๐Œ๐ˆ๐’๐’๐ˆ๐๐† || s.aizawa [D...


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𝐉𝐔𝐋𝐘 𝟐𝟔𝐭𝐡

When I think of my wife, I always think of her head...

The sound of birds chirping can be faintly heard from just outside the window, as the sun begins to rise. Both he and his wife are in bed awake, enjoying the silence from any disturbances of the world just outside their home.

Her head rests peacefully on his chest, and she listens closely, to his calm, beating heart. With her closed eyes, she draws circle figures with the tip of her finger just below his chest. After a few seconds, her eyes open and she falls in trance, with the streak of light that reaches into their room.

I picture cracking her lovely skull, and unspooling her brain.

Looking at the back of her head. Shota runs his fingers through her hair, as if trying to get answers, that he'll never get.

Twirling her locks in one of his fingers. He lets go a strand of her hair, before it tightens in his grasp. Combing her hair for one last time. He stares at his wedding ring, almost pondering, before resting his right arm beside the side of his body.

The primal questions of marriage.

What are you thinking? How are you

What have we done to each other?

Slowly, [Name] turns her head to stare at her husband, with a serene look on her face. But once he stares deep into her eyes there's a look of alarm, and her pupils dilate.

Extending her arm towards his face. Her index finger lands on his forehead, and gently traces down to the bridge of his nose. She lovingly smiles at him, as he takes hold of her hand, and places a small kiss on top.

"Still tired?" She asks him.

"Yeah just a bit," He says, trying to not show his exhaustion, but his wife is quick to catch up to his lie.

"Well, at least today is your day off. You can use it to rest up a bit" She replies, hoping for him to maybe take her out, like how they used to.

"Yeah, I think I will" Shota murmurs back, and his eyes close, before melting back into the bed.

Slightly disappointed with her husband's answer. She couldn't help, but stare at his tired face for a bit, before looking down to see his hand holding the hand he kissed earlier. Trying her best to shrug off the nagging feeling that sprouted inside her heart. She removes his grasp off her, and sits up.

Gently getting off the bed she walks around the mattress, and grabs her silk robe. Shota opens his eyes, and stares at her. Clearly confused, as to why she decided to leave his side so early. As of late, their morning would consist of them spending more time in bed without exchanging so many words.

"Where are you going?" He asks her, as he no longer felt her weight on the bed.

"Just going to make us some breakfast. So if you want you can take a shower to feel a bit more energized"

"Okay, in a moment, just give me a few more minutes" Nodding at her husband's response, she slides on her slippers, and heads down the stairs, and into the kitchen.

Rolling up her sleeves, her right hand travels to the small pocket of her robe, and grabs the hair tie she previously left the day before. Quickly tying her hair in a ponytail, she walks towards the fridge and opens it. Clearly not noticing the small presence of a certain someone.

As she's about to take some stuff out, there's a loud meow just behind her. Looking down, she sees Boots. Which is a black cat, with long fur, and white paws, hints at the name. His vibrant green orbs, only keep staring at her with a few blinks here and there. As if he's telepathically telling her that he's hungry.

Noticing that she is only smiling down at him, and giving him small pats on the head. Boots starts to get irritated, that his owner isn't getting the message. So he walks towards his empty bowl, and sits next to it.

"Oh, are you hungry?" She asks him, and quickly fills his empty bowl with fresh kibble.

Giggling to her self, she couldn't help but think how much she adores Boots. He's the only one, that keeps her company throughout the whole day, whenever her husband is away working. He made her feel less lonely, and always came to comfort her when she felt under the clouds. In other words, she loves Boots and Boots loves her.

Washing her hands from touching Boots. She takes a couple of food out from the fridge, and sets them on the table.

Not knowing what to cook, she thinks of making the typical traditional Japanese breakfast. Which consists of foods that make up a complete meal, that one could conceivably enjoy at lunch or dinner. And of course, portion sizes are adjustable to meet the person's appetite. But knowing her husband, he enjoys having a rather light diet for his hero work.

In about thirty minutes, or more the food is well cooked, and all she had to wait for, is for the white rice to be done, within the next few minutes. So to buy some time, she begins to set the table in the dining area.

Placing a small plate of grilled fish, she sets the smaller dishes. Which consist of nori, tsukemono, kobachi, a green salad, and of course soy sauce. Walking back into the kitchen, she grabs two cups, and pours green tea.

"Smells good" Shota says, as he hugs her from behind, and places a small kiss on the side of her neck. Small drops of water fall from his wet hair, and land on her skin making her yelp a bit.

Feeling proud of herself, for how quick and diligent she was able to cook breakfast. There's a sudden beeping sound from the white rice being done. With the two bowls in her hand, she fills them up and grabs some chopsticks on her way out.

Finally being able to sit down, they both eat together, and enjoy their food, with a few small talk about his work and what not.

"Want me to refill your cup? I'm getting more green tea" The male asks her, and she nods giving him her cup.

Eating the rest of her green salad, [Name] sees Boots walking towards her, and tilts his head letting out a big, loud meow.

"Don't give him food" Shota says, from the kitchen.

