Hopeless (A Bucky Barnes x Re...

By mrsbarnes__

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You're Tony Starks super powered daughter who only wants to follow in her father's footsteps but, when you me... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

632 6 7
By mrsbarnes__

Months have passed since Thanos snapped, and half of the population was still gone. Thor returned to Asgard, Nat stayed in the compound, Bruce went on a Hulk-retrieving mission, Steve stayed in his apartment in Brooklyn, and your parents and you moved to a cabin in the woods.

You walked down the stairs and into your dad's mini-lab. He was sitting at one of his desks, muttering to himself. You walked up next to him and tapped his shoulder. He looked up at you and smiled. He stood up and the two of you went outside for training.

Since the attack, your dad has been enforcing more training on you. Every second of training counted and was well worth it. Because, now, if anything ever attacked your family or yourself, you'd have better control over your powers. Meaning, you could actually save everyone this time.

"Tony! Y/N! It's time for lunch!" Your mom's voice rang through the trees.

"Five more minutes mom!" You yelled back.

"No, come wash up!"

"We better not keep her waiting Kiddo. She might make us sleep in the shed." Your dad joked.

You chuckled and walked alongside him back to your house. The two of you washed up and sat down at the table. Your mom set a plate in front of you, then set the food down in the middle of the table. She had made chicken patties and macaroni and cheese for lunch. You grabbed a bun and put a chicken patty on it with ketchup, mayo, and mustard. Then, grabbed a spoonful of Mac and Cheese.

After lunch, you helped your mom clean up the table and did the dishes. Once the dishes were done and put away, you went back outside for a little more training. Except, your dad was taking a nap so, you were training by yourself this time.

After a couple of hours, you finally went back inside and took a shower. You got into a pair of lounge shorts, and an oversized t-shirt, then went down stairs. Your parents were sitting on the couch watching TV when you walked into the living room. You sat down on the floor in front of them and grabbed a book off the table.

"Why do you come down here to read? Isn't it quieter in your room?" Your dad asked.

"Yeah but, I like spending time with my parents." You said, turning the page.

"Really? Pep, our daughter likes hanging out with us."

"I've noticed Tony. Aren't we just the luckiest parents in the world?" Your mom said, smiling.

"We really are. Even though she's a punk sometimes." Your dad said, ruffling your hair.

"I get it from you dad." You stuck out your tongue.

He stuck his tongue out back at you and used his foot to poke your book. You smacked his foot with the book, which just caused him to try and stick his foot in your face. You used your book to try and cover your face but, your dad was too fast. His stinky foot was stuffed in your face, causing you to gag.

Your mom laughed as you gagged and fake passed out. Whereas, your dad, dramatically stood up and ran to your side. He held you in his arms and pretended to cry. You heard your mom giggle a little bit, then your dad set you back on the ground.

"You think our daughters death is funny Pepper!?" He fake shouted.

"Of course not Tony. It's just, I think you're overreacting a bit here." She said.

"Overreacting?! How am I-"

Before he was able to finish his sentence, you jumped up and tackled him to the ground. You heard your mom laugh as the two of you wrestled on the ground. You reached up and grabbed her wrist, pulling her down with the two of you.

After a while of the three of you play fighting, your mom jumped up and started to tickle you. You started to shriek, and laugh, trying to get her to stop. But, your dad quickly joined in. The two of them were now tickling you, causing you to cry with laughter. Your parents laughter mixed with the sound of yours, making you laugh harder.

Your parents finally stopped tickling you and let you up. They sat back on the couch and your dad handed you your book. You smacked him in the leg with it, and leaned against the couch. You opened your book back to the page that you left off on and continued to read.

There was a small pain in your back, it caused you to turn around and look up. Your dad was standing behind you, pointing at his watch. You glanced down at his watch and realized that it was well past 1am. Quickly, you closed your book and set it back down on the coffee table. Your dad said goodnight to you, then watched as you ascended the stairs.


A year passed and your mom had gotten pregnant. In about eight months, you were going to have a baby brother and/or sister. Not a day went by where you didn't think of Bucky. You regretted not talking to him at all the day after he went to Charlie and Melanny's with you. Sighing, you sat up in bed and went over to your desk. Since everyone disappeared, you had been keeping a journal of your days.

