My Wish Come True✅

By AestheticAngel2000

65.4K 3K 105

#1 in EarthMixx (15th August 2021) #2 in EarthMix (18th August 2021) #3 in PhuphaTian (31st May 2022) "I wish... More

My Wish Come True
Main Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 14

2.1K 103 0
By AestheticAngel2000

Phupha entered his office and sighed. He had just finished another meeting for the day and it wasn't even time for lunch yet. He rested for a while until there was a knock on his door, he opened his eyes and saw his secretary approaching.

"Sir the representative of the T-Corp group is waiting outside right now." She informed him and Phupha raised his eyebrows in confusion. They were early. The meeting was not for another fifteen minutes.

"P'Lisa. Can they wait? I'm really tired. Tell them I'm a bit busy." Phupha rarely does this, but today he was just tired. Daw was really fussy that morning to go to school. So it was an extra effort to get her ready for school. By the time, he dropped her off, he had no energy. He even skipped his morning caffeine dose. And to top it off, he didn't meet Tian in the morning. The substitute teacher said that he wasn't coming in today. Phupha was confused as to why Tian never mentioned it to him. Pushing away all these thoughts, right now he just wanted to rest a little before the next meeting. 

"I'm very sorry sir but they are asking to meet with you right now." The secretary explained.

"Fine. Send them in," Phupha said with annoyance. But all that went away when he saw a familiar figure walk in with two bodyguards, sort of. Phupha couldn't take his eyes off him. His energy booster had arrived. He looked so professional and sophisticated with the grey suit he wore with a black dress shirt and black shoes.

He quickly snapped out of it and stood up from his seat to greet the "representative" from T-Corp Group. Or should he say, "His boyfriend."

"Phupha Viriyanon, CEO of Phoenix Group," Phupha said extending his hand for Tian to shake with a smirk on his face.

"Tian Sopasitsakun, T-Corp Group." Tian shook Phupha's hand, trying his best not to smirk.

"You can wait in the conference room for me. I'll just take a few minutes to sort out the formalities with Khun Viriyanon before the meeting." Tian said to the other two men behind him and they nod and leave the room, closing the door behind them.

"So, Khun Sopasitsakun to what do I owe the pleasure," Phupha said as he walked around his desk to approach Tian.

"Well, Khun Viriyanon my father sent me to talk about our partnership," Phupha smirked as he now stood right in front of Tian, only a few inches away.

"Our company or you and me," he asked as he pulled Tian by his waist. Tian chuckled."I wish I could say it's us. But unfortunately, I'm here just for the business part of it," Tian said as he wrapped his arms around Phupha's neck. Phupha pouted.

"And cause I missed you," Tian said which made Phupha smile like a crazy idiot."Now that's what I wanted to hear," Phupha said as he leaned in and connected their lips.

Phupha pushed a little harder against his lips deepening the kiss as Tian silently moaned when Phupha's tongue slipped into his mouth. Tian's hands tangled in Phupha's hair letting their tongues dance around each other. They both pulled back when their lungs ran out of air, resting their foreheads together. Phupha opened his eyes and looked at Tian before giving a soft kiss on his lips. He pulled him in for a hug and breathed his scent in.

"Did you like my surprise?" Tian asked they broke apart from their hug but still had their arms around each other.

"Hmm... I was so tired from all the meetings. I had a tough time trying to get Daw ready for school. She was fussy all morning. And I didn't get to see you," Phupha pouted. "And these upcoming weeks will be a bit stressful. I'll be jammed with work that I won't be able to visit you at school anymore," Phupha whined into Tian's neck. Tian chuckled as he comforted Phupha with his hug.

"Hey, we'll pull through as long as we're together," Phupha knew that Tian was also facing a lot of pressure trying to balance his school work and family's business. And Tian was right. As long as they're together, they can conquer anything that comes their way.

"You're right," Phupha smiled as his eyes met with Tian. Tian's lips met his and Phupha sighed into the kiss wrapping his arms around holding tightly as they kissed. Tian pulled back nipping at his lips.

"Come on. We have a meeting to attend," he said and Phupha couldn't help but groan before they both walked out.

