My Miraculous Hero [ A Bnha x...

By ItxNickz

54.5K 1.7K 534

What would happen if two certain superheroes of Paris get transported to another dimension by an akuma Will t... More

[ Author's Note ]
[ Prologue ]
[ Chapter 1 ]
[ Chapter 2 ]
[ Chapter 3 ]
[ Chapter 4 ]
[ Chapter 5 ]
[ Chapter 6 ]
[ Chapter 7 ]
[ Chapter 9 ]
[ Chapter 10 ]
[ Chapter 11 ]
[ Chapter 12 ]
[ Chapter 13 ]
[ Chapter 14 ]
[ Chapter 15 ]
[ Chapter 16 ]
[ Chapter 17 ]
[ Chapter 18 ]
[ Chapter 19 ]
[ Chapter 20 ]
[ Epilogue ]
[ True ending ]

[ Chapter 8 ]

2.3K 86 17
By ItxNickz

Ladybug already left the building and was on her way to meet up with Chat Noir

"I'm on my way, kitty"she informed through the earpiece

Ladybug jumped when a flash of light were aimed at her, she looked behind to see Aoyama had fired it, he was being carried by Midoriya

'Uraraka must've made him weightless' Ladybug thought and went to the right 

Ladybug jumped into hiding waiting for the two to pass, before following closely behind them

"We lost her, mon ami"Aoyama states as Midoriya landed on the ground and put him down

"She can't have gone far"Midoriya states and looked around

Ladybug launched her yoyo towards Midoriya to prevent him from moving before launching herself towards Aoyama to wrap the capture tape on his arm, multiple objects were thrown her way, Ladybug avoided the objects before landing behind Aoyama and wrapped the tape on his arm

"Oh my..."Aoyama states surprised

Ladybug retracts her yoyo and uses it to escape 'That was close' she looks up ahead 'I'm almost at our meeting place, guess it can't be helped' 

[ With Aizawa ]

Unknown to the class and the two superheroes, Nezu and the others pro heroes, Vlad King, Midnight, All Might, Present Mic, Cementoss, and the other heroes they've encountered were in the surveillance room watching their every move

"She's fast"Vlad King states pointing the screen that shows Ladybug

"Looks like they've been holding back"Recovery Girl states 

"They are pros after all"All Might states watching the screen

"I guess our plan on capturing them wasn't needed after all"Nezu states sipping his tea

Aizawa looks at the screen showing the two heroes, he can't help but be aware of them, after all they just suddenly appeared and wanted their help, and there's those butterflies that turn innocent people into villains and those two are the only ones who knows how to defeat them, he can't help but think it's not just a coincidence

[ With Chat Noir ]

'I better hurry and decrease their numbers' Chat Noir turned around and stood on top of a pole

Sato appeared and sent a punch towards him, he dodged and jumped away

'That was close' he landed on another pole and looked at Sato 'Does he really have to eat sugar to use his quirk?' he asked in his head

"Incoming!"Sero was heard as Kirishima was sent flying towards him

Chat Noir ducked out of the way, Kirishima was sent towards a tank 'Are those things filled with something?' Chat Noir asked 

Tsui tried to wrap her tongue around him again but he grabbed it and threw her towards Sato, the both of them fell off the pole, Chat Noir activated his Cataclysm and waited for them to strike, he posed like a cat and looked down on them

'Let's hope this works' he thought as his head perked up when he felt something coming towards him

"Whoa~ easy there"he states and landed on top of the tank, Kirishima had already gone down and was looking at him

"So close~"Sero states landing on the ground

Chat Noir noticed Tsui was gone, he smirked nonetheless and touched the tank, it made a hole and the contents scattered towards the group

'Is this quick dry cement? Who puts that there?' he thought when he noticed how quick it dried when exposed to sun

He looked at the group to see Sato, Jirou and Iida stuck on the ground, the cement preventing them from moving

"My speakers.."Jirou states looking at her feet

Chat Noir attacked and dodged Kirishima's attempt at taking him down, throwing him towards Sero, he jumped and wrapped a capture tape on Sato's head, he landed behind him to see Tokoyami sending dark shadow towards him

"Hey, you remind me of someone"Chat Noir states and used his stick to prevent him from coming closer

Ice were sent his way making him jump, he passed by Jirou and decided to take this chance on wrapping the capture tap on her, he landed and looked around

"I was wondering when you'd be showing up.."Chat Noir looks towards where the ice started seeing Todoroki, half of his right side were almost covered in ice

