Coming Up For Air | ✓

By -linnwrites

109K 4.8K 1.9K

WATTYS 2023 & 2022 SHORTLIST | Stella Donahue is in dire need of a fresh start. A break. Away from the colle... More

coming up for air
epigraph + soundtrack
character aesthetics
1 | inhale
2 | new dogs, old friends
3 | a summer of solitude
4 | just add water
5 | (sore) winners and losers
6 | of fries and men
7 | sister, sister on the call
8 | a suntastic time
9 | treading water
10 | a faultless summer's day
11 | the splashing cove
12 | my best friend team-wrecker
13 | something a-boat you
15 | undertow
16 | coming up for air
17 | sweater weather
18 | staying afloat
19 | i just called to say-
20 | white horse
21 | what do you want?
22 | we
23 | world's okay-est sister
24 | trial de novo
25 | verdict
26 | stuck like glue
27 | two a.m.
28 | exhale
bonus chapter | at thirty, stella donahue's only getting started
author's note + acknowledgments

14 | the wedding reception

2.7K 143 137
By -linnwrites

Singing softly under her breath, Stella leans close to the bathroom mirror and lets her lips fall into a slight pout as she carefully applies another layer of her coral lipstick.

She smudges her pinky over her lip, pulling back just an inch as her gaze flickers over her reflection. The bronze highlighted sheen lingering along her sun freckles, the brown café-au-lait birthmark she's left untouched.

Taking another few steps back, she adjusts one of the hairpins holding her voluminous ponytail in place, cheeks sucked in as she regards herself in the mirror.

The pale blue midi-dress is new. And if it hadn't been for Avery more or less forcing it into her hands while taking her for a stroll on the town yesterday, she probably would have never noticed it. Yet here she is, palms smoothed over the shimmery satin fabric as she twists before the mirror.

As there's a soft tap on the ajar door, she pauses, glancing over her shoulder just as Angelina peers her head through the crack. In an instant, the woman's smile softens, nose scrunching up as if she's making an effort of holding back tears. Stella would know, considering she's the one who's been sat next to a blubbering Angelina through not one but two of Faye's graduation ceremonies. Not to speak of the amount of tissue boxes she went through during Stella's mothers' garden wedding ten summers ago.

Now, Angelina steps into the room—the cork soles of her sandals an echo against the beige-brown tiled floor, head slanted to the side as her bottom lip wobbles ever so slightly. "Look at you!"

Stella's lips tug up in a small smile, fingers fidgeting with another of the hairpins as she meets Angelina's gaze through the reflection of the mirror. "It's not too much?"

"No, it's perfect," Angelina's gold bracelet glimmers underneath the spotlights of the mirror as she comes to Stella's side, reaching up to take the hairpin out of her hand. "Here: let me."


Drawing in a deep breath through her nose, Stella's gaze flickers over her reflection again. It's been a long while since she's had to break out her makeup bag, but locking eyes with herself now, her lips slip into a small smile.

It only widens as Angelina lets her palms come to Stella's shoulders, leaning forward so that their heads are next to each other, catching her gaze through the mirror.

"Marvelously beautiful."

━ ♡♡♡ ━

A while later, surrounded by a cloud of her perfume—the peach notes tickling her nose—Stella swiftly weaves her way through the bottom floor of the house on a mission to pour a glass of water down her throat before they're supposed to leave for Avery and Ethan's 'wedding reception that isn't a wedding reception but not a regular party either'. Avery's phrasing, not Stella's.

She's in and out of the kitchen—its dark green cupboards fitting perfectly into the rest of the house's energy—in a heartbeat, wiping her thumb over a droplet of water in the corner of her mouth as she hurries back the same way she came.

While the lake house carries an impression of an airy atmosphere—with its open concept first floor and minimalistic interior in shades of beige, white and gray, the family's Acebridge home is another story.

Cozier. With smaller rooms replacing one another, having to slip through at least three to reach one's destination. Patterned rugs a contrast against dark wooden floors and decorative pillows lining every seated area. Leafy plants in all sizes carefully placed in just the right spots, creating the perfect scene of a cluttered, yet consciously so, home alongside the paintings and photographs hung on the walls.

Reaching the hall, Stella quickly grabs her clutch and gray oversized cashmere sweater: a precaution. It may be summer, but they're still by the coast.

She's just about to get the front door open, hand lacing around the knob, and slip outside to wait for the Wilsons out front as it's yanked out of her grip—revealing Jake, dressed in a sky-blue button-down and dark trousers, on the other side of the threshold.

Surprise flickers over his features as he takes in the sight of her stood there. "Oh, hey."


