Thomas and Friends (Fanficts)

By Project_animations

33K 268 249

I've recently gotten into The Thomas and Friends Fandom and finally decided to make a book for it so enjoy!! ... More

Nightmare's (Nia x Percy)
Heal for me (Henry x Gordon)
Lover some Diesels (Mavis x Salty)
Thank you (Gordon x Rebecca)
Scottish Green Love (Emily x Douglas)
Hot Coffee With Sweet Engine's (Arthur x Murdoch)
Sweet Dreams (Nia x Percy)
Small Love (Marion x Mike)
A Fire engine and a Diesel?! (Belle x Diesel)
Toxic Relation ship (Ryan x Thomas)
Late night Cruse (James x Edward)
Race of Hearts #1 (Connor x Rebecca)
A Wrecked Heart #1 (Ace x Nia)
Fixing Mistakes #2 (Ace x Nia)
Silver Flowers and Bleeding Hearts (Rosie x Stanley)
No longer Enemies (Lady x Diesel 10)
Cereal at 4am (Belle x Diesel)
Missing you on Cold Rainy days #2 (Connor x Rebecca)
Cold Hands with Broken Feelings (Rebecca x Gordon)
Father Figures in love (Boco x Gordon)
Yellow Stars and Blue Skys (Duncan x Millie)
Red Hearts and Blue Dreams (James x Thomas)
Cold Weather and Warm Coal (Frankie x Hurricane)
Love Flowers (Gordon x Henry)
Needy Love (Rosie x Emily)
Soft sky's and green trees (Molly x Emily)
Broken Ice and Cold Snow (Frieda x Ivan)
A Warm Summers Date (BoCo x Gordon)
Copy Cat Love (Gordon x Rebecca)
Cold Nights in Warm Sheds (Emily x Thomas)
Cloudy Days (Nia x Thomas)
Warm Hearts (Tamika x Shane)

Soft Love (Rebecca x The Flying Scotsmen)

909 10 11
By Project_animations

It was a rather warm late afternoon on the Island of Sodor. Engines and people alike were either already home or just getting home from work as the busy day came to a slow hour of the afternoon. A rather famous tender cadmium green engine was patiently sitting at Vicarstown in his own cloud of steam, currently lost in his own thoughts until a familiar voice snapped him back into reality.

“Were you daydreaming again?” a tender azure engine said. “Of course not! Besides what are you even doing here brother? I thought you already ran the express today” 

“There were some...issues upon arriving here” The blue engine resorted calmly. The green one softly chuckled. “Don’t tell me you forgot to get coal or water while heading up here, did you, Gordon?” 

Gordon scoffed “Of course not! There was a tree on the line! Besides, I will never forget to refuel on coal and water!” he argued. “Oh really? We’ll from what I heard the last time you did was because of a hole in your boiler that you refused to stop for water” The green engine said playfully, narrowing his eyes at Gordon who refused to make eye contact with him. 

“And how should i believe you know that even if it was true?” Gordon answered, his face slowly blushing red from embarrassment. “Your face says it all brother, and I suppose a little blue tank engine told me” he playfully smiled before chuckling as Gordon gasped. 

“I should’ve known Thomas would’ve told you! And besides Scottie I have places to be” Gordon snapped before whistling good-bye as he puffed out of the station with his express coaches trailing behind. “Even when I'm here it often seems like because of my fame you barely wish to talk with me even when I don't tease you…” The Flying Scotsmen sighed just as his crew men approached next to him watching Gordon leave in the distance.

“I'm sure he just had a rough day, besides we get to visit Sodor again tomorrow so I'm sure you two will get to talk more since we're spending the night there” His crewmen assured him with a soft smile. “I do hope so…” The Scotsmen replied as his driver climbed back into his cab before whistling as they left the station to head back to his shed to rest for the rest of the afternoon. 

As the sun slowly crept up from behind the mountains on the island of Sodor multiple engines had already gathered down at Knapford either waiting for they’re trucks and coaches or simply there to help with the yard work. Not many engines or people were awake at this time so most engines would take advantage of this time to get ready for the busy day ahead of them. 