'Is that normal?..' he thought when he noticed it

"Do you always joke around when in battle?"Iida asked looking at him

Chat Noir loooks at him and nods"I do actually, it helps ease the tension a little"he states and avoided the ice sent by Todoroki

"That is inapprorpiate, you should-"Chat Noir wrapped a capture tape in his mouth

"I'll agree with you.."Chat Noir then crosses his arms as he landed a few meters away from him"But where's the fun in that?"he asked, his head leaning to the right, his cat ears followed his movement

"Stand still.."Todoroki states as he tried to cage Chat Noir with his ice

"I'd rather not"Chat Noir states as he uses his stick to propel himself up in the air and landed on a pole before jumping away

'I'm almost there' Chat Noir landed a few meters away from their meeting place when he suddenly saw a bunch of birds on the tanks and metal pipes 'How did these things even get here? And this many?' he thought as he hid behind a tank

He placed a finger on his earpiece"M'lady, I think there's an ambush waiting for us"

"Wait for my signal, I'll divert their attention"Ladybug states on the other end

'Weird... usually I'm the one doing the distracting' Chat Noir thought as he peered on the corner to scout the area

'Alright, there's Koda, Shoji, Ojiro and Mina... lucky for me it's not pigeons' he went closer and landed behind a metal pipe

He saw Ladybug landing in the middle of the field, the birds suddenly moves and surrounds her, Chat Noir squinted his eyes to try and see who are the other newcomers that arrived after Ladybug

'It's hard to see...' he looked back to where Ladybug is and saw her using her lucky charm, Ladybug then used that object to disperse the birds before going towards Koda, who seems to panic when he noticed Ladybug coming towards him

'Is that my cue?..' Chat Noir asked before grabbing his stick

Ladybug avoided an attack sent by Mina and used her yoyo to launch her towards Shoji who catches her, Ladybug wrapped the capture tape on Koda before landing on top of a metal pipe

Chat Noir took this as his signal and landed beside her"Nice work, kitty"Ladybug faced him

The group chasing Chat Noir arrived and looked up at them

"So.. what's your guys plan?"Chat Noir asked using his stick as a pole to lean his hands on it

Ladybug and Chat Noir shared a look before facing the students, Chat Noir noticed Sero was missing and Tsui was still nowhere to be found, he glanced behind him when he felt someone looking at him and smirked

"M'lady, would you do the honors"he faced Ladybug and held out a hand

Ladybug nodded looking at him, they jumped in unison when they they were attacked from behind, Chat Noir saw Momo pulling out a rope from behind her while Uraraka was being carried by dark shadow 

Chat Noir threw his stick towards Sero who tried to attack them again, landing on the ground in the middle of the students

"You ready, kitty?"Ladybug asked, their back facing each other

Chat Noir nodded"Always, m'lady"

[ After the battle ]

"That was intense.."Adrien states as he gave Plagg a camembert

They were currently in the bathroom to give their kwamis rest, while the students were in their lunch period

"Talk about going overboard, you sure you guys didn't just show off?"Plagg asked eating his camembert

"Just finish your camembert so I can transform"Adrien looks at his kwami 

"Alright, jeez.."Plagg states as he ate the camembert piece in whole

"Plagg, Claws Out!"he transformed into Chat Noir and left the bathroom seeing Ladybug waiting for him 

"Let's go, we need to talk to the principal"Ladybug announced

They started walking towards the principal's office, Chat Noir puts both his hands behind his head as they walk, he looked over at Ladybug

"Did he say why?.."Chat Noir asked

"He didn't say anything because were the one going in their without notice"Ladybug states looking at him

"What? Why?.."he asked surprised and confused

"I wanna talk to him about this hero license and about what we'll do here until we can go back home"Ladybug states looking ahead

"Alright then.."Chat Noir looked ahead understanding the situation

"I'll need you to guard the door"Ladybug states and Chat Noir nodded

Once they reached the principal's office, Ladybug knocked and Chat Noir opened the door for her when they heard a faint 'come in'

"Goodluck, m'lady"Chat Noir winked at her before she entered the room

Once Ladybug was inside, Chat Noir closed the door and leaned on the wall beside it whistling their theme song, Lunch was already over by the time they reached the principal's office, so students were looking at him when they passed by

[ With Ladybug ]

"What might your business be?"Nezu asked as he sips his tea

"I'm here to inform you about what we'll be doing until we can go back home"Ladybug states looking at him

"Ohh... but before that, here"Nezu places two ID cards in front of him"I'm sure you'll only be needing this here, Japan is the only place where hero license's is a must"he added

Ladybug took it and smiled 'So this is what they meant when they need it'

