The Bottom Namjoon Collection!

By Sheiala

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A collection of many different Namjoon centric / Bottom Namjoon, stories that I have written over the years! More

Paperwork can be sexy! (NamJinKook)(Sex Pollen/Superhero)(NSFW)
1 to 10 (NamJinKook)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
Sailor Moon (NamGiSeok)(Canon verse)(NSFW)
Fly Baby Fly (NamJinGi)(Canon)(NSFW)
Three is better than two (NamGiJin)(University)(NSFW)
Our Love (Maknaeline x Namjoon)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)(Part 1)
Why am I the baby? (NamVMinKook)(Canon-verse)(Rated M)
Way better Sugardaddy (NamTaeKook)(Sugardaddy)(NSFW)
Our Cute Little Calf (MinJoonKook)(Hybrid-verse)(NSFW)
Unbreakable Rut (MinJoonKook)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
"Yes Young Master?" (Namjoon x BTS) (Canon verse)(NSFW)
Together in heat (Namjoon x BTS) (Omega+Canon-verse)(NSFW)
Daddy Overload (Nj x BTS)(SugarDaddy)(NSFW)(Part 1)
A Ryan Shaped Walk of Shame(Ot7)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
Omega on Omega action (NJ x Markson) (Omega/Canon)(NSFW)
The Shark, The Crab and The Seal (Namjoon x Markson)(Hybrid)(NSFW)
Himbo love (Namjoon x Wonho x BM)(Canon)(NSFW)
My vet is an Incubus(NamGi)(Incubus Joon)(NSFW)
How to feed your Incubus boyfriend (NamGi)(Incubus!NJ/Canon)(NSFW)
Friendly knotting (NamGI)(Omegaverse+Canon)(NSFW)
Somno (NamGi)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
I broke my own heart(NamGi)(Not idol)(NSFW)(Part 1)
All I ask (MinJoon)(Hybrid)(NSFW)
Time to sleep baby (MinJoon)(Idol verse)(NSFW)
My little prey (MinJoon)(Hybrid)(NSFW)
Nobody does sexy like you(MinJoon)(Canon)(NSFW)
Stop having sex in my bed! (MinJoon)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
It's you or Nobody (Minjoon)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
I faked being mated with my leader(MinJoon)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
The Scent of Peaches (Vmon)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
Bad Decisions (NamTae)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
Big useless dick (NamKook)(omegaverse / canon)(NSFW)
Unexpected Player 2 (NamKook)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
No dumb questions (NamKook)(Omegaverse)(mature)
Sucky Soulmark (NamKook) (Soulmate AU) (NSFW)
Pining idiots (NamKook)(Superhero AU)(NSFW)
Frozen Heart (NamKook)(Wolf omegaverse)(NSFW)
Big dick energy, small dick reality (NamKook)(Canon verse)(NSFW)
Falling in love (NamKook)(NSFW)(Sugar daddy)(Part 1)
Falling in love (NamKook)(NSFW)(Part 2)
Falling in love (NamKook)(NSFW)(part 3)
Winter Wonderland (NamGi)(College)(SFW)
Finding Namjoon a date (NamGi)(Hogwarts AU)(SFW)
It might not be perfect, but it is us(NamKook)(Omegaverse)(SFW)
Holding Hands (NamKook)(Hogwarts AU)(SFW)
Cookies (NamKook)(Canon)(SFW)
Meet-cute (NamTae/Vmon) (College) (SFW)
Unconditional Love (Vmon)(Familiar+Warlock)(SFW)
Cat Nanny (vMon)(SFW)(canon)
Elf (NamSon)(Christmas)(SFW)
Broken heart (Vmon)(Non-idol)(NSFW)(Part 1)
The Sick Fic (TaeJoon)(Omegaverse)(SFW)
That Genshin AU nobody wanted (Vmon)(Genshin AU)(NSFW)
Tit fucking (Ot7)(Canon)(NSFW)
6 Alphas (ot7)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)(Part 1)
6 alphas (ot7)(Omegaverse) (Part 2)
Emotes and emotions (NamKook)(NSFW)(Part 1)
Emotes and Emotions (NamKook)(NSFW)(Part 2)
Emotes and Emotions (NamKook)(NSFW)(Part 3)
Emotes and Emotions (NamKook)(NSFW)(Part 4)
Emotes and Emojis (NamKook)(NSFW)(Part final)
Daffodils in Distress (NamKook)(Omegaverse + soulmates)(NSFW) Part 1
Daffodils in Distress (NamKook)(Omegaverse+soulmates)(NSFW)(Part 2)
Daffodils in Distress (NamKook)(Part 3)
Enigma (Ot7)(SFW)(hurt + Comfort)(Part 1)
Enigma (part 2)
Enigma (final)
Kinktober Day 1 - Leather - Namjoon x Hoseok - NSFW
Kinktober day 2 - Tit fucking - Namjoon x Jimin - NSFW
Kinktober Day 3 - hate sex - Yoongi x Namjoon - NSFW
Kinktober Day 4 - Teratophilia - NamKook - NSFW
Kinktober day 5 - Collared - NamJin - NSFW
Kinktober Day 6 - Frottage - NamKook
High road - Ot7 - SFW
Kinktober Day 7 - Hole in wall - Ot7
Kinktober Day 8 - Breeding - NSFW
Kinktober Day 9 - Lactation - MinnieMonnie
Break me (NamKook gang AU)(NSFW) Part 1 out of 11
Break me (Part 2 out of 11)
Break me (part 3 out of 11)
Break me (Part 4 out of 11)
Break me (Part 5 out of 11)
Break me (Part 6 out of 11)
Break me (Part 7 out of 11)
Break me (Part 8 out of 11)
Break me (Part 9 out of 11)
Break me (Part 10 out of 11)
Break me (Final part)

