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12.8K 685 332

" 𝐇i babygirl, you ready to go see nana?" Kafeyah asked as she picked a wide awake Kariah up.

Both Kafeyah and Zymeir were going to see a wedding planer today, to plan the whole marriage.

And unfortunately they had to drop Kariah off so she wouldn't be a problem, even though Zymeir didn't like that idea at all.

His exact words were: " If youn' love my daughter no mo' just say that"

From the outside of it or in general we'd think that Kafeyah would be the one having abandonment issues when it came to her daughter, but it was the total opposite. Zymeir had a really hard time saying goodbye to his daughter, it just didn't sit right with him.

" You slept good babybop?" she asked not forgetting to tickle her stomach on the way.

Kariah let out giggles and started screaming trying to get away from her mother.

" Okay okay, don't wake daddy up princess. Cause he gon get on my ass afterwards" she mumbled the last part.

The plan was to get Kariah out the house without waking up Zymeir, so he wouldn't cause a scene.

Kafeyah gave Kariah a quick bath and dressed her up. She decided to dress her in a blue nike tracksuit so she would be comfortable, and white G Fazos that Zymeir got her.

She then brushed her lil hair and picked her up as well as her diaper bag. She exited her room and quietly made her way down the stairs. She knew that if she woke the dogs up, Zymeir would instantly be up which she couldn't afford at the moment.

She already fed Kariah when she first woke up, so she didn't have to worry about that at the moment. She quickly slipped on Zymeir's slide not wanting to get hers that were all the way in the living room, and went out the door.

She locked it behind her with Kariah still in her arms, and her diaper bag hanging on her shoulder.

She hit the unlock button on her car keys, and strapped Kariah up in her car seat. She then closed her door when she made sure that she was strapped good, and got in the driver seat.

She put the key in the ignition and started up the car before backing out her parking spot and pulling off. " What you wanna listen to princess?" she asked Kariah glancing at her through the rear view mirror.

Kariah then started babytalking and Kafeyah nodded. " You feeling some Jacquees? Me too" she stopped at a red light, and pressed on Your Peace by Jacquees.

"Not into wasting time
I was just doing fine" she sung speeding off when the light turned green.

Should I find something new?
Or should I be tripping on you?

" Oop get it Kazure" Kafeyah hyped up her daughter once she seen her dancing and smiling to the song.


Five minutes later, since nana's house was very close from hers, she finally pulled up in her driveway. She put the car in park and took the key out the ignition before getting out the car.

She went to Kariah's side and got her out, also grabbing her diaper bag. She closed her door behind her and started going up the porch steps.

She knocked on the door and waited a few seconds, and soon enough the door was opened by a smiling Erik.

" Hi Erik" she smiled side hugging him.

" Hi babygirl" he hugged her back " I see you brought lil mama with you" he smiled at Kariah picking her up.

" Yeah I need y'all to keep her for the day, of course if that's okay with you"

" You know that's never a problem, hi mami" he cooed at Kariah making her giggle and hug his neck.

One thing about Kariah, she loved her great grandfather.

" Okay I'm finna go before your grandson blow my phone up asking me where his daughter at" she snickered giving Kariah some kisses and hugging Erik.

" Yeah you better get going" he laughed.

Kafeyah waved and made her way back to her car. Erik only closed the door when he saw that she pulled off safely.


Five minutes later, she pulled up in front of the house and gulped once she saw the blinds open.

" Awe Lord" she sighed getting out the car. She hit the lock button her car keys and unlocked the front door.

She stepped in and was met with Zymeir's hard and disapproving glare.

" H-hi my love" she nervously waved laughing on the inside at his face.

Yeah, you know that I'm about it
Don't even gotta talk about it

" Don't 'hi my love' me whea' my daughter at?" he questioned with a mug on his face.

" She at nana's papa" she chuckled but quickly stopped when she noticed that he wasn't laughing at all.

You know I'm not just anybody
So don't even try to play shy with me

" Kafeyah mane" he whined " You just kidnapped my daughter and didn't even let me see her" he complained.

" I know, I'm sorry baby" she brung him in a hug and rubbed his back in a comforting manner.

" I miss my daughter mane" he hugged her back tighter.

It took everything in Kafeyah not to bust out laughing at his dramatics.

" Tighten the fuck up Kalane, you gon see her at the end of the day" she pulled away.

" Who the fuck you talking to mhm?" he put his hand around her throat looking down at her. " Matter fact lemme teach you some manner real quick" he picked her up and made his way to their bedroom.

Yeah, sometimes you gotta let a female know
You not just a regular dude, not the average


" What kind of theme you guys are going for?" the woman asked the couple.

" I want a wedding like the ones in fairytales" Kafeyah answered. Since she was little, she always wanted to feel like a true princess for her wedding.

It's hard to compare to this shit
Really out of the ordinary, you know what I'm sayin'?
Chance of a lifetime, you feel me?

" I see exactly what you want, but you do know that it gon cost a bit more" she informed.

" It ain't a problem" both of them answered. Zymeir was making a lot of money with his tattoo shop, it was one of the best in the whole city. And Kafeyah recently started working again, and the pay was amazing.

You a one-of-one, girl
Yeah, you're all that

" Well okay" she nodded. " What colors are you going for?"

" White, light pink and gold" Zymeir answered. Zymeir really didn't care what the theme of the wedding was, as long as he got to marry his lover. He was going to make sure that their wedding was exactly how Kafeyah wanted.

Me and you alone, picture all that (All that)
Let's take a chance on each other, don't wanna hold back

" Great color combination" she smiled, " I'll email the both of you with some sketch and ideas that I may have with what you both told me, and you'll just have to complete with what you'd like" she offered.

" Fine with me" Kafeyah nodded.

" Okay next topic, the menu. What type of food y'all want?"

" I want everything but food from here. I want african food, like: plantains, red rice, gumbo, fried fish ect..We also want food from the islands like: jerk chicken, roasted pork, stew ect.. We also want seafood, like a lot of it." she resumed.

But if you do just (Oh, woah) let me know so I know how to move

" Okay great, I'll take care of that" she nodded.  " I think that's great for today, I'll meet you guys next week with my sketch and we can discuss this a bit more"

" Okay great. Thank you again" Kafeyah shook her hand the same as Zymeir before leaving her office.

" Don't know why she so damn happy" Zymeir muttered.

" I-Zymeir" she busted out laughing. " I know you is not still mad at me?" she chuckled.

" Damn right I am, now hurry up so I can see my daughter" he frowned.

Yeah, you know that I'm about it
Don't even gotta talk about it

Kafeyah laughed and thanked him once he opened the door for her. He got in his side of the car and pulled off.

" Okay now slow down Zymeir, Kariah ain't going no where" she mugged him.

" Enjoy the ride princess" he rubbed her thigh.

You know I'm not just anybody
So don't even try to play shy with me


I know i'm late but shiiid

only two chapters left


song of the chapter: Not Jus Anybody by Jacquees

vote and comment

love y'all stay safe

-ri is outt 🦋

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