A Child of Mischief (Loki/Ave...

By krissy_girl94

6.4K 212 13

Long before the events of Thor and the Avengers, the god of mischief fell for a common Asgardian maiden. Late... More

1. Shock and Awe
2. Love and Unbearable Pain
3. Banishment
4. Hurtful Goodbyes
5. A New World
Time jump
6. Buisness As Usual
7. All Jokes Aside
8. Explanation
9. Traveling Realms
10. Asgard
11. Mind Over Reality
12. A Test of Skill
13. Festive Fiasco
14. Mind Games
15. Training the Mind
16. Battle Grounds
17. Mischievous Ways
18. Whose to Blame
19. Memory Lane
20. Secret of A King
21. Seeking Guidance
22. Decision Making
23. Royal Argument
24. Calling Home
25. Casting Votes
26. A New Day
27. Legends
28. New Life
29. Taking a Stand
30. Truth Telling
31. Secret's Out
32. Bargain
33. Meetings and Goodbyes
34. Unlikely Explaination
35. Rumor Control
36. Payback or Revenge
Time Jump
38. Deadly Birthday
39. A Lie Unveiled
40. Rescue Mission
41. A Family Reunited
42. Survival
43. Awakening
44. Winds of Change
45. One Final Test
46. Family Crisis
47. Offer of A Lifetime
48. 1 Year Later
49. Together Again
50. Festivity

37. Unhinged

68 3 0
By krissy_girl94

As it came to being two weeks since Thor had brought the children to Asgard, he still seemed to not know how to properly treat Cora. After he reprimanded her for the unthinkable alternate reality she had him endure, she had closed herself off completely. Staying far away from him, and those that only wanted to help her understand her place amongst them, including Loki. Anytime Loki would try to come around, she would teleport herself away either to her room or to the library. It wasn't until the night before her birthday that she finally stood up for herself and actually confronted Thor.

"Hey, Cora. I know you said not to bother you unless it's an emergency, but Thor wants to see you in the throne room." Peter says after he knocks two times on her door. After waiting a few minutes, Peter takes a chance at possibly being thrown out of her room, he opens Cora's door, steps inside, and closes the door behind him. As he enters, he see's Cora sitting with her knees up in the large windowsill. Her head is tilted toward the window, indicating she may be asleep.

Peter walks up to Cora and tries not to step on the long gold and white train of her dress that drapes onto the floor. He lightly places his hand on her shoulder, she turns her head to him and he backs up as he see's her eyes are blood red.

"They've been like this ever since..." Cora begins to say but trails off, Peter sits on the other end of the windowsill and takes Cora's hand.

"Ever since Thor punished and embarrassed you for that alternate reality you put him in?" Peter guesses, Cora keeps her eyes down but nods. Peter gets off the windowsill and sits on the edge of the windowsill next to Cora, then wraps his arms around her, hugging her.

"I can't face them like this. Even if I am to see Thor, all of the others -not including the other recruits- will be there as well. This shows that I'm unstable, unhinged, and about to lose control. I can't risk losing control, that's why I've stayed away from everyone for the last two weeks." Cora says as she buries her head in Peter's shoulder.

"Believe me, I wanted to leave you alone, but Thor thought I'd be the easiest one to get you to come out of your room." Peter admits, Cora shakes her head against Peter's shoulder and wraps her arms around Peter's neck, returning the hug he had been giving her. A knock on Cora's door makes her and Peter look toward the door.

"Peter what is taking so long? You were supposed to get her out of her room and to the throne room." Loki asks after he knocks on the door.

"Just stay close to me and keep your head down." Peter instructs, Cora nods and they both get up from the windowsill. Walking to the door, Peter opens it, a puzzled look comes over Loki's face as Cora keeps her head down and walks out of her room. Peter silently walks close to her and Loki follows behind them.

"Are you alright?" Loki mentally asks Cora, continuing to walk down the hall, Cora doesn't answer, she keeps her head down and her long raven hair covers her eyes. Loki narrows his eyes and does the one thing he swore to himself that he wouldn't do. He grabs Cora by her arms, pulls her into a corridor, and pins her up against the wall.

