By buskeecilel

20.8K 765 371

"... DON'T EVEN DREAM OF HAVING ONE IN EIGHT HUNDRED YEARS! HAHAHAH!" That was Qi Rong's last words when his... More



4.4K 169 69
By buskeecilel

The usual peacefulness of the Heavenly Capital was disturbed by the sudden clamor and worrying of the gods who were crowding  outside the Palace of Xianle. The Palace was still built in case he decided to stay which were very unlikely because he either stays at Pu Qi Shrine or in the Ghost City only.

But it was currently in use now, Xie Lian remained unconscious while lying on his royal chamber. Feng Xin and Mu Qing were still in panic  since they saw Xie Lian fell unconscious and was dead pale on the Heavenly Hall.

"Just what f***ing happened?! Did the f***ing curses of the green ghost got to him?! He didn't even managed to curse him!" Mu Qing exclaimed, he may look like he wanted to find a fight but he's quite worried just like how Feng Xin was.

"I don't think this matter is caused from present situation but something manifested in him overtime." Feng Xin said seriously.

Mu Qing frowned, "A curse? An illness?" he asked

"Nothing was strange on his heavenly aura and all his vital flows are completely fine---" Feng Xin said but was cut off when a hurried silver clangs was heard on the door. Hua Cheng entered the chamber in quick pace, his face was distorted in all worry and unusual panic.

When he saw Xie Lian lying on the bed unconscious, his eyes widened and immediately strode forward ignoring the presence of the two.

"Gege? Gege?" he asked in whisper as he took Xie Lian's hand. Pressing it softly, trying to ease his panic and is hopeful to receive a response but there was none.

Hua Cheng can't help but shake unnoticeably and reached a hand towards him. "Gege..." he  called again but hearing there was no response, his eyes suddenly flashed of killing intent, his emotion became unstable seeing that Xie Lian doesn't give any hint on waking up.

He turned to the two behind who was trying to look away but sensing the murderous aura from Xueyu Tanhua, they immediately backed off and made a defense posture as if they'll engage in some fight later on.

Xueyu Tanhua [ Crimson Rain Sought Flower ]

"Xueyu Tanhua! Calm down! We should resolve this problem altogether because just like you, we're also worried and conflicted!" Feng Xin called

"What do you expect from this man! He'll only listen to Xie Lian!" Mu Qing exclaimed gripping the tilt of his sword because Hua Cheng was giving the murderous aura nonstop.

"Just like a woman on a pregnancy period, he'll wreck havoc here in accordance to his mood!" Mu Qing added

But the murderous aura inside the room suddenly stopped, and that left Hua Cheng realize something from Mu Qing words and immediately turned towards Xie Lian.

He checked his pulse and his eyes widened.

"You... Did you check his pulse earlier?" Hua Cheng suddenly asked without turning back to them.

Sensing that everything went back to normal, the two stood in ease again.

"Yes, I checked the pulse earlier." Feng Xin said

"Did you noticed something?" Hua Cheng asked

Feng Xin contemplated from his checking earlier and just said, "Nothing was strange, it's just that his pulse was a bit, doubled?" he said as he also wondered.

Mu Qing frowned and turned to him, "What do you mean by f***ing double?"

Feng Xin twitched and refuted, "Why do you have to curse from a normal statement?"

"Because I f***ing want to!" Mu Qing exclaimed


The two brawled again when Hua Cheng suddenly called out.
"Bring the goddess of life here." he said, his breathing was a bit unstable as if he discovered something big, still holding Xie Lian's hand.

The two, whose on each other throats turned to him in wonder.

Then that thought landed on them and they both froze from realization.

"F***ing no way...." Mu Qing uttered in disbelief

Feng Xin was completely dumbfounded.

Not a moment later, the goddess of life in charge of birth and pregnancy came. He checked the unconscious His Highness several times confirming the matter because she, as a woman can't believe the matter in hand.

The three men by the side can't help but to gulp in nervousness and seeing the goddess straightened, they also straightened up.

"Congratulations Xueyu Tanhua, His Highness is carrying another life in him." the goddess bowed in all reverence.

Hua Cheng sighed in relief and smiled, just as he thought.

But the two had a great reaction on the matter.

"W-W-What do you m-m-mean...f-f-f***ing what...." Mu Qing stuttered in a complete shock

Feng Xin almost lost consciousness but managed to take hold of his mentality. He was completely dumbstruck that caused him to shut speechless.

Hua Cheng ignored them and went towards the side of Xie Lian.
"Let's go home for now." he whispered while resting his other hand on Xie Lian's abdomen.

