Tomlinson & Styles | Larry St...

By hazxlouforever112

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"Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in, Harry? You've been caught out in the back of the school smo... More



165 7 1
By hazxlouforever112

Thank you all sm for over 5K reads! It means so much to me :) I'm finally back permanently, after abandoning this story for almost two years. Be aware for future updates :) enjoy <3


Normally Louis would enjoy his Friday morning; seeing the sunrise, the thrill of getting ready for work-mostly because he always wakes up either five to twenty minutes late and that gets his heart pumping, all the extra running to get ready in time.

Still, Louis would normally enjoy his Friday mornings, or any morning really, but this morning he honestly wanted to bang his head against a piece of iron until the day ended.

Forcing himself to start his morning routine, Louis could only watch the already bright sun in sorrow and pray to god that everything would end, or play smoothly tonight.

Eleanor's birthday party that Louis is being forced to attend.


He's being forced; a leash tied around his neack and Eleanor tugging him to her house where he knew he'd have to drown himself drunk in order to atleast enjoy himself.

However, Eleanor wasn't the only reason why today felt so disappointing.

One week.

One fucking week since Harry Styles last appeared in school-technically one school week and one day.

Louis couldn't believe that Harry could actually draw the balls to stay home from school for an entire week, espically without leaving a trail. His friends had no idea where he was, and his parents left in the dust from what Louis' orginally thought, but Monday, when the school voiced their concerns, his mother explained that Harry no longer lives with them, and is now moving in with Marcel.

When word got around, Louis felt relief because he knows now that Harry is safe, and is just taking some time to move in. But when a few days flew by and he wasn't there, and Ms. Alvarez assured that he's still enrolled, well, to say that a panic engrossed into Louis would be an understatement.

He blamed himself a little, thinking that maybe he creeped Harry out a bit by trying to get to know him, and that this was his escape from Louis' weird behaviour.

Heck, Louis wasn't sure why he cared that much. Like yes, he understood why he got involved-he'd do that for any of his students, but he knows that he went over a few boundaries as his teacher.

However after not seeing Harry for so long, he genuinely missed the curly haired boy. He missed that taunts, the playfullness and his clingyness even though it annoyed him so much.

Currently, he's back in the comfort of his own home. He didn't have a reason to intrude on Lewis any longer, so he packed his shit up and left.

Along side that, his neighbour is apparently renovating the downstairs portion of her house, so it's been noisy ever since. And when he tried to argue that she could atleast be a bit more considerate by having work done in the day, rather than at night, that didn't go too well.

Let's just say just because someone is elderly and could barely walk, that doesn't mean that they're nice. Like at all.

He never knew that an old lady could argue and swear so much. He really didn't.

So yes, the past week has been really stressful and hard on him. And he honestly couldn't for the day to be done so he could try to atleast get some rest, even though that would mean buying ear plugs to get some silence in his own house.

"Fucking hell." Louis said at his phone, rolling his eyes at the caller ID on his phone.

He had no idea how Eleanor got ahold of his number, but what he did know is that he was going to block her one day. Just not today, he didn't have enough money yet to pay for a new phone number.

Eleanor actually bought a new number in an attempt to call him when he originally blocked her. So yeah, he needs a new number.

"What?" He said after answering the call.

"Hi Louis, how are you?"

"Good until you called." She giggled and told Louis to stop fooling around even though Louis was being very serious. "I called to ask if after work you'd be down to come over a bit earlier to the party to help set up."

"One, no, and two, why the fuck did you call? Couldn't you have waited until we were at work?" Louis spat, a bit too annoyed with Eleanor and her stupidity.

"I'm not coming in today."

Louis didn't answer, so Eleanor asked if he was curious why she wasn't attending work today. "I don't care, Eleanor."

"Oh hush Lou, I know you do." She said and wished him good luck at work, but asked him again if he'd join her before the party actually started.

"What would I be getting out of this?" He asked and she smiled on the other side of the phone. "Quality time with me, to show you that maybe I'm not that much of a bad person as you think I am."

"I think changing your number when I clearly blocked you the first time gives a bad impression. It's gonna take more than a conversation to give you another chance, Eleanor."

"How about an dinner?"

"Your party starts at six, who the fuck eats dinner before that?"

"I do."

"I'm not suprised." He said and rolled his eyes. "So is that a yes?" Louis told her no once more, but after a good ten minutes of begging he agreed, but only because if he didn't agree she'd come to his house personally and drag him there.

And Louis honestly wasn't going to try to find out if Eleanor was being serious or not.

"Meet me there at four?"

"Yes, but you're paying!" She agreed and said her goodbyes, blushing a bit and running to tell her brother, who lived with her, the good news about her date with Louis tonight.

It's a date to her, but to Louis it was a nightmare.

He loved women, he really did. But Eleanor was one that made him wish he was gay, even though he is a bit homophobic.

Yeah, that's how much she grossed him out.

Now finished and fully dressed, