My Miraculous Hero [ A Bnha x...

By ItxNickz

60.6K 1.8K 687

What would happen if two certain superheroes of Paris get transported to another dimension by an akuma Will t... More

[ Author's Note ]
[ Prologue ]
[ Chapter 1 ]
[ Chapter 2 ]
[ Chapter 3 ]
[ Chapter 4 ]
[ Chapter 5 ]
[ Chapter 6 ]
[ Chapter 8 ]
[ Chapter 9 ]
[ Chapter 10 ]
[ Chapter 11 ]
[ Chapter 12 ]
[ Chapter 13 ]
[ Chapter 14 ]
[ Chapter 15 ]
[ Chapter 16 ]
[ Chapter 17 ]
[ Chapter 18 ]
[ Chapter 19 ]
[ Chapter 20 ]
[ Epilogue ]
[ True ending ]

[ Chapter 7 ]

2.8K 105 18
By ItxNickz

After everyone picked their group, Ladybug and Chat Noir gave them time to plan as the two went further into the place to hide and create a plan of their own, their goal was to make the two superheroes surrender or capture them by wrapping the white tape onto their body, or at least trap them to make them unable to move

Ladybug and Chat Noir can do the same and immobilize them to get them out of the round, but the two didn't really want to hurt the students, so they had other plans, class 1-A has 30 minutes to capture the two before time runs out

Group A consist of Momo, Midoriya, Uraraka, Denki, Mina, Hagakure, Koda, Shoji, Ojiro and Aoyama while group B consists of Tsui, Bakugou, Iida, Jirou, Kirishima, Sero, Mineta, Sato, Todoroki and Tokoyami

Group A was up against Ladybug while group B was up against Chat Noir, the two superheroes were talking to each other through their earpiece, while the class planned among themselves 

Bakugou on the other hand had other plans

"Kacchan?.. Where are you going?"Midoriya asked when he noticed Bakugou going in on his own

"Shut up, Deku! Don't follow me"Bakugou states as he went further into the place before his teammates can stop him

"It's not like I can, besides we're not on the same team"Midoriya muttered under his breath

"Should we really just let him?"Sero asked noticing Kirishima was also gone

"This is Bakugou we're talking about"Jirou states twirling one of her earphone jacks in her hand

"Kirishima's following him anyways"Mineta states looking at them

"Iida?"Tsui looks at him as if asking him what's their plan

[ With Chat Noir ]

"Harsh.."he states hearing Bakugou and Midoriya's exchange as he looks through their files that's on his stick"Childhood friends?.. reminds me of Chloe.."he muttered as he heard footsteps coming his way

"Where are you, stupid cat?"Bakugou shouted looking around as he walks further into the place

"Is he really a superhero?"Chat Noir asked himself noticing his hero costume"He acts more like a villain... if I didn't know any better I might mistake him as a supervillain"he added before moving away from his spot

"Show yourself, you coward!"Bakugou shouted clearly irritated

"That's my cue.."Chat Noir moved through the dark looking at Bakugou

Chat Noir jumped to another building before extending his stick onto the ground, using it as a pole to stand on top looking down on Bakugou

"Hey~ you know it's not nice to look down on people"Chat Noir states as he made his way down

"Don't lecture me!"Bakugou charged at him

Chat Noir jumped and used his stick to send Bakugou towards a tank, causing it to leave a mark as Bakugou regains himself

"Get back here!"Bakugou used his quirk to attack him but he dodged almost getting hit by the blast

"Whoa there~ easy, you might kill someone with that quirk of yours"Chat Noir lands on a metal bar as he twirls his staff in his hand

"Stop talking and face me!"Bakugou continued to attack him as he dodges one by one

"I gotta destroy his capture tape before I can engage, I don't know what he's planning"Chat Noir muttered as he ran away from Bakugou, who continues to chase him

Chat Noir landed on a clearing as he smirks"Perfect"he muttered and turned around seeing Bakugou landing a few meters away from him

"Come here and face me!"Bakugou launched himself at Chat Noir who dodges

"I think you need to manage your temper buddy"Chat Noir states landing behind him

"Don't tell me what to do!"Bakugou uses his quirk to attack him, Chat Noir almost couldn't dodge his attack

