JB and Me | jude bellingham

By xannaxpurple

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« I love you, leya. It has always been you" More



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By xannaxpurple

"Good morning, Leya." A voice wakes me up. My mum. "We have to be at the airport in two hours. So please hurry up."

Omg. I don't know why she always has to stress me out so much. I mean yes, we move to a new country and my mother is excited as hell but I'm not.

I don't want to move. I like it here in the middle of London in our little house. It's really very small, but here, I have all my friends, my school, my city and the most beautiful memories. I'm definitely not ready to leave them and move on from all what happened. I proposed multiple times that she could go without me, but no chance.

"Mom. Please. I don't want to go. Why can't we just stay here?" "Leya. We had this discussion 100 times.", she says and sits down on my bed. "You're too young to live alone in such a big city. And now get up."

Maybe I shouldn't get up until it's too late and we missed our flight. Oh no. Actually that's not a good idea. We would probably only take the next flight.

After ten minutes I get up and put on the last things I find in my wardrobe. I put on a top and sweatpants, just as always. 

"Mum? How much time do we have left?" I ask. If it is enough, I call Ella, my best friend. We have never not seen each other for more than 2 weeks. And we know us since we were born. It will be very hard to see her only 2 or 3times a year.

She was and she always will be there for me. In good times and in bad times, for example: when my father and my little sister died 2 months ago. She was there. She took me in her arms and told me that everything would be all right.

The death of the half of my family, was really hard. Actually still is. I'm still not over it and I think I never will be.

My mother wants to leave the country because of this. She wants a new start without all the pain and the memories. All these little things that reminds her on how happy she was. I think we need these things to not forget how they laughed about the stupidest things, to not forget their voices and to not forget how happy we once were as a family.

"We still have 20minutes.", she finally answers. Maybe that's enough.


Heyy. Are you coming over?
We're leaving in  20 minutes

On my way      

Ella is the complete opposite of me. She is small, has long blonde hair, blue eyes. She is nice and helpful to everyone. She is the absolute dream guy and every boy I know has had a crush on her.

I, on the other hand, am tall, have long, curly brown hair and brown eyes. I'm definitely not nice to anyone. Especially not to people I don't know. I'm always told I'm arrogant. But I've never really cared what other people say or think about me. That's probably why Ella is my only friend.

"What time is the flight?", I ask my mum when I come into the living room. "About 9 AM." "Ell is coming over. I want to say goodbye. Maybe I'll never see her again." And maybe thats right. Maybe our plane will crash. No one can know. 

"Of course you will see her again. She's your best friend and she always will be. I'm quite sure about that." She stands up, comes over to me and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you my little princess.", she says and hugs me. "I love you too. And do not call me princess once again okay?" She lets go of me and starts laughing.

Why is she laughing now? Did I say something funny? "Mum. That's not funny. I mean it." "Yes. I know." she smiles at me until the doorbell rings. "That must be Ella. I'll get it. After all, I want to say goodbye to her, too." Now I'm laughing at her because I know she loves her too.

After my mother has said goodbye to her and is now loading the rest of her things into the taxi, I  have a few minutes alone with her.

  "So. This is the moment I've always been afraid of.", she whispers and looks down at the floor so that I don't see that she has tears in her eyes. She always does this when she's sad.

"Why are you crying? I may be moving 500 kilometres away from here, but that doesn't mean we'll never see each other again. We talk on the phone and write every day and during the holidays I come to see you or you come to see me. We'll see each other again and in 2 years, when I'm of age, I'll move back anyway. I promise. ", I say and hug her.

She hugs me back and cries now in my shoulder. "I love you, Leya." "I love you too." Suddenly we hear a slight crying from the other side of the room. We look towards the door.

"Omg. Mum. How long have you been standing here?" She is still crying and therefore can't get a sound out. I can't believe she's been listening to us the whole time.

"We have to go now, sweetheart," she finally manages to say. At the door I hug Ella a last time and then she's gone.

Everything went well at the airport, except that our flight was delayed by an hour. Now the two of us wait in front of our gate. I listen to music and my mother is asleep.


are you at the airport yet?

yeah but our flight is
delayed by an hour

okay good flight then
call me when you're there


30 minutes later we are on the plane. I have a window seat and I'm sure I'll be looking out for the whole flight. Meanwhile, I am also excited about my new home, new people and the whole city.

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