By medardas

33.3K 1.2K 194

life can mean hardly anything all i'll ever be is partly settled in. the last of us part II More

part one
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten

chapter eleven

1.3K 51 15
By medardas

oxi.  immunity.

         Nathan was right. Revenge was a very filthy and rotten road to go down. Incredibly filthy.

One moment, she's slaughtering the Wolves, the next, they're slaughtering her. More like trying to. There was so many of them, and so little of her and her friends. To add, the nonstop aggression of infected around every corner. Marlo knew why she was standing beside Ellie Williams on this journey, instead of kicking it back in Jackson. She was there to support her and her objectives, as well as to be that anchor of normalcy. It's just hard when the people that did all the damage made her just as angry. Nobody fucks with Marlo Austen's friends and gets away with it. But this situation was sticky, and becoming much stickier.

           Her eyes had just witnessed the work of a bloater. The soldier had tried shooting the thing, but it was no use. It just made it worse. The creatures boils had bursted, releasing an acidic toxin that did tremendous damage. The wolf screamed from the burns, dying while his skin fell of the bone. It was only a matter of time before they had to encounter the thing. There was never a stone left unturned.

         The girls dropped from a hole in the ceiling, into an empty broken down room. She could hear the grumbling of the bloater in the other room, along with an early stage infected. "Ugh, that ugly motherfucker." Marlo grimaced, concocting molotov cocktail as quiet as she could. He wobbled into their room as soon it heard. They couldn't fuck this up, because if they did, they'd be dead. Right before it could entire, the brunette waisted zero time. She threw the bottle at his rotund swollen body. It shattered, the alcohol allowing the heat of the fire to spread all of its body. It groaned loudly, alerting the other infected to erratically run inside the room. "I got 'em! Keep your eye on that thing!" The brunette exclaimed, pulling out her hand gun from her thigh. She aimed at their heads, shooting at them until they were down.

       "Fuck, there's another one! Watch out!" Dina cautioned, pointing her shot gun at it. Marlo didn't have much time to make another molotov. "Ellie, do you have molotov in your bag?" The brunette raised her voice, with anxiety behind her words. She shot at the other bloater, being that the two of them were their only issue at the moment. The red head nodded, running into the other room. Marlo called for Dina to follow. It was probably best to get them together, to eliminate them all in one go. They only had a few seconds in the clear, so as soon as she got the chance, her hands were on Ellie's bag. She unzipped it, shuffling through all the crap in her bag. She found a bottle with the rag already inside of it. Her hands found a lighter in a smaller pouch, lighting it. It ignited the white cloth, just as they wobbled into the room "Here we go..." She threw it in between them, ensuring they both got caught aflame. The girls beside her began shooting at the engorged creatures.

      Just as, some more early staged infected made there way inside. "Fuck me," Marlo sighed, pulling a pole from her freckled friends bag. She swung with all her might, bludgeoning the skull of the sickly person. It's agonized yelling had ceased, but there were a few more left. The bloaters had fell to ground, dead. A person with spinning arms and black blood dripping down their face, came barreling at her. Marlo was about to knock it down with that pole she had in hand, but a gunshot made it before she did. The body dropped to the ground with a thud. Here brown eyes looked to her friends, Dina nodding towards Ellie. Her gun was still gripped in her hand tightly, but it was pointing to the ground. Her woodsy eyes met the brunettes, filling them with vigor. The freckled girl firmly nodded before speaking. "Fuck, these assholes. Did they get any of you?" Her eyes switched between the two heaving girls.

If one of them got bitten, she wouldn't know how to recover from that. "Nope, we're clean." Dina answered, patting herself down. Her dark eyes looked over to Marlo for assurance. Her hands quickly passed over her exposed and unexposed skin. Squeezing for any odd sensations that could be a bite. "I'm clean." She firmly nods, inhaling deeply.

