely," Elsa smiled and Emma took the kids to the passage way. Regina was calling the kids to her way.

"There's someone," I pointed at the end of the car. Otherwise it seemed empty. Gladly the terrorists didn't attack on rush hour.

I ran towards the place, hopping over a bench that had fallen down from the wall when the train had crashed. Elsa was helping out one black haired guy and one blonde guy who were unconscious.

I see the person moving and I approach him, "Mr! Are you alright?!" I asked as I reached my left hand towards the crouching man. Then he grabbed to my hand, pulling me down to floor.

He was wearing a mask, dressed in all black. "Huh?"I gulped as he cuffed something at my left hand. It was some sort of suitcase.

"You got three minutes. Use it wisely, oh.. and it has pressure sensors, don't bother to take it off," he whispered to my ear and my eyes widened. "What?" I gasped.

"Boom," the man said and laughed. I see him kicking a window broke and jumping out. He used some sort of device that he climbed into. It dug a hole where he then disappeared while driving the mole like machine.

I look at the case, it's making weird beeping sounds.

"Hook! What are you doing? Where's the person you saw?" Elsa asked.

"I.. uh.. he.. he.. I think this is a bomb," I managed to whisper. It caused my body to shiver.

"No! Let's get it off then!" Elsa gasped and she was about to touch the cuff that tied the case into my hand.

"No! He told me that it will explode if the cuff is taken off," I said and I look at Emma. She was also here, staring at me in shock.

"Hook?" She whispered and I spread my arms. It was always enough, how our eyes communicated with each other. I could just see the pain in her eyes, how she wanted to be held. And I held her, like it would be my last time which it probably will.

"Hook. I have a way but,"Elsa whispered and stared at my hand.

"But?" I questioned.

"You would have to live with just one hand," Elsa said.

"What's happening! We just got Tulio and Miguel to surface. I'm coming to help" Regina shouted.

"Don't come! There's a bomb!" Elsa screamed and I see her getting her axe from her waist.

"I love my life more than my hand," I told her as I placed my hand over a brick that had flew inside the car when the explosion had happened and the tunnel collapsed.

"Wait!" Emma gasped and then she cupped my cheeks between her hands. She kissed me and I cupped her cheek with my right hand.

"I love you," Emma whispered.

"I love you too," I replied as I let go of her. Then I inhaled deeply, nodding my head to Elsa.

"I'm sorry," Elsa whispered and I put the leather strap of my wrist watch between my teeth.

Elsa lifted the axe up, then slamming it just above my wrist. A wave of pain went through me like electricity that made my body twitch. I yelled, as loudly as I could but it ended up being muffled by the leather strap between my teeth.

I could see the stars, my breathing being faster and I watch in bliss how Emma wraps something around the place where my hand used to be.

"Now let's get the heck out of here," Elsa ordered and helped me up with Emma.

"Stay with me," Emma whispered to my ear as they helped me out. I felt weak, my world going blurry and I trembled. I held on to my bleeding arm, and the stuffed me into the tight passage way.

"Regina! Pull hook out from here! He is hurt!" Emma practically cried as she pushed me forward.

As we got out my body fell on the floor. I was too tired to continue, my body felt cold.

"Explosion.. soon.. " I mumbled.

"Huh? What the heck happened?" Regina gasped.

"No time to explain! Merida and Hiro, carry him out. Don't hurt him," Elsa ordered her team mates. Hiro and Merida lifted me up.

"Run everyone!" Elsa screamed and everyone was running. Emma hold on to my healthy hand as we ran through the cars of the train.

A loud bang echoed inside the tunnel. The bomb had exploded. My head jerked back.

"RUN RUN!" Elsa yelled. Then I saw something odd, she was remaining behind and then she turned around. She positioned herself, legs apart and she lifted her hand up. I saw something blue shooting from her hand and how a wall of something shimmering grew in front of her. It was shining, my breathe formed a cloud as I breathed. The air felt colder.

Did she do ice? Or am I just hallucinating? Dead or simply dreaming? Heck, I don't even trust myself right now.

Elsa started running. I see the ice melting, then cracking and exploding right on the moment when we reached the stairs leading up from the subway. Everyone ran, my carriers were breathing heavily and then Regina, Emma and Elsa. They all joined to carry me up.

A dust cloud rose high on the sky when we all collapsed on the pavement. We barely managed to get out.

"What happened!" My chief Henry ran to us, seeming worried.

"T-the terrorist was there.. waiting.. he... he," Emma whispered and looks at me. I was too tired to speak, my eyes were closing up little by little.

"He needs hospital, the terrorist tried to make him die in that explosion and everyone else in it! We got the train clear but Hook lost his hand," Elsa spoke quickly and coughed on top.

I passed out on that moment. And when I opened up my eyes next time, for few seconds, I could see myself being inside an ambulance. Everyone was busy working around me. Emma had tears in her eyes, she was squeezing my right hand, saying something which I couldn't hear. I fell asleep again.

Then I heard a sound that was slowly making its way to my consciousness. It was beeping one. My eyes flickered open and then I heard relieved laughter, it was Emma.

"Hey Emma," I smiled and reached my hand to touch her.

"Shh.. don't speak," she whispered and kissed my cheek.

"But I want to speak. How long was I in here? How about the explosion?" I asked.

"Just a day. We managed to get out just in time. Just.. never do anything that stupid! I would die if you die," she smiled sadly.

"Yeah, I promise. I don't plan to die in any time soon," I smiled.

I started to wonder a thing that had been on my mind for some time. It would be cool and awesome. "What are you thinking?" Emma chuckled and slapped the top of my head gently.

"So.. now can I get a hook?" I laughed and gave her a grin. She rolled her eyes.

"Fine dear, if that's what you want," she laughed a bit and smiled faintly. Her hand was petting my head and then she leaned to give me a kiss on forehead.

"Yeah. But.. I want to marry you even more Swan," I chuckled and took her hand into mine.

"W-what?" Emma gasped out.

"Marry me, I love you. Let's stop this circling around the matter and just.. be together. I was about to die today and I want to die as married man," I whispered.

"Is this a proposal?" She lifted her eyebrow.

"Yes," I smiled.

"How about.. a pirate wedding on a beach? I would love that theme and the hook you always dreamed on having could suit on it too," she laughed.

"Is that a yes?" I raised my eyebrow and I stroked her cheek gently.

"Yes." She smiled and gave me a quick kiss.




Fire station 131:

A TEAM FROM ONCE UPON A TIME!! Henry is not Emma's child in this.

Chief is Henry




Mr Gold


We met Tulio and Miguel, Eilonwy and Taran.

There was a terrorist attack and subway. oh.. and head .. bwahahha

How was the chappie?

Me loves u.


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