He clears his throat, gesturing to the inside of the house. "I think I forgot my phone."

Stella's gaze falls to the hall bureau, lips slipping into a small smile as she reaches out for the device that lies atop it. "This?"

"That's the one."

He steps aside with an exaggerated show of letting her out the door, having an amused snort leave her as she joins him on the front porch.

"Do you happen to know where my parents are?"

Stella's lips twitch in faint amusement. "They're on their way but Geoffrey got sidetracked. Something about a camera?"

Jake raises his brows, heaving a sigh. "Of course."

"I'm sure they'll be out any moment now."

"They better or we're leaving without them."

"That's a little bit harsh, don't you think?"

"I just don't want to be late."

Stella's smile softens, growing gentler. While emitting such an image of being laid back, with his easy smile and sauntering ways, this part of Jake sometimes slips her mind.

She guesses they go hand in hand: the man with the ability to make anyone feel welcome, as though they belong, in any space and the man who wants to do right by himself, by others. He's much alike her sister in that way. Maybe that's why Faye and Jake have always seemed to see each other, have always seemed to lean on one another. Why they, to this day, get along so well.

Reaching out, Stella adjusts the collar of his button-down—palm smoothing out the fabric over his shoulder. "If they're not out in five, we'll leave without them."

Jake snorts, upward tilt to his mouth. "Sounds good," Then, leaning back against the brick wall of the house, he nods toward her dress. "We match."

Stella glances down, fingertips lightly tapping against the pebbled leather of her clutch, cheeks warming with her smile. "I guess we do."

Gaze lingering on her, Jake's lips part as if he's about to say something else but he's cut short as the front door swings open yet again.

Stepping out onto the porch, Angelina beelines for the driveway. "Well then," She says, twirling a set of car keys around her finger. "Let's get this show on the road!"

━ ♡♡♡ ━

The party's been in full swing for a few hours—dinner and teary toasts having passed since long—as Avery throws herself down next to Stella where she's sat at the wide porch step of Ethan's mother's house, gazing out at the ocean.

An exaggerated audible exhale leaves the blonde's lips as she leans back sideways against the wooden railing. "Mind if I hide out over here for a while?"

Stella's lips slip into a smile. "Not at all."

"There are so many people who wants to talk to me. My cheeks are going to hurt for weeks from having to smile at everyone," Avery downs half her flute glass of champagne and glances over at Stella. "I'm sorry, that sounded really ungrateful."

"Better you vomit it all over me than one of your in-laws." Stella says, a silent chortle falling from her lips.

Avery's smile widens. "Very true," Her fingers tap against the glass in her hand. "Are you having fun?"

Stella nods. She's mostly kept close to Jake and his friends. Or Angelina and Geoffrey. And even though, right now, she's sat a bit to the side of the celebrations, simply enjoying the feel of the humid salt air on this otherwise cloudy summer's day, she's had a great time this late afternoon.

"I am," She says, lifting her own drink—some non-alcoholic raspberry blend, to her lips. "Are you—all the attention aside?"

A soft laugh falls from Avery's lips. "Yeah, I am. Having all these people here who actually wants to celebrate us: it's great," She brushes some imaginary dust off the skirt of her creme colored dress, letting her lips crack a grin. "And we haven't even gotten to the cake yet!"

With a smile of her own, Stella's gaze flickers over the scene before them, eyes trailing the crowd lingering about the beach—their chatter rising to the skies. Further down from the house, closer to the shoreline, a makeshift field has been drawn up in the sand: hosting a game of Rounders.

"He cares about you a lot, you know,"

Taking her eyes off the game, and Jake dramatically gliding through the sand—sleeves of his button-down rolled up to his elbows—to catch the ball, Stella shoots Avery a sideways glance.

"And you care about him too," The blonde tips her head back an inch, cheeks tightening with her smile. She almost seems to be glowing: her tipsy joy a pinkish blush on her skin. Though, if she's drunk on love or alcohol, Stella doesn't know. "I can tell."

Stella's eyes flickers to the game where Jake high-fives Lea before letting them return to Avery. "We've been friends forever. Practically family."

"Family?" Avery raises her brows. "Like brother and sister?"

A sour taste appears at the base of Stella's throat as she sips her drink. Quelling the will to take her words back, she downs another gulp of the drink—its fizzy sweetness sticky on her tongue. "Mhm."

Straightening up, Avery surveys the porch, with its open sliding doors leading into the house, white linen curtains fluttering in the faint breeze, before lifting her hand in a small beckoning wave. "El?"

