By CReigns

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Where does your loyalty lie? With a life full of trauma, mistakes, and bad decisions, brotherhood is tested... More

Details & Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 2

514 23 50
By CReigns

Jason's POV

The next day, we're walking into the Market to get mom some food to cook for dinner. As we enter, and turn down the aisle next to the registers, and I spot Gabi in line with her cart. I walk over to her, as Joe continues to shop.

"Excuse me. Pardon me." I say making my way to her in line.

Obviously she hears me, and turns around and looks for me. As soon as our eyes meet, her's light up.

"Hey stranger." I say softly.

She starts smiling, "Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in months. I swear I was just about to call you once I got back to my house. I just flew in yesterday."  She says, grabbing me into a sweet, firm hug.

"Well, here I am, in the flesh. How was the trip to Atlanta? How's the album going? You told me I would get first listen?" I say remembering the conversation.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Can we go somewhere else and talk?" She asks, putting her grocery's up on the conveyor.

"Yeah. Let me get this stuff with Joe for my mom, and I'll meet you at your car, and I'll ride with you." I answer

"Okay. I can't wait to catch up." She says, "That's your brother, right? I've never met him, will you introduce me?" She asks, placing her hand on my chest, trying to look around me.

I turn around and he's in the back at the meat counter.

I turn, looking down in her eyes. "Nah, I don't want to get you two mixed up. We talked about this." I say, honestly.

"We'll talk about it later." She says, as we move up in line.

"Can you guys pay, you're holding up the line." The guy rudely says, behind the counter.

"Bitch, we just got up here." I say eyeing the guy.

There's only two people behind us anyway. He's lucky Joe isn't here because he'd chin check his ass super quick.

I look in her cart, and scan it before taking out my wallet. I handed her two fifty dollar bills.

"Here." I say,

She looks up at me with reluctant eyes. I just smile at her, sweetly.

"Take the damn money, girl. I'm ready to clock out." The man at the register fusses.

She rolls her eyes, before reluctantly taking the money.

"Sir, you need a better attitude." I start, "If you can't be cordial to the customers, then you don't need to work here." I add, "Now, say one more disrespectful word towards me, you won't have to worry about working at all." I finish

"Cause he's gonna fuck you up." She adds, handing him the money.

He takes the money, then gives her the change and receipt. The bagger puts the bag in her cart.

"Here's your change." She says handing me the money.

"Nah, you keep it. I'm good." I say. "I'll meet you at the car. Give me like ten minutes."

She smiles softly. "Take your time." She says, before walking out.

I turn and watch her leave. I just shake my head. It's good to see her again.

I get out of line, and head to find Joe. I met up with him in the produce section.

"Who is she?" He asks

"Nah, not gonna happen." I say seriously.

"Bruh, I just wanna meet her. Introduce me." He says, and I just walk away from him, taking my phone out to look at the list mom sent.

He follows me.

"What's the big deal, you must like her or something?" He asks. "I mean the girl's body is banging." He adds, and for some reason, that comment boils my blood. I guess because it's coming from him.

"Stop while you're ahead, Joe. I'm serious." I eye him, feeling my face harden.

"Calm down. I'm just joking with you." He says as we continue to shop, as I grabs few items off the shelf.

I assume he's gonna leave her alone, so I drop it.

We finish shopping, and we go to pay for our stuff. Once we get to the register, I go to pay, but he pushes my hand away, handing his credit card to the cashier.

"You know I got it. Your mom is like my mom." Joe says

"You back again?" The same rude ass man says.

"Dude, shut the fuck up." Joe says

The guy flinches.

I roll my eyes, and grab the bags, before we walk out.

My eyes scan the parking lot for Gabi, and soon I spot her, leaning on what I assume is her new car, sipping on her water bottle.

I smile to myself, before looking over to see if Joe sees her, and sure enough, he's smiling like a fucking idiot.

He looks at me and drops his head.

We walk to Joe's car, and I hand him the bags, and he takes them, then gets in my car.

"What's up?" He asks. "I forgot something in the store. When I come back out, I'm riding with her so we can catch up, and she'll drop me back off at your house." I say handing him the keys.

"Alright, see you later, bro." He says, taking the keys. I walk back in the store.

Joe's POV

I watch him walk into the store, before getting out, and looking over at his friend. I haven't seen her before. I should be polite, and say hello.