"That was close.."he muttered and looked at Bakugou"His quirk tires him out when he uses it to much, I just need to find an opening before I can strike"

[ With Ladybug ]

She was hiding in the dark inside the building, this place will work on one of the students that she read on the files

"His quirk don't do well in the dark.. If I can lure him here, I might just have a chance. I don't know what he's capable of"Ladybug muttered hanging from the ceiling

Ladybug heard noises coming from the stairs so she wore the night vision goggles that she acquired using her lucky charm

"It's the invisible girl.."she states and landed on the ground quietly

"Where is she?"she heard the girls voice

"Nice quirk you got there"Ladybug states making the girl look at her direction

"Ladybug? Guys I found her!"she states and footsteps were heard

The student named Momo, Midoriya and Denki were seen as they entered the room

"It's too dark in here"Denki was heard as he looked around

Ladybug knew Hagakure moved ever since she became quite, so she moved places and waited to strike

"Let me make goggles for you guys"Momo was heard as a light appeared in the entrance of the room indicating she's using her quirk

"Ouch!"Hagakure stated as she bumped into the wall

Ladybug took this chance to wrap her yoyo around her and hang her from the ceiling making her scream

"Guys, help!"Hagakure states looking at where her classmates were supposed to be

"What?"ladybug muttered as she looked to where they were seeing only Denki and Momo

A noise caught her attention and she jumped seeing Midoriya

"I don't think it's a god idea to use your quirk"she states looking at him

Denki charged at her but she grabbed him by the arm and flipped him, destroying his capture tape, wrapping her own capture tape on his arm

"Nice try, but it'll take more than that to take me down"Ladybug states as Midoriya ran towards her

She jumped and smirked when Midoriya triggered the trap, capturing him and Denki, she landed a few feet away from Momo and captured her using her yoyo but Momo cut the string using scissors

"Too bad, I don't have just one"Ladybug used her other yoyo to try and capture her but she ran away"She'll be back"she added and faced the three that she captured

She went towards Hagakure and wrapped a capture tape on her arm"Sorry~"she states before going to Deku 

"Detroit smash!"Ladybug jumped and avoided his blast, smoke filled the room

When the smoke cleared, Midoriya was nowhere to be found, while Denki sat on the floor and leaned on the wall

[ With Momo ]

"Guys, she captured Midoriya, Denki and Hagakure"she informed through her earpiece

"What?!"Uraraka asked 

"I escaped.."Midoriya was heard

"Deku-kun! Thank god.."Uraraka states in the earpiece

"Change of plans, I'll meet you guys outside"Momo informs and ran towards the stairs to go down 

When she reached outside the building the others were waiting

"Momo!"Uraraka ran to her

Midoriya followed after panting heavily, Uraraka went towards him and looked at his finger

"Deku-kun, your finger.."

"I used it to escape, before she could wrap the capture tape on me"Midoriya states

"Koda, you wait here and try to capture her using animals"Momo looks at Uraraka"Uraraka, make her float so Koda can do his job"Uraraka nods"Mina, Shoji, Ojiro, you guys are coming with me"she faced the others"Well have to find a place to set our other plan into motion"she added and the others nod

[ With Chat Noir ]

"Jeez, this guy isn't giving up"Chat Noir muttered as he dodged an attack after another 

Chat Noir landed a few feet away looking at him as his hand lean on his stick onto the ground"Aren't you getting tired?"he asked

"You know, you should've waited for your team. It wouldn't hurt to ask for help"Chat Noir states pointing his stick at him

"Shut up!"Bakugou charged at him

Chat Noir used his stick to evade and kicked him in the back before landing, ice appeared in his line of vision and he jumped

"Bakugou, you okay?"Todoroki asked not looking at him

"I'm fine, icyhot bastard!"Bakugou faced Chat Noir

"What's with the nicknames?"Chat Noir asked as he jumps when Todoroki tried to cage him in ice

"I got this, icyhot!"Bakugou launched himself at Chat Noir who ducked when he saw him

"As I said, it's okay to ask for help"he states evading another ice attack from Todoroki"Hey, by the way. Why are you only using one of your quirks? I heard it's rare to have two, so why only use one.."he states and raised an eyebrow when he noticed Todoroki's expression changed