There are No Dumb questions(NamKook)(Omegaverse)(Mature)

1.1K 34 1
By Sheiala

Before Namjoon started going to the gym, he was under the distinct impression that his taste in guys felt on the quiet side, intellectual and more twinky side. Yes, even tho he had dated multiple of that form of guys, of all sub genders, and none of them had felt fulfilling.

Namjoon thought that maybe he just wants ready for relationships; there was no way he was dating the wrong type of guys. This was the type of guys people assumed he was like based on how he looked and acted. Maybe he was just... yeah, he was running out of excuses, in all honesty.

Then he started going to the gym.

Namjoon knew that many omegas didn't go to the gym, let alone all subgender gyms. There were omega specific gyms focused on cardio and getting the curvy lean build that seemed to be favoured by the current beauty standards.

It wasn't that Namjoon had anything against omegas who fit that standard, nor omegas who wanted to fit it; it was more that he didn't care. He would never fit that, and he had gotten over most of his insecurities about it during high school; now way later, as a Masters student, he really did not have the time nor the energy to care about what the world thought of him.

So he went to a regular gym, it was much closer to his apartment, and it had exactly what he wanted and needed for a gym—free weight more than machines, a big open area and a lot of plants. The last one was maybe just him being weird tho.

Showing up at the gym for his introduction and the free hour of personal training with an instructor that was part of his signing bonus, Namjoon didn't really expect much. That was until he got there, and the man waiting for him was... hot.

Even a year later, there were no words that Namjoon could use the describe Jungkook that didn't start with hot. Jungkook was simply to Namjoon, sex on legs, tall, even if still a bit shorter than Namjoon himself, dark almost black should length hair kept in a little bun, loose gym shorts and wearing a loose workout tank top that let his entire sides be free to the air and showing way too much delicious tanned skins. His arms were covered in a mesh of tattoos that seemingly didn't come together but fit him so perfectly in a way that Namjoon couldn't even begin to explain.

Jungkook was everything that everybody had always told him that Namjoon didn't want in an alpha, and god Namjoon wanted to climb him like a tree. Which he didn't cause goddamn it, he was an adult with self-control. Still, it didn't mean it wasn't hard to resist when he called out for the man who had been intensely staring at his phone as if it was holding the map to Eldorado. The first thing Jungkook had done when he had turned to Namjoon was look up and slowly run his eyes over Namjoon, before freezing at his thighs and mumble a word that sounded very much like "thighs." coursing both of them to awkwardly stare at each other.

"Uhm... so are you my trainer?" Namjoon suddenly felt both overdressed and underdressed at the same time.

"I... yes... Namjoon right? My 2 o'clock?" Namjoon just nodded, unable to stop a little giggle as Jungkook almost dropped his phone in his hurry to reach his hand out and give Namjoon a handshake. "Good to meet you! And welcome to Fitness World!" his smile was almost blinding, and Namjoons heart skipped a beat.

"Yeah, Namjoon, and you are?" he gave Jungkook's hand a light squish before dropping it, suddenly being very happy that he had decided to wear scent patches cause he was pretty sure the scent he was giving out was very interested in the way that Jungkook's biceps showed off in that shirt.

"Jungkook, I will be your trainer for today!" again that sunshine smile, before he awkwardly messed with his ponytail "which you already knew, uhm... you are on omega~ which is fine!" he added the last part in a hurry, seemingly noticing what it was kinda sounding like he was saying "omegas are fine! You are fine! We just don't have a lot around here, cause they don't feel comfortable! I promise we do everything we can to make you feel comfortable!" he was clearly trying not to offend anybody as he was falling over his words. Namjoon couldn't do anything other than just giggle. The alpha was simply just too cute.

And that was how the rest of the hour went, more or less. Jungkook showed him around the gym and helped him figure out a workout routine. Making small talking while giving Namjoon compliments on his form, but not in the creepy way that so many alphas did, nor in the way that he was looking down on Namjoon and simply impressed he could do anything. Instead, in a sweet, wholesome way that made Namjoon heart skip a beat, and then the next moment, certain other parts of him react as Jungkook would use one of the weights or machines to show to Namjoon exactly how they were meant to be used, of course with way more weight than Namjoon himself would ever get to use.

