Kacchako One Shots (Bakugo x...

By NiftyAttorney93

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Kacchako one shots! Cute confessions, drama, angst, fluff, heck add a bit of lime! Villain, Fantasy, Adult A... More

Authors Note
Kacchako // Sparring pt. 1
Kacchako // Sparring pt. 2
Kacchako // Royalty AU
Kacchako // Desserts
Kacchako // Stuck in The Crowd
Kacchako // Ever After High x Fantasy AU pt.1
Kacchako // Ever After High x Fantasy AU pt.2
Kacchako // Ever After High x Fantasy AU pt.3
Kacchako // Villain Yandere!Bakugo x Pro Hero!Uraraka
Kacchako // Nightmare
The Todoroki Family // Ever After High x Fantasy AU
Kacchako Week 2021 Prompt
Kacchako // First but Last?
Kacchako // Unforgettable Adventure pt.1

Kacchako // Best Summer Ever!

675 17 1
By NiftyAttorney93

A/n: Schools in Japan start their summer break in the middle of July, just some small info here and there. I have no idea how the American system works, I'm Turkish okay.


Ochako was sitting on the hard floor of her dorm room, with her fan on and window open. It was around eight pm in the middle of July and it was burning. Currently in her second year of U.A. and it was summer break. Unfortunately, unlike everyone else in the class, she could not afford transportation to see her parents. They lived in a different city and the money for the train was way too expensive.

Class 2-A finally had time to relax but poor little Uraraka Ochako spent her first day of summer cooped up in her dorm room that had terrible ventilation. She whined a lot as she flipped through the channels on her TV, the only thing that is keeping her sane from boredom.

No one would be back for at least another two weeks, and the heat made things worse. "This is going to be the worse summer vacation ever..." she whined. Ochako had her usual black tank top and U.A. sweat pants.

Suddenly she had an epiphany. She was alone, in the dorms. Just her and no one else. Mister Aizawa was probably at the teachers dorms so she was actually alone. That meant, that she could do whatever she wanted. Anything? Anything.

Ochako got up in an instant and made her way to the elevator. Despite it still being summer, it was lights out by ten pm. Aizawa did not want the kids' sleep schedule to get screwed up by any chance.

The elevator doors opened and she was in the common room the blink of an eye. Since no one was here the lights were closed, so she flipped them on and walked around freely. It felt like time was altered when no one was here, especially at night.

With her soft slippers making no sound, she made her way to the fridge. "Like anyone is going to notice that a bit of the food is gone." Ochako shrugged. "A girl gets what she needs. Thanks for the advice Mina." Ochako took a small cup of pudding and some chocolate? "Yup Kaminari definitely put the chocolate in the fridge." She closed the fridge door and let out a small sigh.

"What cha' got there pink cheeks?"

Ochako jumped and turned around. If she had any of those snacks in her mouth she'd probably choke on that. "Bakugo! Don't scare me like that." He rolled his eyes at that and pointed at the amount of snacks she had in her hands. "Gimme some."

"Eh? Get your own. These are mine. Besides since when did you eat sugar? I thought you ate everything but that."

"Is that an insult!?"

The class and especially Ochako was used to Katsuki's usual tantrums at this point. "Well yes, but actually no."

Katsuki groaned out of annoyance, "It's hot, I'm not eating spicy shit right now." He walked towards the fridge and chose a very little amount of junk food.

"What are you doing here anyways? Is there anyone else?" Katsuki looked at the girl. "I mean, aren't you supposed to be with your parents for the summer? Like everyone else?" He closed the fridge door and propped his hands on his hips letting out a sigh. "My old man had some sort of gala to promote the shit he designed. It's all the way in Kyoto and I don't feel like going there."

"You're dad's a fashion designer. It's just you and I, pink cheeks." Katsuki never shared much about his personal life. Though it was much of a surprise to Ochako who can't even afford to see her parents. "Yeah?"

"You stupid Pomeranian! Why stay here and not go to a frickin gala!?"

"Hah!? What did you just-"

"The food Bakugo, the food." Ochako cut him off. "How would you not wanna go to a fancy gala with amazing food Bakugo? You're missing out!"

"I ain't dealin with fancy shit where I gotta wear a stupid tie n all."

"You spoiled brat."

"Oh shush, my old hag has been obsessing over this for a month, bet she doesn't want me ruining it either."


"Anyways why are you here?" Katsuki asked. If she asked him then he could ask her.

The atmosphere darkened all of a sudden.

"I... can't afford the train ticket to see my parents." Katsuki was surprised to hear that. He didn't really know what to say. "Oh. Sorry 'bout that."

"Eh. I'm used to it." She shrugged. There was an awkward silence. He did feel bad, but just a bit. Katsuki willingly didn't see his parents only because he was being a whiny brat when Ochako couldn't even afford the train ticket. "We should make the most of this 'summer vacation.'" Ochako made air quotes with her fingers, her voice coming out a bit dull. He felt guilty for bringing her parents up, even though it wasn't really his fault.