I look one more time through the window of the store, and make sure I don't see him. I get out, and jog over to her.

She looks up at me, with a sweet smile.

"Hi." She says "I don't think I should be talking to you. Your brother doesn't approve." She says, seriously.

"I think he'll be okay with us having a small conversation." I say with my winning smile.

"What do you want, Joe?" She says with a playful smile.

"You know my name?" I ask in disbelief

"Yeah, your brother brags about you all the time. Plus, you're like Roman Reigns, well, was Roman." She explains "How's your neck, if you don't mind me asking." She asks

"It's healing." I answer, rubbing it subconsciously.

"Hope you're working hard to get back. Your fans miss you." She says sweetly.

"You must be a wrestling fan, huh?" I ask, with a smirk

"I might be a fan of Roman Reigns." She smiles, and that makes me smile.

"What do you do?"

"I'm a singer." She answers

"That's awesome." I say, "So how about I give you my number, and you can call me to talk about wrestling, or singing, or whatever." I say, taking her phone out her hand.

"Um, don't just snatch my phone, '' she says, trying to take it back, but I hold it up in the air, so she can't reach it. "Stopppp." She says, upset.

"I'll give it back, once I give you my number. Now what's your code?" I explain

"I don't have one, it's my fingerprint." She says, but I look and see the lock on the screen, so I turn it towards her, and hear the screen unlock.

"You're such an ass. What if Jason, see's your number in there? I'm not supposed to be talking to you." She worries

"It's okay, I'll put it under TC, for Tribal Chief." I say

I give her my number, and then text myself, so I have hers, before deleting the thread.

"There, now my biggest fan can call me any time." I say, handing her her phone back.

"You're so..........rude." She says, snatching the phone.

"I'll be expecting your call or text." I say, before leaning down, kissing her cheek.

She tries to hide her blush, but I see it.

"But seriously, use that." I point to her phone, referring to my phone number. I wink at her, before turning around, going back to my brother's car.


Later on that day, I was sitting on my sofa, staring out at the water, in deep thought when I was interrupted by my doorbell ringing.

I get up to answer the door. Through the window I see a red car. It's Asia. Why is she even ringing the doorbell when she has a key?

"I guess I'm getting some pussy tonight." I say aloud.

I open the door.

"Hey hey!!" She says excitedly.

"Hey!! We're blonde today!" I say surprised.

"Yeah. You like it?" She twirls around.

"Your hair or the dress?" I say looking her up and down. "I like both!" I go in and hug her. While pulling away I play in her hair, admiring it.

"Good. I might keep the hair." She says

"I like this a lot?" I say, then kiss her on the cheek.

"Excuse me?" She says, looking at me like I'm crazy, while pointing to her lips.

"My bad." I kiss her lips, then she walks in. I close the door behind her.

She walks in and sits her purse down on my island and walks over to the sofa.

"I love this. I could never get tired of this. Feel free to ask me to move in with you." She laughs

"I wouldn't be mad at that." I hug her from behind, kissing on her neck. "It's not like you're not here all the time anyway, it wouldn't be a difference." I say

"You hungry? What do you want to eat?" She asks

"You." She laughs and turns around, "Real food, babe."

"Whatever you cook." I say

"Okay." She wraps her arms around my neck, and kisses me. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. We continue kissing as I walk us over to the island and sit her on it.

Pulling away, "You're trying to start something." She says

"I sure am." I say dropping my pants.

"Baby, calm down." She laughs

I grab her neck, "I've missed you." I smile.

"You're so aggressive." She says, smiling back at me. "Where's your brother? I thought you said he was staying with you."

"He is, he's not here right now. Why are you talking and my dick is out?"

"Joey, I'm going to suck your dick and I'm going to fuck you senseless. Just calm down." She laughs, and pushes me back. "Let me cook you something first." She jumps down off of the island, then bends down to kiss my dick, then licks it.

"I hate when you do that." I roll my eyes as I feel a chill going through my body.

She laughs, "I know. Makes you want me more. Let's eat, spend some time together, then we can bang. And I'm staying the night too."

"Nah, not tonight. As I said, my brother is here and I don't want you to meet him yet."

"Seriously? We've been basically dating for two years. If there's ever a good time, it's now."

