What Makes A Traitor

By Lesbianenderman

1.2K 29 14

Izuku Midoriya is the traitor of Class 1-A. However, as with most things in his life, it's complicated. After... More

[13: pt. 1]
[13: pt. 2]

[13: Final Part]

69 4 4
By Lesbianenderman

Third Person POV:

"Ok what the fuck is going on right now?!" Katsuki asked impatiently. "Izuku are you-"

"That's not your friend anymore, I'm afraid." The man interrupted. "That's my boss, the feared leader of AFO incorporate: number one villain organization and monopoly in the world."

"Now I know you're spouting shit." Katsuki growled. "Izuku is just a teenager, one I've happened to know my entire life. I think I'd know if he was a villainous tycoon."

"Yes he's right. There's no way-"

"That's because you two are still talking about Izuku. I am not him." They whipped their head around to face the other teenager, whose red eyes stared at them calculatingly and cold. "Excuse me." He said simply, his voice not overly loud but still intimidating. They moved out of his way, staring at him as he walked to the center of the gym, a little aways from them and in the middle of the lawyer and villains and the two UA students. "There's a lot to say, I suppose. And well since no one but my lawyer will make it out of here alive, I think I'll allow myself to indulge in providing you two with a little background, seeing as you were his first friends." The villains exclaimed in fear, Katsuki yelled threateningly, and Kirishima's blood ran cold. He simply looked over at the villains and they instantly shut their begging up. He checked a watch which appeared out of nowhere. "Yes, there's a little time in the schedule. Izuku Midoriya is the main personality of a troubled brain we share. Izuku has ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression along with the obvious DID his mother chose to hide from him. If not already evident, I am one of these personalities. I have my own name but for your purposes you can just call me Other Half. Over the years he's had others arise but I've crushed them systematically." The two of them just blinked at him. His tone was unnaturally emotionless as if they were having conversation with a computer and it put them on edge. "Do not worry though, I don't plan on trying to destroy Izuku's personality, it wouldn't suit my purposes anyways to lose every quirk he's collected, I will instead will him to submit."

"What the hell do you mean by losing the collected quirks" Katsuki asking annoyed, taking a step forward.

"The only quirk we share is All for One. However, any collected quirk only belongs to that particular personality that collects it. I have my own set of much more darker quirks." His eyes shimmering. The red eyes disturbed both Kirishima and Katsuki. It was like looking at someone completely different who was just wearing an Izuku bodysuit.

"You see the power of All for One is a quirk passed on to chosen people like ourself, ingrained into our genetics like any other quirk. It finds its rightful owner who will do proper villainy with it. I knew from a young age that Izuku wouldn't be able to carry out what he was made for so I began my plan. Other Half as a mysterious leader of the AFO corporation was been around for decades. It's changed a few times once the predecessor ages to a certain extent."

"How do you even know that it's passed down or meant to be yielded in villainy?" Kirishima asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's destiny. At a certain age you both happen to meet and instantly your predecessor knows it's you he's meant to mentor. I was taken on at 13. I wasn't allowed out very often because of the medication our mother gave us. But sometimes, as he slept and his mind floated completely away from consciousness, I could take over. Some nights I'd walk around town, seeing the world through my own eyes. My predecessor and I happened to meet and I soon learned my purpose in life. I just knew Izuku would never fall into the life of villainy without a reason so I concocted a plan."

"A plan?" Kirishima asked.

"Yes. One which would push him in the right direction so that I was able to continue working toward becoming the next Other Half." He said simply. "I saw my opening when All Might came that day and quickly put two and two together. I gave the videotape to the previous Other Half and I was gradually allowed to take over our last year on junior high (much sooner than other predecessors who trained for years) as I had won the corporation an insurmountable boon: complete control of the number 1 hero. I planted the clues to let our dear Izuku be so motivated to figure out what happened to our mother. I orchestrated everything that followed All Might's shameful interaction with our mother."

"What...do you mean by that?" Kirishima asked hesitantly.

"I- GAH!" He held a hand to his head and nearly fell to his knees.

"Sir!" The lawyer and villains took a step forwards but abruptly stopped.

"Take another step and all three of you will be reduced to nothing like All Might." He whipped his head around to Kirishima and Katsuki and they almost sighed out of relief. Green eyes.


"Y-yeah. I'm here."

"Did you...?"

"Hear everything? Yes. It's... a lot to process." He said working to keep himself from spiraling. Any weakness could be exploited by Other Half and he could feel him fighting to be let out violently. It was painful. "I have to work quickly. I need to take some medication, my mom used to prepare my pills for me, since she has died I've only been getting prescriptions for the disorders I was aware of...I think it's allowing him to grow stronger." The two nodded at him "I'm sorry guys but I'm not sure I can allow my mom's murderer to live." He turned slowly to All Might.

