Your Grace - Burak Çelik

By atarqxiaa

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"I'm not ready to be just another of your mistakes." ---------- Ayedah Harraz is a writer. A silently passio... More



178 12 30
By atarqxiaa

A/N: I decided to do Monday and Friday updates from now on uwu...and also, it's getting a lil heated from here :)

"Ayedah, are you finished with the outline that was assigned? We need it by this evening."

"Almost- just uploading it now."

Ayedah quickly passed Asli Zeynep a few sheets of paper that were her drafts and notes, before sending off a quick email. "I sent it in an email," she said. "It's in the form of a cloud drive." "Thank you," said Asli Zeynep, smiling at her. "It's odd though- you're usually the first to finish." "I suppose I got distracted," said Ayedah, laughing nervously. "I'm sure you would have, you're getting married after all," soothed Asli Zeynep in an understanding tone. "Don't worry about it- besides, now we're done! We'll set a date for a meeting to discuss our work and ideas after, say, your honeymoon?" She gave Ayedah a playful wink as she said it, and Ayedah's cheeks reddened. "I suppose that'll be alright," she agreed. "But earlier would be just as fine too."

"Sacma, nonsense- you and Celik deserve some time together before you both get back to work," Asli Zeynep chided. "Well, I'm planning to spend the rest of my life with him, so I think I'll have lots of time with him," joked Ayedah, making her boss's wife smile. "Still, marriage is an important thing," said Asli Zeynep, sounding much like her husband. "It ought to be celebrated, and not delayed, as my husband says. And I can tell that both you and Burak Celik as well as people like yourselves deserve something worth celebrating in your lives, especially if it involves the both of you." "That's very kind," blushed Ayedah. "Thank you...I suppose I will see you then, when we set a date to start working on the new screenplays."

"Where do you plan to go, anyways?" asked Asli Zeynep. "Sorry if I am intruding-" "Not at all," dismissed Ayedah. "But I don't know- Burak's arranging that part of it. He is the travel expert between us, after all." "Ah, I like it when the men do planning for once," joked Asli Zeynep, making the both of them laugh. "But do go and take a break, now, Ayedah- you've been doing a lot of hard work, and a future wife needs to unwind herself a little before allowing a man into her life for the rest of it. We'll all be back later for a briefing, then I hope to see you at the finale celebration later on tonight." "InshaAllah," said Ayedah. "Thank you."

She then took her phone and bag, and left the writers' cabin, her mood soaring and her face shining with pride.

It had been about two weeks since the engagement ceremony, and would be another two weeks until the civil wedding. Ayedah was eventually forced to leave most of the wedding duties to her aunt and Burak's family as well as a wedding planner Busra had appointed, for both she and Burak were getting extremely busy on set- most of the male actors had to train extra hard to film Osman and the Kayis' final battle for the last episode of the season, and from what the writers' and choreographers planned, it was going to be a big one for the screen.

But as slow as it seemed to go at first especially with her own personal excitement, Ayedah was shocked to find that time had flown by and it was their last day on set before their break of around three to four months- they were planning to start working on, training for and filming Season 3 in September or October, and air it toward the end of whichever month they planned to do so.

As for Burak and Ayedah, their relationship took a definite upturn- especially as their union was now valid and secure through religious laws, they spent a lot more time with each other than they used to. Burak would sometimes even try to have her stay the night at his house with him, but Ayedah was adamant to not have that happen until they were legally married. In truth, there was nothing wrong with staying over with him, but for the fun of it Ayedah decided to leave him on edge and tease him a little as long as it did not do him any harm. "It would mean more, anyway, if we waited just a little longer," she had explained to him. She had also not allowed him to see her without hijaab yet- but no matter how much Burak pretended to be irritated with her adamance, he was secretly glad she had done it for he agreed that it felt more special and exciting in that sense.

But nevertheless, they would not waste any opportunity to spend time together- and Burak had even brought her out on their first official date as a couple three days after their nikkah. It was rather simple, and wasn't an overdone, expensive romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant- but it was instead a movie date at the cinemas to watch the first special screening for Black Widow in Istanbul. They had enjoyed it immensely, not only the movie, but spending quality time in each other's company. It was then that Ayedah discovered that Burak was almost just as much of a Marvel fan as she was, and got very excited over it.

