A Man In A Beasts World

By GhillieCamo

682K 11.7K 27.4K

Twenty five years of war led to the Anthro race taking over the planet, leaving the last bastion of humans al... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Character Recap
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
(New Character Art) Alpha Team
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 12

7.5K 186 168
By GhillieCamo

(Chris p.o.v)

-Yuki explained this..., Purple Mist to me....-

-I was sat speechless in the hallway, trying really hard to comprehend what Yuki just told me-

Chris:"You're telling me..., that General Python has made a gas..., that can magically change a man..., into a Fur fag?, good joke Yuki..." -I scoff shaking my head-

Yuki:"Anthro..., he'll turn you all into ANTHROS.." -She replies with a annoyed scowl-

Yuki:"General Python is gonna herd you all into some test tubes! , and you're all gonna be changed!" - Yuki hisses-

Chris:"Yuki you sure you ain't hit your head?" -I press the Anthro-

Yuki:"DL109!, you are not taking this seriously!" -She angrily barks at me-

Chris:"This must be utter horseshit..." -I shake my head in disbelief-

Yuki:"They're gonna convert you all!" -She whimpers-

Chris:"How do I know this ain't just a bunch of bullshit coming out of your mouth?" -I spit out-

Yuki:"Why do you think General Python has kept you all alive?..." -She simply responds-

-Looking down I frown-

Chris:"To torture us..., to make our miserable existence some sort of worth..." -I say folding my arms-

Yuki:"Yes.., but not all as labourers.., as test subjects...." -She seriously gazes back at me-

-Then the documents of experimentation on live human subjects flashed through my thoughts-

-The horrible experiments and things they did.....-

"She's right..." -I meet eyes with her again-

Yuki:"You can't just sit around and wait to die!, you deserve life!" -The Anthro hisses-

Chris:"No..., what life could I even possibly have after this?.." -I gesture to the walls around me-

-Her ears droop sadly upon hearing this-

Chris:"And what exactly do you want me to do?" -I narrow my eyes-

Yuki:"What do you mean?" -Yuki responds confused-

Chris:"What can I?, or the men do to stop this?..., we'll all just be converted to those freaks.., there's not a damn thing we can do..." -I lie to the Fur-

-She shook her head at me-

Yuki:"You're gonna start a riot..." -She blurts out-

-I felt my cheeks turn red for a moment-

Chris:"N-No!" -I act super surprised-

Yuki:"It's clear as day DL109, those guys you hang out with?, they've been planning this for months!" -Yuki says to me-

Chris:"And how is it you exactly know?..." -I narrow my eyes-

Yuki:"It doesn't matter..., all you must know is.., that I'm on your side" -She nods her head with smile-

Chris:"And why are you telling me all this?..." -I suddenly ask-

-She seemed hesitant for a moment, her gaze seemed to get really serious for a moment-

Yuki:"It's best you don't ask..." -Her gaze burned into me-

-Tilting my head she returns to her bubbly kind self...-

Yuki:"Remember that talk we had?..., I joined the F.I.A to bring peace..., but this isn't peace.., none of this is..." -She lowers her ears sadly-

Chris:"Hmpf...." -I grunt looking the other way-

-She steps slightly closer to me-

Yuki:"Don't let your kind die because of pride!, you can't dwell on the past..., that's the reason this place exists DL109..." -The Wolf Anthro says-

-This struck me for a moment-

Yuki:"Everytime I see you..., you always have fresh bruises...., a deep sadness hides within your eyes..." -She strikes me once again as I remain silent-

Yuki:"I can see it..., you're scared..." -My eyes snap onto hers-

Chris:"The fuck did you just say?..." -I growl at her-

-She got visibly nervous-

Yuki:"N-no..., I-I'm just tryi-" -She squeaked out-

Chris:"I'm not scared of fucking anything alright!, don't fucking tell me I'm scared!" -I clench my fist with rage-