"Correction, I've been fucking you for two years." I say

She looks at me like I'm crazy, "Joe, we're in a full blown relationship. I know you don't like labels and all of that but baby, you are my boyfriend."

"Well, I've cheated on you." I say

"I'm sure you have. I've cheated too. Now what?" She says

I smile, and shake my head. "Who was it?"

"Exactly my point. You would break anybody's legs if you knew I was messing around with them. You don't want anyone else to have me. I want to have you to myself Joe. I like you, and you like me. We've been doing this for two years. I control you, and you can't resist me. It's a perfect match."

"I can't be controlled. Now you're capping. You are right about not being able to resist you. That's true as hell. It's that ass."

"Right and if I tried to walk out the door right now you wouldn't let me."

"Okay, maybe you're right. But we got to slow down on the relationship talk because I'm not ready for any relationship right now. Me and you work because we do things on our own terms. We spend time together and I enjoy that. You take me out of my head for a little while you're here, or we go out but, don't fuck this up because of your feelings. If you feel the need, go ahead and fuck somebody else because I'll do it too. I don't want a title, and you know that. So let's just keep things how they are and if that's not what you want then I gotta cut you off. I don't have time for all of that relationship bullshit." I say, a little irritated.

"Okay. I'll leave it alone for now." She smiles and kisses me. "So boyfriend, is your brother coming home for dinner?"

I just look at her and laugh. She's Unbelievable. I just said all of that and it went in one ear and out the other. She is not trying to hear anything I have to say but that's kind of what I like about her. She always gets what she wants regardless of the consequences or what anyone has to say about it. That's kind of what attracted me to her. We are the same when it comes to that.

"I don't know when he's coming home. He's off with some girl that I'm sure he likes but doesn't want to admit to it." I roll my eyes, "So it's just us."

"Okay, cool." She says, looking at me, licking her lips.


She smiles, "Get on your knees."

"Yes, ma'am." I say happily.

I don't say another word, I step away from the counter and to an open spot and I get down on my knees.

"I'm getting too old for this. You know I have bad knees." I say joking.

She slowly walks over to me. She holds eye contact with me the whole time. She stops directly in front of me.

"Go ahead." She says

I begin pulling her long dress up, bringing it up to her stomach, revealing her white thong underneath. I slide it down and she steps out of them. My hands travel up her thighs, and over her ass. I love this woman's ass and thighs so fucking much. I was going in to kiss her stomach but she stopped me.

"Wait. Tell me you're my boyfriend...." She says smiling.

She better stop playing with me. I grab her by her waist, and spend her around, laying her on the floor. I hover over her for a second, looking into her eyes.

"I know how you feel about me. I heard you. I just need a little more time. If I take the next step with you, that means I become an instant father, and I'm not mentally prepared for that yet. You know I'm battling some things right now, let me fix them. You know I'll do anything for you. Just give me some time."

She nods her head up and down.

"Now are you going to let me eat, or Nah?" I ask


She thinks she controls me, she doesn't control shit. I'm gonna show her who's boss. I take her clit into my mouth, sucking it with aggression, sticking two of my fingers into her pussy, hitting her spot. Her moans are light, but she's riding my fingers. I continue to suck on her clit, making her arch her back, as she wraps her legs around my neck. I remove my finger, and lick the walls of her pussy. I stick my tongue in tasting her sweet nectar. After a few moments of me playing with her clit, she's already cumming in my mouth. I slurp her juices up, as she damn near suffocates me, squeezing her thighs around my head.

"Meet me upstairs in my office. Asap." I say

"I'll be right there." She says before getting up, walking upstairs.

I go to the fridge and grab a Gatorade, before chugging it. I then jump up and down, hitting my chest a few times, pumping myself up.

I gotta keep up with this one.


The room is dark, I'm sitting bare in my chair in the corner of the room. I let my hair down, sitting  letting the warm air harden my bulging cock. The office door opens and, in walks this 5 foot nothing, caramel beauty. She closes the door, turning the knob near the door to dimly light the room. She strides over to me, then lifts her right leg up, planting her heel on my thigh.