"Loki, leave her alone." Peter says as he gets in the corridor and tries to pry Loki's hands off Cora. Loki looks at Peter and flicks two fingers in the air, which sends Peter flying down the corridor. Lightly peeking out from her hair to give Peter a worried look, Cora tries to get loose from Loki's grip, but he only holds her tighter against the wall. Just as Loki looks back at Cora, she looks back to the floor.

"I asked you a question, and I expect an answer." Loki says sternly, Cora keeps quiet and continues to look at the floor.

"Look at me, when I'm talking to you." Loki says and puts his hand under Cora's chin and pulls it up so she has to look at him. Cora keeps her eyes closed and shakes her head.

"Adamaris Lokidottir, you look at me." Loki fiercely says using Cora's Asgardian name. As a single tear rolls down her cheek, Cora opens her eyes, immediately Loki let's go of Cora and he backs up, his eyes go wide and his mouth falls open.

"How long?" Loki asks sympathetically, Peter gets up off the floor and walks back to Cora. Dropping her head, Cora let's her hair fall in front of her eyes again. Loki looks to Peter for an answer.

"Her eyes have been like that for two weeks, ever since Thor punished and embarrassed her after putting him through the alternate reality he endured." Peter explains, staying still against the wall, Cora doesn't move or make a sound, she just keeps her eyes to the floor.

The anger Loki had felt seconds ago, disappears and a sense of worry fills his mind now. He gently pulls Cora into a hug, and she buries her face in his shoulder. Loki brings one of his hands up and strokes Cora's hair.

"Why didn't you come to me as soon as you noticed your eyes hadn't gone back to normal?" Loki asks concerned that the effect from Cora's anger may be permanent.

"I didn't want to be a bother or a burden to anyone. I've already caused enough trouble." Cora mentally answers, Loki hugs her tighter as he realizes how Cora has felt the whole time she's been in Asgard.

"Why would you think your a bother or a burden?" Loki asks pulling out of the hug and gently pushing Cora's chin up so she has to look at him again.

"Everything Thor said, after his alternate reality, and after I woke up from being severely injured in the battle. Let's face it, I haven't made any progress while being here, and I'm only dragging everyone else down." Cora says as a few tears roll down her cheeks.

"No, your not. Your just taking your time and taking things slow so you don't get hurt again. What Thor had said those few weeks ago was unacceptable and uncalled for. You had a request from Odin to do what was done, and you followed through on that request. He should not have said what he said. Because, now your anger has been brewing for those weeks and this is the result." Loki says as he moves his hand from Cora's chin and onto her cheek to wipe away a tear.

"Well, better go see what Thor wants. Before he sends someone else to try and get me." Cora says, Loki drops his arms and backs away from Cora so she can get to the throne room. Peter walks next to her, and takes hold of her hand as they exit the corridor and continue down the hallway. As they approach the throne room, Loki teleports himself in front of the closed doors. He looks at Cora and Peter just as they approach the doors, then nods and teleports himself into the room. Using his thumb, Peter rubs little circles on the back of Cora's hand to keep her calm. Cora keeps her head down as she hears Thor speak from the other side of the door.

"Is she on her way, or not?" Thor asks the annoyance very apparent in his voice.

"You honestly expect her to listen to anything you have to say, after you humiliated her in front of everyone?" Loki says, both Peter and Cora hear a thud and then hear Loki groan. Cora's eyes go wide and her breathing quickens.

"Stay calm." Peter quietly says, as he continues to rub the back of Cora's hand.

"After all, what happened to us was a request of our own father. Cora was merely following through on the request." Loki says.

"She's one more incident away from being sent home, and if that happens, you will not be seeing her again." Thor says, at this point Cora is so fed up with Thor and his unfair treatment of her that she flings the doors open with her powers and stomps into the throne room.

"As far as my time on Asgard goes, that is not up for you to decide anymore. I am done being treated as though I don't matter. I followed orders, and what did that get me, humiliated in front of everyone. I will not have it anymore." Cora screams, keeping her head down as she slams the doors to the throne room shut just after she and Peter enter.

"Now you listen here, all of this attitude needs to stop. What you did was uncalled for, and out of line. I should send you back now, but I'm feeling generous. So, all you have to do is apologize for your behavior and I'll let you stay." Thor says, both Loki and Peter exchange looks of absolute terror as Cora begins to laugh and they can hear the anger in her laugh.