March 12th 2019,

Dad and I are supposed to train a bit more today. I've gotten a lot better at controlling my powers. I'm able to conjure up bigger storms than usual, and the ultraviolet energy blasts have a great affect on things. Yesterday, Dad set up a few wooden enemies and I was able to blast their heads off. I think he said he's going to do the same thing today too. Mom is a month pregnant now so in about three to four months, I'll find out if I get a brother or sister. I couldn't be more excited. There will finally be someone other than me for dad to bully and tease.

I would be lying if I said that I had stopped thinking about everyone that had gotten snapped. Specifically, the Avengers. Well.... more specifically, Bucky. I should've listened to Steve when he told me to tell him how I felt before it was too late. And now that it's too late, there's so much I need/want to tell him.



You sighed and closed your notebook. No one can read these. Ever. Standing up, you walked over to your closet and got ready to train. You grabbed a pair of leggings, a sports bra, and grabbed your headphones before heading out for a warm up run.

You ran through the woods, following the trail that your dad mapped out for you. It was about a four and a half mile run but, each minute was worth it. You kept trying to get your dad to make the trail longer but, he wouldn't go for it. He kept telling you that you were still too young to be running too far from the house.

When you finally got back from your run, your mom was sitting outside on the porch reading a book. You jogged up to the front steps and climbed up to the porch. When your mom heard you, she looked up from her book and smiled. She closed her book, setting it on the table next to her. You paused your music, put your headphones around your neck, then sat in the chair next to her.

"How was your run sweetie?" She asked.

"It was good. Still wish it was longer though." You said, grabbing her cup of water.

"He just wants to make sure you're safe."

"I know. I know. But, the run just feels so short now."

"That's how things are after repeating them for a while." She smiled.

You smiled back and looked down into the glass of water. Letting out a sigh, you handed the cup back to your mom and watched as she set it back down on the little side table.

"What's on your mind honey? Is there something bothering you?"

"Kind of." You said, shyly.

"What's going on?"

"It's my stupid brain."

"You don't have a stupid brain." She said.

You leaned back in your chair. "Yes I do. It knows things."

"Like what?"

"Like my feelings for Bucky. I mean, it's been a year since he disappeared and I haven't been able to stop thinking about him. It's stupid." You said.

She smiled and wrapped an arm around you. "Your feelings aren't stupid Sweetheart. It's natural to feel the way you do."

"I guess. But, it just feels weird. I mean, I first noticed it the day after Charlie and I broke up."

"Really? When?"

"We went to that spot that dad showed me and I confided in him about Melanny and Charlie. Then, I looked in his eyes and thats when I felt it." You smiled, remembering the feeling you got that day.

She smiled back at you but, before she was able to say anything, FRIDAY's voice came from the outside speakers. Your dad was requesting your moms assistance again. She sighed and stood up. You watched as she walked across the porch and into the house.

After a few minutes, you stood up and walked inside. You climbed the stairs and went to your bathroom. You turned on the shower, then stepped inside. Your body was sweaty and sticky from your run but, the cold water hitting you felt nice.

When you got out of the shower, you dried off and got into a pair of jeans and a black long sleeved crop top. You brushed your hair out, and went back down the stairs. The second you got into the living room, your mom sent you down to your dads lab. There was something he wanted to give you.

When you got into his lab, you saw him sitting at a table, eating a sandwich. You walked over and sat down next to him. Neither of you said anything for a while, your dad just ate his sandwich and you poked around at his gear. Every once in a while, he would smack your hand and warn you about touching his projects. Each time he smacked you, you laughed and rolled your eyes.

He finally finished eating his sandwich, and set his plate to the side. He stood up, walked around the table and went over to the cabinet. You raised an eyebrow and watched as he dug through his cabinet. When he finally found what he was looking for, he walked back over to you and leaned against the table.

"So, I have something for you." He said.

"You do?" You questioned.


He held out his hand, revealing a small box. You raised an eyebrow and glanced up at him. He eagerly shook his hand, indicating for you to take the box. Hesitantly, you grabbed the box and shook it a little bit. Your dad waved his hand impatiently waiting for you to open the box.