'I think I hit a nerve..' Chat Noir thought as he landed on the ground 'At least I don't have to worry about his fire side'

Bakugou charged at him again but he dodged and kicked him in the back, Todoroki tried to cage him in ice again but he dodged

'Looks like I'll have to do this the hard way' Chat Noir stood in front of Todoroki, his back facing him

"Hey, is that all you got?"he asked Bakugou who's glaring at him"You know... if glares could kill, you would've killed your classmates"he added before charging at Bakugou

Bakugou also charged at him, Chat Noir ducked when Bakugou was about to grab him and wrapped the capture tape on his foot before lifting him up

"Thanks for making this easier"he states before throwing Bakugou at Todoroki who tried to block Bakugou using ice

Chat Noir ran towards the two and jumped, going unnoticed by Todoroki who looks around trying to find him, Todoroki held out his hand For Bakugou but he only slaps Todoroki's hand away

"I don't need your help"

"You're out"Todoroki points his foot where the capture tape was

Bakugou screamed and looked around trying to find Chat Noir who's already a few meters away from them

"How's the situation on your end?"Ladybug was heard through his earpiece

"It's going great, I managed to put Bakugou out of the game"Chat Noir states jumping through the air 

"That's great, I managed to get Hagakure and Denki"Ladybug informs 

"I'll meet you in our rendezvous point"Chat Noir states as he looks around the area

"Goodluck, kitty"Ladybug states before their communication ended

Chat Noir dodged when a black mist tried grabbing him

"Whoa~ Hey, nice of you to drop in"Chat Noir looks at the black mist as he landed on top of a pole

"Take this!"purple balls were thrown at him

Chat Noir dodged and landed on top of a tank"Now that's not very nice"he states pointing Mineta with his stick

Tsui and Sero both attacked but he dodged and furrowed his eyebrows with his hands on his hips"What did I just say?.."he asked looking at them

Mineta jumped and threw more balls his way, Chat Noir smirked and jumped towards him avoiding all the balls and wrapped a capture tape on his head and landed behind the group, Mineta's balls got Sero and Sato stuck when they couldn't dodge

"Damn it, Mineta!"the group looks at  Mineta as he landed on the ground

"Sorry, guys"he states 

Iida attempted to grab Chat Noir but he dodged and grabbed him by the arm throwing him towards Tsui, Jirou and Tokoyami before escaping using his stick to propel himself up in the air

"He's escaping.."Kirishima ran to follow him

"Those kids are tough. Not as tough as us, though"Chat Noir states and looked down to look for a landing spot

He landed and looked around before using his stick to trip the person following behind him, Kirishima jumped and went straight towards him, he ducked and kicked him in the stomach, that sent him towards the group following behind him

"Kirishima!"Sero helped him up

"You guys okay?"Jirou asked as she helped Sato up

"We're fine"Iida states adjusting his glasses

"How is he so strong?"Kirishima asked as Chat Noir looks at them, with his stick on the ground, using it as a pole to lean his hand on it

"What can I say.. I am a black cat afterall"Chat Noir shrugs looking at them

Sato and Kirishima charged at him, as Tsui and Sero tried trapping him with their quirks, he dodged a punch by Sato and kicked Kirishima behind him before lifting Sato and throwing him towards Sero

'I have to decrease their numbers to follow through the plan' Chat Noir thought as he avoided an attack by Jirou

Tsui managed to wrap her tongue around him"What is this?"Chat Noir asked surprised

"It's my tongue.."Tsui states looking at him

"Apologies.."he jumped up, dragging Tsui with him

He grabbed the end and threw her towards Kirishima who's about to jump and attack him, making her let go of him, Chat Noir landed on a metal bar and looked at them

"I gotta say, you guys are tough"he states twirling his stick on his hand

An ice got sent his way, he jumped and threw his stick towards the culprit, Todoroki just avoided it and landed beside Jirou, Chat Noir's stick returned to him and he spins it before jumping away

"Where's Bakugou?"Iida asked looking at Todoroki

"He's out"Todoroki states looking at him

They started running to follow Chat Noir 

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