That was when Namjoon made a terrible realisation; Jungkook was... well, there was no great way putting it other than stupid. Well, he wasn't unintelligent, but some of the questions that would just randomly come from his mouth were just so stupid, and god Namjoon loved every second of it.

Silly little questions that made Namjoon just want to climb him, even if Namjoon was still taller than the alpha.

When the over was over, well, more like two hours were over cause Jungkook really wanted him to see all of the gym and had told him not to worry about the overtime; they stood awkwardly at the entrance to the gym. At some point during the tour, Jungkook's little ponytail had gotten loose, allowing him to run his hands through the dark locks with a sweet smile on his face. "I hope I showed you everything! But of course, if there is any problem feel free to call me! I am always here to answer questions!" then seemingly realise something as he scrambled in his pocket for something, pulling out what looked to be a business card "you don't have my number! Then you can't call me!" grabbing a pen from the desk next to them, he scribbled something on it, before handing it to Namjoon with a big grin on his face "I added my own personal number on it, feel free to message me any question you have about anything!"

Namjoon took it with one hand while covering his mouth with the other while giggling, "I can't possibly accept that; I don't wanna bother you outside of your work hours!"

"I could never be bothered when it's a cute omega!" Jungkook grinned, then realising his face as he awkwardly made hurried hands movements "not that I am calling you cute or hitting on you! That isn't very respectful, and I promise I respect omegas! Not that you aren't cute, but I..."

He would probably have kept going, talking himself into a tailspin if Namjoon didn't stop him with a sweet giggle "thank you for the number then. Maybe I will see you more here." Namjoon could feel his blush rushing through him in the best of ways as he started walking towards the changing rooms, stopping at the door to look over at Jungkook still hovering around the desk "and good to know you find me cute." he honestly wasn't sure which kind of nerves of goddamn steel he had gotten, that he actually managed to wink at Jungkook, before closing the changing room door behind him.

He didn't get to see Jungkook's response, but he couldn't stop himself from squalling a little, hiding his face in his hands with his back to the door. A very much not Namjoon thing to do, but it was the first time in so long that he had really felt attracted to another person. Even being attracted to Jungkook and everything he stood for was a groundbreaking revelation that put everything Namjoon was into a whole new light.

Then again... Namjoon kinda liked it.

It did turn out to be a little awkward, as the dressing room was very much not empty, and 3 different omegas were staring at him very confused about why a grown-ass man was squalling like a lovestruck little girl.

That was far from the last time he saw Jungkook. Namjoon swore that he wasn't trying to hit the gym times that Jungkook was working there, but somehow the younger was always there, and who were Namjoon to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Jungkook was always nice, always sweet, always came up to help Namjoon with spotting or just strike up a random conversation. It seemed that he didn't really notice that Namjoon was having a lot harder time with actually focusing on doing his exercise when Jungkook was near, just casually flexing those glorious biceps.

He would always be super sweet, ask both how Namjoon, his crabs, his dog and his plants were doing, and never in a way that made it seem that he was just placating Namjoon, in a way that really made him think that Jungkook actually cared. It was so... sweet.

Then sometimes, he would just ask really stupid or silly questions, and Namjoon would have to fight himself to not water blast his drink all over the floor. Maybe it should annoy him, people always told him how clever he was, so maybe he should be annoyed, but if anything... it just made him weak in the knees and in his heart.

Jungkook had just been casually doing bench presses, seemingly not caring that Namjoon did tell him that if things went wrong, there was no way in hell he was strong enough to actually spot him, as he just casually asked, "if animals could talk? Which one do you think would be the rudest?" Namjoon just stared at him, struggling to really grasp the words that were being said of such a... question. He had never been asked something like that before, which seemingly didn't stop Jungkook, as he just kept going, "see, I think it would be a sloth, they kinda remind me of Yoongi-hyung, which means that they would probably yell at me for leaving my towel on the floor and then yell at me again for going on a run in the morning."

Namjoon had to fight himself to not get down on his knees and beg that gorgeous, extremely fit, super sweet and foolish man to go on a date with him. God Jungkook was amazing.

The next one was during a time when Jungkook was casually standing behind Namjoon to correct his squat form, which made Namjoon suddenly very aware of his ass, something he never before that moment had really thought that much about unless somebody was actively fucking it. As he pushed Namjoon's legs a bit closer together to fix his forms, he just casually asked, "How many chickens would it take to be able to kill a lion? Jimin says over a thousand, I say it only takes one with a gun." god it was so stupid. Namjoon dropped the weight he was using for his squats, as it just simply slipped out of hands as he could no longer figure out how to close his hands around it.