Slowly, you pulled at the tape and lifted up the lid of the box. The first thing you noticed was a piece of paper. You took the lid off of the box and grabbed the folded paper. You glanced up at your dad, who had the biggest smile plastered on his face. You set the box to the side and opened up the folded piece of paper.

Hey Kiddo,

I figured you couldn't lug around that stupid changing machine whenever you leave the house. So, I bought you this and modified it for you. Hope you love it.

Love, Dad

You smiled up at him and set the note to the side, grabbing the small box one more time. He watched intensely as you carefully moved the tissue paper. Inside the box, was a beautiful diamond and red ruby bracelet with a black chain and lobster claw clasp.

~Y'all don't know how long it took me to find an accurate bracelet😩~

Your jaw dropped when you saw the bracelet. Immediately, your eyes shot up to look at your dad. His smile was even bigger than before. Carefully, you took the bracelet out of the box and held it up to the light. It shined in the light of his lamp, making it look more beautiful than before.

"So, do you like it?" Your dad asked.

"Like it? Dad, it's beautiful! What is this for?" You questioned.

"Like the note said Kiddo, you can't lug the case around everywhere. So, I bought you a bracelet to go with your suit and modified it."

"Modified it? What do you mean?"

"Put it on and figure it out." He smiled.

He helped you put the bracelet on and instructed you to think about your suit. You did as you were instructed, and within seconds of thinking of the suit, your clothes were taken over by your hero suit. It started from the bracelet, making the armor and gauntlet for your right arm first. Almost as quickly as the armor started, the rest of the suit followed.

Once your suit was on, you glanced up at your dad. He smiled at you and walked over to make sure that it worked. Once he was sure that the modifications to the bracelet worked, he sat back down and waited for you to say something.

"So, you modified it to put my suit on me?" You questioned.

He chuckled and shook his head. "Your whole suit fits in your bracelet. It's now synced with your mind, I got the idea from T'Challa's younger sister. Shuri."

"Really?! Dad, that's so cool! Thank you!"

You hugged him, and he laughed. You quickly ran up the stairs to show your mom. She was just as impressed as you were with the bracelet. The two of you spent the next few minutes trying to figure out how the bracelet works and how to get the suit back into it.

After you stopped messing around with your bracelet, you helped your mom make lunch for the two of you. You made egg sandwiches for the two of you and sat down to eat with your mom. Once you both finished eating, you did the dishes and went back out for another jog and to train a little bit.

You returned home a few hours later, exhausted and out of breath. You slowly climbed up the porch steps and just laid down on the porch. You laid there for a while, trying to catch your breath. Just as you were about to get up, there was a small kick in your side. You opened your eyes and looked up. Your parents were standing over you with a plate of food and cup of juice.

Smiling, you sat up and took your headphones off. Your parents sat down on the steps on either side of you, and handed you your dinner. You thanked them, then immediately started to eat. Training and going for a run made you a lot hungrier than you thought.

As you ate, you listened to your parents talk about their days and the upcoming baby. Your dad talked a bit more about the bracelet and how him and Shuri designed it. It was informing, listening to him talk about all of the Science and technology that went into making it.

When you finally finished eating, you stood up and brought your dishes inside. Once your dishes were put away, you went upstairs to take a shower. After your shower, you got into some pajamas and sat on your bed with a book.

After a few chapters, you set your book down on your bedside table and stood up. You stretched out your back and headed down the stairs. There weren't any lights on so, you assumed your parents were already in bed. You walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. As you were heading back up the stairs, you heard mumbling come from down in the basement.

Your dad was sitting at his desk, working on something. You sat down on the last couple of steps and watched as he fiddled around with whatever was on his desk. Out of frustration, he slammed his tools down and groaned. You chuckled a little bit, causing him to turn and look at you.

"What are you doing up?" He asked.

"I wanted water." You said.

"What's wrong?"

"What? Nothing."

"Really? Then what's with the sad expression?"

"It's nothing dad."

"What happened to us being best friends hmm? You told me everything last year. What's different now?" He asked.