-She flinched slightly-

Yuki:"I-I'm sorry!" -The Fur manages to gently say-

-Lowering my breathing I turn around walking down the hall-

-I felt my body shaking with rage-

"S-she's right...., I'm..., I'm terrified..." -I think shutting my eyes-

Yuki:"Where are you going?...." -The Fur asks-

-Turning around I give her one long look-

Chris:"I ain't scared anymore..." -I mutter before walking through the cage door back into the bunk area-

-Yuki walks over shutting the checkpoint door before looking at me through the bars-

Yuki:"It's in your hands DL109...., get outta here..., go far, far away..." -She quietly says-

-She then disappears into the dark hallway leaving me alone in the bunks room once again-

-Once again the low humming from the vents above calm my thoughts as I focus on the noise-

"How the hell am I even gonna explain this?...." -I think fearing for the worst-

-There was so many loose ends within the prison still....-

-So many things so little time..., I guess Raz is smart enough to maybe compensate-

-Just then the noise of the checkpoint buzzing could be heard-


-The gate flies open revealing a group of men being led by a Guard-

Kez:"I told you Frank you're gonna have to wait!, YP section still hasn't sent a messenger yet" -I turn feeling my heart race increase-

Guard:"I don't care!, just get me that damn stuff already man I'm itching for another high!" -The Canine Guard shivers slightly-

-Just then the room goes silent as I see all eyes land on me-

Guard:"Uhh..., is that one of your guys?" -The Fur asks looking at Kez-

-Kez grew a great big smile on his face while waving his goons along-

Kez:"Hey Frank you mind leaving...." -Kez says-

Guard:"*scoff*, sure just get me my stuff alright?" -The Guard turns around leaving-

-Shutting the door behind him I was now locked in a room with Kez and six more of his goons-

Kez:"Chris....., how ya doing buddy?..." -He slowly stalks towards me-

-I simply stand up clearing my throat-

Chris:"Right....." -I pat myself down-

Kez:"Chris I think your luck is honestly dogshit..., because me and my boys here...., we're gonna knock the granny out of you...." -He shrugs his shoulders-

Chris:"Yeah I know...." -I get into a stance-

-Two of his goons get within a metre of me, smirks plastered on their face-

-Reaching under my bunk I grab a iron rod-

Chris:"You ain't gonna fight fair though..., that's why I brought this" -I casually reply revealing the pipe-


-Jabbing the first one in the throat I follow up by smashing the second goon in the face-

-Both go down as I dash towards Kez-


-The pipe connects with his nose breaking it, stumbling back I turn to the next one-


-A right hook to my face makes me stumble back-

*PUNCH..., SMASH...*

-Letting out a growl I punch him back only to have a wooden stick smashed over my head with a bunch of splinters-


-Whipping around I smash the pipe between his legs-

Goon:"GAHHH!" -The goon roars at the top of his lungs-


-Another punch gets landed on me-


Chris:"You fucking!, CHEAPSHOT!" -I scream-

-I beat the pipe against him sending the man to the floor-


-The seventh goon kicks my right in the stomach-

-A grunt left me, turning around full of adrenaline I meet eyes with him-


Goon:"AHHH!" -He falls to the floor clutching his broken knee-

-Suddenly feeling a weight in my back I try to throw the attacker off-


Chris:"F-FUCKER!" -I throw him off only to see a handle stuck into my lower back-

-Electric shot up my body in pain bursts as I smash the pipe off the attackers head-


-A pool of blood began to form around my feet both mine and Kezs goons-

-Hearing footsteps behind me I see Kez clutching his nose with rage in his eyes-

Kez:"You fuck-"


-Grabbing his head I sink my teeth into his face in a blind rage-

Kez:"RAHHHH!" -Kez roars with pain-


-Biting out a sizable chunk of flesh I spit the bloody mouthful back into his face-


-Sending Kez to the floor I look around for the next attacker-


-Cracking a man in the process of getting up over the head I feel a stumbling body against mine-

-One goon too fazed to understand what's going on sloppily throws a punch-

-Ducking under easily I tackle him against the beam of the bunks-


-Throwing my bloody pipe aside I grab him by the throat-


-Gabbing the bloody man by the collar I throw him aside to the floor-

-Leaning against the beam I take a few deep breaths blood dripping from my face like a waterfall-