"Shamblers... is that what they call them?" Dina inquires, scrunching up her face and glancing at their boiled bodies. The brunette did the same, peering with disgust. "Yeah... where the hell do shamblers come from?" The freckled young woman questioned aloud, digging through her bag. Marlo had began to look around the room to restock on some extra supplies. Her fingers prying open eroded draws and cabinets. "Who the fuck knows... maybe it's the moisture down here. Either way it's disgusting." As they were preparing to keep it moving, Marlo remembered she still had a pole that wasn't hers. She walked closer to Ellie, slipping through a curved pole in her bag.

They entered the room they saw from above through a grated gate. The room was lit up red, and the body that was burned to death was sprawled out on the ground. "Ooh, look at those acid burns." Ellie voiced, hastily walking around the body. The brunette frowned, examining the missing skin. His pale skin had turned a shade or green, parts of it melted off in piles on the floor. Dina refused to even go near the body, placing a hand her chest in disgust. Marlo had wandered away from it, swallowing her gags. She wasn't sure how they were gonna get out, but she really wanted to. Ellie had found a chain to pull open a garage door. "Let's see where this takes us." Her right and left hand pulled door high enough for Dina and Marlo to slip through. The dark haired girl found a cart to place under the metal door, so their partner could crouch through.

Right when Ellie made it to the other side, the door had crushed the cart. Marlo raised her eyebrows, nodding in awe that she able to hold that thing up. "Nice work, hulk hogan." She smirked, lightly hitting her arm with the back her hand. Ellie snickered, her cheeks growing warm. They wandered through a muddy and moist hallway, seeing no threats. It was quiet, and at best the squeaking of hungry mice was heard. "It looks clear... far as I can see." Dina spoke from in front of them, keeping her eyes peeled. The freckled girl beside Marlo nodded, pressing her lips into a line. "Good."

Trudging through, Marlo picked up a few things as well as voiced her opinion on why nature's shitty attitude was completely justified — was then called a treehugger by Dina. Ellie had sauntered away, upon the guise of looking for a way out. The brunette was luckily close enough on her trail to figure where she'd gone. She launched over a yellow barrier, dropping into a deep filthy area. Her eyes caught sight of Ellie's backpack. "Watch out. Shambler." Ellie whispered, helping her up over the platform. It's lioness groans filled the dark nearly empty room. They were trying to sneak around the thing, only to see another in the other room. As she entered the room, her eyes were stuck on the being doubled over and rocking side to side. It wheezed and moaned lowly, not sensing her presence. "I got it." She muttered, pulling her knife off of her thigh. Her arm wrapped around its chest, stabbing it right between the eyes. Marlo let the body go, lowering to the ground. As they pushed to the other side, getting closer to the red exit door, another shambler was spotted.

Marlo cursed, while Ellie took out the other early stage infected. Dina had caught up to them, keeping an eye out for the shamblers. They made it to the door, a sigh falling from their lips. The freckled girl pushed on the door latch, but it barely budged open. "It's time to go." She stressed towards the two girls. The two darker-haired girls pulled out their hand guns, arming themselves. "Got it. We'll cover you." Dina affirmed, clicking the safety off of her gun. Ellie hit the door with her shoulder once, alerting the infected. Marlo began popping off rounds at the creatures. The door had opened, a hand pulling the brunette inside. Dina ducked inside, grabbing a pole from the ground to lock the door shut. On the other side, the groans passed under and through the gaps.

She swiveled around, seeing a blocked train tunnel. The whole being blocked with boulders — where she would imagine a passing train going through. It was fairly dark. The flashlights on their shoulders being their only sources of light. "That was a little too close..." Marlo huffed, stepping slowly examining the place further. The train must've crashed on the other end. The blue metal rusted from time and rainfall. "You're telling me." Dina responded, placing her hands on her hips. Ellie had walked over to the train, her light shining on a singular spot. "What the hell happened here?" She inquired, pulling herself into the broken down train. The brunette jumped inside as well, her eyes peering around. "I'm gonna say some kind of train crash." Marlo shrugged, picking up lingering supplies she found on the seats.

        "Thanks, Sherlock." Ellie sassed.

         "Hey, you asked. I answered." The brunette snickered, following her as she hopped out the door to the other side. Many carts of the train had crashed, because they were laying everywhere. On their sides, scraped and rusted. "Jesus, I wonder how long they kept these running past Outbreak Day." It was like running through and obstacle course. She had to haul herself over boxes to get to the other train, since they were on top of each other. "I was hoping they didn't." Marlo spoke, ducking under some sharp metal, that was stuck out in the open. Her feet hit the gravel as she jumped from another lying box car. The warm rays of sun briefly hitting her forehead. "Getting closer to light." Ellie mentioned, seeing a ledge to the outside world. Her woodsy eyes glanced at the brunette, positioning her hands to toss her up. "Lemme get you up there."

       Her head shook, looking towards Dina. "You can go up first." Marlo knew how fatigued she was. She thanked her before placing her feet in Ellie's hands. Dina pulled herself up onto the ledge successfully. The brunette was next. She placed her feet in her hands, placing one hand on her shoulder and the other on the ledge. She moved her feet to her shoulders once the red head had lifted her high enough. Grunting, she pulled herself onto the much higher platform. "Whatcha got?" She asked from below. Marlo hummed to herself, seeing a metal box to her right. "Here." She spoke, pushing the eroding metal box off the ledge. Once it fell, Ellie hauled over it to get to where the girls were. "We're almost out."

       "Lead on."

        Like usual, Ellie was ahead, leading the girls to life above again. Marlo wasn't too far behind, but she was a lot closer to Dina. As the auburn headed teen trailed down the aisle of the train, the weight must've disturbed the old thing. It shook and slanted downwards, sending Ellie sliding down like it was a ramp. Marlo watched as she hit the ground with a groan, with overwhelming worry. Especially, after she heard the growls of a single infected being. "Ellie! We're coming!" She wasted no time while she yelled. Marlo slid down the aisle with anxiety, her face scrunched up. As soon as her feet hit the ground, her hand grabbed the gun from her thigh, pointing it at its head. Her pointer squeezed the trigger releasing the bullet to set her friend free. It feel atop of her, Ellie pushing it to the side with a groan. Marlo rushed to her aid, gripping her hand to pull her up.

         Her brown eyes widened immediately, seeing the damage. The glass of her mask was shattered. It must've happened when she fell or when that thing was attacking her. "Ellie, your mask!" Marlo bursted, her hand still holding onto hers. Her other hand went up to her face, just as she noticed. "Here, we can share mine." She began to take of her only source of pure oxygen. Ellie rejected the idea, pushing her against the wall to keep her from touch her mask. Her hands went behind her head to tighten the band. "Don't take this off! Marlo stop!" She grabbed her hands, the brunette trying to shake her off. Her heart thumped loudly in her ears, barely able to hear what her partner was saying. "But, Ellie-" She tried, tears nearly pricking at her eyes. Marlo couldn't let her turn into one of those things via spores. Ellie kept one hands pressed to her chest, holding her against the wall, taking her other hand and ripping off the broken mask. Her brown eyes watched it hit the ground, her heart nearly crushing at the sight. "What? Ellie! No! No!" She squeaked, gripping her shoulders tightly.

It felt like this would be the last time she'd see her face normal. She was already thinking about how she could deal with the — "Stop it, Marlo! I'm not infected!" Ellie gripped her hands, rubbing her thumbs on the backs. The brunette sniffled, her eyebrows deepened, scanning her face. "I'm immune. I'm not coughing, do you see?" Her eyes were wide, a single tear sliding down her cheek from her tear duct. I'm immune. She wasn't coughing — was she really immune to the cordyceps? Her chest heaved as her eyes never left the worried woodsy ones in front of her. "Immune?" She trembled, but she had no time. The sounds of the vicious infected had echoed off the walls of the station. "Fuck... Marlo? Shit." She turned her head towards the sound. Their shadows bouncing off the walls running in their direction. Marlo hadn't noticed Dina while that whole thing played out between the two of them. She stood with her shoulders to her ears, peering at the running figures with worried eyes. "Guys we gotta go." Dina advised, her eyes darting between the two.