"Nothing. It's just," you sighed. "my brain is stupid."

"Your brain? Stupid? Never. What makes you think so?"

"It communicates things with other parts of my body."

He hesitated for a moment before answering. "Am I supposed to know what that means?"

"I mean, it knows how I feel and things." You said.

"And that's a bad thing?"

"Yes. It's horrible!"

"Wait. Why? What's so bad about knowing things?" He questioned.

"Because," you leaned onto your elbows. "knowing things means that the rest of my body is giving off signals and stuff."

"Signals? What signals?"

"Signals like how I feel about people and-"

"You mean Bucky? How exactly do you feel about him?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

You hesitated answering, and looked down at your hands. You weren't entirely sure how to answer that. You knew how you felt about him but, you weren't sure if it was just a one time moment from that night or something more. Your dad cocked his head, waiting for you to answer his question. 

Finally, you turned your attention back to him and sighed. You shrugged your shoulders and took a drink of your water. Your dad walked over to you and sat down on the steps next to you. Neither of you said any thing for a few minutes. Finally, your dad pat your shoulder and let out a small sigh.

"So Kiddo? How do you feel about him?" He asked.

"Well, I don't know. I'm not sure if the feelings I feel were just from the one night or if they're for good." You explained.

"One night? What night?"

"When he went with me to drop off Melanny and Charlie's things. We locked eyes and my heart just pounded out of my chest and I was mesmerized by his smile."

He smiled. "Hmm, sounds serious kid. Mesmerized by his smile, heart beating out of your chest when you lock eyes? Sounds like you're in love." 

You choked on the drink of water that you had just taken. "L..Love?! No way!"

"I think so. Which means that we have to get him back now."

"Dad. Dad no. You're wrong. Yes, we have to get him back, just like everyone else. But, I'm not in love with him."

He stood up and started up the stairs. "You said the same thing about Charlie. Remember what happened two weeks later?"

You didn't respond. Instead, you just looked down at your water bottle and thought about what he was talking about. Two weeks after you denied being in love with Charlie, he told you he loved you and you said it back. It was something that just happened so unexpectedly and sudden. 

You sighed and stood up. Maybe your dad was right. He does know you better than anyone else on the planet, snapped or not. You headed back up to your room and laid down in your bed. Your head was spinning and throbbing from everything that you just discussed with your father. 

When you realized that you weren't going to be able to sleep, you turned on the lamp that your dad gave you to calm your nerves. Like usual, it worked and within minutes, you were sound asleep.


October 1st 2023,

It's been about five years since the blip. Mom gave birth to my little sister Morgan, on November 16th 2019. She's 4 now, and is a little pain in the butt. I love her to death but, she's always in my space and it scares me. Especially when I'm training with Dad. I don't want to accidentally hurt her. Dad says she'll be fine but, I don't know. 

I haven't talked to any of the Avengers in a little over a year now. Maybe I should text Nat and Steve? I miss them. It would be nice to talk to them again, and ask Steve to tell me more stories about him in the '40s...and Bucky. Or maybe Nat can tell me about being a spy. Maybe not. She doesn't really like to talk about it. Either way, I should reach out to them.

No one has returned from the snap yet. I'm starting to think maybe they never will. But, Dad tells me that I can't loose hope. He says that there's always a way. Of course, I know he's not looking for a way to save everyone but, I think the rest of the Avengers are. And that helps me keep my hope.



You closed your notebook and went down stairs. As soon as you stepped foot in the living room, Morgan grabbed your hand and pulled you out to her tent in the yard. The two of you stepped in and she immediately started to ask questions. It was something she did every day. She would ask you questions about the Avengers, your parents, and your powers. You did everything you could to answer each question without giving off too much classified information.

Once she was satisfied with the questions, she reached behind her and grabbed a helmet. You knew that helmet. It was the one that your dad was working on for your moms rescue suit. She put the helmet on and started to pretend that she was in the Avengers. You smiled as you watched her move around inside the tent, fighting off pretend villains. She asked for your backup and you started to pretend fight with villains. 