"Oh for god's sakes, All Might didn't kill your fucking mom. He preys on teenagers and is an overall disgusting man but he's no murderer." He turned to meet Shigaraki's crazy eyes.

"What the hell do you know, Shigaraki?" He asked glaring at him.

"I mean that I know who killed your poor mom." He retorted with a giggle.

"If not All Might, then who?" I yelled, tired of the games.

"You did, Izuku. You murdered your own mom."




Izuku's POV


"There's no way....I would have never killed here." I whispered frantically.
"But your other half, it did." Shigaraki said. I lifted shaking hands to cover my mouth and felt myself sob harshly.
"He didn't kill his fucking mom. Don't say that shit again." Katsuki yelled.
"Do you think we gain anything from lying to your ass?" Dabi spoke up.

I screamed in both physical and emotional pain, falling but feeling strong arms catch me. I was wrapped and held up but it didn't matter. It felt as if I was crashing through the earth into its fiery core. I was lowered to the ground carefully, still being held by one person and feeling my arms rubbed by the other. I stared down at my hands, eyes shifting between the two rapidly. Blood was all over them, how hadn't I noticed before? I needed to wash them. I needed to scrub my mom's blood off of my hands. I couldn't help but feel sorry for myself and I sobbed uncontrollably. I was an orphan because of my own actions. No dad because I took his livelihood before grade school and no mom because my other personality killed her. It was almost funny. Almost.

It made me consider how different I really was from my other half. He was undeniably evil, but he was fueled by the same broken life I was. He ran on the same motivations that I could have. We shared a brain and a body...how different could we be at our cores?

How many people had we killed? While I was questioning whether I was a villain, he was one completely.

I felt myself scream again. Maybe I was calling out for my mom. Desperate to have her back in my arms. Maybe I was just screaming because it felt right. The family that I thought I had gained at the LOV was false. They were using me. Molding me into a villain so that I would be willing to submit to Other Half. And they were doing it under the orders of my own alter. I had lost everything because I took it away from myself.


I lost everything because he took it away. I pushed myself up, lifting my chin up. I wiped my tears and steadied my breathing.

"You guys need to back away." I said slowly to the two of them. They looked between each other.

"Izuku, we're not leaving you." Kirishima said shaking his head. A pang of pain shot through my temple. "Get away now!" I activated my blade quirk and broke one off.

"IZUKU! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Kacchan yelled, starting to approach me again. I activated my quirk, dozens of large lightning bolts coming out from all over my body, creating a fully surrounding electrical barrier that was to strong to get past.

"He's not going to let me out of here without submitting, Kacchan!" I yelled over the loud sounds of the lightning. "He's evil. I-I can see flashes of what he's done to people. Every nightmare I had...they weren't just dreams, they were me seeing what he was doing while I slept." I screamed. The pain of him try to forcibly switch was increasing.

"Kacchan! Were you kidnapped?" I yelled.

"How did you know...?" He stopped. "Oh my god. The guy tortured me a little then let me go and I didn't talk about to anyone because I was embarrassed. This entire time I didn't know what I did to him but it felt so personal." He said.

"Kacchan I'm so sor-"

"STOP HIM! He's going to kill us!" My voice suddenly barked to the villains who were looking on in horror. I lost control briefly but switched back again. The lightning continued as he wasn't fully taking over, just briefly taking control.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled at them as they approached carefully. I used the wind power of All Might's stolen quirk to push them back, now surrounded by an orb of strong winds and lightning. I lost control and Other Half yelled angrily.

"I didn't come this far just for you to mess it all up! You can't-"

"You killed our MOTHER!" I screamed back at myself.

"I DID WHAT HAD TO BE DONE. There was no other way you would have turned to villainy and you have the PERFECT sad origin story! I had to give you something that I knew would push you over the edge! She was a noble sacrifice."

"FUCK you." I screamed.

"IZUKU! Look at me." Kirishima yelled. "I know how this feels." His voice was shaking and when I glanced down at his hands I could see how tightly they were clenched. "You can't kill yourself out of guilt though, then he will have won."

"No Kirishima, He wants to live! He wants me to submit to him. Killing him is the only way he loses." I yell back to him.

"EVERYTHING I DID WAS FOR BOTH OF US! If you kill us now, it will all have been done for nothing, your mom will have died for no reason-"

"SHE ALREADY DID DIE FOR NO REASON!" I yelled, my power growing so that the winds grew stronger and lightning glowed brighter. "You are the weak one which is why I get the pleasure of killing you." I snarled.

"PLEASE Izuku! You don't have to fucking do this! I'M NOT...." He took in a deep breath. "I'm not ready for you to leave me." Kacchan yelled angrily.