"Can you run?" Ellie asked Dina, probably seeing her heavy fatigue. The dark haired girl nodded quiveringly. Her eyes looked to the brunette, wondering the same thing. "I'm good, Ellie." She said barely over a whisper. "Let's fucking go." The red head stressed, pushing Dina ahead. The brunette had an idea what she was doing. "I'm not going without you!"

"Marlo, go!"

She groaned, running behind Dina. One of the infected had caught up to the brunette, pulling on her ponytail. Marlo shrieked, but before it could get closer to her, a pole had knock it in the head. She sprinted up the the immobile escalator, following behind her friend. "Ellie?!" Marlo concerned, not daring to look behind her. Just as they got to the other level, another group of infected was screaming towards them. "I'm right here! Don't slow down!" They'd gotten to the top step of that level, but she heard a thud. Marlo turned around seeing a stage one infected on top of her. She swore, grabbing her gun and shooting it three times in the face. It fell off of her, Marlo grabbing her hand and pulling to wherever safety was. "Come on! Hurry!" A few other clickers had sensed their presence. The brunette heaved, the infected pushing the energy out of her. "Go right!" She directed the girl ahead. They were met with a fence.

Marlo jumped up, gripping the top of the fence to pull herself over. Adrenaline was the main the factor that got her over that fence. Once her feet hit the ground, her side pinched causing her to groan aloud. The brunette had very little time to gather herself. Some of the infected climbed over and pushed through the gate. Ellie had grabbed her hand, pulling her along. They'd seen a revolving gate ahead. The red head pushed Marlo in front of her in the same opening. One of the clickers had grabbed Ellie's shoulder through the metal poles, alerting the brunette immediately. She used her gun once more, shooting right between the crusted fungus on its head. Ellie heaved, stepping away and peering at the scratching infected. Their rotten arms peeking through the poles of the revolving gate.

Dina had fallen to the ground. "Dina!" Marlo exclaimed, crouching near her. She was having a hard time gathering her breath. But they didn't know how long that gate was gonna hold. "Alright, on your feet." Ellie lifted her arm over her shoulder, assisting her gait. They walked out of the station into a rainy climate. The sun that she was so excited to see, hidden behind rain clouds. The cool shallow drops on her skin felt nice though. A theater was ahead of them, covered in overgrown earth. "Hey. What do you say we rest in that theater?" Ellie mentioned, nodding towards the place. The brunette snagged her mask off. Marlo slightly limped along, her left hand holding her side, her right clenching her hand gun. "That sounds so fucking good." Dina sighed, her feet nearly giving out on her. "Agreed..." Marlo added, as they approached the doors of the building.

The first set of doors had a missing one, allowing to walk into shelter. Dina had collapsed, but Ellie was there to assist so she wouldn't hit the ground. "I got you." Marlo decided to open the door, allowing her red headed friend to keep the other on her feet. Even with her sore abdomen, she pushed on the door with her shoulder. It barely budged. Letting out a painful groan, she shoved it once more. Come on, open up. Her shoulder made contact with the door again, and the chairs stacked in front of it all tumbled down. Her slender fingers pushed open the door, seeing a dark empty space. Ellie peeked inside, seeing no infected, or hearing of any. "I think we're good, c'mon." Marlo opened her arm up to, help Dina inside. The auburn-haired teen kept her eyes on the brunette, as she shifted around her own pain. She shut the door behind them, while Marlo helped take off Dina's bag. The brunette placing it to the side, then stretching the muscles of her back.