"Who's your favorite Avenger?" she asked him after they watched then discussed the movie, when they were having dinner at a fast food restaurant. "Definitely Thor," he replied almost instantaneously. "He's so powerful and cool- funny too. Plus, Chris Hemsworth is my role model, especially when it comes to health, exercise and working out. I follow his fitness plans sometimes." "Hmph, showoff," Ayedah muttered, making him smirk at her before he asked, "What about you? Any favorites?"

"Definitely Wanda Maximoff- Scarlet Witch," she replied, and he smiled at the enthusiasm in her response. "I relate to her a lot, especially after watching WandaVision. And the Winter Soldier- I had the biggest fancy for Bucky Barnes when I first watched Captain America: The First Avenger. Sebastian Stan is just so...dashing." "Oh is he now?" asked Burak in an obviously jealous voice. "Though to be frank, I thought you would've gone for Captain America himself." "I adored Chris Evans- though I don't really now, because he's rumored to be a zionist- but I do prefer Bucky's character over Cap's," explained Ayedah. "More relatable and adorable- and similar to Goktug in a way." "Ah," understood Burak, though he looked a bit more pleased with himself at her final comment.

"But what makes you think that I would go for Steve Rogers?" asked Ayedah curiously. "Well, I assumed it would be him or Thor," shrugged Burak. "Blond hair and blue eyes- since you went for me, I assumed in the past you've crushed on people who looked similar. Like we're your 'type', in a way." Ayedah snorted, and said, "No, Silly- I've never had a 'type', and even if I did it wouldn't be looks, but personality. Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers are both very good looking, but as a person I'm more attracted to Bucky's character." "I should've known that you don't have a specific 'type'," chuckled Burak. "Since you've never dated before me." "How would you know?" asked Ayedah mysteriously, and his face suddenly fell dramatically.

She gave a great laugh at his expression, and said, "I'm just messing with you. You're the first person I've had a romantic interest in, Burak." "What about Sebastian Stan, now?" asked Burak in a grudging voice. "Burak Celik, celebrity crushes are different from real life love and romance," sighed Ayedah, exasperated, enhancing her somewhat fading British accent the way she always did when she wanted to make a point. "But I'm a celebrity," pointed out Burak. "So that would make me a celebrity crush of yours, wouldn't it?" The comment had Ayedah speechless; she had never thought about it before, but it finally sunk in that she was in fact, marrying a celebrity. "That's actually true," she admitted, looking stunned. "Huh- I've never really realized that." "I guess you're too used to working with us to realize it," said Burak, smiling. "I suppose so," agreed Ayedah. "And even then, Burak- I've never met Stan or Evans or RDJ in my life, so you can't expect me to have had a romantic involvement with them. That's just silly."

Burak sighed and nodded. "Yep, you're right," he said, and she smirked. "But you were jealous," she teased, making him narrow his eyes at her. "I was not," he protested, but it only made Ayedah laugh more. "Yes you were, I saw that dark look in your eye the moment I said Sebastian was dashing!" Burak gave her a dirty look, before he exhaled heavily again; "Okay, fine, maybe I was a bit jealous," he confessed, making her giggle. "But I couldn't help it- you are my wife, after all." Ayedah blushed at his comment, and secretly felt very touched by his possessiveness over her- especially as she knew it was developed from his love for her. But she would never admit to it, for she was having far too much fun teasing him in the process of it all.

After that first date, they had gone out again together plenty of times- Ayedah would often arrive home late at night, due to the fact that she would usually spend time at Burak's house after work. They had gotten to know each other even better than they did before they had made the next step in their relationship, and it was safe to say that both of them were very happy.

However, there was still one small twist to it all that could possibly change their relationship altogether, which was why Ayedah was adamant on hiding it from him- she had not yet told him that she had Bipolar, whether she still had it or had overcome it.

In medical terms, it was unlikely that she had, as for most people it usually took decades to overcome and finally get in control of a mental disorder as serious as Bipolar, and Ayedah was only twenty-six years old- diagnosed at fifteen, with symptoms since twelve or thirteen years old. But she was confident that she had overcome it- she had not experienced symptoms in a long time before she went off her medication, and nothing seemed to go wrong the way they did for the coming months after. She was fine, and she was well. Everything was simply going perfectly for her.

Or so she thought.

After she left Asli Zeynep in the writers' workroom, she had gone to Ozge's trailer to meet her friend. She headed toward the production area where the trailers were parked, and looked for her friend's- but before she could go in the desired direction, she felt a strong hand clasp around her wrist.

Ayedah gave a small shriek as she was pulled behind one of the trailers, and a hand was clamped over her mouth to silence her yell. She struggled for a while before swiftly elbowing the person grabbing her, to hear a familiar voice groan in pain. "B-Burak?!?" she asked, her eyes wide as she whirled around to have her eyes fall on him, still dressed in Goktug's costume, clutching his side. "Burak?!?" "Who knew you were quite the fighter, Yazar Hanim," he said with a grin, massaging his ribs. "That actually hurt." "Well I- you scared me, Celik," she hissed, looking annoyed. "You can't just go around grabbing people from behind, expecting them to just go with-"

Burak suddenly drew himself up close to her, and she backed away till she was up against the wall of his trailer. "Erh..." She swallowed awkwardly, looking into his icy ocean eyes as he towered over her. "Personal space please?" she squeaked out, putting her hands on his arms to stop him from moving closer. "Request denied," he said with a smirk, her hands unable to prevent him from bringing himself face-to-face with her. "Sorry for scaring you, Askim." He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her softly as one of his hands held her cheek and the other interlocked with one of her own, entwining their fingers together.

"B-Burak, not here," chuckled Ayedah, blushing mad as she drew away for a second. "Someone could see-" "Mm...correction, yes here," Burak breathed out cheekily, before kissing her again, slightly harder and more passionately this time. Ayedah knew from the way he held her and pressed his lips to hers that she would probably not be able to escape him; so she closed her eyes and allowed herself to sink into their kiss, whilst one of her arms clung to his shoulder for support and her other hand still intertwined with his.

She let out a light whimper against her will when she almost tripped, causing Burak to smirk even wider into their kiss as he held her tighter, preventing her from falling; the kiss lasted for a long time before Ayedah finally pulled away and pushed him off of her, out of breath.

"We're. At. Work," she hissed and lightly hit his chest, though she was blushing uncontrollably as she tried to hold in her smile. "We can't do this, jeez." "Well, just for today then," said Burak cheekily, pecking her nose. "No one's watching, anyway- but I guess we can continue this later, either at your place or mine." Ayedah scrunched up her nose, and patted his arm. "I think I have to remind you, but we do have that finale celebration dinner tonight, don't we?" she whispered, making his expression turn downcast. "I'm sorry." "Does it have to be tonight?" he asked, his eyes gazing into hers pleadingly. "And do we need to go?" "Yes, it does, and we do," said Ayedah with a short laugh, taking the initiative to hold his face gently.

Burak sighed; "Alright then, but you're mine tomorrow," he said, wagging a finger at her. Ayedah smiled. "I'll be yours every day, when we're married and living together," she said softly. "Technically we're married already," said Burak matter-of-factly. "You could come live with me already...what's the big deal? Maybe you can come back with me tonight after dinner...?" "Religiously we are, yes," Ayedah corrected, cutting him off. "Not legally yet. So sorry, Mavi Gozlum, that will have to wait- you'll survive, don't worry."


"Hey, I promise I'll make time for you," said Ayedah with a chuckle, patting his arm. "Maybe I'll go over to watch a movie tomorrow and spend the day with you, if you'd like." Burak relented. "Sounds great," he said, grinning. "Does Fifty Shades of Grey work for you?"


He held up his hands in surrender. "Fine, Loki it is," he said with a dramatic sigh. "We can binge-watch that or WandaVision, or even The Falcon and The Winter Soldier with your beloved Bucky in it, if you like. Rewatching Black Widow is an option too- I just got Disney+." "Ooh, did you really?" asked Ayedah, her eyes wide, ignoring the shade Burak threw toward the Winter Soldier. "You know I've watched WandaVision and TFATWS- though I pirated them both, because me and Aunt Gab don't have Disney + and I've hadn't enough time to look for Loki. You have it now?" "Yep, and I already made a profile for you," said Burak with a smile, where his eyes crinkled at the sides- a look on his face that never failed to warm up her heart. "Aww, that's sweet of you," said Ayedah, squeezing his hand. "What'd you name it? 'Yazar Hanim'?" "Actually, no," said Burak. "It's 'Dunyanın En Seksi Yazarı'." "What does that mean?" Ayedah asked, bewildered. Burak winked before he leaned in closer and whispered against her cheek, "It means 'World's Sexiest Writer'."

