Cupcakes, Cravings and More

By xoxomarbil

12.3K 829 64

I am Craving for the cheesiest Pizza ever! But the problem is its almost half past 2 in the morning and Pizza... More

Character Sketch
Writer's note
Pregnancy hormones at its best
Pasta for lunch or not?
Making up

Cheese Cup

1.9K 185 14
By xoxomarbil

Sorry for the mistakes.

Nandini's pov

Its way too difficult to even stand nowadays, I have become a Whale, to be specific

Manik still surprises me every day with his cute gesture which warms my heart. His over protectiveness never left.

I remember almost two months back when he gave me all the Delicacies I wanted to have. The very next day I became a little sick because of over eating and Manik being Manik again made his Do's and Don't list for me.

So, the thing is Monster Manik and his over protectiveness never left in these 9 months except for that one single night.

Well, it is what it is! I can't complaint though because he's my Monster monkey Malhotra.

Also, I know how to make him say "Yes" to me. Just like Today itself, In the morning he strictly told me that I can't go because Its the last month, but I'm here now!

With him at his concert in Goa!


My due date is next week, so I have some time left to explore and enjoy Goa. Not that I'm enjoying because My Monster husband hasn't allowed me to put my foot out of this huge villa since the time I have stepped in it.

Finally today I'll go out from this villa because Manik's concert is today only.

Fab 5 is performing!

Manik already left not before telling me a number of things to take care of. He also asked Navya to stay with me all the time and Navya have taken him so seriously that she is following me everywhere like a shadow.

"Nandini, lets go" Navya's voice bring me out of my thought and I looked away from the mirror

" Yes, first tell me, Am I looking too fat ? " I asked

" You're looking Beautiful and if you will ask one more time then I will call Manik Right now and will tell him " she threatened me

I glared at her as she's being mean. Manik has given me warning that if I'll ask about my weight then he will take me back to Mumbai at the very instant which I don't want to.

" Now come on, Nandu " Navya said sweetly and I couldn't help but rolled my eyes


People were shouting, laughing, Clicking Pics, Gossiping, and eating snacks when we reached at the place where the concert is supposed to held.

There were people everywhere, well why won't there be as this is the first time Fab 5 is performing in Goa.

Manik fans are crazy and somewhere they don't like me much because he is a married man now, thanks to me!

These things don't matter to me much as I know Manik is always there with me.

One of the crew member came rushing to us and quickly take us inside to the backstage where all the Fab 5 members were present.

Alya was having her final touch up, Mukti was checking her Guitar Strings, Cabir and Dhruv were talking and My Manik was signing something, looking the most handsome guy as always.

" All the best guys " Navya said loud enough and everybody looked at us.

" Hii " I said smiling and everybody responded, while Manik came to me.

He checked me from top to bottom, my hands and my face to see if I'm hurt or not?


Once he was sure that I'm ok, he focused on my face and said " how do you manage to take my breathe away every single time I see you? "

I blushed looking down and he kissed my forehead.

" You will be here only at the back stage ok? " He stated

" What? Why? " I asked confused

" Because you're pregnant Nandini " he said with an obvious face

" Are you mad, Manik? I came from Mumbai to watch you Performing, not to sit here at the backstage " I protested

" Are you mad, Nandini? You blackmailed me to come here and as per your threats, you have not mentioned anywhere that you will see the concert from the front " he said with a bored expression.

Ughhh, how can I be this dumb??

Well anyway, I have to try again.

" Manik you know na, I love you so so much " I said softly

" Nandini, I love you more but you're still not stepping your foot out of here" Manik said more like ordered

" This isn't fair " I said and grumpily sat on one of the chairs

After few seconds, I saw Manik sitting on his knees infront of me and said "Nandini, you have always saw me performing but just this one time, Understand. There is a huge crowd and Your due date is next week only. I can't risk your or our baby's health "

" Fine " I said in a low voice and looked away

" This is the last time, I am doing what you're saying, Also after your concert you have to spend whole one week with me and only me " I said

" Deal " he smiled while I made a face

" We can seal the deal with a kiss " he said to which I glared at him

" Or with your smile? " He said

I rolled my eyes on him, just then a crew member entered and said that there performance is going to start in 3 mins from now.

" Come on Nandini, Atleast a small smile please. You know na, you're my good luck charm " he said sweetly and I couldn't help but gave him my smile

He took a deep breath after seeing my smile and pecked my lips

" Also, you know what, from here you can see your handsome husband face all the time without any rush " he said standing up

" In 15 secs " A crew member said

" All the best, Manik " I said hugging and kissing his chest for a sec.

