Gossip Girl

By Flickagir

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What if... Images are not mine. More



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By Flickagir

I was back at the Ritz Hotel. 

I was looking through my dresses. 

I finally decided on one. 

I chose blue ballet flats. 

I had gotten a shower. 

I slid the dress on. 

I put my long golden blonde locks in a eight strand braid. 


I slid on a blue smart suit. 

I had Michel drive to the Ritz Hotel. 

I walked in. 

Serena stepped out of the elevator. 

She looked absolutely perfect. 

"You look absolutely gorgeous." 

"Oh, thank you." 

I let her walk out in front of me. 

"Serena, it's been a long time." Michel told her. 

"Nice to see you again." 

Serena slid in the Limo before me. 

I slid in after her. 

Michel drove us to the Restaurant. 

We walked in. 


"Right this way, Prince Grimaldi." 

We followed her. 

We sat down at the table. 

"Your waitress should be right with you." 

"Thank you." 

"Of course." 

The hostess left. 

"What do you like to do in your free time?" 

"Mm. I actually model for Blair. I get paid a lot to do it. What about you? What do you like to do in your free time?" 

"I like to visit different Museums." 


"Where have you traveled?" 

"Spain, Santorini, and Paris. What about you?" 

"New York. Maine. Tennessee." 

"Yeah. That's really cool." 

"What's your favorite restaurant?" 

"Serendipity. What's your favorite restaurant?" 


"Hello. I am Michele and I'll be your waitress tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink?" 

"Just a Water please." Serena ordered. 

"Make that two." 

"Coming right up." 

Michele walked off. 

Serena's phone was on the table. 

It started ringing. 

The screen flashed "Blair Bass." 

"It's Blair. I have to--" 

"Yeah. Of course." 

She answered it. 

"I got back to New York safely." 

"Of course she did, S." It was Chuck. 

"Shut up, Chuck." 

"Do you see what I put up with, Serena?" 

"Oh, it's so terrible being you, Chuck." 

"It is." 

"Where are you?" 

"I am actually on a date." 

"That fast?" Chuck questioned. 

"That blonde hair of yours attracts guys." 


"Bye. Love you." 

"Love you too." 

Serena hung up. 

"I am sorry about that. Wanted to make sure she made it back to New York safely." 

"Of course." 

Michele returned with our drinks. 

"Are you ready to order?" 



"Um... I'm gonna do Chicken Alfredo." 

"Okay. And for you, Your Highness?" 

"The same, please." 

"I'll put that in and it will be out soon." 


She walked off. 

"Among your friends, what are you best known for?" 

"My drama, looks, and attitude. What about you?" 

"My Royal status." 


We both laughed. 

"What do you do to unwind?" 

"I usually drink a glass of Wine. What about you?" 

"I usually drink a Beer." 

"So, we both get drunk to unwind?" 

"Exactly. What's the most essential part of friendship?" 

"Definitely trust and Sisterhood. Nobody can break that. If you have a good foundation, you can overcome anything." 

"Yeah. Trust is definitely needed." 

"I haven't always been the best friend. I actually left for a year. Without saying good-bye." 

"Who besides your parents taught you the most about life?" 

"Blair. She showed me that respect is there but trust has to be earned." 

We smiled at each other. 

"How different do you act when you are with acquaintances vs. people you are comfortable with?" 

"I am very polite to acquaintances. When I am around people I am comfortable with I normally am more laid-back." 

"Same way with me. How well do you cope when you don't have your phone with you for an extended period of time?" 

"I can cope pretty well. I don't have to deal with "Gossip Girl." 


"She is getting very demanding." 

We both laughed. 

"What nicknames have you had throughout your life?" 

"S, Princess S, and It Girl. What about you?" 

"Your Highness." 

The food came out. 

Michele placed it down in front of us. 

We ate. 


"I don't think so. I am full. Serena?" 

"Me too." 

"Just the check, please." 

I paid the bill. 

"Let's walk back to the Ritz Hotel." 


Serena and me walked out. 

We walked to the Ritz Hotel. 

Serena and me kissed. 



She walked inside. 


I got a "Gossip Girl" blast. 

"SVDW and Prince Louis dating? It appears so. The irony that B and S date the same people." 

I swallowed hard. 

"It seems Princess S is growing up. Not dating some Upper East Side boys." 

It was a picture of Serena and Louis kissing. 

My phone rang. 

It was Serena. 

I answered it. 

"I was planning on telling you. I promise. It's just a date. I don't know if it's gonna develop into anything." 

"Please make smart decisions. Promise me." 

"I promise. Don't you worry about a thing, okay?" 


"Okay. Just remember I love you. No matter what you think I'm pulling." 

"I trust you. Just be careful with him." 

"I will tread carefully." 

"Okay. I love you." 

"Love you too." 


"I was planning on telling you. I promise. It's just a date. I don't know if it's gonna develop into anything." 

"Please make smart decisions. Promise me." 

"I promise. Don't you worry about a thing, okay?" 


"Okay. Just remember I love you. No matter what you think I'm pulling." 

"I trust you. Just be careful with him." 

"I will tread carefully." 

"Okay. I love you." 

"Love you too." 

You could hear the genuine love Blair and Serena share. 

It's the friendship kind but Sisterhood like she said. 

I knew it'd be hard to convince Blair I changed. 

I know I don't have a chance with Serena if Blair hates me. 

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