After a while, there was a voice from outside of the tent. It was your dads. He was calling both of you for lunch. Neither of you left the tent, you both just hunkered down and listened. You heard his footsteps approach the small tent you were in and then silence. Morgan and you exchanged a glance, not expecting the sudden silence from your dad. 

"Morgan H and Y/N Y/M/N Stark. You want some lunch?" His voice came from outside of the tent.

Morgan put on a fake blaster and grabbed your hand. Smiling, you followed her steps and surrounded your right hand with energy. The two of you slowly opened the entrance to the tent and stared at your dad.

"Describe lunch or be disintegrated." Morgan said.

"Woah woah woah. Where did you get that helmet?"

"I found it."

"You can't use that okay? It's a special present for mommy, if she sees it, it'll ruin the surprise." Your dad said, taking the helmet off of her.

"Were you looking for it Morg?" You asked.

"No. But, I found it though." She said innocently.

"Well come on, it's time for lunch. You guys want a handful of crickets right? That's what you asked for lunch." Your dad said, picking up Morgan.

You shook your head, laughing, while Morgan said no and insisted that she didn't want crickets. Your dad smiled and wrapped his free arm around your shoulders. The three of you headed back up to the house, just as you got to the front steps, a car pulled up into the driveway. Your dad and you turned around and watched as people stepped out of the car. 

Your confused expression quickly turned into a shocked and happy one when you saw Nat, Steve, and some other guy get out of the car. Quickly, you ran down the steps and into Steve's arms. He wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug and picked you up. It's been two years since you last saw him and you missed his hugs. He set you back down on the ground and you went over to hug Nat. She hugged you back and smiled down at you.

The four of you walked up to the house and your dad asked you to take Morgan inside. At first, you didn't want to. You wanted to stay outside with them to figure out why they were here. But, your dad insisted that you took her inside. Finally, you gave in and carried Morgan into the house. Once you were inside, she ran into the bathroom to wash up. Whereas you sat by the window and looked out.

"Hey Honey. Where's your dad?" Your mom asked.

"He's outside with Nat, Steve, and some guy named Scott." You explained.

"Nat and Steve? What are they doing here?"

"I don't know, dad wouldn't let me stay out to talk with them."

"Well, go out and save him. Lunch is ready, and invite the others to stay too. Okay?" She said, kissing the top of your head.

You stood up. "Yeah, sure mom."

You walked out of the house and went over to your dad. You explained to him that your mom sent you to save him and that lunch was ready. He stood up and wrapped an arm around you, then invited the others to stay for lunch, if they wanted. He walked back inside with you, and immediately went into the dining room to eat. 

The other Avengers didn't stay for lunch, which kind of upset you but, you weren't going to show it. Once you finished lunch, you put your plate in the dishwasher and went back upstairs. Morgan soon followed behind you but, you didn't want to be bothered at the moment. She kept trying to get into your room but, you had the door locked.

After a while, there was a rhythmic knock on your bedroom door. The same knock that your dad used when he wanted in your room. Sighing, you got out of your bed and walked over to the door. You didn't unlock or open it, you just leaned against it. On the other side, you could hear your dad mumbling to himself about something, and then came his rhythmic knock once again.

"What dad?" You finally asked.

"Kiddo, let me in." He said, through the door.

"No. I just want to go to bed."

"Y/N. Listen, I know you called Steve after lunch to figure out what we talked about. But, there's too much at risk. You have to understand that."

"Too much at risk? Dad there was too much at risk when you first went up against Thanos! How is now any different!?" You slightly yelled.

He sighed. "Morgan, your mom, and you. That's what's different Kiddo. If we go up against Thanos, who's to say we'll live? Strange said that there's 14,000,605 scenarios of this fight. And we only win one. Odds aren't in our favor here kiddo."

Sighing, you unlocked and opened your door. Tears were brimming your eyes and your hands were shaking. Your dad looked up at you, noticing the state you were in. He sighed and lowered his head once again.

"Odds are never in our favor dad." Your voice came out in a hushed whisper. "If they were, the Avengers wouldn't be a thing. But, that doesn't mean we can't try."

"What's this 'we' you're talking about? It would be me. You're not going with Kiddo. It's too dangerous."