Again Namjoon had to fight himself to not just slip to his knees together with the weight and beg to please be allowed to suck this man's stupid cock. He didn't do it of course, but god, he still wanted to do it.

Then there was the time that Namjoon had gone a little too hard on the treadmill, pushed himself further than what he should have, leading to him messing his ankle up. It wasn't hurt or anything, but Jungkook who had been standing at the desk had seen it and quickly come to Namjoon's aid. It was a little too fucking hot, how Jungkook could just lift him up and put him on the desk, biceps barely straining. Namjoon had tried to argue that he didn't actually need Jungkook's help, that he was fine and it really was nothing to worry about.

Jungkook had refused to take no as an answer. Still, the same time also at the same time made sure to never seem as if he was pushing Namjoon or making him uncomfortable.

Making sure every step of the way that he wasn't overstepping, sliding Namjoon's shoe off so he could check his ankle, wiggling it a little to the side, "does this hurt?" Namjoon shook his head, cheeks heating up, with the way that Jungkook was kneeling on the ground his face was right in the line of Namjoon's crotch, and suddenly all he could think about was trying to remember if he had put scent patches on the scent glands where his thigh and crotch met, cause honestly Jungkook being that close to him was starting to get his a body a little... hot.

It turned out that he probably hadn't because when Jungkook looked up at him, his pupils were slightly dilated, and for a second, his body went tense. Jungkook should probably be scared; he had seen too many dumbass alphas attack omegas for something like this, unable to control themselves, and even if they were in a public space, Jungkook was much stronger than him, there was no way that Namjoon could stop him. Not that he was sure he wanted the alpha to stop if he first got going. No bad Namjoon!

But then nothing, Jungkook took one breathe, something that really wasn't logical as it would just make him take in more of Namjoon's sweet, slightly aroused scent, making him more likely to lose control, and then... nothing.

Jungkook smiled at him, with that silly little smile that always made Namjoon's heart tumble "there doesn't seem to be any permanent damage, we should probably still wrap it in a pressure bandage, and have you keep off it for the next 24 hours." his smile was so sweet, and he didn't try to run away like so many alpha's did in situations like that; instead he just stood up slowly as to not spook Namjoon, before reaching over behind him to grab something from the personal desk.

It brought them much closer, probably closer than Jungkook had planned as the happy alpha was seemingly so worried about Namjoon's foot that he didn't consider that this close... Namjoon could smell his sweet scent even through the patches that the alpha had been wearing all day during work.


Jungkook was interested.

After the alpha hadn't done or said anything, Namjoon had thought for a few seconds that Jungkook wasn't into him, but scent never lied, and it wasn't just sexual arousal he could smell on the alpha. It had a softer edge of interest that made Namjoon's own interest peak with a mate? Question from his inner omega.

That was... not what he had expected, but it made Namjoon grin a little for himself, dimples on show, as Jungkook pulled back a little, their faces much closer than either of them had ever thought of.

Jungkook stared at him surprised, seemingly unsure of how Namjoon had suddenly gotten so close, which was kinda hilarious cause Namjoon hadn't moved at all, only Jungkook had "uhm... hello." Jungkook's voice was that of surprise, like he wasn't sure what else to say.

And god Namjoon had it bad for this gorgeous, stupid, silly, sweet man.

He couldn't stop himself from giggling "hello to you as well, do you come here often?"

With Jungkook's scent still stuck in his nose even through the patches, it was easy for him to find the courage to flirt.

It was... exhilarating to see the deep red flush on Jungkook's cheeks as the man stumbled over his words to try and find them. "I uhm... I... uhm..." he was blinking rapidly, seemingly trying to clear his mind, figuring out how human speech worked, then he, in the most lost little voice, mumbled "dimples..."

Neither of them had really realised that they had slowly leaned closer and closer to each other; Jungkook's hands were on either side of his body on the desk, both first realising when they could feel the light brushes of the others breathe against their lips.

For just a second, Namjoon was sure that Jungkook was gonna kiss him, his eye fluttering close, and then... "Hey Jungkook! The machine is stuck again, can you help us, bro?" Jungkook jerked at the sudden noise, which ended up with them slamming their foreheads together, making both of them wince out in pain and Namjoon yelp, not expecting the certain burst of pain and the stars to dance behind his eyes.

"Oh fuck, Namjoon I am sorry." Jungkook's tattooed hands grabbed Namjoon arms to stabilise him but then instantly let him go. "I didn't mean to grab you without your consent!" Jungkook was flailing, rubbing his head with one hand while awkwardly throwing around the other, trying to explain what he meant.

All Namjoon could focus on was how cute the buff man looked while flailing and how good heavily tattooed arms looked during flailing.

Namjoon was about to speak, when he was done giggling of course, cause Jungkook was simply just to cute, but he never got the chance to, as the call went for Jungkook again, breaking them off the little bubble they had found themselves in, both of them blushing unable to look at each other.