"Thank you, Nezu"Ladybug states looking at her ID, Nezu nods

"Now what about the matter you came here for?"Nezu asked looking at her"I must say, why do you need your information to be kept secret?"he added

"In our country, us superheroes keep our identities secret. So supervillain can't hurt or use our loved one's against us"Ladybug explained

"Understandable.."Nezu nods"I must say for someone who keeps their identities a secret, you two seem to trust each other a lot"

Ladybug nodded with a smile"That's just how it is with the two of us"

"May I ask why you intend to keep your ages a secret?"Nezu asked curious as to why they don't tell him their age

"We have our reasons.."Ladybug answered with a smile, putting a hand behind her head

[ With Chat Noir ]

'What's taking her so long?' Chat Noir looks around the hallway, students already dispersed after a while

Class had started an hour ago and he's been standing on the doorway just playing with his stick, waiting for Ladybug to come out of the door

'I wonder what they're talking about?' he asked looking at the door

He twirls his stick in his hand before standing up straight and going in the middle of the hallway, he smirked and did all kinds of tricks, spinning his stick before doing a kick and a punch left and right, he placed his stick on the ground and did martial arts, not noticing the students who got out of their classrooms looking at him

Chat Noir did a backflip, grabbing his stick in the process before landing, spinning his stick around with both hands before doing a final pose, holding his stick beside him while he has a fierce look on his face, his expression turned into shock when he noticed the students looking at him, he stood straight in surprise

"Uhh.. hey~"he waved with an awkward smile as he retracts his stick with one hand and places it behind him

"That was awesome!"Sero states looking at him

"Can you teach me that?"Denki asked holding up his phone

Students from other classes were also looking at him in shock, he looked around not used to being stared at, since Ladybug mostly got the spotlight, he sighed in relief when the door to the principal's office opened and Ladybug stepped out, she looked at Chat Noir and the students when she realized the awkward atmosphere

"Did something happen?"she asked as she walks towards him

Chat Noir rubs the back of his head"I might've done something.."he states looking at the ground

Ladybug smiled and giggled"Let's just go, kitty"she started walking

Ladybug walks past the bakusquad, she gave them a smile while Chat Noir followed behind her

"That was so awesome!"Denki states looking at Ladybug and Chat Noir's backs as they slowly disappear in the hallway

"It's no surprise, especially since they defeated us"Jirou states twirling one of her earphone jacks in her hand

"Should I post this?"Denki asked referring to the video he took of Chat Noir doing the stunt

Bakugou who also witnessed the whole thing just started walking, not minding his friends call for his name, he looks back to what Chat Noir told him when he was facing him in their exercise

[ The next day ]

"So we're moving in?"Chat Noir asked looking at Ladybug who nods

"It's the only thing they demand in exchange for asking for their help"Ladybug explains as they carry their bags and headed for the door

"But why won't we stop paying for this place?"Chat Noir asked 

"I have a feeling we'll be needing it again"Ladybug states looking at him

Chat Noir opened the door for her, once they were out, he closed and locked the door before using their weapons to travel around the city and back to UA, they saw Aizawa waiting for them, they landed on the ground in front of him

"Follow me"Aizawa started walking along the cobblestone path

The two heroes retract their weapons and followed after him, Chat Noir looked at Ladybug

"M'ady, are we just gonna stay in this form?"he asked 

Ladybug looks at him"Don't know, Nezu didn't tell me if we're sharing the dorm with someone"Ladybug states before looking back ahead

They stopped in front of a huge building with the number 1, letter A and the words alliance engraved on the building, Aizawa faced them

"You'll be staying her from now on, Nezu thought it would be a good idea to dorm you with 1A"Aizawa informs before walking towards the door

The two superheroes following behind him, Aizawa looks at them before opening the door, the two stopped walking and stood in front of the door understanding that he needs to check inside first, when Aizawa walked inside Chat Noir looks at Ladybug

"Is this really a good idea?"he asked

"That's new, coming from you"Ladybug states as she leans on the wall beside the door

"But m'lady-""It's fine, Cat. Don't worry, I guess we'll just have to be in this form when around the class"Ladybug reassured looking at him

They heard Aizawa telling them to 'come in' and the two heroes looked at each other, Chat Noir opened the door for Ladybug and she smiled, they entered the place and stood beside Aizawa, Chat Noir looks around the place seeing a sofa big enough to cover 10 to 15 people, another set was behind them and dining tables not so far from the sofa

"You have the whole place for yourselves.."Aizawa informs before walking towards the door"If you need anything, call Nezu"he states before he left 

"I guess we'll pick a room then"Chat Noir looks at Ladybug who nods

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