"Oh, now you've done it." Loki says as he and Peter back up to the wall closest to the doors.

"Apologize, you want me to apologize for doing something I was told to do." Cora begins to say as she walks up to Thor and grabs hold of his armor chest plate with both hands, hoisting him in the air. Cora looks up at Thor and he gasps as he see's her eyes.

"Yeah, no. The way I see it, you owe me an apology, for lying to me." Cora says and yells the last three words before she throws Thor across the throne room. All those in the throne room stand back and watch with wide horrified eyes as Cora begins to attack Thor.

"Loki, shouldn't you do something?" Thor yells as he lifts his head from the floor.

"What do you want me to do? Become the object she seeks to take her anger out on? I will gladly pass on that, she's angry and needs to get it out." Loki says, Lady Sif and the warriors all look at Loki as though he has gone crazy.

"Your Majesty, wouldn't it be a good idea to..." Lady Sif begins to say, but then is cut off by Odin raising his hand at her.

"Loki makes a valid point, she is very angry with how she has been treated for more than two weeks. And if taking her anger out on the one that has caused her heart to be this angry makes her feel better, then I will allow it." Everyone -except Cora- in the room looks between Loki and Odin with wide shock filled eyes.

"All you wanted to do was bring me here to have me learn the truth and then abandon me, just like you did all those years ago." Cora says as she uses her powers to levitate Thor and throw him back and forth across the throne room.

"I didn't have a choice all those years ago." Thor says and looks to his father. Cora levitates Thor over to her and makes him look her in the eyes.

"Don't you dare begin to blame this on Odin. Yes, he gave the orders, but you followed through with them, and then pretended as though you knew nothing when I would ask questions. Hence why your the only one my anger is towards." Cora says and flings Thor against the doors of the throne room.

"You lied to me so many times, to my face and behind my back, even before we came here and after we arrived." Cora says, her anger becomes more apparent as her hands begin to glow gold and the red color of her eyes gets brighter. With Thor still being laid out on the floor in front of the doors, Cora walks over to him, leans down and begins to punch him in the face.

"I believe Thor has had enough. Loki get her to stop." Odin says, Loki steps up from the wall and gets in Cora's line of sight, but the anger clouds her vision so much that she doesn't see him.

"I put my trust in you, and you broke that trust, more than beyond repair. I asked you if you knew where my amulet came from, and you lied to my face, how can I ever believe a word you say, after being hurt that badly?" Cora screams as she grabs Thor by the throat and begins to knock his head into the floor of the throne room. Everyone looks at Cora with sorrow filled eyes as they hear her words.

"Cora, that's enough. You need to stop." Loki simply says, but it does nothing as Cora goes back to punching Thor.

"Cora, please this isn't you. Please, Cora listen to us." Peter pleads as Cora continues her vicious attack on Thor.

"We may have to take a more drastic approach in order for her to listen." Lady Sif says as she begins to step up toward Cora, keeping her hand on the handle of her sword.

"Loki, is there anything you can think to say to get her to stop this violent attack on your brother?" Queen Frigga asks and looks at Loki with pleading eyes.

"There may be one thing, but it is a long shot." Loki says, Queen Frigga's eyes go wide and she gestures at Cora with both hands.

"If you were just going to treat me like crap and abandon me days after bringing me here, why bring me here in the first place?" Cora screams and throws Thor back across the throne room.

"Adamaris, stop this. You know your mother wouldn't want to see you this way." Loki screams just as Cora raises her fist to give Thor another blow. Her fist stops mid-punch and her hand slowly goes down to her side. Looking around, Cora blinks a few times before her eyes change back to blue. Seeing the blood on her hands, Cora looks down at Thor and gasps, she turns to face the others and her eyes fill with tears.

"What did I just do?" Cora sobs as she looks at her hands, Loki walks up to her and hugs her to try and calm her.

"You blacked out, and took your anger out on Thor, for the way he's been treating you." Loki explains, Cora pulls away with a horrified expression on her face.

"And you let me do it?" Cora questions as she continues to back away from Loki. She see's Lady Sif and the warriors keep their eyes on her as she walks toward the doors of the throne room.