Katsuki smirked. "Ya know what, yeah. Make the most out of this shitty 'summer vacation'"

"What?" Ochako got confused by Katsuki's sudden words of encouragement.

"Wake up at nine am tomorrow. Kay?"

"What for?" She got a bit excited now.

"Just do as I say! I'm goin to bed." Isn't it like- only eight thirty though?

Tomorrow came, the second day of summer. Still dull. Ochako was in her bed drooling, probably dreaming about something. Food most likely. The pro hero Lunch Rush would cook food for them without any trouble; breakfast, lunch and dinner, he always cooked for hundreds and hundreds of students in high quality. But Ochako would always, most likely, dream about food and deserts (specifically mochi) and refreshing tasty drinks that would cool her down during this hot summer weather.

"WAKE UP URARAKA YOU'RE FIFTEEN MINUTES LATE!" The screaming coming from none other than Katsuki Bakugo woke her up, resulting into her falling off the bed and hitting her elbow. "OW!" She yelled out. At least she was fully awake now.

Katsuki opened the door and entered Ochako's dorm finding her on the floor, with a pout. "Don't look at me like that, get up." She obeyed, only because he'd start yelling more if she didn't. "It's summer, why wake up so early?" She rubbed her messy bed head.

"You said, "Let's make the most of it." Didn't you?" Katsuki made his voice thinner, teasing her. "I don't sound like that. But- yeah I did say that. No, wait, I still don't know what waking up early has to do with this?"

"I planned the next few days so your dumbass don't get bored. Now c'mon get ready, take a shower, I don't know what girls do when they wake up, just do the essential shit before ten am." He closed her door and made his way to god knows where.

Ochako threw her pillow on the floor. "I didn't want to wake up early though~" She murmured in spite. Never the less, she was still curious about what Katsuki had planned. Couldn't be that bad right? Or at least not deadly.

They weren't allowed out of school because of all the villain attacks that took place during their first years, so what was there to really see?

It was nine forty and Katsuki was already in the common room eating breakfast, "You're here early." Ochako shrugged, "Kinda am excited to see what you have planned." She got her tray of food that Lunch Rush had made for her.

After munching on food she so dreamed of, it was finally time for the day to begin.

Katsuki dragged her to the forest behind the dorms. "Are you going to murder me?" She asked, clearly teasing him. "Say that again and maybe I will."

"What's here anyways? It feels weird." Katsuki stopped and looked around now. This confused her even more. "If you hear anything tell me." He ordered. Ochako followed his lead and listened carefully. Nothing but the leaves of the trees rustling. At least it was cool in the forest and not scorching hot.

"Okay why are we here Bakugo!?" She lost her patience. Out of the blue, there was a whimper of some sort. "There!" Katsuki ran and Ochako followed.

"Aha! Finally found these lil shits." Ochako peeked from behind and burst with awe.

"OH MY GOD THEIR SO CUTE!" A small set of kittens were by a tree playing around with eachother. Specifically five kittens, two were orange and white, one was black, orange and white, one was completely black only its belly white and the last one was a fluffy brown one.

They looked to be only less than two months. Ochako reached out her hand gently and slowly reached out to pet the tricolored cat. It flinched at first but didn't take long for it to warm up to her.

"What are they doing here? And how did you find them?" She asked, overloaded with cuteness. "I was walking by a few days ago and came across these gremlins. Also the one you're petting can hardly retract its claws, it gave me a buncha scratches." Katsuki aggressively rubbed the tricolored kitten with a smirk.

"Their pretty stupid too. It's what makes them entertaining."

Ochako was too busy petting the kitten. "Did you name them by any chance? We should."


"I don't know, it would be fun and kinda cute. I'm going to call this one Mochi."

"Ah, go ahead." Katsuki said, not really caring. "Just don't make it too stupid."

She nodded and picked up the black cat. "Hey, don't cha think this one looks like Aizawa sensei?" The black cat looked grumpy. Katsuki pointed to one of the hyper orange cats, "That one looks like Present Mic sensei."

"We name the black one Eraser Head and that orange one Present Mic." Ochako suggested. It wasn't too stupid, in Katsuki's opinion. "Sure." He looked at the other orange cat who stood calmly. "I'm calling that one Mittens."

"Is that a Western name? Not expected."

"Its name stays as Mittens, and yes it is."

The two looked at the last kitten that had fluffy brown fur with a small whit tuft on its head. "Fuwa (Fluffy) seems fine for that one." Katsuki said. He was surprisingly good with names for the kittens.

"Ohhhh I want all of them for myself so badddd!" Ochako embraced all the kittens as they meowed in synch.

Katuki picked up the calm orange one named Mittens and held it. "I can't find these gremlins mom, and I can't just leave em here either. Though of bringing them to Aizawa sensei but he already has to deal with us." Katsuki indicated the entirety of class 2-A.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind cats. Besides, Eri would like another friend or two. After Togata senpai graduated she may feel a bit lonely. Deku can't hang out with her that much either."