She shut her eyes, using her fingers to press through the soft part of belly. It became harder and harder for her body to completely heal under their harsh circumstances. Sure, it was soreness, but it was becoming much more painful. She kneeled, taking off her bag. Her fingers searched through all the supplies she managed to stuff in her backpack, looking for that bottle of aspirin Nate had given her back home. Once she found it, she unscrewed the top   popping two of the white pills. "You wanna tell me what's going on with you?"

        Marlo turned around to see her partner questioning their friend. She was sat on the dusty old couch, rocking. The brunette sat against the wall, watching scene unfold before her. "What's going on with me?" Dina inhaled sharply. Marlo couldn't act as if she wasn't interested in what was going on with her. Whatever it was... wasn't normal — her tiredness was normal, her gasping for air wasn't normal, her legs giving out wasn't normal. Yet, she kept acting as if it was. "Ellie... I just saw you breathe spores." The obsidian haired girl mentioned. Hm. Marlo almost forgot about that. She was so busy running from her life, she forgot about what happened in that station. Her golden eyes, flickered from the seated girl to the one standing up, patting her hands on her thighs. "Yeah, that was definitely something else, El." The brunette admitted, running her hand through her wet hair.

Her soft woodsy eyes casted down at her seated position, her thick eyebrow deepening. "I told you." She then looked to Dina. "I told Marlo. I'm immune." Ellie shortly restated, her lips quivering. Her brown eyes never really left the red heads figure. Her stature stood as she just wanted to hide. It's not that she didn't believe her. It was just simply... incredulous. "But... how do you know? How do you know that you're immune, Ellie?" Marlo worried, her eyebrows pushed together, her lips parted. What if she was wrong? What if everything was gonna backfire hours later, and she was gonna turn into the things she fought? What if...

"I was bitten a long time ago..." Ellie started, her eyes only making contact with her feet. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Dina cut off her thought in shock and confusion. The brunette turned her head slightly, pressing her lips into a thin line. "Let her finish so we can find out what the fuck she's talking about." Her eyes earnestly found their way back to where the girl she liked stood. So far, it seemed like a story full of hope — something you'd tell your children. Of a girl who was immune to a virus that continued to wipe people out. "I was bitten and nothing happened." Ellie's voice rose a bit, slightly glaring at the girls. Dina thought for a moment, before looking back up at the young woman. "The chemical burn..."

         The brunette sat forward abruptly, with evident confusion on her face. Chemical burn? "What chemical burn?" Maybe she didn't know the red head as much as she felt that she did. They were close, but was their friendship so awkward to the point where they couldn't talk about things like that? Was that just a her and Dina thing? So many questioned filled her mind. Which immediately brought back the rejected feeling she had after they kissed at the party. She felt guilty. Maybe she should have asked. "It's under my tattoo. Maria and Tommy... and Joel are the only ones who know... knew..." Ellie trembled, playing with her fingers. She let out another shaky breath, her eyes trailing from her hands to the girl on the floor. "Now you know." Tears weld up in Marlo's eyes, with the sheer thought of just not knowing. She wasn't emotional because of Ellie's immunity. It was because she felt unprepared to know about this knowledge. Dina had one upped her on something that she was supposed to know. A stupid chemical burn.

It could also have been the weight and stress she'd put on herself for the last few weeks. Marlo stood up, barely making eye contact with any of the girls in front of her. "I have to go use the bathroom..." She stalked off, quickly. The back of her hand wiping against her eyes. She had no idea where it was, but it's not like she actually had to go anyway. "Marlo!" Ellie called weakly, slapping her hands against her thighs. The brunette waved her hand at her, gesturing to just leave her alone. She hasn't had time to be alone since they left.