It took several days for Xie Lian to wake up from his deep slumber. And from the moment he woke up, there are several gods who were trying to reach him via communication array. His head ache from the loud noises and shut them off for now. He got off from the divan and saw that he's wearing a loose inner white robe. He tried to stand up but felt wobbly and was landed to sit at the edge of the divan once again.

He felt anxious all of a sudden and called, "San Lang?"

He felt very uncomfortable being alone and was searching for the red figure all around the area.
"San Lang?" he called again but seeing that there was none, Xie Lian tried to stand up again.

"Gege!" someone suddenly entered and hurriedly went to him.

"San Lang!" Xie Lian finally smiled in relief but he was confused why Hua Cheng had a different approach right now, he was carrying a bowl of warm water and a towel was unusual hanging by his right shoulder. He's wearing plain layered red clothing, not that fancy ones he usually wear.

Hua Cheng placed the bowl by the side first and went beside him, kissing his hands as if he took hold of a very precious treasure once again.
"Are you feeling alright?" he asked him softly

Xie Lian nodded and leaned his head towards Hua Cheng's chest, "It felt like I journeyed a century away from you again."

Hua Cheng kissed his head and embrace him gently. "It's alright, I'm here. I'm always here."

Xie Lian succumb himself on Hua Cheng's natural scent as if it's something he searched while he's fast asleep.

"But San Lang, what's that bowl for? And this towel?" Xie Lian asked

It took time for Hua Cheng to answer, "This, are all for you. I was about to wash you myself."

Xie Lian faced him, "Just how many days have I been sleeping?"

Hua Cheng kissed him on the cheek to slightly ease the shock, "21 days."

But Xie Lian was still dumbfounded and exclaimed, "21 DAYS?!"

"H-How did I slept that long??" he asked in panic.

"Gege, it's okay. You must be really exhausted and also, there's a matter in hand."  Hua Cheng calmly said

"What is?" Xie Lian frowned and finally noticed the noises just outside the manor.

"What are those?" Xie Lian asked and his hand accidentally swept by his abdomen.

He flinched from the strange sensation he felt. His abdomen wasn't this hard and bulging, he carefully reached for his stomach   for a checking and his eyes widened.

His belly bulged and it was hard, he didn't noticed it earlier because of his loose white inner robe concealing his body but now that he's touching it, he can visibly see the bulging belly.

"W-What..." he then remembered the pill he had taken in!

He covered his mouth by his hand, he was completely shocked from the reality that it actually took effect.

"Gege...." Hua Cheng called

"I'm sorry..." he said, guilt showing his face all over.

"No, San Lang."

"...it was all my carelessness but... I'm afraid, I-I don't know how..." He doesn't know how to deliver this sort of thing! He's a pure male after all.

"Don't worry about anything else Gege, I will do all the necessary things but if ever that thing caused you trouble don't hesitate---"

But he stopped midway when Xie Lian took his hand to feel his belly. He guided the hand to caress his bulging belly.

"Isn't it mysterious??" Xie Lian asked him in all intrigue.

"How can a new born live here??" he asked again, asking Hua Cheng and himself.

"Basically, what I eat is what he is eating..." Xie Lian started to mumble when Hua Cheng suddenly pulled him for an embrace.

"Gege, we will carry him together." he said

Xie Lian smiled and wrapped his arms around Hua Cheng, "En."

Xie Lian later found out that everyone clamored and spread the good news all around the realms. No one confirmed it and basically floated as a 'rumor' caused by the fact that the gods around the time where Xie Lian lost consciousness noticed the unusual arrival of goddess of life that handles birth. Entering his palace where he was still in dire state... they immediately deduced that it must be the case where the great martial god is somewhat carrying a life with him.

Some opposed the idea but majority agreed knowing that the parents is someone prominent in doing miracles, so it must be true! The Great Martial god is pregnant with the Xueyu Tanhua's child!

The idea itself excite everyone and spread the rumor all around, some treated it as a new trend and was just a nonsensical humor, but mortals immediately made songs and tales to it. Some believed and some didn't so it's not a matter of deal but the gods and ghosts who firmly believed the matter came to the Paradise Manor to offer gifts time to time, but Hua Cheng only tossed it outside piling the outside full of random and precious gifts.

Even Feng Xin and Mu Qing were not allowed to enter.

Hua Cheng intensively focused his attention in attending Xie Lian with a few shrine mistresses helping a hand.

Until the day of his labor. It was painful and excruciating that Xie Lian's screams can be heard all around the manor.

Hua Cheng can't help but to tremble while waiting outside. Feng Xin and Mu Qing forced themselves in hearing that it was Xie Lian's labor, Hua Cheng didn't stopped them this time because he was preoccupied on Xie Lian and the baby's safety.

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