Katsuki's eye's narrowed. He then clasped his hands "Let's prank the nerd!" He smirked. "No!" He just felt like pranking his childhood friend. "W-well let's bring these kittens first! Another time Bakugo." Ochako didn't really like the idea of pranking someone, but if it was something harmless it shouldn't be a problem.

Katsuki and Ochako played with the kittens a bit more, after finally deciding that they should inform Aizawa about this. Ochako got to see another side of her angry classmate, it was cute nevertheless.

The two managed to carry the kittens, though it was slightly painful. That tricolored one, Mochi, would claw on Ochako's back and she walked hunched carrying the black cat, Eraserhead, who looked grumpy as always as Katsuki had Mittens, Mic and Fuwa.

It was a surprise for their teacher. He dropped his coffee mug in happiness, but his face didn't show anything. Eri had a good time with them too, she couldn't stop cuddling them.

Ochako and Katsuki left the teachers dorms finally finding a nice place for the kittens. Eri will be a fine owner for sure. Though five kittens may have been a bit too much.

"What's next on your list, king explosion murder?" Ochako asked, excited.

Katsuki thought for a few seconds, "Hey, I thought you had all this planned out?"

"I did, I'm just thinkin about which one of the things we can do pink cheeks!"

Katsuki looked around his surroundings and something else popped up.

"Get you swimsuit."


"We're goin to the school swimming pool. Like we did last year. Just not a competition."

"Well that was unexpected of you Bakugo."

"Would ja' quit sayin that!"

She got ready and in her swimsuit she was, putting her hair up in a ponytail.

"Oh it feels so much nice when Mineta isn't around to do anything- OH MY GOD THE FLOOR IS HOT!" Ochako was about to enter the pool grounds. "Okay, maybe if I run in the pool fast, I won't burn feet off."

She began to count from three. Two... ONE!

She ran indeed. Almost as fast as Iida! Finally making it to the pool. At least she cooled off there. It took a few seconds to get used to the sudden cold water, but it was for the better.

"I wonder if I'm tall enough to reach that end of the pool?" Ochako thought. She swam towards the deeper parts of the pool testing her height time to time to see if she was tall enough. Unfortunately she wasn't. Ochako began to swim back to the direction she started from, until she felt something grab and tug on her!

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Wha- Bakugo you idiot!" She grabbed Katsuki by his wet hair and pulled him out of the water. He started wheezing as Ochako looked unimpressed, arms crossed and all. "Don't scare me like that again!" She bonked him on the head.

"It's too cute to see you angry Uraraka." He continued to laugh his ass off.

"It's not funny!" Katsuki ruffled Ochako's hair. "It is cute though." She pouted, and then splashed water on the boy.

"Ack- the hell?!"

"Who's funny now?" She wiggled hey eyebrows. Katsuki returned the gesture of splashing water and it turned into a competition. Ochako would fall in the water quite a bit while Katsuki remained still, but did get as much as her.

It was a fun day to be honest.

So would the rest be like that.

Katsuki would enjoy scaring her time to time, and surprising her with little activities. It almost felt like they were children again.

Having a small picnic the next day, with various sweets specifically, and waiting till dusk fell to watch the stars.

Running through the empty school halls and finally making it all the way up to the rooftop, being in such a sweaty mess after.

Getting dressed as discount All Might's and then taking a bunch of photos after that.

Building a fort in the common room with all the blankets and pillows they could find- Aizawa scolded the two and told them to clean it up when he came to check on them at night.

Katsuki had all these ideas planned out so she wouldn't feel lonely this summer until all her friends came back. Her endearing smile was something he couldn't look away from. He saw her sad, he saw her angry and he especially saw her happy. He wanted her to share all her emotions with him, one's he didn't see yet. But seeing this girl filled with joy, he never wanted her to shed another tear of sadness.


By tomorrow morning, class 2-A would finally be back from their mini vacation. Would the two not hang out after they all came back? They were friends before, but just not this close. They got to know each other a lot more than expected.

"Uraraka, let's watch something." Katsuki suggested. She got curious, "What is it?"

"A silent voice."

"That sad anime movie!? No way."

"C'mon, you faced me at the sports festival I'm pretty sure you can watch the movie. Now, up." Hesitantly she got up and they made their way to the common room, where the big TV stood.

Bringing their own individual pillows and blankets, Ochako and Katsuki began watching the movie. Obviously, Ochako cried. A lot. It did end on a happy note though.

And so did it for Ochako and Katsuki. Ochako fell asleep in the common room too tired to go to their own dorm.

Katsuki smiled at her sleeping. He thought of getting sleep as well. With a small kiss on the forehead for Ochako, he drifted into slumber right next to her.


If you look carefully, you'll find out what I'll be writing on day six my dudes! Catch ya'll tomorrow!

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