My eyes travel up her petite figure, taking in her beautiful caramel skin, and her hardened nipples. My eyes scan up to her thick lips, until I meet her big brown eyes. She leans down to me, placing a lustful kiss on my lips, nipping at the lower, as her hand rubs down my chest, to my stomach, finding its way to my cock. She grabs it gently yet firm, before stroking it. I take her tongue into my mouth, sucking it hard. Her lips suck to mine, deepening the kiss, before I let her take over.

Soon she breaks the kiss, releasing my dick, laying it on my abdomen. She lowers her leg back down to the floor, before doing a handstand. She turns around, before walking back towards me, lowering her ass in my face, wrapping her legs around my head. I lift her up, laying her body on mine. She takes my cock into her pretty little mouth, sucking it with ease. Licking the base of my dick, sending waves of ecstasy throughout my body. I under-hook her legs, grabbing her big round ass, before leaning down, taking her already dripping wet pussy into my mouth, tasting like sweet candy. I stroke my tongue in and out, up and down, while sucking on her sensitive clit. Her moans start to fill the room, as I continue my assault. She starts sucking me harder, faster, more aggressively. Slurping, as she gags on my dick. My eyes start to roll to the back of my head.

I continue feasting on her fat pussy, nipping her clit, making her legs shake. Soon her body is shaking out of control, as she reaches, and releases her orgasm in my mouth. I firmly hold her body as she finishes her release. She continues to suck my dick making me cum in moments, spilling my semen all in her mouth. She slurps me all up, before getting off of me, walking over to my desk.

A smirk appears on my face as she beckons me over with her pointer finger. I stand, and stalk over to her, lifting her small frame up. She wraps her legs around my waist, before I enter my cock into her tight pussy. She instantly starts riding me, bouncing up and down, long stroking her pussy, penetrating herself deep. I let her do her thing, staring deep into her brown eyes. She captures my mouth in a lustful kiss, filling my mouth with moans, and orgasmic noises. I then speed up the fucking, thrusting my hips up and down, bouncing her on my dick, going deeper with every stroke. She starts screaming my name, scratching at my arms, and back.

After a few more moments of bouncing her around, I lift her up, laying her upside down on the couch, entering her warm, moist pussy, giving her long hard strokes. She instantly releases moans, arching her back. I close my eyes, continuing my assault, fucking her pussy like she's the last woman on earth. She calls my name, making me open my eyes. She reaches for me, so I lean down, pick her up, and lay her body down on my desk, never leaving her pussy. She starts throwing it back on me, deepening my strokes. I slap her ass hard, as we continue to fuck the shit out of each other. I lean down, gripping her neck, lifting her head. "Open." I say, and she obeys, opening her mouth. I spit down her throat, before tasting her plump lips.

I kiss her hungrily, aggressively, nipping her bottom lip, tasting her blood on my tongue. I groan into her mouth, giving her my approval of this bomb ass sex. We soon break the kiss, as she holds onto me as I stand up, wrapping her legs and arms around me.

"I'm cumming." She moans, licking my face, sucking and nipping on my ear, driving me insane.

I speed my thrusts up, penetrating her to her core. Soon enough, she's releasing her juices on my dick, body shaking, head falling back, eyes rolling back in her head.

After she finishes, I feel my own release coming too. I continue fucking her until, I know I'm ready. Then I lift her off my dick, dropping her to her knees. She opens her mouth, as I vigorously stroke my dick. I place my dick on her tongue, shooting my cum down her throat. She then takes my dick into her mouth, sucking the rest out, rubbing my thighs.

I stand her up, by gripping her chin, lifting her up.

"If you wanna keep getting fucked like that, kill the relationship talk."

"Okay..." She says but that's not what I want to hear.

"Okay, what?" I all pulling up my pants.

"Okay, Daddy."

"I'm happy we could agree. Now go make me something to eat." I say

As she walks past me, I slap her bare ass. "Hold up..." I get on my knees behind her and I lick her ass cheek, then kiss it.

"Why can't you ever just let me leave?" She laughs.

"I love this ass too much." I say kissing it again, then I hug her ass.

"Hey." She says firmly, and I look up at her. "Get up." I drop my arms and I stand up. "You can't touch me anymore tonight. That's your punishment."

"What? Why?" I say but she doesn't answer, she just leaves.

I laugh to myself. I don't know what I'm gonna do with this girl. Fine, I'll admit it, she has ways of controlling me. 🙄 I won't say it out loud, but I'll admit that. Anything so I can get my hands on her.

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