Ethan's teenaged sister Ella, who Stella was introduced to by Angelina upon arriving, whips her head in their direction. A smile of relief slips onto her lips as she excuses herself from a conversation with Avery's grandparents, quickly striding over the wooden deck on her tall legs.

In lieu of greeting, she roughly exhales: "I don't understand how they never run out of things to say."

"Have you ever wanted to kiss Ethan?"

Pure horror flickers over Ella's features and Stella can't help the laugh bubbling up her throat as the fourteen year old snatches the flute glass out of Avery's hand. "No more for you."

Avery rolls her eyes, snatching the glass right back. "I was only trying to make a point."

Dropping into a seat between the two girls, Ella leans her head upon Avery's shoulder. "You're like... so weird."

"Which is why you love me, right?"

Ella feigns a long sigh of consideration. "I guess," She nods toward the game of Rounders. "Why aren't you two playing?"

"This dress is too expensive."

"I hate running."

With a non-committal hum to their responses, Ella lets her eyes trace the play down by the shore. "Jake's really showing off today, huh?"

Clear amusement is laced in Avery's words as she speaks against the rim of her glass, shooting Stella an innocent look. "I wonder why."

━ ♡♡♡ ━

Not too soon afterwards, Ethan and Jake find their way over to them—their once ironed shirts rumpled.

Dropping into a seat at the step below them, Jake tilts his head back to glance at Stella. "We won."

"I saw."

"What have you been up to?"

"Oh you know," Absentmindedly, she lets her palms come to rest on his shoulders. "Just girl-talk."

He squints up at her, lips in an easy smile. "About what?"

Stella's cheeks round with her widening smile, a warmth touching her skin as the beat of her heart mimics that of a butterfly's wings. "I can't tell you. That would be against the rules."

"Actually," Avery leans back into Ethan's embrace, absentmindedly treading her fingers through his hair. "I was just telling Stella how stunning she looks in that dress."

Jake's eyes find Stella's again. "You do."

A stray ocean breeze passes them the very same moment, having a trail of goosebumps run up Stella's skin as she peers down at Jake, mouth falling slightly open.

"Well," Avery clasps her hands together, stretching her arms before her as she gets to her feet. The ghost of a satisfied smile dances over her lips as she extends one of her hands to her sister-in-law and the other to Ethan. "Let's go find mom. I think maybe it's time we cut the cake."

━ ♡♡♡ ━

As evening crosses into night, the cries of seagulls cease; as if once the moon made her presence known on the dimly lit sky, they decided—as one—to find a peaceful, calm shoreline to rest.

Which, while Stella finds sitting with her toes buried in the lukewarm sand oddly soothing, this stretch of beach—with its makeshift dance floor, and music that blares far and wide—is definitely not.

Stuffing another spoonful of cake into her mouth, she cannot help the soft moan of satisfaction as the taste melts onto her tongue. "Great cake."

Next to her, the corners of Jake's lips pull back. "Wait, you have some–,"

Leaning closer he grabs some cake off his plate, quickly smudging it across her face with a grin.

Lips falling open, Stella's breath stumbles on a chortle. "That's how it's going to be? Okay,"

He simply squeezes his eyes shut as she scoops a bite of her own piece of cake into her hand, lips twitching dangerously as she smears it across his cheek.

"Now we're even."

Jake's smile reaches his eyes as he glances at her again, conjuring up one of the paper napkins that had lied in a stack next to the cake on the porch's dinner table. "Here."

Wiping the cake away, she hands it back to let him do the same. "What a gentleman."

"One can try."

Stella's lips lift into a soft smile, her gaze returning to the sea. To the ripples of moonlight bouncing off the dark surface, to the sea foam gathering at the edge of the waves as they strike the shoreline, darkening the sand.

"I understand why you like this place so much," She says, scooping some sand up in her hand. She watches the grains slip through her fingers, drawing in a deep breath before turning her head to look at Jake. "Though I think maybe I prefer the lake."

Jake's mouth settle into a faint purse as he considers her.

Somewhere behind them, among the soft chatter and occasional chortles, Avery's delighted loud laugh cuts through the sky. A twinge of envy flutters within Stella as she glances over her shoulder, catching sight of the girl in the midst of the crowd.

Following her gaze, Jake reaches over and plucks her plate out of her hand. He stacks it upon his own and places them aside in the sand. "Come on."

Her eyes flicker to his hand, held out for hers. "Come on where?"

As he raises a brow she lets out a small laugh, gaze flickering to the dance floor. "Oh, we don't have to–"

"What if I told you I want to?"