Rebecca, Gordon, Henry and Toby were the only few awake sitting down at Knapford before opening time. “So i meant to ask you Gordon what took you so long to get back to Tidmouths yesterday?” Henry asked. “I met my brother at Vicarstown so I talked with him for a bit before leaving” Gordon quickly answered. “I meant to ask you Gordon, does your brother always tease you?” Rebecca asked. “Often times yes but it’s just normal sibling stuff he never does it out of hate” Gordon answered as Sir Topham Hatt approached the small group from the platform. 

“We’ll since it’s just the 4 of you i might as well tell you about the exciting news, Im sure you all know about the Flying Scotsman, today he will be visiting the Island of Sodor not only for a short photo shoot but also to take and drop off passengers that’ll be visiting for this event!” Sir Topham Hatt informed them as they all softly smiled except for Gordon who softly groaned. 

“Im sure he won’t tease you that badly today Gordon” Rebecca assured him. “I indeed hope not…” Gordon softly said looking down at his buffers as she left. Rebecca was quick to puff into the yards as her job for today was to collect some milk and flour from Sodor's Dairy. She was quickly coupled up to a small line of trucks before puffing off to the Dairy. 

It didn’t take her long until she arrived at the Dairy as she waited for the workmen to load the trucks. While waiting she heard a rather unfamiliar whistle in the distance followed by a engine fast approaching as she looked to her right all she could see was a cadmium green tender engine speed by. Taken aback from both confusion and surprise she watched as a small line of coaches trailed behind the rather fast locomotive and it seemed that she wasn’t the only one surprised as her driver stood on the platform next to her amazed by the speed.

“Who was that?” she asked her driver. “Not sure… it couldn’t have been the Flying Scotsman because he wasn’t supposed to arrive here yet…” Her driver said, fixing his hat before returning back to his work as Rebecca looked back at the track wondering who the engine was. It wasn't long at all until they were finished loading the Flour and Milk into the trucks as she whistled softly before slowly puffing off to Crosby to unload the trucks. 

As the station came into view so did the mystery engine. Rebecca slowed down to get a better look at the locomotive. They were a dark green with the number "4472" on they're second tender and the letters "L N E R" on they're first but what really caught her attention was on the side of they're boiler was a red and golden name plate with the name "The Flying Scotsmen" in golden letters.

She was quick to stop not far from the engine both in surprise and in shock. Her driver was quick to notice as he approached her from the platform. "What's a matter Rebecca?" He whispered. "Its the Flying Scotsman! He is here!" She softly whispered back. 

Her driver leaned over next to her to see that the Scotsman was preoccupied talking to Gordon next to them before looking back at her. "Why don't you talk to him?" He softly asked her. "He's already busy as it is so i don't want to bother him even more!" She protested softly blushing from embarrassment. 

Her driver chuckled from her reaction. "Just go on im sure it'll be fine i promise" he said before walking away to go help the workmen unload the trucks leaving her and the Scotsman all alone. "I say,is that you Rebecca?" She heard the Scotsmen ask as Gordon puffed out of the station with his Express coaches. 

"Yep t-thats me!" She awkwardly chirped looking over at him. "Well it's good to see you again! how are you doing here?" He asked looking at her with a soft smile. "Im doing good! Just dropping off some goods at the station here thats all" she quickly answered failing to even look at him. 

"Well that's good to hear! Its nice to see a some what familiar face around here" he said softly chuckling. Rebecca awkwardly chuckled with him mentality questioning herself as to why she was acting so shy around him. 

"We'll i better go! places to be and i cannot be late!" The Flying Scotsman said to her before whistling as he quickly puffed away with his coaches. She watched him as he disappeared around a corner in the distance as she sighed. "Why am i acting so shy today?" She quietly questioned before whistling as she slowly left the station to attend to her other jobs. 

It wasn't long until Rebecca arrived back at Knapford. She was sitting idling by the platform with her driver sitting on her running board with a cup of coffee in his hands while she was lost in her thoughts. The two was waiting for they're next job but while waiting her driver took notice of her not saying a single word since they had arrived. 

"What's a matter with you today? I've never heard you this quiet except when you sleep in" her driver chuckled looking back at her snapping her out of her thoughts. "Huh?! Oh!... Its just…." She sighed in defeat. "I'm not even sure myself! I've been acting so shy around The Flying Scotsman and i'm not even sure why!" She said looking away from her driver in sadness. 

