Monsters at Work Season 1 (Su...

By JEDI271217

104K 2.4K 152

Tylor is recruited by Monsters Inc. to be a Scarer, but when he gets there, he finds out they aren't scaring... More

Chapter 3: Tylor Arrives
Chapter 4: From Scarer to MIFTer
Chapter 5: All the MIFTers
Chapter 6: Not Into This
Chapter 7: Hope of being Jokesters
Chapter 8: Not Jokesters Yet
Chapter 9: Anything's Possible
Chapter 10: Feeling Closer
Chapter 11: MEET MIFT
Chapter 12: Initiation
Chapter 13: Running Low on Laughter
Chapter 14: Needing a Break
Chapter 15: The First Comedy Class
Chapter 17: Banana Bread on the Laugh Floor
Chapter 18: The Dinner
Chapter 19: Mike's Comedy Class 1
Chapter 21: Another MIFT Job
Chapter 22: Into the Room They Go
Chapter 23: The Baby in Monstrolopis
Chapter 24: Time for Baseball
Chapter 25: Duncan Observing
Chapter 26: The Baseball Game
Chapter 27: Fixing the Room
Chapter 28: The Baby Left a Present
Chapter 29: MIFTers Trapped
Chapter 30: Another Company Play, Mike?
Chapter 31: An Accident
Chapter 32: The RS Fan Takes a Nap
Chapter 33: Getting Out of the Room
Chapter 34: Putting Little Snore Back
Chapter 35: Memory Lane
Chapter 36: Mike's Comedy Class 2
Chapter 37: A Date for the Wedding
Chapter 38: Something Different
Chapter 40: Forming the Bowling Team
Chapter 41: Getting on Mike's Good Side
Chapter 42: Pee-ew Bowling
Chapter 43: The First Round
Chapter 44: The Second Round
Chapter 45: Getting New Players
Chapter 46: Cancelled
Chapter 47: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 48: The Final Round
Chapter 49: Mike's Comedy Class 3
Chapter 50: THE COVER-UP
Chapter 51: About to Go Insane
Chapter 52: Power Goes Out
Chapter 53: The Investigator
Chapter 54: You Sure It's Not a Cover-Up?
Chapter 55: Where the Outage Came From
Chapter 56: Sending Argus Off
Chapter 57: Couples Worrying
Chapter 58: Not Shut Down
Chapter 59: Mike's Comedy Class 4
Chapter 61: Vendy's Funeral
Chapter 62: No Morale, No Profit
Chapter 63: Someone's Getting Fired?
Chapter 64: Reassurance
Chapter 65: Boosting Morale
Chapter 66: Vendy Two
Chapter 67: Oozeball Table
Chapter 68: Vendy Two on the Attack
Chapter 69: Time to Take Action
Chapter 70: Free Money?!
Chapter 71: Saving Duncan
Chapter 72: Morale and Profits Up
Chapter 73: No One's Fired!
Chapter 74: Vendy's Fixed
Chapter 75: Mike's Comedy Class 5
Chapter 77: Need More Jokesters
Chapter 78: Calling All Jokesters
Chapter 79: Number One, Official Jokester
Chapter 80: In a Banishment Door
Chapter 81: Tylor Rescued
Chapter 82: Getting Back
Chapter 83: Adorable Back at MI
Chapter 84: Going Through MI
Chapter 85: Where'd He Go?
Chapter 86: Big Chance or Friendship?
Chapter 87: Why Adorable was Banished
Chapter 88: Un-Banished Reunion
Chapter 89: Mike's Comedy Class 6
Chapter 91: Not Jokesters
Chapter 92: Mini Monster Day
Chapter 93: Mini MIFTers
Chapter 94: Looking for a Child
Chapter 95: Rescuing Little Gibbs
Chapter 96: Might Be Busted
Chapter 97: Respect from Thalia
Chapter 98: Great Day for Mini MIFTers
Chapter 99: Mike's Comedy Class 7
Chapter 100: BAD HAIR DAY
Chapter 101: David? Here?
Chapter 102: NOT Getting Haircuts
Chapter 103: Losing the Hair
Chapter 104: A Hairy Match
Chapter 105: Where More Hair Is
Chapter 106: Dodging a Bullet
Chapter 107: Roze's Hair
Chapter 108: The Truth Comes Out (Again)
Chapter 109: Mike's Comedy Class 8
Chapter 111: A Million Gigglewatts
Chapter 112: A Bigger Canister
Chapter 113: Becoming Jokesters (in Training)
Chapter 114: More About Each Other
Chapter 115: Telling the MIFTers
Chapter 116: Getting Ready
Chapter 117: One Hour Till
Chapter 118: A Surprise Emergency
Chapter 119: Time to Start
Chapter 120: Successful Laughs
Chapter 121: Official Jokesters
Chapter 122: Big Announcement