-A warm feeling pooled down my back, on top of it the wound I got by the butcher reopened on my forehead-

-Bleeding from every facial crevice I slowly sit down on the bunk beside me before looking around-

-All the men lay either dead, injured or unconscious on the concrete floor-


Head Guard:"Alright maggots nice and easy!, I'm disappointed by ore cart count tod-, WHAT THE FUCK!?" -I hear the guard shout-

-A fury of shouts could be heard before I felt my vision go dark as I slump over once again-

-I felt my body burn with the warmth of blood as I pass out-
(Scarlet p.o.v) -An hour later-

-Gazing through the glass at the multiple unconscious No-Furs through glass-

Scarlet:"I can't believe we have to watch these fucking assholes.." -I mutter-

Violet:"I'm surprised we have an infirmary for the No-Furs at all in this place...." - Violet grumbles-

Zara:"Only reason we're here at all is because of shit head over there..." -Zara points to the young spec ops No-Fur that attempted an assassination on our General-

-My eyes kept dancing from No-Fur to No-Fur-

Scarlet:"That I understand..., but what about these Jack asses?" -I gesture to the seven others-

Violet:"I'm pretty sure two of them are dead......" -Violet chuckles-

Zara:"Three of them have permanent brain damage...." -Zara shrugs-

-It brought a smirk to my face that one lone No-Fur could fight like that-

Scarlet:"I kinda wish I was there to see it...." -I chuckle out-

-My eyes soon shift to Roxy..., she was staring at the Spec Ops No-Fur intnelty-

Scarlet:"Roxy?" - I try to knock her out of her thoughts-

Roxy:"Huh?" -She meets eyes with me-

Scarlet:"You seemed gone for a few minutes there..." -I chuckle-

Roxy:"Ya..., just thinking is all..., how's our friend doing?" -She looks back at him-

-Zara let's out a sigh-

Zara:"He was stabbed and punched a bunch what do you expect?" -Zara tilts her head-

Roxy:"I'm asking if he's gonna be okay!?" -Roxy snaps much to our surprise-

-I glance at Roxy narrowing my eyes-

Zara:"It will be fine!, geez Roxy why do you care so much?" -Zara growls back-

-Roxy goes quiet as she looks back at the No-Fur-

"The fuck is that about?" -I think letting it slide-

Violet:"Hey..., I heard they're testing out a batch of that purple mist soon.." -Violet excitedly says-

-My ears perk up-

Scarlet:"Is it weird that I wanna see what it does again?" -I ask outloud-

-Zara shrugs her shoulders while Roxy remains dead silent-

Scarlet:"The General spoke with me earlier..., he has something in store for this one..." -I chuckle while looking at the No-Fur-

Violet:"Another few weeks in this shithole..." -Violet grumbles-

Scarlet:"And we get to witness history?" -I add making her roll her eyes-

Violet:"I just wanna go home.." -Violet mutters-

Scarlet:"Soon Violet..., soon" -I quietly say placing my hand on her shoulder-
(Chris p.o.v) -A few hours later-

-My eyes shoot open upon feeling a surge of energy-

Chris:"AGHH!" -I groan feeling pain through out my bodh, bruises and cuts pumped with pain as I look around-

Doctor:"There...., he's awake now..." -I hear a calm voice say-

-Quickly realising I was restrained I let out an annoyed growl-

General Python:"Thank you Doctor..." - The voice makes my blood boil-

-A shadow looms over me, looking straight up I see the one eyed faggot hovering over me-

General Python:"Will you look at this...., Christopher...., trying to die on me now are you?" -My eyes widen upon hearing him say my name-

Chris:"W-what..." -I whisper with shock-

General Python:"Don't act so surprised No-Fur..., I looted that little shithole you called home in the mountains...." -He smirks at me-

-I lunge at him but the restraints restrict me-

Chris:"Fuck you!" -I roar at the Fur-

General Python:"Now..., now..., carry on and I'll melt this down.." -He reveals a side arm-