"I won't" She replies, and quickly grabs a piece of grilled fish, and tosses it right in front of him.

Boots looks up at his owner, and sees the finger over her lips, hinting him to be quiet. To which he silently eats the piece of meat.

By the time Shota comes back and sits down once again, he sees that Boots is no where to be seen.

"And Boots?"

"Ah- he left once he saw that I wasn't going to give him food" She lies through her teeth, and he hums in response.

Now, with the last cup of green tea, they both are able to finally finish their breakfast. Getting up from their seats, [Name] takes some plates in her hand and puts them in the sink.

"Here let me help you with the rest," Shota says, while grabbing the rest of the dishes.

"Thanks, Sho" He smiles a bit from hearing the nickname she gave him so long ago.

"If you want I can wash the dishes" He offers her a hand.

"No, it's fine I can do it. But you can help me clean the table" She intentionally gives him the smallest thing to do.

In her mind, it would be stupid of her if she bothered her husband with housework. Lately, he has worked so hard, and the least he deserves is to rest on the few days he has off.

By the time Shota cleaned both the dining and the kitchen table. [Name] is done washing the dishes, that are now on the drying rack. Grabbing a container she puts away the rice inside the fridge.

With nothing else to do, she takes off her hair tie and washes her hands one last time before walking into the living room. Smiling, from the way Boots is lazily sitting on Shota's lap, she sits next to her husband.

"What are you watching?"

"Just starting this show that Hizashi practically forced me to watch. He's been talking about it non-stop, so why not give it a try"

"Mhm," She hums, and feels his strong arms around her waist pulling her closer to him.

His chin rests on top of her head, as he caringly cuddles her. [Name], has to truthfully admit that even though, they're just at home watching TV. She cherishes every second, of being in her husband's touch. It's been such a long time that they have cuddled like this, and she wouldn't trade it, for anything else.

Not paying attention to what is going on the television. She closes her eyes, and lets her mind wander. Shota, on the other hand feels at ease, from the constant stress and exhaustion of his tight work schedule.

Just, how did life get so complicated all of the sudden? Two years ago, everything was going perfectly fine. He was able to balance his married life, and working the two jobs, that he's been having for a while. Yet, now even though his beautiful wife is in his arms, he feels so far away from her.

As things felt like they were going okay. The sound of his phone ringing interrupted the tranquil atmosphere in the living room. Taking his phone out from his pocket, Shota frows as he sees the last digits of the phone number. Getting up from the couch he walks a few steps away to answer the call.

"Hello?" He says, going up the stairs and into their room.

"Eraserhead, I'm just calling you to let you know that the mission that was next week got moved tomorrow," He hears the voice of a male through the phone which makes him pause for a bit.

"Wait- what? Tomorrow?" Shota grunts in disbelief.

"Yes, tomorrow and don't worry I was also caught off guard. But either way, since plans changed last minute. They asked me to contact you and tell you that there's a meeting this afternoon"

"So I suggest you leave right now, so that we can be prepared for the mission"

"Okay, I'll be there.. just let me know if anything else changes"

"I will" The male through the phone tells him, before Shota hangs up.

Quickly changing into his hero suit, he walks down the stairs and stands still for a moment. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he furrows his eyebrows.

"Who was it, Sho?" His wife who's now next to him, asks in a worried tone. From the expression that is written all over his face, she can tell that things aren't okay.

"Ah- I uh.." It's all that he's able to let out, as he didn't want to tell her the bad news of him having to leave once again.

"You know the mission I told you about?"

"The one next week right? Where you're gone for three days?" She asks him still rather confused.

"Yeah, well it got moved tomorrow, and I have to leave now, for the meeting this afternoon"


"Yeah, look- I know, I promised that-" He starts, to just get cut off by his wife.

"It's okay Sho.. don't worry about it. It's not your fault. Besides, you have no choice when it comes to stuff like this"

"I'll be fine. I have Boots here to keep me company" She forces a small chuckle trying to convince Shota that she's okay with it, when in reality, she isn't.

"Just- be careful. Okay?"

"I will" Its all he could say as he stares at her. Is she really okay with it? Honestly, it surprises him.

"Thank you, you're always so good to me" He tells her, and embraces her into a hug.

"I'll see you later okay," He runs his hand through her hair, before pulling away.

"Okay" She says, and sees him walk out the door. Sighing to her self, she takes a few steps, and sits on the bottom stairs.

With a contemplating look, she's left touch starved once again without the warmth of her husband. And the house starts to feel cold and empty.. like always.

Outside, Shota's shadowy figure can be seen on the concrete stairs below him. His hand is still on the doorknob for a moment, before he lets go. He couldn't help, but feel guilty by the disappointed look on his wife's face.

Walking towards his car, he opens the door, but as he's about to get in. He turns around to glance back at his house, as if girding himself. Getting inside his car, he shuts the door and heads to work. Leaving his wife questioning her real purpose, of being at the place that they call their "lovely home".


tried to make this chapter a bit interesting since the first chapter always tends to be slow and boring

anyways, i'm happy to finally publish this book that i've been working on for the last couple of months!

also, just to reiterate! minors please do not interact!!

2.2k words



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