Chapter 16: A Successful Job

896 25 1
By JEDI271217

The alarm continued as MIFT went to the Laugh Floor.

"Who's trapped?" Val asked.

"It's Mike!" Celia answered.

"Come on, let's go. We need to get power to this control panel. Val, Jamie, generator," Fritz explained.

"Look out! Coming through!" Val said as Jamie followed.

"We need cable, stat," Fritz informed.

"Yes, sir," Jamie replied.

"Cutter, bypass control," Fritz said.

"You got it," Cutter nodded and did so.

"We got power!" Val and Jamie stated.

They then got the door back up.

"Back in business!" Duncan declared.

Mike opened the door, sighed, then started to say, "I spent my whole life trying to get my foot in the door. Then I couldn't even get it..."

He then stepped on the exposed control panel, sending the door around like crazy, to which Mike screamed.

"Oh man," Jamie and Y/N commented.

"Mike!" Celia shouted.

"The control panel's fried. Cutter, open the pit," Fritz instructed.

"Way ahead of you!" Cutter said.

"Open in three, two, one," Fritz replied, it was open, then he remarked, "Duncan. Eyes down below."

"Yep!" Duncan nodded.

They opened the pit under the door station and Duncan went down.

"Backup system's shorted out," Duncan informed.

Mike continued screaming as the door went everywhere.

"Don't worry, Googly bear, we're getting you down," Celia assured.

"Switch to manual override," Fritz said and it was done.

"Schmoopsie-poo!" Mike yelled.

But then the door with Mike was lifted to the track and it flew out of the Laugh Floor.

"Oh. Mike..." Celia whispered.

"Googly bear..." Sulley added.

"Should I fly to get him out?" Y/N suggested.

"No," Sulley answered worriedly then added calmly, "We'll get him down another way."

"Duncan, reverse the conveyor track," Fritz instructed.

"Reverse! Yes, sir," Duncan responded, attempted it, then informed as he continued, "It's rusted in place! I can't turn it."

"Duncan's arms are way too scrawny and far too weak," Fritz exclaimed.

"I heard that," Duncan said.

"Val?" Fritz wondered.

"Sorry, these puppies aren't long enough," Val told him.

"Jamie?" Fritz asked.

"What? No," Tylor objected in a concerned tone, making Jamie confused.

"Then you can do it, Tylor," Fritz decided.

"Me?" Tylor asked.

"Get in there, champ, and wrench that nut," Fritz told him.

"Come on, big guy," Val urged.

They continued chanting as Tylor looked conflicted.

"Hey," Jamie said, getting his attention, then assured while resting her hands on his shoulders, "You got this, Ty."

She handed his wrench to him. He nodded to her with a smile, which she returned, and he got down there. It took a minute, but he wrenched the nut and the door came back.

"Ready. Now!" Fritz signaled.

Duncan managed to grab the door and lower it back down. He got out before Mike opened the door.

"Another laugh canister..." Mike started, the canister filled up, then he finished, "...filled."

He then fell flat on his face, knocked out.

"Only took him two hours to burn through all thirty-six-and-a-half hours of energy," Sulley said.

"Who knew anyone could do that?" Y/N shrugged.

"Oh, let's just let him sleep," Celia said, covering Mike with a blanket, then thanked, "Great job, MIFT. And thank you, Tylor."

"No, no. It was a team effort, really. Really," Tylor said.

"Well, they couldn't have done it without you," Celia smiled before leaving.

"You did it!" Jamie cheered while hugging him, which he returned.

"You wrenched the heck out of that nut," Val said.

"You finished your first job as a MIFTer," Fritz declared.

"Yeah!" Val nodded happily.

"This calls for a celebration!" Fritz stated.


A/N Awesome job, Tylor!

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