"My father's pistol..." -I think my eyes glued on it-

General Python:"One of my grunts found it in what I presume was your room..., the rest was burned..., along with the corpses of your friends...." -He smirks evilly at me-

-My blood went as hot as magma, praying to god that I could rip these restraints off and beat his head in-

General Python:"But that's for a different discussion..., today.., today I will show you what I've been up to.." -He steps back fumbling with something-

-Coming back into view I see a canister being placed beside my head-

General Python:"This is bio weapon I've developed that will convert your hole filthy race into something more...." -He taps his chin-

General Python:"Pure..." -He chuckles-

-He places his hand over the hatch making me nervous-

General Python:"Wanna have a look?" -The Fur begins twisting it-

-I silently stare back at the Fur not showing any fear-

-He continues slowly opening it keeping eye contact with me the hole time-

-Not saying a word I stare right back-

-The Fur took notice of this as he stopped, a smile forming on his face-

General Python:"Nah..., that would be too easy" - He twists the hatch closed with his one arm-

-That's when he presses a button making the metal table shift beneath me-

-I soon was maneuvered to see one of Kez's goons-

General Python:"Wow, you really did a number on him..., good thing he's alive though, would have been a real shame.." - He carries the can to the clearly brain damaged man-

General Python:"Just watch..., and know that the rest of then will follow" - He chuckles-

-Suddenly he blasted a gas cloud into the man's face-

-He breaths in the purple cloud only for his eyes to go bright glowing magenta-

-His body began shaking violently till a scream came from him-

-I watch in horror as his bones break and remake themselves under his expanding flesh-

-A midnight black Fur took its place over his skin, I watched in horror as his mouth grew in size-

-I had to shut my eyes and look away..., the screaming was unbearable-

-But suddenly General Python was upon me holding my head in place-

General Python:"You must witness perfection...." -He whispers in my ear-

-I refused to look at the horrific sight, the sounds of screaming and shifting and breaking bones made my skin crawl-

-He soon gives me a rough punch in the gut-

General Python:"ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION!..." -He roars at me-

-The screaming didn't stop, the man sounded like his very soul was being ripped out-

-But it suddenly stops, being replaced by a heavy breathing-

-Opening one of my eyes I catch a glimpse of the Magenta Anthro eyes staring back at me-

-The General leans down getting closer to my face-

General Python:"Know this Chris..., you're gonna watch as I take everything from you...." -He gently says-

-The Anthro gets closer to my ear-

General Python:"You will have nothing...., and no one..., you'll be alone in this world" -The General chuckles before turning around-

-The man turned Hybrid looked around-

Hybrid:"W-W-Where a-a-am I?" -He audibly stutters-

-A sigh came from the General as he reveals his side arm-

General Python:"You're useless to society...., with brain damage like that you'll get no where..." -He raises his Python Revolver-


-The crimson splatter sprays on the lab table-

-He turns back to me-

General Python:"How about I start with some of your section?, you can come along...." -The General waves his hand-

-Suddenly four Guards enter clad in riot gear-

General Python:"Escort DL109 back to his section please..." -The General eagerly says-

-The Guards descended upon me shoving a burlap sack over my head-
(Yuki p.o.v)

General Chloe:"Strike team Alpha is standing by Yuki?, what's the situation within the prison?" -Chloe asks over the radio-

-I nervously bite at my claws-

Yuki:"I've informed the human of the operation but there doesn't seem to be any signs of an uprising!" -I reply back-

General Chloe:"Yuki you need to speed this up!, my team are ready we're waiting on you!" -The General replies-

Yuki:"Fuck...., okay..., I'll try find him again..." -I whimper before slamming the radio down and turning it off-

-Sprining to my feet I rush out of my room past an empty lounge area before dashing into the hallway-

-Not looking where I was going I run straight into another figure-

Yuki:"S-sorry!" -I yip-

-Looking up I meet eyes with a lioness Anthro-

Scarlet:"Relax..., it was an accident" -The Lioness chuckles-

Yuki:"Oop..., uh.., anyways gotta go!" - I try to slip past her but a firm hand grabs my shoulder-

