[̲̅C̲̅] [̲̅R̲̅] [̲̅U̲̅] [̲̅C̲...

By moonriverxx

12.9K 477 45

"I'm tired of saving everyone! When is someone going to save me?" "I'm trying," ______________________ ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty- Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Six

118 9 0
By moonriverxx

Date: 17th of April, 2020

Dearest Cosette,
Two months have passed since you've come into our lives. Did you know that? Two months and I still don't have the slightest idea who you are. Well, I have my thoughts. My dear, even through a glamour, I can see you. You are Noble like a Black and Regal like a Malfoy.

  The art of sarcasm comes from your grandmother, my wife. Her sharp wits and tongue were legendary when we were at Hogwarts. You've inherited that, dear Cosette. Especially, around Abraxas. I thank the stars every day for it. You don't have the protection of a constellation name. However, the stars watch you and protect you as if you do.

  You have the truth-telling skills of your other grandmother, Anita. It's the way you talk to people and tell them what they need to hear rather than what they want to hear. All of it comes from her, our Anita. I know it was shocking to discover what had happened between the two of us. I still care for her. However, I wouldn't change anything in my life.

  Your grandmother and I didn't love one another at first. As a matter of speaking, we loathed each other. What we have is friendship turned to love. I'm ecstatic that it happened. I wouldn't have the family that I have today without her. We wouldn't have you, my dear. The true embodiment of three of the women I love most in the world.

  I know that you have heard otherwise, but I loved my children. I still do. I can tell you every matching trait you and your mother share. However, this letter would be rather long if I did that. Her smile dazzles you. The dimples you share are truly unique and were the reason we all knew who you were. You share the same blue eyes, even though we haven't seen them in quite some time. We would love to see them again. With that statement, come home to us, Cosette.

High hopes and dreams,
Papa Cygnus


Date: 18th of April, 2020

I've reached for my quill five times as of now. However, I put it back down every time. How does one speak to someone they've just met? It's the age-old question, I suppose. I remember my time at Hogwarts as I write to you. Your mother was a year below me. I remember the first time I saw her on the train. I swore to Merlin she was an enchantress and, I had fallen under her spell.

The night you were born, I knew we were going to have a boy. That's what the healers had told us. My surprise was shown when I entered the room, and your mother looked afraid. For you, not herself, in a family filled with dark wizards, it was dangerous for you. However, we go through it. We had one year with you before you were taken.

Yes, Arabella, we made it through a dark time without your protection. Your mother and I have gone through several dark moments without your protection. You get your protectiveness from her. She always made it a point to hide Draco from the ugliness of the world. Just like you are doing with this unnamed wizard.

We are stronger as a family. Come home and forget about the potion. I, Lucius Malfoy, am begging you to come home. We can figure out another way. Yes, Mrs. Tonks informed us of your quest for the protection potion. I must admit, it's daft of you to do. I am not ashamed; confused is a better adjective.

Come home and we will get through this like we always have. Come home and you can have the family you have always wanted. Your mother and I have discussed adopting Mr. Williams. We only want to do so if you're here with us. All three of our children can grow up and spend the rest of their lives together. That's our vision. Please, let it come true.

Your father.


Date: 19th of April, 2020

Dearest She-Devil,
  I have no idea what I could say to you right now. You have enough Malfoy and Black in you to ignore everything I tell you. However, I must try. I don't remember our time together because of the obliviation spell. Mother said that we were close. Father said that we protected one another. I laughed at both statements.

I remember our first run-in. You had known Harry for one year by this time. I was a part of Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad at the time. You were sneaking out of the Room of Requirement when I spotted you. I thought I had done something amazing, but in true Jenna fashion, you outsmarted me. I remember staring at you, watching you flick your wrist for some reason. After that, all I remember is flying across the hall and landing on my back. It still aches now and then.

I never understood why you did that until now. Now, I realize you threw me backward to save Potter and his friends. You had figured out what Umbridge was doing to them. To all of us. Yes, even her favorites faced the punishment. Mother and father don't know about it, so please, don't tell them. You would do the same for me if I asked. Throw someone across a room to save me.

Do I have to ask if it is worth it? Throwing away the rest of your life to save the people you've just met. I wouldn't; I would live my life to the fullest. I wouldn't look back, Arabella. I would continue by putting one foot in front of the other. We all need to do this together. For once, don't depend on yourself. Let us in.

You have only ever had you. I know this because I saw your thoughts and memories. I have seen how you see yourself. I have watched how you handle situations and don't wait for anyone to rescue you. You're used to rescuing yourself because no one else ever comes. That's alright; we will break that habit.

We will rescue you from Death, Arabella. We will save you from this untimely fate. You end the habit of rescuing yourself today. We are going to find you and bring you home. Please, let us in, and tell us where you are.