Realising that you like somebody for more than just what they aesthetically present to you, longing and wanting, was something new for Namjoon. Namjoon had dated people certainly, seen people and liked them, but he had not wanted somebody the way he wanted Jungkook.

It was... disturbingly wonderful to feel. It didn't matter that no matter how much he tried to explain it to his friends, they were mainly confused about the idea that that was Namjoon's type all along.

It was so different from everything; Jungkook was so different from him; it was exhilarating and a feeling that Namjoon was pretty sure he was high on that for weeks. He was pretty sure Jungkook was interested in him, but Jungkook was hard to read. He was genuinely so sweet and nice that there were moments where Namjoon wasn't sure if the younger man was being sweet and kind or if he was actually flirting.

It was pretty hard to tell with Jungkook simply because he was... sweet.

That didn't stop Namjoon from spending almost an hour at the gym after having finished his workout routine, simply so he could hangout with Jungkook at the desk when the alpha wasn't busy.

That was where he found Jungkook one late evening (if Namjoon had changed his gym time to make sure to hit as many as Jungkook's workdays, then nobody had to know about it.) The young alpha was not eagerly writing up schedules for the different people he was a trainer for or browsing memes on Reddit, no instead, he was holding his head low and almost whimpering over what looked to be a university textbook "you okay there?"

Namjoon, who held textbooks in great reverence, was slightly worried that Jungkook was about to cry on it, which would be sad, cause textbooks were great and very expensive.

"I am gonna die by numbers." was Jungkook sniffling?

Namjoon looked closer at the book; it looked to be 'Intro to Calculus' , a class that Namjoon had taken years ago and had never seen to be... a hard one?

"I don't actually think that math has yet learned to jump out of the book, to instead jump down your throat and choke you." Namjoon giggled a little, as Jungkook slammed his head into the book, before wrapping his arms around said head in despair, letting out more small little whimpers.

"You are wrong! I am actually gonna die; how is anybody supposed to make any sense of this?" Namjoon decided that now was probably not a good time to tell Jungkook that intro to Cal, was the easiest math course that you could take more or less, and later courses such as Algorithms and Data structures was the actual devil incarnate.

"I thought you were studying to be educated and fitness, not math?" Namjoon was not gonna lie that he really enjoyed the fact that he was slowly getting to know more and more of Jungkook, meaning that he knew stuff like this. Not cause he had gone and sought it out, but because Jungkook came to him with the information.

"Yeah," Jungkook was doing something between a groan and a whine, and those glorious biceps were straining as he tightened his arms around his head. Making Namjoon's mouth go dry for just a minute as the ink stretched and pulled with the muscles under it, muscles that Namjoon would never admit to having very vivid daydreams about, "I needed a STEM class, and it's part of Tae's game dev course, so I thought it would be fun to take together!"

Namjoon giggled a little at that, reaching out to mess up Jungkook's loose hair. "It's just intro to calc. I am sure it can't be that bad."

"You don't understand!" Jungkook griefed, but he still pushed his head back up into Namjoon's hand, clearly appreciating and wanting the contact "this class is evil! The professor isn't even speaking Korean!"

Well, that Namjoon knew was a lie since he knew the professor teaching that class, which just made him giggle more, trying to hide it with his hand. Then again, maybe math did sound like another language if you weren't that into maths.

"If you want I can help tutor you; I used to tutor last semester but stopped this one as one of my students got a little... creepy." Namjoon couldn't help but shudder a bit at the thought; that had not been a good moment for him, and he would like to forget everything about it.

Jungkook's head popped up instantly from where it was hiding between his arms, eyes big and eager "really, you would do that?" how could somebody so hot also be so damn cute? Namjoon had no idea, then he pouted, "I can't let you do that; it wouldn't be fair."

There was no way that Namjoon could say, ' honestly, as long as you let me stare at your arms and daydream, that is more than a fair deal to me.' Not only cause it was inappropriate, but also because it might be a little weird, instead he went with a deal that he was sure both him and Jungkook would enjoy "I trade your for gym lessons? Sounds fair?" especially if Jungkook wore those tanks that exposed his entire side and ribs, something that should be genuinely illegal for the sake of Namjoon's mental health.

"You sure?" Jungkook had perked up again, a happy grin on his face, making Namjoon smile, dimples popping and feeling warm on the inside.

"I wouldn't have offered if I weren't sure," thinking for a second about what they would need ", how does Thursday at my apartment sound?" For a second Namjoon thought that maybe he was being a bit too forward, but Jugnkook was quick to eagerly nod.

"If you are sure that sounds good!" then he seemed to think about what he had agreed to and started flailing, a very Jungkook thing to do, Namjoon had found out very quickly after getting to know the younger alpha "are you sure you want an alpha in your space?" Jungkook's words were falling fast from his mouth, only picking up speed as his arms started flailing around as well, "I would totally not wanna put myself in your space if you aren't ready for that! I respect you bro, no matter your subgender! How would you even contact me? I don't know where you live! I promise I am not some creepy stalker!"