"BURAK CELIK!" exclaimed Ayedah, making Burak let out a roar of laughter. "You- ugh, you better change it." ", I don't think I will," said Burak, causing Ayedah to groan at the quote referenced from Avengers: Endgame. "Besides, it's not like anyone's going to use our Disney+." "Yeah, Emirhan definitely wouldn't whenever he's over," grumbled Ayedah sarcastically. "And he definitely won't be scarred for life when he sees the name of my profile."

Burak smirked at her and placed a kiss on her cheek, not at all afraid of the deadly glare she was giving him. "The audacity of this man," Ayedah muttered, before she tried to walk off, but of course- Burak grabbed her arm and held her back.

"Excuse me, Yazarim, but I haven't gotten my goodbye kiss yet," he said, pouting. "I need one before I go and continue filming my last scenes for this season." Ayedah narrowed her eyes at him. "No, you didn't get a goodbye kiss yet, Burak, you got a whole make-out, snogging session," she said, adding onto her sarcasm, making him grin cheekily. "I still need a goodbye kiss," he said stubbornly, making Ayedah roll her eyes. "Lutfen, Sevgilim." "Fine," said Ayedah, and stood up on her tip-toes to kiss his lips, making him lean in so he could meet her in the middle- but instead, she moved swiftly to kiss his cheek instead then wriggled out of his grip.

"There's your kiss," she said with a wink, before she ran off to find Ozge's trailer. "On the lips!" Burak yelled at her as she ran, making her let out a squeal of laughter. "You didn't say where!" Ayedah shot back in a sing-song voice, turning around awhile only to laugh at the way Burak glared at her before he whispered;

"Oho, sinsi küçük kedi*. You are going to get it, Ayedah Celik."


"Hi Ozge, how are you doing?"

Ayedah chirped as she opened the trailer door and leapt in, startling Ozge, who was thankfully alone when she was taking off her headpiece for Bala's costume. "Lanet olsun- Ayedah, you scared me," she said, nervously laughing. "Sorry, got excited," babbled Ayedah as she took out her lunch and began to eat. "Have you finished filming?" "Yes, me, Emel, Yildiz and most of the other girls are done for the season," Ozge answered, smiling. "It's the boys who aren't done yet." "Ah, I see," said Ayedah, munching on her sandwich, and Ozge furrowed her brow when she realized Ayedah was eating.

"You never eat at this time," she said, amazed. "This is the first time you've even brought lunch to set-" "No it's not," said Ayedah defensively. "I have been for a while." 'Well, I've never noticed," chuckled Ozge. "But it's good- don't starve yourself." Ayedah nodded, though before she could bring her sandwich back up to her mouth, she found that she suddenly had no appetite and had to put her food away for the time being.

""I've got to say, you all did really well for the storyline in Season 2," congratulated Ozge, after a few moments of silence as Ayedah put her lunch back in her bag. "Despite the fact that you're new- it was still good, MashaAllah. And I think this final episode will be amazing, the script for it almost made me cry." "Can't wait to play 'Mummy', Ozge Torer?" teased Ayedah, making her friend snort. "But yes- Bala deserves it. To be honest, I was against the idea of bringing Malhun in in just the second season, but I supposed it was alright in the end. And Yildiz is lovely." "She is," said Ozge. "Very nice- I like her a lot, we get along well despite how our characters have animosity between each other." Ayedah smiled at her, though she felt a rather wilting feeling in her chest as Ozge said it- but Ozge spoke up and continued the conversation before she would be able to feel anything else;

"So, er, how have you been?" asked Ozge, turning to her in her chair. "We haven't really spent a lot of time together." "True, I've been spending most of my time with Burak," chuckled Ayedah. "It's been fun, I've been great, everything's great." "You've answered every 'how are you' with the same thing for a while now," said Ozge, looking suspicious. "Are you sure you're alright?" "Why wouldn't I be, Ozge?" asked Ayedah, looking so shocked that her eyebrows shot up to the top of her forehead. "Of course everything's great, I'm happy, you should be happy for me! Stop looking at me like I'm a bomb and would break down at the smallest thing!" She scoffed at her friend, making Ozge's brow crease;

"I'm not that girl anymore," Ayedah went on. "She was weak. Depressed. Over-dramatic. Everything's fine, really fine, but that girl refused to see it because she was drowning in self-pity. Why is it that everyone still associates me with-"

"Of course not, Ayedah," said Ozge gently, in an attempt to calm her friend down. "You've come far from that. You're more than who you were in the past, and the trauma that you've experienced. You're a great person now, and you always have been for your strength." "Now that's more like it," grinned Ayedah. "Chin up, Ozgecim. Everything's perfect." Ozge smiled weakly at her as Ayedah turned to look outside the window.