DuBaer Residence
AutumnWood, MO
Date: Sunday, April 19th, 2020

Jenna DuBaer slowly crawled up the steps of the DuBaer mansion. With every step she took, the aching in her knees progressed. Her breathing was becoming ragged, and her heart was beating wildly against her rib cage. A stranger would have thought a woman at the age of seventy was walking in front of them.

With no issues, she reached the top of the staircase. Her gaze traveled out the window and to the Williams house. It was deserted with the Mayor and his wife being on a cruise. They did so believing that their son was staying with a distant relative in Georgia. Jenna shook her head, if only they knew.

Upon reaching her room, Jenna opened the door and collapsed in a heap. Apples and cinnamon invaded her senses the longer she stayed. It was a comforting smell that held happy memories.

"Jenna!" Peter boomed from the hall. "You're home, darling."

She rolled onto her back and greeted her adoptive father. His eyes shined with happiness. An uneasy feeling settled in her stomach as she concluded she would never experience that feeling again.

"My dear, why are you on the floor?"

Without bothering to wait for a response, Peter scooped his daughter up bridal style and placed her on the bed. Jenna felt her tense body relax as she made contact with the silk sheets.

"I'm not tired, dad." She fought him effortlessly as he pulled the comforter over her body.

Peter laughed, "Sleep now, dear. After, you may tell me why your clothes are somewhat soaked. Your cheek is bloody, there must be an explanation there. Also, you are covered in mud. I'll make sure to pop us some popcorn as you explain your elaborate tale."

He smiled softly as she mumbled something incoherently. Peter kissed her cheek and closed her door behind him.

"I'm not tired." Jenna tries to fight off the surrounding darkness that becomes of her vision. It's no use; her body is betraying her.

"Sleep now, Ara. The potion will still be there when you wake up."

Her body calmed itself when she felt the ghost of Druella's hand brush through her hair. Her grandma's voice coaxed her into a dreamless sleep. Jenna rolled over onto her side and swore she was pulled into an embrace. The protective guard she had set had fallen. Any trace of defiance she had left her mind.

"Lavenders blue,
dilly, dilly,
lavenders green,"

"When I am king,
dilly, dilly,
You shall be my Queen,"

"Who told you so?
Dilly, dilly,
Who told you so?"

"T'was mine own heart
Dilly, Dilly
That told me so."

Malfoy Manor
Wiltshire, England
Date: Sunday, 19th of April, 2020

"Lavenders blue,
dilly, dilly,
lavenders green,"

"When I am king,
dilly, dilly,
You shall be my Queen,"

"Who told you so?
Dilly, dilly,
Who told you so?"

"T'was mine own heart
Dilly, Dilly
That told me so."

"I couldn't see her location. All I could see was her."

Druella pulled away from the spellbook with a broken heart. Their one chance at finding her was gone. Jenna had left herself untraceable.

Elliot nodded, "She cast a location spell that would make her difficult to find. Our letters find their way to her, but the owl's memories have been erased. There is no trail."

Andromeda had taken up their hospitality and stayed with them. Specifically, she was residing in her niece's room in case she came back. Druella and Cygnus had yet to speak to her, and Lucius was playing nice for Jenna. As for Narcissa, she had yet to get out of bed.

"I should have done it. I would have been able to tell where she was." Lucius paced.

"Darling, we agreed for you not to go because it was dangerous," said Anita.

"I would have died for my daughter."

Andromeda laughed, "Then, you would have died as you lived, mouth wide open—bitching someone out— and at the least appropriate time."

Elliot stifled back laughter at Andy's comment and Lucius's face. The room went silent as everyone waited for his rebuttal.

"I apologize for what I did to you all of those years ago, Andromeda. If it's alright with my wife, I would agree to let you into my children's lives. I know my daughter would appreciate it."

Everyone looked at Lucius in shock. No one had ever heard him apologize, or admit that he was in the wrong. He normally spat at someone who criticized him or threatened their life.

  Andromeda's look of surprise was not secret. She had spent her entire life ignoring their sneers in Diagon Alley. All of the letters she had written to Cissy were sent back, most likely due to him. Her daughter, son-in-law, and husband were all dead because of what they believed in.

"I—'ll have to think about it." The ice-Queen stunt she had pulled had fallen. Lucius nodded in agreement before turning away from her.

"That was a pretty good comeback," Elliot whispered.

"I've been holding onto it for quite some time. My niece would be proud, I'm sure."

"She hasn't let who they are change her ways. Can you blame her? She's gone so long having parents who don't care. Having your sister as a mother has been a complete shock."

Andy smiled, "Cissy was always the better of the three. She was the better mother, I'm sure."

"You were too. You still are, you're keeping Tonks alive for Teddy." Elliot explained. "That's more than being a good mom. That's a superhero.

"Well, I should put my powers to work and find our girl."

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