Slipping her fingers through his, she bites down on her lip as a smile threatens to overtake her face. His palm is warm as it closes around hers, and as the faint breeze lifts a few brown errant strands of her hair—realizing she's yet to shy away from Jake's touch—, something within Stella flutters as well.

He tugs gently at her hand. "Dance with me Stells."

She lets him pull her to her feet, leaving her shoes to lie discarded in the sand as she trails behind him to the gathering. "You're going to regret this."

Pulling her close, Jake raises their interlaced hands as his free palm comes to rest on the small of her back. "I highly doubt that."

Slowly Stella lifts her hand to his shoulder. "I'm a terrible dancer."


Surprising her with a twirl, she laughs before letting her palm come back to his shoulder.

Absentmindedly tracing a small pattern over her back, Jake's breath tickles her ear as he says, "I think I do too: prefer the lake house,"

Another, less charming, laugh escapes Stella as he twirls her yet again—reaching out to steady her as she almost stumbles over herself.

"You okay?"

"A little bit rusty, is all."

"Well, luckily, I'm here to catch you if you fall."

Thinking of his previous words—the same as she spoke earlier by the shoreline, Stella cannot fight off her beaming smile as she lets her cheek come to rest against Jake's shoulder. "Don't hold it against me if I step on your feet."


━ ♡♡♡ ━

Slightly out of breath, cheeks flushed with warmth and jaw aching from her beaming smile, Stella pauses as the last notes of the song fades, allowing a softer beat to follow. She's sure her once carefully tucked in hairpins have loosened by now, her ponytail messy in their wake, but between the laughter and being on the receiving end of Jake's smile, it seems a small price to pay.

Gaze flickering to the crowd around them, swaying along to the slow song, she presses her lips together. Then, letting her palm melt back into Jake's, she steps into his embrace.

His fingers splay out over her low back as both his arms wrap lightly around her waist, warmth seeping through the light fabric of her dress from his touch. Following his lead, Stella lets her arms twirl loosely around his neck, fingers grazing over a stray lock of hair at the nape of it.

Tilting her head back, she speaks softly as noise—a joyous squeal, murmured chatter and the lull of waves washing onto the shore—falls and picks up around them. "I was thinking: we should talk Faye into joining us, once we get back to the house. For a little while, at least."

Her next exhale catches in her throat as Jake's gaze fully meets hers, her heart living a life of its own as its beat seems to grow both heavier and more rapid at once.

His mouth falls into a purse as he regards her, a slight natural pout to his lips. "You're worried about her."

Stella drags her bottom lip between her teeth. "I just think she could use the vacation."

"Do you think she'd agree to one?"

"I think," Stella pauses, considering her next words as she draws in a deep inhale. "I think, there's no way she's leaving as long as there's still things for her to do. Back home."

"Faye does have that way about her: always taking care of everyone else."

A small smile pulls at Stella's lips, rounding her cheeks as she pointedly raises her brows. "Like someone else I know."

"I don't– I wouldn't say I do that."

"You take care of me,"

As a slight frown touches Jake's features, her smile softens.

"That's not a bad thing Jake,"

With her words, Stella's eyes flicker over his shoulder, tracing the crowd before letting them return to his gaze.

A breath tickles her lips, heart beating hard as she allows herself to speak honestly—not only for her own sake, but because, somehow, she needs Jake to hear the words spoken out loud as well. "I feel safe. With you. "

Catching sight of something lingering on his cheek, her smile widens.

"Wait," She says, one of her arms slipping from around his neck as her brows etch together in concentration. "Hold still."

"Wha–," Jake's words fade on the tip of his tongue as her thumb gently brushes over his skin. Carefully, she pinches the brown lash between her fingers before holding it up for him to see.

"Make a wish."

Jake's lips crack into a full smile—reaching far and wide, adding a glint to his dark eyes as a soft chortle mingles with his breath. From the mere sight of it, the corners of Stella's own lips pull ridiculously wide, flashing imperfect teeth and all.

Then, staring up into those dark brown smiling eyes, Stella fleetingly wonders what it'd be like to kiss him.

The thought has her stumbling backwards, only to step right into a couple whirling by—when did the music cross into another upbeat song?—, causing her to lose her balance further.

Jake's quick to catch her hand, twirling her back to him. Both of his palms return to her waist, steadying her, though her dizziness has nothing to do with her near-tumble nor his twirl, but everything to do with the flutter taking flight against her ribcage.

Swallowing, she tips her head back to gaze up at Jake as she desperately tries to quell—squash, stomp all over—the quickening beat of those butterfly wings.

Normally, Stella would have wrinkled her nose at a lingering breath of champagne, but as Jake's exhale tickles her nose it's nothing but sweet. "You okay?"