Jungkook would probably have kept on with his ramble if he weren't cut off, by Namjoon once again letting out a little giggle, that left Jungkook staring at him with wide-open eyes as if he couldn't really believe what his eyes were seeing, luckily Namjoon didn't judge him, instead just smiling at him "I wouldn't have offered it if I didn't feel comfortable with it, plus you already gave me your number, remember when I first started here." as much as Namjoon had wanted to reach out to Jungkook on his phone, but he always worried that maybe that was overstepping just a bit to much, so he had never done it.

For just a moment, Jungkook seemed to consider it before he eagerly smiled "then I would love to!"

Namjoon had not considered exactly what having Jungkook in his normal space would mean, having a hot gorgeous alpha in the space that he called home. That his inner omega found safe, it was... a little overwhelming, but in a good way.

Jungkook had messaged him after getting the address, with a cute little text:

From Jungkook:

So I normally never wear scent patches outside of work, but I will totally do it if it makes you feel more comfortable! It is up to you dude!

Sometimes Namjoon were sure they were flirting, and then at times, Jungkook would call him dude, like they were just bros. Goddamn it, Jungkook was a damn hell to understand and read.

In the end, Namjoon had told Jungkook not to worry about the scent patches, something he both regretted and at the same time didn't when the alpha arrived at his house.

There was no way of going about it, Jungkook looked like a damn fratboy as he arrived, complete with tight jeans, tanktop, backwards cap and message back haphazardly thrown over his shoulder "Yo!" he gave Namjoon a finger greeting salute, with a big grin on his face.

"Hey, Jungkook." Namjoon smiled softly, letting the alpha in closing the door behind him, before he... froze.

He got slammed with the full weight of Jungkook's scent, eyes going wide and pupils lightly dilating. Jungkook's scent were... amazing, without the patches, it was almost calling out to Namjoon in a way that made his inner omega curl in pleasure. He had caught whiffs of it before, but never this strongly and... and god he loved it so much.

Luckily it didn't seem as if Jungkook noticed, as the alpha was just as taken aback by Namjoon's scent swirling around the place. The omega had been nice enough to air out the apartment before Jungkook got there, but Namjoon's scent still stuck to most things, marking the apartment as his home.

"Do I need to take it off?" Jungkook's voice was hesitant, but not unkind at first all Namjoon could think was ' yes please, take it all off' cause Jungkook's scent made him horny, but then he realised that the alpha was pointing towards his cap, still sitting on his head, "mum and dad always tells me to take it off if I am indoors." he threw his hands out in a big movement as to explain what he was meaning, and Namjoon couldn't help, being a little disappointed, and god he really needed to control his hornyness didn't he?

"No it's okay, shoes off, but the rest can stay." Jungkook's facial expression did something complicated, but Namjoon missed it as he instead went to guide Jungkook into the living room.

Studying and tutoring might sound romantic or even sexy in some people's mind, but in reality, if the other person actually needed to learn something. It didn't help that Jungkook was actually, genuinely, terrible at math, like there was no sweet way of putting it, he was just terrible at the topic, and Namjoon was starting to realise that maybe he shouldn't have taken a class just to be with his friend.

The 20th time Jungkook dramatically sighed, hiding his head in his arms in a way that made his biceps flex, Namjoon couldn't help, but just giggle, patting Jungkook on the head, letting his fingers slider through those long black surprisingly soft locks (in the end, Jungkook had indeed taken off his cap, finding it weird and maybe a bit rude to keep it on.) "it's gonna be fine, you are making great progress."

Jungkook just groaned clearly not agreeing, three hours later when they were done for the day, Namjoon couldn't really disagree with him, Jungkook just terrible at the subject.

Luckily it didn't seem that Jungkook minded to much, as soon as they had finished, he instantly cheered up, sweet smile on his lips "thank you!"

He looked so happy, that Namjoon couldn't really get himself to point out that he wasn't sure if they really made much progress in him actually remembering it.

Namjoon was honestly impressed by himself, he had sat thigh to thigh with Jungkook while teaching him those wondrous muscular quadriceps, and he had not done anything to show his interest; he had even managed to keep his scent under control.

Okay maybe he had done a bit of teasing, but it was tough not to when Jungkook was being so wonderfully...him. Every stupid comment that Namjoon wasn't even sure if should take seriously was followed by a tug at his heart... and his loins.

Still, he had managed to get through it without doing something... he really wanted to, like crawl into Jungkook's lap and kiss the living hell out of him.

Why was all of Jungkook's stupid silly comments so attractive to him? Namjoon still had no idea, but he also decided that he didn't actually care.

Even tho the tutor session was over, Jungkook had agreed to stay over for a cup of tea, something Namjoon was more than happy to let him, not just because... well his giant ass crush, but also cause some part of Jungkook, being so much different than Namjoon, just made the omega feel more comfortable, feel better about himself, and feel less stressed.