Scarlet:"Hey you're that communications expert for General Python...." -She narrows her eyes-

-A nervous little smile came over me

Yuki:"Uhhh..., ya?, he hired me from the main forces..." -I sheepishly reply-

Scarlet:"Huh..., so I'm guessing you would know how the wars going?" -The larger lioness crosses her arms-

-For a moment I didn't understand but it quickly clicked-

Yuki:"Oh!, you mean the U.F..." -I quietly say-

-She nods her head-

Scarlet:"We're kicking their asses I'm guessing!" -The Lioness cockily states-

-Biting my tongue I look away scratching my head-

"It was quite the opposite...."

Yuki:"Yeah!, yeah we're kicking their asses alright!" -I try to play it off-

-Luckily for me the Lioness didn't catch on a big grin on her face-

Scarlet:"Fuck me..., hopefully it will all be over soon, we can all finally go home" -She rubs her chin-

-A little smile came over me-

Yuki:"You and me both...." -I chuckle before walking away-
(Lazarevic p.o.v)

-Me, Raz and a larger group of men were currently gathered in a huddle in the bunks-

Raz:"Chris has completed a big part of the plan Lazarevic...." -Raz says outloud-

Lazarevic:"I know..., but the kid has already done so much.., we need to know if he's okay..." -I say worried for the younger soldier-

Raz:"Chris is a tough kid Lazarevic..., I'm sure you of all people know that" -Raz smirks-

Lazarevic:"All too well..., by god teaching that kid was a fucking nightmare..." -I chuckle remembering the younger and more wild Chris-

Raz:"You had a group of soldiers way up Alaska didn't you?" -Raz asks-

Lazarevic:"Da...., a handful of soldiers, each with their own story..., I feel pity for the boy..., he's lost his father..., his mother is a mystery..." -I shake my head-

Lazarevic:"Jack..., he was an older brother..., a friend of Chris's father..." -I explain-

Lazarevic:"That was when Cerberus Squad was still a thing..." -I announce to the men-

-Raz, his men and then a couple of listeners get closer upon hearing the name-

Raz:"Cerberus squad?..., I haven't heard that name in years..." -Raz hushed the men around him-

Man:"I thought they all died?..." -Another man asks-

-A smile came over me, throwing a log into the burning barrel for warmth I turned back to them-

Lazarevic:"No..., the rest just went into hiding..." -I chuckle-

Man:"Oh ya?, and how would you know?" -A man presses me-

-Spinning around I pull down my collar around the back of my neck revealing the tattoo-

-All of the men went dead silent-

Raz:"You..., you're part of Cerberus?" -Raz asks-

-Shushing him I felt a smirk come over my face-

Lazarevic:"Its been such a long time that the Furs no longer look for the tattoo" -I chuckle-

Raz:"Chris was part with you...., is he?..." - Raz tilts his head-

Lazarevic:"Yes.., he has the tattoo..., he got it when he was very young..." -I nod my head-

Raz:"The kid doesn't even know does he..." -Raz asks-

-A sigh left me-

Lazarevic:"No.., he doesn't know the history behind it..., he just thinks its something we all got..." -I quietly respond-


-The checkpoint gate flies open and in storm about twenty Guards-

-Without cause we watch as they grab a prisoner each dragging them kicking and screaming from the bunks-

Raz:"AY!, What's the fucks going on!?" -Raz roars at the Guards-

Guard:"Shut your fucking mouth and wait your turn!" -One snarls-

-The unlucky group was dragged down the hallways before the gate suddenly shut again leaving every man in the room wondering what the hell was going on-

Lazarevic:"Whats happening!?" -I hiss-

-Raz turned to me wide eyed....-

Raz:"I don't know..." -He quietly responds-
(Chris p.o.v)


-The gate opened only for the bag to be ripped off my head-

-Spinning around a fist connected with my face sending me to the floor-


Guard:"Faggot..." -The Guard mutters before walking away-

-The door shut behind me before I felt myself being picked up-

Lazarevic:"Chris?, Chris you aright!?" - I hear the familiar Russian ask-

-Letting out a groan I rub my head-

Chris:"We're fucked..." -I reply-

Raz:"The Guards..., they keep coming in and talking men away!" -The desperate Raz asks-