"Cora." Peter says as he reaches out to her, Cora coils away from Peter's advance.

"Stay away from me." Cora cries out as she flings the doors open with her mind and runs out of the room with tears streaming down her face.

"Fandral, follow after her and make sure she does not harm herself." Odin orders, Fandral nods and rushes out of the room to try and catch up with Cora.

"Are you happy now, brother? All she wanted was to be treated fairly, told the truth, and accepted. You pushing her away, humiliating, and making her feel like an outsider is enough for her to lose all control and potentially be a threat to everyone she comes into contact with." Loki says as he turns away from his bloodied brother, and heads out the doors to try and find Cora. Peter looks from Thor to Loki, and doesn't hesitate as he turns on his heels and follows after Loki to help find Cora.

"Well, that could have gone way worse than it did." Peter says trying to make light conversation as he and Loki walk down the hall back toward the rooms.

"Honestly, I was half expecting her to stab him." Loki says, Peter gives him a worried look as he walks next to him. Just before they reach the hallway where the rooms are, Fandral comes out of a corridor with a somber expression on his face.

"Fandral, what's happened, where's Cora?" Peter asks, Fandral lowers his head and shakes it before he responds.

"She's very distraught. When I caught up to her, she asked... she asked me to..." Fandral begins to say but loses his seemingly stone like composure and a tear rolls down his face.

"No." Loki says as he realizes what corridor they are standing in. Fandral only nods as Loki rushes down the hall and immediately goes right at the entry way, and heads down the few flights of stairs. As he reaches the end of the long hallway, he goes through the door on his left, and enters the one place he'd sworn he'd never return to; the dungeon.

"Cora! Cora, where are you?" Loki calls out as he rushes down the long stretch of holding cells. He hears a muffled cry as he reaches the cell at the end of the hallway. Cora sits on the floor with her knees tucked up to her chest, and her bloodied hands cover her face. Frantically Loki looks around for the key to the cell, but finds nothing.

"She asked me to hold on to it, and make sure no one got their hands on it." Fandral says as he and Peter approach, Fandral holds the key out, Loki snatches it, and unlocks the door, then steps inside.

"Cora, come on. You do not belong in here." Loki says as he walks over to the side of the bed furthest from the entrance, then crouches down in front of her, she keeps her face covered and shakes her head.

"This is the only place, where I won't be able to hurt anyone." Cora says from behind her hands. Loki removes Cora's hands from her face and holds them in his.

"No one blames you for what just happened. Do you hear me, you are not at fault for attacking Thor." Loki says, Cora shakes her head and cries louder.

"Then who is? Because it's not you, or Thor, or anyone else. I'm the one that's supposed to be in control of my actions, and I can't even do that." Cora says, and her breathing begins to turn into hyperventilation.

"Fandral, find a few wet cloths." Loki says, Fandral nods and rushes away from the cell. Cora looks to Peter and the tears flow harder, Peter enters the cell and kneels beside Cora on her left side.

"Maybe I should just g—." Cora begins to say, but Loki shakes his head and places his hand over her mouth.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. Sif may be close by listening, and you know she will not hesitate to get the deed done if you mutter the last of that." Loki says as he moves his hand from Cora's mouth and rests it on her cheek. Cora leans her head back against the wall and closes her eyes.

"Give me my bracelet." Cora says opening her eyes and looking at Peter. Peter looks at her with wide eyes, but pulls the bracelet out of his pocket and begins to hand it to her. Just as Cora is about to take the bracelet, Loki grabs Peter's wrist.

"That will hinder your ability to fully heal. You remember what happened last time you used it as a means to mute your powers." Loki says, Cora shakes her head and takes the bracelet from Peter and fastens it to her right wrist.

"Here we go. Some wet cloths as requested." Fandral says coming back into the cell with two wet cloths in hand. Loki let's go of Peter's wrist and takes the cloths from Fandral. Placing one of the cloths on Cora's cheek, Loki begins to wipe the blood off of her face. Peter takes the other cloth from Loki and works to clean Cora's hands. Cora just stares past them and Fandral as her heightened hearing picks up someone coming close to the dungeon.