"To me it sounds like you have a crush on The Scotsman himself" he quietly told her as her face flushed red. "I don't! Besides even if i did what would a big popular engine like himself want anything to do with me!?" She quickly argued. Before either of them could go on about the situation The Flying Scotmans whistle caught their attention as the two watched him roll into the station. 

Her driver smirked at her "you better think fast then" he spoke before walking off leaving her all alone with the Scotsman once more. "Why hello again Rebecca Dear!" The Scotsman said, looking over at her. "Oh h-hello again!" She quickly said softly, smiling at him trying her best to push back her blush. 

"It's a nice afternoon isn't it?" He asked her looking up at the few clouds in the sky. Rebecca looked up at the clouds almost immediately calming herself. "It is a lovely day today.." She quietly answered softly smiling not taking notice of the love struck engine beside her. 

"We'll Rebecca are we ready to go back to Tidmouths to rest for a bit?" Her driver asked approaching her from the platform. "Oh yes! I think I'm ready" she softly chuckled looking over at her driver as he climbed into her cab. "Oh! Uhm Rebecca! Before you go I was wondering if you would take a stroll with me" The Scotsman quickly asked.

"Uhm right now?" She asked, looking over at him. "Yes! If you don't mind of course, it shouldn't be long, just a little stroll around the island" he said. "We'll, I don't see why not," she awkwardly chuckled. "Great! Then shall we?" He asked as she nodded as the two whistled before puffing out of the station. 

It was quiet, not either of them had spoken a word to each other since leaving Knapford. It wasn't until the two had come to a stop right in the middle of the Fenland Track Bridge. The soft water flowing beneath the two along with the short breeze was enough to ease their worries away. "This is all so nice but why did you bring me here?" Rebecca awkwardly asked not realizing that the Scotsman had switched tracks to face her.

"Rebecca I know this is very short notice but i must ask do you perhaps have feelings for me?" He raised an eyebrow looking at her. Rebecca felt her face flush a dark red as she quickly looked away from him and back down at the water, an awkward mess. "No no no no! I just- I really like your green paintwork and how much of a famous engine you are, that's all!" she awkwardly said not once looking back over at him.

"Rebecca… tell me the truth please" the Scotsman softly said as Rebecca's awkward expression fell to one of slight fear as she softly sighed looking down at her buffers. "I...i do… i just didn't want to tell you because i knew that such a famous engine like you wouldn't really want to fool with an engine like me who's barely even known and just messes things up all the time…" She softly said, looking away, tears nearly threating to roll down her face. 

"Oh Rebecca dear… you must be mistaken because I do care for such a silly yet adorable engine as yourself… although this is are second time meeting, I had to confess to you sooner or later but I noticed how awkward you were today so I couldn't help but ask so now I suppose I have my answer" he softly chuckled, puffing forward as they're buffers touched. 

"So… You really do love me?..." She asked, looking at him. "I do with all my heart my sweet sunflower.." He said with a soft blush as they stared lovingly into each other's eyes as the two slowly fell into a sweet yet short loving kiss. Rebecca felt as if for once in her life she was loved as the two broke apart from the kiss. 

Rebecca's face flushed red as The Scotsman chuckled "am i really that good of a kisser?" He joked with her blushing more as she looked away. "I don't know since I've never had a kiss before" she softly said. "Would you like another then?" He teased blushing more. "Maybe.." She softly said before being interrupted by another kiss this time it was more loving then the first. 

The two broke apart for air as they softly nuzzled one another. "Would it make any sense if I said I don't want to leave yet?..." Rebecca softly questioned. "It's completely up to you my dear, however no matter what i will love you as much as i can" he softly whispered. Rebecca softly chuckled. "I know we both would like it…" She softly said nuzzling him more.

"You're first time in a relationship as well?" He softly asked. "Indeed…." She softly said. The two stayed for what felt like hours on end giving each other endless kisses and nuzzles as night came forcing the two to go back to they're sheds until the next day. 

(I apologize if it seems short if i went a little overboard on the loving part towards the end *i was so excited to write it i wanted to include as much love with the two while i could* hopefully I'll be able to write a second part to this ship because holy hell do i love these two it's UNREAL but like always i hope you all have a Good Day/ Night!)

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