Marlo wandered through the theater alone, allowing herself to cope. Trying to refrain from thinking of scenarios into why she didn't know about a chemical burn and Dina did. She would never admit to this, but Marlo was jealous. The girl was dripping with green envy. Her feet took her wherever, through the abandoned building — she really could careless. Marlo would walk into rooms just to walk out. After minutes of endless walking, she found an empty vacant performance theater. The seats all facing directly at the stage. She wondered if this was where ballerina's preformed, she used to love those when she was young. Her feet dragged down the aisle, her fingers dancing on the backs of the chairs. Little dust particles flying up in the air from contact.

      A nostalgic smile painted on her lips, gazing at the barren stage before her. It was quiet, yet she imagined the sound of orchestras. Featuring a ballerina dressed in pink, prancing across the stage like a gazelle. This small moment of distraction was lifting her spirits, easing her worry and strife. She always did have a wild imagination — which is why her thoughts always got so carried away. The show going on in her mind was immediately interrupted. The ballerina had turned into a sickly person, stomping around the stage. Black blood dripping from her mouth, her brown hair mostly gone due to cordyceps. "Fuck." She muttered, sitting in one of the chairs at the front of the room. Marlo couldn't even imagine something better than what she was experiencing. Some more tears had formed in her eyes, her head falling to her open palms. If she could throw something she would.

       Her shoulders jerked up and down as she sobbed into her palms. The cries of her frustration echoed off the walls of the theater, allowing another source to hear from outside of it to hear. Marlo just needed to let it out. The quicker the better. The brunette hated crying, it made her feel like she couldn't handle her emotions. She ran her hands from her eyes, over the dampened strands of her hair. Anything that involved Ellie made her heart thump in either despair or adoration. Yes, she was jealous that Dina knew more about her than she did. That she knew something that was a soft spot for Ellie, and Marlo didn't. Now, with the added in guilt of running away when she told her something so big. Marlo ran because she felt as she wasn't needed — she was drenched in jealousy. She couldn't get past her own qualms to listen to the one she adored. Just that thought made her cry a little harder. This happened to be a reflection of what happened back home. Marlo ditching when Ellie, probably, needed her the most.

      She couldn't even hear the keys opening the entrance door. The doors echoed along the walls as it opened, finally grabbing the emotional teens attention. Her head had swiveled around, seeing the reserved frame of Ellie Williams. Marlo turned back around, sniffling and wiping her tears. The red head seemed to go faster down the aisle, seeing the redness in her cheeks. "Marlo," She begins, squatting in front of her. Ellie placed her hands on her knees, rubbing her thumbs in circular motions. "Are you okay?" The auburn haired teen, wondered worryingly. Her woodsy eyes examining her swollen lips and puffy eyes. Marlo sniffled, chortling dryly. "Not really... are you okay?" She placed a hand on Ellie's face, brushing a piece of her hair behind her. She'd seemed taken aback by the gesture.

       Ellie shrugs, trying to read Marlo's misty eyes. "Why'd you walk away? Was it because what I said? My immunity?" Her eyes boldly never left the brunettes trembling ones. She licked her dry lips, taking her hand off of Ellie's face to run her hands through her hair. Her ponytail officially messed up. While her hand was on her head, she pulled the elastic out of it allowing her hair to fall over her ears. The auburn haired girl, took her hands off of her legs, standing up slowly. "Was it because of my immunity?" She asked with a much stronger tone. Marlo wasn't hesitating because of that, she was just trying figure out how she was gonna answer it. She was still high from crying and extremely sensitive — the girl didn't wanna trigger anymore tears. "Ellie, of course not." Marlo exhaled, meeting her eyes firmly. "Than what?"

       "I'd rather not say..."

       "You'd rather not say?"

       "But it has everything to do with me, not you."

       "Oh, so it's an it's me not you situation."