"You're the one that wants me to join the Avengers! And now that I have a chance to, you're not letting me!?"

"I don't want to have to explain to your mother and sister that you died!" He raised his voice.

The tears broke through and started streaming down your face. "I wouldn't die! If I wanted to die, I would've done it when I was kidnapped! Five fucking years ago!" 

"Kiddo. I just can't risk loosing you."

"And I can't risk loosing you. I still need my dad. That's why I would be there, to make sure you come back. To make sure Thanos doesn't tear our family apart any more than he already has."

He tilted his head at you, "what do you mean? Our family is whole."

"No it's not. The avengers are our family too dad. And half of them are missing, and the other half barely talks to us. Today was the first time I've seen Nat and Steve in two years. You might not consider them family but, I do." You said, wiping your eyes.

Before anything else was said, you closed and locked your bedroom door. This was the first major fight your dad and you have had in a few years. You laid in your bed and shoved your face in your pillow. The pillow muffled the sounds of your crying but, you had the feeling that your dad could still hear you. He hadn't left your door yet, he was still standing in the hallway. He wasn't saying anything to you but, you could hear him mumbling to himself.

Your eyes fluttered open, and you got up. You blinked a few times and then looked down at your clock. 11:37pm. Sighing, you stood up and left your room. Your mom was downstairs reading a book. She saw you and smiled. You weakly smiled back, and went to get a glass of water. When you walked back into the living room, your mom pointed down the stairs towards your dads lab. Sighing, you walked down the stairs and saw Morgan.

You sat on the steps next to her and watched as your dad talked to FRIDAY. He was making a model for something but, you weren't sure what it was. This was, however, the first time you've really seen him like this since the blip. You watched as FRIDAY made the model that he had asked for. Your eyes widened when the words MODEL SUCCESSFUL popped up. Your dad exhaled sharply and sat back in his chair. Whatever he was doing, he didn't think it would work.

"Shit." He said.

"Shit!" Morgan repeated.

You looked down at her, shocked, and your dad turned around in his chair. He looked at the two of you then, put a finger to his lips.

"What are you two doing up?" He asked.

"Shit." Morgan said again.

"No. Don't say that." You said, covering Morgan's mouth.

"Only Mommy says that. She coined it, it belongs to her." Your dad nodded.

You chuckled and stood up. You let your dad deal with Morgan while you looked at the model he was making. Since you were so focused on the model, you tuned Morgan and your dad out, and didn't realize that they had left the room. It looked like your dad was working on some sort of portal or something. Which, really wouldn't surprise you at this point. 

Before you were able to figure out what it was that he was working on, there was a tap on your shoulder. You looked up and saw your dad standing next to you. He offered you a juice pop and nodded towards the stairs. You smiled, taking the juice pop from him, and went up the stairs to sit with your mom.

A few minutes later, your dad came out of Morgan's room, bragging about how she loves him 3000 just like her older sister. Your mom and you exchanged a glance, and then you both chuckled. Your dad came and sat down on the couch next to you, his ego oozing out of him. You rolled your eyes and ignored the comments he made about the scale that your mom and you were at in Morgan's eyes.

"I figured it out. By the way." He said suddenly.

"And just so we're on the same page..?" Your mom asked.

"Time Travel. I figured it out."

"What? That's amazing, and terrifying." 

"Yeah, I know." He said, sighing.

"Wait. Does this mean that we can save everyone now?" You asked.

"Maybe kiddo. I don't know. Maybe I should just stop. Put a pin in it right now and stop."

"Tony. We got lucky, and a lot of people didn't."

"Yep. And there's nothing I can do about it." He said.

"Sounds like there is." Your mom said.

"Dad, we have to try right? I mean, there's so many people who deserve to continue to live their lives. And think of all of the families that don't know what happened to their loved ones."

He looked over at your mom, then down to you. "You know Kiddo, that's the one thing that bothers me about you."

"I don't think you're supposed to say that to your child."

"What bothers you about her Tony? That she wants to help people?"

"No. That she got my attitude and stubbornness." He said, shaking his head.

You smiled and hugged him. "I'm sorry about earlier dad."

"Me too Kiddo."

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