"Someone's coming this way." Cora mumbles and lowers her gaze to her lap. As Loki finishes cleaning Cora's face, he looks up to see Thor come into view of the cell.

"Don't you dare start anything. We just got her slightly calmed down, or do you want another beating?" Loki screams as he jumps up and walks to stand in front of the cell's entrance. Thor just stands in front of Loki and stares over his shoulder to try and get a glimpse at Cora, who keeps her gaze on her lap.

"She's being sent back to Midgard, tonight." Thor simply says. Loki, Peter, and Fandral all look at Thor with shock filled eyes.

"Now, that is utterly unfair of you. She knows what she has done is wrong and is punishing herself accordingly to the crime she committed. Perhaps we should go to Odin and have you re-banished to Midgard, powers stripped of course, for the unfairness you have done to her." Fandral says as he stands next to Loki, so Thor cannot get to her.

"I swore that I would fight, by any means necessary to keep her here. And I will make good on that promise. Just because she showed you up at your own training exercise and beat you up, didn't give you the right to say the things you did. Those pent up feelings she had earlier have been brewing and getting worse since you humiliated her." Peter says as he stands on Loki's other side, then looks back at Cora, and his eyes go wide as he see's her holding her bracelet in her left hand.

"What is the meaning of this, Thor? I specifically said to not bother Adamaris anymore than you already have. As for whom her mentor is to be, that task will be put into the hands of Fandral and her father. So, leave her be." Odin says as he comes into the dungeon and see's Thor trying to get into the cell. Odin walks around to the front of the cells protective viewing forcefield and looks at Cora, who stands up and has her gaze now shifted to the entrance where Thor continues to stand.

"GET OUT!" Cora screams and pushes a wave of energy between those protecting her. The wave of energy goes past those in the doorway and hits Thor in the chest. Sending him flying down the dungeon corridor and all the way to the entrance door of the dungeon.

Loki turns and looks at Cora, who's eyes glow a bright neon red color. Rushing to Cora, Loki takes her in a comforting hug, and buries her face in his shoulder. He can feel the angry energy radiating from Cora.

"Breathe, he's gone and will not hurt you anymore." Loki says, for Cora's own safety, he grabs the bracelet out of her left hand and snaps it into place back on her right wrist. Feeling a bit faint, Cora wraps her arms around Loki, Loki senses the weakness coming from Cora and picks her up, then places her on the bed in the center of the cell.

"Just leave me here, please." Cora weakly pleads. With wary eyes, Loki nods agreeing to Cora's request. With anger fueling his now apparent rage, Loki begins to walk away from Cora but stops as he feels her tugging on his jacket sleeve. He turns back and kneels down next to the bed and strokes her hair.

"What is it, Cora?" Loki asks concern clearly coating his voice as he searches for all possibilities for what could be wrong with Cora.

"Don't do anything, stupid." Cora says with a little more power in her voice. Loki let's a small smile form on his lips and he lightly chuckles. Leaning down, Loki places a small kiss on Cora's forehead. He stands up and begins to walk away, but turns back as he feels another tug on his jacket.

"Cora I promise, I won't go after Thor or get revenge for your sake. Now, will you please rest?" Loki says as he bends down and touches his forehead to hers.

"It's Adamaris, dad." Cora says softly and settles down, then closes her eyes as she begins to feel the fatigue hit her. Loki looks from Cora to Peter and Fandral who both have surprised looks on their faces. He looks back to Cora and see's her breathing begin to even out.

"Well, I think that's all the excitement we will be getting today,we should leave her to rest." Fandral says as he exits the cell, as Peter tries to leave the cell, a gold colored forcefield appears in front of the entrance and bounces Peter back into the cell. Looking between Loki and Fandral, Peter tries to exit the cell but the same thing happens.

"It looks as though she wants company while she rests. I don't blame her, it can get very lonely being down here by yourself." Loki says as he thinks back to the multiple times he had to be placed in the exact cell he currently stands in.

"If she wakes up in a rage, come find us immediately." Loki says as he walks past Peter and out of the cell. Peter nods as he takes a seat at the desk in far corner of the cell. Fandral closes the cell door, and walks away.