        Marlo sighed, placing her head in her hands. She didn't wanna say the word. Plus, she thought was stupid to feel the way she did during a time like this. Ellie stood back, with her eyes prickling with tears. "Marlo." She whined, slapping her hands against her leg. "Ellie... I was jealous!" She exclaimed, immediately confusing the girl. "I was jealous that Dina knew about something that I didn't. Your chemical burn? Yeah, I kinda wish I knew about that." Marlo stood to her feet, abruptly. Ignoring the soreness in her side once again. "And... look... I know it's stupid to be so self-centered during a time like this..." She ran her fingers through her hair, groaning dramatically. "I'm just overwhelmed and tired... worried about you... worried about myself." Marlo rambled, her hands moving around putting emphasis on how stressed she truly was. Ellie just stood back, listening to her. Her fingers playing with each other as she watched the girl she cared so much about. "I didn't walk away because of your immunity- I could never. I was just being stupid and immature... and over emotional." She dragged, unbeknownst to the fact that the girl before her was walking closer to her frame.

Ellie wrapped her arms around the brunette, holding her head. Her body responded a little late, but once she realized the warmth, she wrapped her arms around her back. "I'm sorry," She sniffled, trying to hold in potential sobs. The auburn haired young woman, soothing her partner, shook her head. "It's fine, M." Marlo leaned back still in her grasp, shaking her head. "It's not... when you needed me to listen... I ran away." Again.

"It had nothing to do with your immunity. I need you to understand that..." She placed her hand on her freckled cheek. Ellie nodded, a weak smile forming on her lips. "If anything it's... kinda cool." Marlo raised her brows, a smile forming on her swollen lips. A bigger laugh admitted from Ellie's plump lips, causing the brunette swoon in her sadness. The two just stood there in the empty theater, holding each other, swaying to no particular rhythm. They hadn't had an opportunity for this — to just be in each other presence. And while she had the time, Marlo contemplated. This was probably the only time that she was going to be able to have alone time with her. With all the chaos happening — there was a high chance that she was never going to get an opportunity like this again. At least for a long while. And Marlo wasn't sure how long she could wait anymore.

Ellie's immunity was a bit of a wake up call. Even Joel's death. A loved ones death could never be estimated — especially, in the world that they lived in. Every second of every day should be cherished and valued with care. Marlo even thought about her sister and Nathan. Dominique was pregnant for crying out loud. Her life wasn't technically guaranteed, and she left without saying goodbye. The moment she settled down, was the moment her brain began to wander. Exploring the columns of guilt, melancholy and infatuation.

Entangled in her slender arms, her head laying on her shoulder. What's the worst that could happen? Biting the dry skin on her lip, she leaned back, honey eyes giving each woodsy iris attention. "Ellie," Marlo spoke with a small voice. Shallow breaths fleeing from her slightly parted lips. Her forest-like eyes examined her flustered face, gazing a bit longer her lips. "I-I like you... like, a lot. I'm not sure if that was a given or-" Ellie interrupted her nervous spiel, her hands end up cradling her jaw. Completely stunned, the brunette's lips opened and closed like a fish underwater. The auburn-haired leaned closer to her, slightly teasing her with a potential smooch. Marlo slightly eager to shut to awkward feeling down that was wallowing in her gut, leaning forward. "I like you, Marlo." Her plump lips softly met the brunette's, pushing her body against hers.

It felt like her knees fell weak, as she stumbled while getting closer to the young woman. Her hands ground at the nape of her neck, lips easily moving in sync with Ellie's. They've never kissed like this before — so passionate and full of pained need. Ellie removed her hand from her face, placing them in the divots of her waist. Their body's were already flush, but they wanted to get closer. That pain in the brunette's side became merely irrelevant, as her finger ran up the back of her scalp. Ellie trailed her lips towards her cheek, stuffing her head into her neck. "I'm done running, okay?"

     Ellie peppered a kiss on the thin skin of her neck. "Okay."

note.  hmm, i'm feeling generous af rn. after writing my vi x reader... i'm thinking mellie deserves some freaky time

keep and eye out for that >:D


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