As Namjoon was placing the tea down on the table, Jungkook had been fluttering around the livingroom, taking in all of Namjoon's different knick-knacks. "Namjoon?" Jungkook's voice was happy and joyful and it made Namjoon turn his attention around, eyes instantly settling on the young alpha who were studying one of Namjoon's tiny wooden penguins.


"Do you think penguins have knees? And if they don't have knees, do you think they are sad about not having knees? I would miss not having knees." Jungkook's question was so earnest, and his voice showed no sign of a joke, as if he was genuinely worried about the state of the penguin's knees.

Namjoon just stared at him, and when he didn't get an answer, Jungkook turned around, worried. "Namjoon?" head slightly cocked to the side and question "you okay?" it was to much for poor Namjoon.

With a big sigh, the omega said out loud "Jungkook?" he took a step closer to the alpha, who was seemingly still confused about what was going on, which was somehow even hotter to Namjoon.

"Yes?" he looked back at the penguin quickly, and then down at Namjoon's knees, and honestly Namjoon couldn't tell anybody what was going through Jungkook's mind, and if he tried to figure out he was pretty sure it would melt his brain into a happy little puddle.

"I need you to say no right now, else I am going to kiss you."

Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, as Namjoon took a step closer to him, now they were in reaching distance from each other "I...-" then he grinned "yes?"

It was a big and wide grin, and it made Namjoon's heart beat even faster "yes as in I can?"

He didn't answer, instead he crossed the last distance between them, his back warm and inked heart reaching up to cup Namjoon's face between them before leaning up just a bit to press his chapped lips against Namjoon's.

So many alphas always commented about Namjoon's height, very few were taller than him, normally it would bother himself and the alpha, but with Jungkook it didn't matter. So what if Namjoon was taller than Jungkook, when the other man didn't care, plus he could easily bench Namjoon if he wanted to.

Letting himself get lost in the lips against his, Namjoon's eyes fluttered close, not protesting when Jungkook let one hand drop to his hips, to instead pull him closer, letting his lean body melt perfectly into the muscled frame of the alpha.

Jungkook's scent was spiking, and so close to its centre, Namjoon couldn't do anything more than just let himself relax into it, letting out a little moan of pleasure as the alpha pheromones washed over him.

That seemed to be exactly what Jungkook had been waiting for as he took the chance to slowly slip just the tip of his tongue inside Namjoon's mouth, running it over the roof of his teeth in a teasing fashion.

It was light and teasing and while there were clearly pent up emotions from both sides, Jungkook never tried to overwhelm him the same way that so many other alpha's did, if anything, his hands were being extremely gentle and well mannered.

No matter how much he loved the kiss, Namjoon couldn't help but giggle a bit as he broke the kiss, looking at Jungkook with wide happy eyes "what?" Jungkook looked so confused at Namjoon's giggling, but also a little hurts, and then he instantly started babbling and flailing, letting go of Namjoon's waist to flail his arms around "oh shit! I am sorry, I didn't mean to go all alpha on you; I was a little over the top! I didn't mean it. I just really like you, but I also wanna respect you, and you smell so nice and...-"

Namjoon didn't let him finish, instead crushing their mouths together in a blinding kiss, stealing both of their breaths away, Namjoon eagerly swiping at Jungkook's lips with the tip of his tongue. When permission was given, he was more than happy to devour Jungkook's mouth, explore the alpha's warm cavern, engaging Jungkook's own tongue in eager dances and licks, as the alpha warm inked hands once again return to Namjoon's waist.

Wrapping his arms around the other man's broad shoulders, Namjoon enjoyed every moment of their closeness, only breaking the kiss when his vision started to blur from the lack of proper oxygen. Leaning their foreheads together, Namjoon couldn't help it, but smile, spreading to a full grin when he saw Jungkook's dazed expression, the alpha darting his tongue out to lick at his own lips, seemingly trying to get the last part of Namjoon from them.

"I was laughing cause you were being sweet, so different from what many alpha.s are, and especially different from what is expected from somebody who looks the way you do. I liked it." that seemed to be enough for Jungkook, who smiled happily.

"I... I wanted to kiss you since I saw you the first time." his confession was not whispered, cause Jungkook was never, and never would be, quite in his affection, something that just made it swell inside Namjoon, "but I saw all the different guys you have been dating, and they aren't really... like me, so I thought you might not be interested?"

Namjoon just laughed, bright and happy "that is why I like you; nobody ever made me feel this way. Everything you do, it just... it makes me warm inside and happy; you are nice, sweet, strong, and at times stupid, but that is what makes you, and I love every single damn moment of it. Nobody makes me feel this way Jungkook, just you."

Reaching up to brush a lock of hair behind Namjoon's ear, Jungkook smiled big and wide at him, he looked completely besotted, and objectively he looked a bit stupid, but Namjoon didn't care, cause if you asked him, he had never seen anything more gorgeous "how were I ever this lucky?" His voice was more serious than it had been in his first sentence, and heat gathered in Namjoon's cheeks.