"Well, you sure did it this time." Peter says as he chuckles a little bit. Cora sleepily turns over and faces Peter. Who puts his hand over his mouth.

"It needed to be done." Cora exhaustedly says, as she opens her eyes ever so slightly to look at Peter.

"Call Nat, and tell her to have Thor bring her to Asgard tomorrow." Cora says before she passes out.

"Hey Friday, call Natasha Romanov." Peter says after he presses the middle button on his wristband.

"Calling Natasha Romanov." Friday says and the line rings twice before Natasha picks up.

"Peter, is everything alright? I've been on an assignment and just got Cora's distress call." Natasha frantically asks.

"Thor is being a total jerk to Cora. She's asked that you get in contact with him and request that he bring you to Asgard tomorrow." Peter simply says, Natasha let's out an annoyed yet amused laugh.

"I'm way ahead of you on that, after we get off this call, Thor is getting more than a simple call from me." Natasha says and sounds threatening to where Peter's eyes go wide.

"Good, considering I'm sure you'll do more damage to him than what Cora just did." Peter says as he thinks back on what happened moments ago.

"Whoa, back up what happened?" Natasha asks concerned now. Peter goes on to explain everything that has happened since the last update he gave back on day two of the kids being in Asgard.

"He's in for a rude awakening when I'm done with him. And speaking of Thor, he's on my other line. I'll see you kids tomorrow." Natasha says as she hangs up on Peter.

"Well, things are about to get interesting." Peter says as he looks at Cora, who is sound asleep.

For the next few hours, Peter stays in the cell with Cora. He reads the few books that are on the desk and upgrades some of his Spidey gear. As Peter finishes upgrading his gear, Loki comes and checks on them.

"Still knocked out, I see." Loki says as he enters the cell. He goes over to Cora and lightly strokes her hair.

"Yeah, she passed out about ten minutes after you and Fandral had left." Peter says as he gets up from the desk and stretches.

"I'm not having her stay here all night. She doesn't deserve it." Loki says as he bends down and gently picks Cora up and cradles her to his chest. Peter follows behind Loki as he carries Cora out of the cell.

Loki opens a door halfway down the hall on the right, goes up the three flights of stairs, then heads straight down the hall at the top of the stairs, and finally he goes through a door on the left side of the hallway. Entering the hallway where all the rooms are, Loki begins to walk to Cora's room. Just as he gets to Cora's room, Andre and Olivia come out of Olivia's room laughing, they stop when they see Loki holding Cora.

"Cora? What happened to her?" Olivia urgently asks as she rushes up to Loki. Peter gets in front of Loki and pulls Olivia and Andre to the side as Loki enters Cora's room.

"There's a lot to explain. But, Cora had it out with Thor a couple of hours ago. Her anger had been brewing since the alternate reality she had put him through. So, she blacked out and took her anger out on him, and over did it. She messed Thor up pretty bad." Peter explains, both Andre and Olivia are wide eyed as Peter explains what happened.

"Wait, if she fought Thor a few hours ago, then where has she been since then?" Olivia asks, Peter takes a deep breath before explaining the next bit.

"The dungeon. After she came to from her black out, she freaked out and ran to the dungeon. She figured that was the safest place for her, so she wouldn't hurt anyone else." Peter says as he finishes explaining.

"Not to mention Thor tried to have her sent home just after she had put herself in the dungeon. But, she took care of that herself." Loki says as he comes out of Cora's room and closes the door behind him. Andre and Olivia look at Loki with confused expressions and then look at Peter.

"She used an energy blast and flung him out of the dungeon." Peter explains, both Andre and Olivia looks of confusion turn to ones of shock and their eyes nearly pop out of their heads.

"She really is the strongest out of all of us." Olivia says, and looks at Andre. Around the corner from the four that stand outside Cora's room, Ruby and Derek listen in to what they are talking about.

"Peter, since Cora is out for the night. I need you to go to the barn and take care of her horse, Eira. Just give her more feed, add a new hay bail to the stall, and refill the water." Loki instructs, Ruby and Derek duck into the cover of the shadows as the four round the corner away from the rooms.

"We'll see who the strongest recruit is when we're threw with her." Ruby says as she and Derek look at each other with devilish grins across their faces.

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