"Don't do this." Kiri said, crying harder.

"This isn't a suicide, guys." I said sweetly giving them sympathetic looks. "This is a self sacrifice. I promise that this is the last death that happens as a result of Other Half. This is me letting go so that countless others get the chance to hold on. He's too much a part of me for him to die without me dying too." And it was true, I thought as I raised the blade and positioned it in front of my gut. For once in my life I felt guiltless. Yes, Other Half was a part of my body and brain but he wasn't a part of Izuku. He didn't fall in love, I did. He didn't become friends with a class full of amazing, lovable weirdos, I did. He didn't get a second chance at family and at his childhood best friend, I did.

So as the blade plunged through my gut, I felt him scream, not me. Everything abruptly stopped and went silent and I fell to the ground.

The two rushed to me and kneeled on either side, getting as close as possible. Kacchan put a hand under my head, propping it up and Kirishima took off his uniform jacket and tried to stop the bleeding.

"Guys....Guys!...GUYS!" They both were brought out of their frantic attempt to save me to look at me. I smiled at them both softly and shook my head.

"Izuku please." Kirishima begged, his eyes beginning to tear up.

"We're not fucking losing you." Katsuki growled.

"No, Kat, I'm done. And it's ok. So...just listen to what I have to say." He opened his mouth to protest but I spoke over him. I felt Kirishima grab my hand with his own shaking hands.

"Kacchan. I saw everything you thought that I said to you and I'm so sorry. You are a work in progress just like the rest of us. How would it be fair for anyone to act better than you when we all mistakes. What you did in the past...that doesn't begin to have impacted me on the level that you becoming a better man and future hero does. Having my childhood friend back made me so happy, it's indescribable. Every day you showed me that you are caring and affectionate in your own way. Don't think I missed any of the times you cooked meals for everyone when they were tired, catering the food to whoever was having the worst day. You always do little things like that and they don't go unnoticed by any of us." I said with a smile. He rolled his eyes, not even attempting to deny it.

"Kacchan I need you to continue being your angry, proud, determined self for me, ok? Don't let anyone tell or imply to you that those are the traits of a villain. You are you and your core...I want it to remain the same. We have and will always have an inexplicable connection that supersedes what ever issues we have at the time." Although it wasn't romantic feelings I felt for him, they were still strong and above my comprehension. "Katsuki Bakugo, you're my soulmate. A bond that can't ever be broken no matter how hard we try. I love you." I said, grabbing his hand with my free one.

"I love you too or whatever, you stupid dork." He grumbled, a small smile creeping up on his face. I turned my head weakly to face Kirishima. My grip on life was slipping but I used everything in me to hold on just a little bit longer.

"Eijiro" He lit up slightly at the sound of his first name. "When you first started being my friend I was terrified. I was scared to open myself up again, in fear I'd lose you or be hurt. But I should have known that no matter what...whether I was a villain, a traitor, or a nobody...you'd support me. You wouldn't leave me alone." His eyes and sad smile shined down at me as he wiped a few tears. "That smile always kept me going. You have a way of lighting up a room and making it so that no one could be upset around you and I've always loved it. You're like my own personal sun." I said, touching his face lightly. "You believed in me at my worst just like you promised to. You're insane but stupidly loyal." I said, giggling as tears slid down my face. "Your genuinely sweet heart will make you one of the best heroes, Eijiro. I'm so proud of how far you've come. You succeeding is everything to me." I whispered staring up at him. "From the moment I carried you in my arms that day, a shark-toothed, red-headed hostage, I...fell in love with you Eiji." I held my breath as his smiled only widened.

"I'm in love with you too." He said, his voice breaking. He leaned down and out lips met. The kiss was sweet and full of love. I felt my lips melt into his for the first and last time. It was everything I had ever wanted. Eijiro Kirishima was everything I ever wanted. And Katsuki Bakugo was my angry soulmate and everything I could need in a friend.

As I felt myself drift away, I heard the love of my life begin to sob harder, saying how much he loved me and Katsuki yelling for me to stay alive for him so he could beat me as the number 1 hero, so that he could prove himself worthy of me.

I was a traitor.

I had gone to UA with the sole purpose of deceiving people so that I could reach my own goals. That much was undeniable. However, whether that made me a bad person depended on the perspective. Pro-heroes might view me as nothing more than a self-centered villain, bent on revenge. But the everyday person might see me and my story and see themselves in it. Even if only just a little bit. Throughout my time at UA, I had faltered on the label of villain. I think that was because it was more complicated than that. I was ultimately just a person who had a past and made choices like everyone else. I made the choices best for me and those I cared for. Whether that made me a villain or a hero...didn't matter. What mattered was that I was a friend, a lover, a student, and a son. And of course,

I was a traitor.

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