They fixed themselves before they entered the conference room to see all the preparations had been made. Phupha walked towards the head of the table and took his seat. Tian followed him and took a seat next to him with his associates. The meeting was a success and Tian and his company's associates loved the presentation. The three discussed before they stood up.

"Thank you very much for your time, Khun Viriyanon. T-Corp Group would be very pleased to be in partnership with your company group." Tian shook hands with Phupha with a smile.

"Thank you Khun Sopasitsakun. We won't let you down. Shall we sign the contract tomorrow?" Tian nodded with a smile.

"Sure. I will let my father know." He said and Phupha's phone started ringing. Phupha saw the caller ID and looked up at Tian. Tian had peeked and glanced to know to was calling. It was a call from Daw's school.

"Excuse me. But I got to take this call. Family emergency," Phupha excused himself and stepped out of the conference room.

"You've reached Phupha Viriyanon."

"Ah, good afternoon, Khun Viriyanon. I'm Khun Achara, the nurse at St. Andrews-"

Phupha felt his heart rate spike with panic and he blurted, "Is Daw okay?"There was a beat of startled silence following his interruption. Just long enough that Phupha felt guilty for it, before Nurse Achara answered, "She seems to have come down with something. She currently has a fever, cough, and runny nose and has complained of a headache and sore throat. Would it be possible for someone to pick her up?"

"Of course. I'll be there in half an hour." Phupha said as he walked back into the conference room. He walked up to Tian and Tian signaled his associates to leave and they did.

"What happened?" Tian asked. He was worried, seeing Phupha in panic mode.

"Daw's not well. They asked me to come and pick her up." He said and Tian's eyes widened in shock.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked.

"No, it's fine. Besides, I know you have to go and report to your father. I'll call you when I get home." Tian nodded.

Tian held his hand and Phupha looked around to make sure no one saw them. Luckily, everyone had left.

"Drive safe. I'll try to stop by to check up on Daw and you on my way back," Phupha smiled and hugged Tian before walking out.


Twenty minutes later, Phupha entered the front office of St. Andrew's and was escorted back to the nurse's office, where Daw was curled up on one of the little beds, head on a pillow. She looked miserable, shivering under the thin blanket draped over her with her nose rubbed raw, but she perked up slightly when she spotted Phupha, lifting her head and rasping, "Daddy,"

Phupha ran his hand over the top of Daw's head, smiling when Daw pushed her head into Phupha's palm like a cat. He then shrugged out of his suit jacket and draped it over Daw, who curled into it and flopped her head back down onto his arm.

A tall middle-aged woman, presumably Nurse Achara, approached and greeted, "Khun Viriyanon? I'm Khun Achara." Phupha nodded in greeting and Nurse Achara gave Daw a sympathetic look. "I suspect she likely has the flu since it's been going around the school for the last couple of weeks." She stated.

She gave him a quick rundown of the symptoms Daw had mentioned, then Phupba carried Daw in his arms and slung her backpack over his shoulder. Daw snuggled into Phupha's arms with a soft noise, setting her head on Phupha's shoulder. Phupha petted her hair as he carried Daw out to the car and got her buckled in, tucking his jacket more securely around Daw when his little star whined at the loss of his warmth. Phupha had already called his mother and informed her about the phone call from Daw's school. Before going home, Phupha made a stop at the hospital to visit the family pediatrician. The doctor checked her up and confirmed that it was just the flu and she would be fine in a few days. After purchasing the medications, Phupha drove Daw home. Alice rushed down the stairs to see Phupha carrying Daw in his arms.

"How is she?" Alice asked as she followed Phupha to Daw's room after helping him in carrying the medicines and Daw's things. Phupha slowly set Daw on her bed. Alice sat down beside her and Daw immediately hugged her.

"She's running a fever," Phupha nodded.

"She even puked up at school once. Doctor Lin has prescribed some medications for her. I'll get it. Maybe it'll help her sleep," Alice nodded as she held Daw in her arms. Phupha placed a clean waste bin beside the bed before getting the medicines.

"In case she... you know?" He shrugged and received a lopsided smile from his mother.