"Celik's still filming the final battle with Ozcivit, Yigit and all," she said, after about a minute's silence. "I think they'll be away for quite a few more hours before the Season Finale celebration- especially as they're filming out in the fields." "Oh yeah, Burak came to see me before he went back to the fields," said Ayedah. "They better be back and cleaned up by then, we don't want sweaty men at dinner. When we were younger, Mum used to get so annoyed with Aarif if he turned up for dinner directly from the pitch after a football training session." Ozge frowned in the mirror; "Your mother?" she asked slowly. "Yes, my mother," laughed Ayedah. "God, I miss her. I wish she can come to see that I'm getting married."

Ozge blinked; it was by a scarce occasion that Ayedah ever mentioned her mother, and the last time she did was when she opened up to Ozge about how suffocated she was, growing up under the control of her mother without her father's defence. And she knew- or it seemed to be anyway- that Ayedah did not miss her mother.

"You wish she would come to see you married?" Ozge repeated after her, though as a question. "Yeah, of course," shrugged Ayedah. "Sure, things may have been a little tough with her, but she's still my mother right and I'm sure she loves me like I love her." The way Ayedah spoke began to scare Ozge a little- Ayedah was speaking as if her mother was still alive and breathing, and merely a phone call away. "Well, er, I wish she could too," she said slowly, to not unnerve her friend. "Allah rest her soul."

"Why are you acting like she's dead, Ozge?" demanded Ayedah. "She's not dead! She's alive, she'll come!" Oh Allah, thought Ozge. This isn't what I think it is, is it...

"Of course," said Ozge, in a desperate attempt to calm Ayedah down. "Sorry, I meant, er, in general, Allah be easy on her soul." Ayedah nodded, still looking mutinous, and once again, they were quiet as she looked away.

Ozge had never seen Ayedah this way before, and if she did, it had been too long ago to remember. But she had one suspicion- she had to confirm it with her, for she was the only one who could answer the question she was about to ask. But if it's not what I think it is, it has to be wedding nerves, right? Ozge thought desperately, before she spoke up.

"Ayedah, I have a question for you," said Ozge slowly. "But...please don't get angry." "Of course not," said Ayedah, scoffing again. "Go on."

"Does Burak know you have Bipolar?" asked Ozge, almost in a whisper. Ayedah frowned and froze in her place; "What did you say?" she demanded. "Does Burak know you have Bipolar?" Ozge asked again, a little more firmly.

Ayedah shrugged; "Does he need to know?" she asked. "It's not like I'm Bipolar anymore." Her answer made all kinds of alarms go off in Ozge's head as she stared at Ayedah, her heart sinking as she tried desperately to stay calm, fisting the fabric of her pretty blue dress. " didn't tell him?" she asked weakly. "He doesn't know?" "Uh, no, because I didn't find it necessary," chortled Ayedah. "Besides, it's not important."

"Not important?!?"

Ozge's voice raised, taking Ayedah aback. "Ozge, calm down, it's not a big deal," she exclaimed. "Don't worry, I have everything under control-" "Ayedah, it is a huge deal!" snapped Ozge, losing her temper. "It's a mental disorder you were medically diagnosed with, ten years ago! Don't you think he ought to know? He's your fiance- your husband. He should know!" "I haven't had symptoms since I started medicating in 2013!" Ayedah shot back. "I'm done with it! It's gone, Ozge, gone!"

"And are you medicating now?" asked Ozge in a trembling voice, her lip quivering. "Because it sure as hell doesn't look like you are." "Are you calling me insane?" Ayedah snarled, standing up from where she sat. "Are you insulting me right now, Ozge? Are you judging me for who I was? For what I had, once?"