-I shut my eyes fearing the worst-

Chris:"Then it's already begun..." -I whisper-

Lazarevic:"What do you mean!?" -The Russian asks-

Chris:"They..., they're trying to change us all..." - I shudder-

Raz:"Lazarevic he's talking fucking crazy!, what are you talking about Chris!" -Raz angrily presses me-

-Springing to my feet I roughly grab him by the collar before looking at him-

Chris:"They're gonna fucking change us all!, into those Fur fags!" -I shout-

-Raz looked at me like I'm crazy-

Chris:"That bastard..., he developed some...., weapon..." -I hiss looking around-

-Everyone was silent-

Chris:"Some fucking...., GAS..., It changes you..., it crawls under your skin and morphs you.." -I shudder-

-That's when I meet eyes with Raz-

Chris:"We gotta get out of here..." -I whisper-

Raz:"W-we don't have enough time!" -Raz replies-

-He looks around-

Raz:"There's still too much to do!" -He began to panic-

Chris:"Well we can't just sit around and wait to die!, he's gonna convert us all into those freaks!..." -I reply-

Lazarevic:"Chris are you sure you didn't hit your he-" -The Russian asks-

Chris:"Lazarevic!, I'm not fucking crazy alright!, he fucking made one of Kezs goons breath it in...., I fucked him up...., real bad..." -I was still shook from the image-

-Both me and Lazarevic stars at each other for a moment-

Chris:"It morphed him right infront of me...., dear God the screams..." -I grasp at my head-

Chris:"And he has enough for every.., single...., prisoner..." -I firmly say-

-The Russian turned to Raz-

Lazarevic:"If this is true Raz..., we gotta get the fuck out of here..., NOW!" -The Russian demands-

-The Crowd of men get to their feet in agreement-

Man:"I won't become one of those freaks!, I knew it all along I'm telling you!" -A man announces-

Man:"I'm not doing without a fight!" -Another speaks up-

Chris:"The Purple Mist...." -I quietly say-

-Lazarevic gives a nod to Raz as everyone gets on their feet-

Raz:"Everyone here remembers our little talk....." -Raz proudly asks looking around at the starved and beaten men-

-Everyone but me nods in agreement-

"talk?" -I think for a moment-

Raz:"We must rally the men!" -He proudly announces much to the approvement of the men-

-But as soon as things quieten down he gets closer to me-

Raz:"I'm gonna need you AGAIN, Chris..." -He smirks at me-

-Looking around no Guard was in sight, Undoubtedly Operation Purple Mist was coming into full play-

"Freedom or death, either way we're all gonna leave this shit hole..."
(Roxy p.o.v)

-Slowly stepping into the infirmary I look at all the No-Furs that were beaten by my DL109-

-A little smirk came over me, but that smirk was replaced with worry-

"General Python took him away..., I don't see why he would suddenly kill him though..., I'll probably have to patch him up again.." -I think fearing for my pet-

-Suddenly my eyes land on a No-Fur beginning to wake-

-The one that keeps harassing my little friend-

Kez:"Ooh..., aren't you a sight for sore eyes sweetheart...." -He cockily grins at me from the bed-

-A scowl came over me as I felt his eyes gawking at my curvs-

-Slowly walking over to his bed side I stare daggers at him-

Kez:"Heh.., y-you taking care of me while the doctors are out?" -He began to get visibly more nervous-

-I tilt my head before narrowing my eyes-

-My claws suddenly snatched down at his throat-

Kez:"AGHHH-..." -The wretched No-Fur choked out his last breath-


-Twisting his neck roughly he goes suddenly limp, I slowly laid him back down before walking out of the room casually-

-A little smile came over me-

Roxy:"I've needed to do that for a while...." -I think feeling a little wave of relaxation come over me-

"Now to find my little friend"
Chapter done!

Once again guys sorry that work has taken up all my time for writing, but as usual I'll keep trying to get bits done for you guys!

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