" I love you " he whispered in my ear and went to the stage


Manik was right, I could see him while performing. In between the song, he was looking at me to check on me.

Everything was going good, they were almost at the end, when I felt something wet down there

I peed, but how?

Before I could figure out how, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

Navya was also watching the Concert from Backstage itself, so I called her

" Na-Navya " I said

" Yes, Nandu " she turned and got shocked

" My stomach, and I peed also " I told her

" Oh no, Your water broke. We have to take you to the hospital " she said and again I felt the same sharp pain

" Ma-nik is perf-orming " I said in my pain stricken voice

" Nandini, what happened? " this time it was Manik

" Manik, you - aaah " before I could ask again the sharp pain came

" Her water broke Manik, we have to take her to the hospital now " Navya told

And The Manik Malhotra stopped at his place, he wasn't responding and then he spoke

" How? " He said shockingly

This is it!

I'm here in extreme pain and he is asking how

" Manik Malhotra I'll kill you if you ask me how? This is all your doing. Take me to hospital right NOW " I yelled at him

My loud voice make him somewhat attentive and he immediately picked me up

" Cabir, Car " he said walking

" Its outside only, lets go " Cabir said

I again felt the pain and this time I got angry on Manik

" Why did you make me Pregnant? Huh? " I asked him loudly

" You could have used protection, but no you jerk. I'm going to kill - aaah " I said and screamed at the end

Manik was sweating profusely, I could see that, he was telling me to breathe again and again

He made me sit at the backside of the car and held me in his arms

" Its going to be fine, baby. Cabir drive fast " he said with a worried expression

The moment car started, the pain again came back. Every passing second the intensity of the pain was increasing and I couldn't help but screamed

" Aaaah M-Manik, Pizza " I screamed

" What? " Manik asked confused

" I want Pizza right now " I said looking at him

" What?? " Cabir and Navya who were sitting at the front, both asked in a loud voice

" Pizza Manik " I said and grabbed Manik's face and turned towards me

" Nandini, you have to deliver the baby now. Please co-operate " Manik said wiping the sweat beads from my forehead

" So?? I want to eat Pizza now aaaah Please " I screamed in the car

Manik was trying to handle me at his best, I know that he's at his saturation point but I have this strong urge to eat Pizza, right now

" Nandini, Your water broke. Getting late would only increase your pain and your health " Navya spoke this time

" No no no, Pizza. Manik Please " I shooked my head looking at Manik

" Fine Nandini, first lets just get you to the hospital and I'll ask Mukti to bring the Pizza in the hospital " Cabir said

All this while Manik didn't spoke anything, but the look of his face spoke a million words. To be very honest, I want to kick myself for acting this immature.

I wanted to say ok to Cabir, but what came out of my mouth was " No, first Pizza then hospital "

" But- " Cabir tried to say something but Manik cut him off

" Cabir, stop at the nearest Pizza Shop and Drive fast " Manik said

" What? Manik have you also lost your mind? " Cabir yelled Manik

" No, I didn't but I know my wife. She won't deliver my baby until and unless she have that fucking Pizza. Now drive fast " Manik said looking at me

" Urghh Manik, language " I whined but one glare of him made my mouth shut.

And again after a minute, I started screaming in pain.

" Its okay, its okay. Breathe Nandini " Manik said cupping my face and wiping my tears.


Finally, we reached at the hospital after all the dramatic chaos and my Pizza.

Manik, Cabir and Navya were only gaping at me all the time, when I was eating.

I screamed, yelled and groaned in pain but still ate 1 slice.

Reaching the hospital, Manik shouted "Doctor "

In a minute or two, I was in a room with Fab 5 and Navya

" Why you guys are this late? " Dhruv asked

" An emergency came " Cabir replied

" What would be more urgent than taking a pregnant lady to the hospital" Mukti asked this time

Before anyone could speak, I again felt the sharp pain and screamed

" Fuck, where did the doctor went? " Manik asked panicking

" Hey hey its okay Nandini. Do you know how much I love you? " Manik stammered but tried to distract me

Before I could reply, the doctor and a nurse came asking everybody to leave but I hold Manik's hand asking not to go

" Doctor, will it be okay if I would be here. I'm her husband and she's getting scared " Manik said with a worried voice

" Fine, Mr. Malhotra" Doctor said and started checking me

" She isn't diluted enough. Though she's in labour but the pain need to be more intensified. I'm giving her some meds which will increase the intensity of the pain " the doctor said

" What? She's already in so much pain and you are going to increase that " Manik asked loudly

" I understand your concern, but she won't be able to push if I won't prescribe her this " Doctor told him

" Fuck " Manik murmured and the doctor left after attaching the drip

" Nandini, So what were we talking? " He tried to distract me again

" Its okay Manik, Don't worry. I wilk be fine " I told him and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes

And He hugged me with his face in my hairs.