People had said they were lucky for getting to date him before, but it had never been in that specific tone that Jungkook had used. A tone that made Namjoon actually believe it, instead of just sounding like empty flattery "looking at you, I am not sure exactly who is the lucky one." it was meant to just be a teasing comment, not anything serious in any way, but Jungkook's brows knitted together in a frown.

"Me, I am the lucky one." Jungkook said it without any doubt in his voice, and those muscular arms that Namjoon had dreamt about more than a few times wrapped around him and held him close "so lucky." those last words mumbled into his hair.

It was a bit of an awkward position, Namjoon pulled down to have his head rest against Jungkook's shoulder, but Namjoon couldn't find it in himself to care; the alpha smelt so nice, a mix of all the best things he could think of. So close to Jungkook's neck and without a patch on, the scent was clear through the air, and Namjoon couldn't stop himself from turning his head a bit to the side, rubbing his face into the alpha's scent gland, happy little hum in the back of his throat "maybe we are both lucky?"

Jungkook didn't answer, instead his arms tightened around Namjoon, pulling him closer. His scent changed just a little, getting heavier and more present as it invaded Namjoon's nose, making him purr in a soft way.
It was the same scent that he had been able to smell when Jungkook had bandaged his foot; it was a soft sweet scent of arousal. Not wanting to let up, Namjoon kept nosing at his scent gland, something Jungkook seemed to enjoy if the soft little growl he let out was anything to go by.

His hands were rough or even demanding; they were just holding Namjoon, letting the omega do as he pleased; now they couldn't have that, now could they?

Namjoon knew he was a bit of a minx when he got in the mood for it, but he really wanted to test and see what it took to make Jungkook snap, what it would take to make his big strong, and sweet alpha do exactly what he wanted to. Hiding a grin away in the other man's neck, Namjoon used just a bit of his teeth to grace the slightly raised gland at Jungkook's neck.

That got a reaction from Jungkook as a bitten-off moan was heard from the alpha, as he mumbled into Namjoon's hair, "I think you need to stop, I am getting a little... too excited." he sounded so apologetic, and Namjoon couldn't help, but coo.

"What if that is what I want?" finally pulling back to look up at Jungkook, running a hand up the other man's cheeks to cup his face "what if I want you to ravage me. What if all I have been able to think about every time I go to the gym is to figure out exactly how you would look on top of me?" with every word Namjoon was getting more and more into his little speech, every word having weight behind in. Only stopping for a short second as Jungkook let out a little whine, but not pulling away, just leaning into Namjoon's soft hand with his eyes closed.

Taking it as a sign to keep going, Namjoon leaned down closer, so they were nose to nose. "I always wondered if you would be able to lift me and fuck me against the wall, you have such nice arms and you bench more than what I weigh. Nobody else has ever been able to, since I am too damn tall, so I can't help, but wonder if you could."

Jungkook's jaw dropped, and the aroused scent in the room only grew stronger, almost wrapping up in a cocoon as their scents mixed. Namjoon not even ashamed to let his own aroused scent grow strong, to show the younger alpha exactly what he did to him "I... I can do that." Jungkook's voice was quiet as he let his hands slide down to Namjoon's thigh, grabbing a good hold there but not yet lifting. "I wanna do so many things to you, treat you how you deserve, I wanna worship you." Jungkook already sounded out of breath.

Pecking Jungkook ones on the lips before tilting his head a little to the left, presenting his scent gland to the man, "then I think you should take me to the bedroom."

Jungkook seemed that he very much would like to do that, and for a second, his grip tightened as to lift him before he hesitated "are you sure?" he was staring at Namjoon's exposed neck, pressing a soft but respectful kiss to the gland there "we aren't going to fast for you? We don't have to if you aren't ready."

Giggling, Namjoon just teased in a sweet tone, letting his hand drop to Jungkook's wide solid shoulder to stabilise himself; he really did feel as if this man was making his knees week "well, if you take every time you have helped me out in the gym, then we are on our about 30th date, and far overdue for you to ravage me like I have fantasised about too many times while watching you in the gym." Namjoon couldn't help but run a hand down to give Jungkook's bicep a quick squish; they were so big that even with Namjoon's much larger than average hands, they couldn't close around them.

"Are you...-" as much as Namjoon loved that Jungkook was sweet, and cared about making sure that he had consent and that he was comfortable, Namjoon's patient was running low.

"Yes, I am sure; now do I have to ravage you or?"

It seemed that it was finally enough for Jungkook to take a real hold of Namjoon's thighs, lifting him up like he weighed nothing, "to the bedroom then?" he was grinning.

Wrapping his legs around Jungkook waist, with his arms around the man's neck, Namjoon answered the grin with an eager expression, "to the bedroom indeed."




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