Pressing her slightly parted lips together, Stella finds herself nodding. "I'm fi—,"

Someone else bumps into them from behind, tipsy laughter spilling into the air, and automatically, Stella's hold on Jake's arms tightens. Her gaze flickers from his eyes to his lips. To the faded scar on his chin. Back to his lips. The notch slowly appearing between his brows. The clench of his jaw.

She slowly shakes her head as her fingers tingle with the want to reach out for him, trail a trace over his cheeks, smooth her fingertips over every roughness, bump and defined edge.

She does not like Jake. Not like that. There's no way.

It's Jake.

Jake—who drives her crazy as he lets cupboard doors slam shut behind him; it's a miracle none of them has fallen off their hinges yet. Who leaves coffee cups behind on every damn surface of the lake house.

Who's gotten into the habit of dropping ice cubes down the neck of her shirts just to mess with her.

A shaky exhale leaves her as she lets her eyes return to his. Fingertips light where they rest against the rumpled blue fabric of his shirtsleeves, she slants her head and squints. "Uhm," A small, short laugh falls off her tongue. "What was I saying?"

Jake's mouth falls slightly open, the notch between his eyebrows deeper than before as he flickers his gaze over her face. Stood this close to her, not entirely knowing where her breath ends and his begins, she's sure—if he wanted to—he could easily count each and every one of her freckles.

Maybe that's what he's doing.

His hold on her hardens briefly, having her chest pull tighter around the flutter enveloping her heart. Everything else seems to fade as she stares into his eyes. She likes this: the feel of his palm against her hip, being wrapped in every note of his scent—the citrus aroma of his cologne, of the salt air lingering on his skin, the champagne and sweetness of cake on his warm breath—as it permeates every inch between and around them. His wide, kind gaze dropping to her lips as his tongue wets his own.

Then, her mind both blank and buzzing with every imaginable thought simultaneously, Stella leans in. A puff of air hits her lips as Jake's forehead falls against hers, eyes fluttering shut.

Heart beating hard, her fingertips dig a little deeper into his arms. All it would take would be one, small, slant of her head to have her lips brush over his. To explore the softness of them against her own, to lose herself in his taste, his touch—in the moment.

A heavy sigh draws her out from her carried away thoughts. And as he speaks, there's a hint of warning laced in Jake's tone. "Stells–"

Sweeping across the sea, a striking gust of wind knocks into them with such force that for one brief moment Stella—hair blowing in the air and skirt of her dress whipping against her thighs—is sure she's about to topple over into the sand.

Throwing her arms overhead, instinctively she ducks. "Holy shit!"

Next to her, Jake folds over in a mirth-inducing, wheezing laugh.

"Oh my–," He coughs through his rumbled chortles, palms slapping his knees. "You should've seen the look on your... on your fa–"

"Stop," Stella forces out through a laugh of her own. Reaching out, she nudges Jake in the chest—only to loose her own footing in the process. "Don't laugh at me."

"I'm–," Jake cuts himself off as he stumbles upon a choked laugh, bringing out those tears in the corners of his eyes again. "I'm sorry."

Heart racing, growing heavier and deeper—sinking—with every slowing beat, she gazes up at him. "I was caught off guard, okay?"

"Mhm," Jake clears his throat, rolls his lips together once. "Yeah."

Drawing in a deep breath, Stella straightens up. Absentmindedly, her arms cross over her chest: the bare suntanned skin prickling in the breeze.

Stood so far apart from how they were just mere moments ago, the silence is palpable as it stretches between them. The chatter and laughter of the late night partygoers is a faint lull to Stella's ears as it falls and picks up, no one else having seemed to notice the changing course of the ocean currents.

Considering her, Jake's jaw clenches as he rolls his lips together again—a faint trace of defeat lingering upon them, before letting them pull back in a small, friendly smile.

He holds his hand out, palm, up, extending it to her.

Pressing her lips together, Stella weighs back on her heels. Nodding once, she lets her arms unfold and places her hand in his once more. She keeps her gaze away—watching the rest of the crowd as she lets her cheek come to rest against his shoulder, a strange blend of disappointment and relief on her tongue as they sway back and forth in silence to the slow beat of the song.

. . .

hi hello friends

so, uhm, any thoughts?

can't believe we're already 14 chapters into this little idea of mine!!!

I think I'm in love with this chapter actually. I didn't even realize it while writing, because I was so focused on trying to make it as perfect as my mind imagined it would be but reading through it one last time now, I realized I truly do love it, so much. 

hopefully you liked it too <3

as always, I hope you're all doing well. how's life for you guys right now?

much love, yours


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