The pain shoot again and it was unbearable.

" Aaah " I groaned biting my lips to stop my scream.

" Hold my hand baby " he said and kissed my forehead

I screamed, cried and yelled for I don't know how long when Finally the doctor said " She's ready "

" You're my strong girl, you can do this, you're Manik's Nandini " Manik whispered soothing words in my ears the whole time when I was crying and screaming.

After all the pushes, I don't know when my eyelids became heavy

The last thing, I heard before closing my eyes was " Congratulations, Its- "


Slowly, I opened my eyes only to see white walls, a plain white room and white bed. I moved my eyes sidewards only to find out Manik seeing some medicine prescription, I guess.

" Ma-nik " I said, my voice was hoarse from all that screaming

He looked up to see me and with two long strides he came and hugged me

" Baby, are you okay? Is it paining? Wait let me call the doctor " He said kissing near my eyes

" Manik, where is our baby? " I asked

He smiled and told me to look at the other side.

A small white cot was there, I moved my eyes towards Manik again

He smiled going to the cot and picked up a tiny frame in his hands

Manik gave me our baby, The feeling was so surreal and peaceful. I can't describe in a word or sentence.

" You won, its a boy" Manik told me with a smile

" He-he is so small " I spoke with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face.

" Thank You Nandini for giving me the bestest gift" Manik said

I smiled and asked Manik to come closer.

We both didn't spoke a word, only adored our baby. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes slowly followed by a small cry.

" Oh no, Manik he is crying. Did I hurt him anywhere? " I panicked

" He is an infant Nandini. He will cry for no reason at one moment and laugh the next " Manik told me softly

"Right, Manik his eyes colour are same as mine, see " I said teasingly

" And his nose, lips, cheeks, hairs, infact his everything is same as Mine, Mrs. Malhotra " Manik said proudly

" Whatever" I rolled my eyes

" What should we name him? " Manik asked

" Umm what about something related to Pizza " I suggested

" Are you for real, Nandini? You want to name your kid Pizza" he said unbelievably

" What's wrong with Pizza? I mean in my whole pregnancy I craved for Pizza so much. Fine, if you don't like Pizza we can name him Cupcake. Remember, you made cupcake for me " I suggested

" Don't test me Nandini. I haven't forgotten the stunt you pulled in the car and please be ready for the punishment. Also, he is Manik Malhotra baby not some edible food. So, my dear wifey Please don't come with your innovative names" he said and I huffed

" You're so dominating, Manik " I said

" And you love me for that " he said smirking

" Urghh fine, you tell me the name? " I asked

" Aarav. Aarav Malhotra " Manik said

" Umm not bad, you chose the real name so, now I'll choose his nickname and that is Cheese Cup " I said showing my all teeths

" What? Cheese cup what is this? " He said

" I love cheese and you made cup cake for me, that's why Cheese Cup " I told him the logic

" Are you really a scientist? " He asked looking shocked

" Urghh shut up Manik " I whined

" You really are mad" he said

" No you are " I said

We continued our fight when we heard someone giggling. Looks like our little bundle of joy is enjoying the fight

" Aww my Cheese Cup is laughing, see Manik " I said

" Shut up Nandini, you're not going to call him that " Manik said but I only shrugged my shoulder and laughed with my Cheese Cup

Suddenly, I remembered something and moved my head towards my Monster husband and pecked his lips, which instantaneously turned into a passionate much needed kiss

" Our Cheese Cup is watching " I broke the kiss and whispered in his ear

" Please Nandini, not Cheese Cup. He is going to hate his so called nickname " Manik said but me being me gave no heed

" Tell your Dadda, don't sulk too much" I said to our baby before Manik could say anything, the door opened, Fab4 and Navya entered

" Sorry Guys, We can't give you more space than this as we all are dying to hold the little pumpkin " Mukti said

" Call him Cheese Cup. its his nickname " I told them excitedly

" What? " All said in Unison and looked towards Manik

While Manik only shrugged and gave me a glare, in return I winked at him and gave him a flying kiss.



This is it for now!

I might add more chapters to the book, but for now this short story is complete.


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