"I'm trying to protect you, Ayedah!" cried Ozge, almost in tears. "If you're not medicating- that's dangerous. For you, for Burak, for everyone and everything in your life, you're putting everything at risk." She tried to take Ayedah's hand, before it was snatched away.

"You're just jealous, aren't you?" asked Ayedah coolly, making her friend's heart stop as her hazel eyes freeze in a shocked stare. "You've always been the 'happier' one between us, and you've gotten used to watching me suffer. You can't stand it if I'm happy for once." "No, Ayedah, that's not it," pleaded Ozge, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I want you to be happy, please believe me...I'm scared, Ayedah! Scared for you. You're different, you're not you! I miss you."

She wiped away her tears with her sleeve. "I don't even want to know what I want you to answer with," she choked. "Part of me wants you to tell me you are medicating for your disorder. But if you are...why are you like this? Why have you changed so suddenly, become a completely different person? I want to believe you are medicating, but you haven't been the Ayedah I know and love've changed. I've tried so hard to believe that it's just nerves and anxiety from the marriage, but I know it's not. True, the energy is nice but the obnoxiousness, overconfidence, smugness, recklessness, short's not you. It's not Ayedah." "What do you mean?" groaned Ayedah, looking annoyed. "You're doing things you've never done," Ozge went on. "You've changed old habits you've never changed, you're ignoring your own personal rules and values- naber lan, you kissed Burak, and I've always known you to be a proper and lawful person who wouldn't do such a thing, not to mention your sensitivity to touch-"

"What the hell are you talking about?" snapped Ayedah. "We kiss all the time now- we're engaged and Islamically married, for God's sake, Ozge!"

"No, I'm talking about before your nikkah, when he proposed to you!" shouted Ozge. "Ayedah, you barely even hug most people. And I know that you would have at least asked him for time and consideration before accepting the proposal. But no, you went straight for it, answered him with a kiss of all things. I know it's Burak, Ayedah, but still- explain to me, please, how is all of that anything like you?" Ayedah scoffed at her, not answering. Ozge nodded.

"I thought so," she said, inhaling deeply. "But then again...this is our fault too. I'm sure of it, I'm sure of it...I'm sure the proposal was what triggered your episode, I know it did..." She paced around the trailer, running her hands through her hair as Ayedah stared at her. "Ever since you told me that you were diagnosed, I looked it up and I know how Bipolar episodes start," she rambled, panting heavily. "An event that causes emotional turbulence...whether happy or sad...ya, Allahim!" She squeezed her eyes shut, stifling a sob with her hand.

"This is my fault, I should've convinced Burak to wait," Ozge sniffed. Ayedah frowned at her; "No, Ozge, it's okay," she said calmly. "I'm not manic. I'm not having an episode. You've never even seen me having a manic episode, how would you know-"

"Because I've never seen you like this!" whisper-yelled Ozge, outstretching her hand. " and different Ayedah I've never had the 'privilege' to meet. I don't know you anymore. This...this has to be the Bipolar, right? This can't be you...can it?" She shut her eyes to take another deep breath, a desperate attempt to calm her down and stop crying; "Ayedah, I haven't seen your mania, but I know what comes after it," she whispered. "And I have seen your depression. I don't want you to fall back into-"

She was stopped mid-sentence and taken aback when Ayedah suddenly took her hand, then hugged her tightly. "Don't worry, Ozge, everything's fine," she said softly patting her back roughly. "Everything'll be okay. I'm not having an episode. Everything's great." She broke away from her friend and took her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. "I have a briefing to go to, before dinner," she said in a cool voice. "And for the sake of our friendship, Ozge- I don't want to hear you talking about this again. Burak will know about my past when I think it necessary. Don't you dare tell him, or try and bring this up in a discussion again."

With that warning, Ayedah left the trailer, and Ozge slumped back down in her chair, her head in her hands.

"Allah, Ayedah...what did you do?" she whispered.

"What have we all done?" 


A/N: Yes, Ozgecim, what did you all do? 👀👀👀

I think you guys know what's happening now hahah...I hope this doesn't have any consequences...or will it??? 

Anyways, BurDah are cute. Poor things. 

Love you guys,

Ayesha <3

P.S: IK Black Widow comes out like abt a week after KO S2 ended but I really wanted to include it uwu esp after watching it- if y'all are Marvel fans, please watch it, I loved it so much!

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