"Daddy..." Daw whined, in her sleep.

"What is it, darling?" Alice asked as she stroked her hair away from her face.

"Grandma, I feel si..." Daw whined, not even finishing before she leaned over to find the trash can and started throwing up.

"Oh baby," She said, as she immediately grabbed her hair with one hand to hold it back and started rubbing circles around her back with the other hand. She whispered things to try to soothe her until she finally quit vomiting.

Phupha came running with the medicines.

"What happened?" He asked and saw his little girl vomiting. He left the medicines on the nightstand and rushed into the bathroom. He walked out with a damp cloth with a bowl of water and a change of clothes for her. When he walked out, he saw Daw cough a few times afterward, spitting into the bin. He hoped that this will be the last time she'll get sick today.

"Grandma, don't go..." Daw whined when Alice got up.

"Don't worry darling, Grandma is going to just rinse this out. Your daddy will clean you up," Daw nodded slowly and leaned into her pillow.

"Here we go my little star, sit up here. Daddy's gonna clean your face." - he said as he picked her up and sit her on the edge of their bed. He slowly started to rub her face and clean it. He ran the cloth down her arms and legs to cool down her temperature. He changed her clothes and tucked her into her bed. He took the medicines from the nightstand and gave them to her.

"Here you go, star," Phupba said as he brought the plastic measuring cup full of green liquid up to her lips.

Daw took her medicines and slowly slumped into her bed. Phupha stood up to clear up.

"Daddy... don't go" Daw whined.

"Daddy will be back, star. I'm just gonna go..." That time the maid walked in. She placed the now cleaned bin beside the bed and helped Phupha.

"Let me help you, Khun," She said as she took the cloth and bowl of water away.

"Thank you," he said. He saw Daw already resting, so he decided to change his clothes. He walked into his room and within five minutes he was back at Daw's side dressed in comfy clothes. Phupha slowly laid down beside her and Daw immediately snuggled against his side, her head on Phupha's chest. Alice walked back in with her iPad and placed it on the bed so that Daw can watch her favorite movies since she wasn't sleepy yet.

"Olafie," Daw whined as Alice selected the movie, "Beauty and the Beast"

"Did you see him?" Phupha asked as he craned his head to his side on the floor to look for the doll.

"Here," Alice placed Olaf and Daw gently grabbed hold of the doll, sandwiching it between her and her father. Daw rested her cheek on her Phupha's chest and continued to watch the movie through hooded eyelids. Phupha took this opportunity to rest his head back against the headboard and shut his eyes for a minute.

"I'll be right back," Alice said as he walked out. When she walked back in a few minutes later, she found Phupha petting Daw's hair while she was fast asleep.

"She's asleep?" Alice whispered incredulously at Phupha after seeing Daw cozily sleeping.

"Uh-hm," he nodded with a smile.

"Poor girl must be exhausted. We should give her some Dioralyte once she wakes up to restore her electrolyte levels." Alice said and Phupha nodded.

"Yeah, but we'll let her sleep for now." Alice took out the thermometer she had brought with her.

"Let me take her temperature now that she won't move," She said quietly and proceeded to push the thermometer under her arm.

"Fever's broken," she whispered thankfully and reached for a wet wipe to sterilize the thermometer.

"That's good," Phupha whispered back. She knew her son was tired.

"Did you have your lunch?" Alice asked and Phupha slowly shook his head.

"Why don't you go eat. I'll look after her," Phupha shook his head again.

"It's fine, Mae. I'm not hungry. I'll eat later." He said softly and Alice nodded. She knew her son was worried about Daw, so she couldn't force him to eat at the moment. Besides, it was still noon.

"Okay, then at least rest a bit." She said and she knew that he was going to interrupt her again.

"That's an order. Go to sleep. I'll stay watch," she smiled and Phupha smiled too.

"Okay, Mae. Thank you" Phupha said as he made himself a bit comfortable without disturbing Daw to sleep.

Alice took the iPad from the bed and sat down by the bay window to watch a movie while she kept watch over her granddaughter.


Published on 15th August 2021

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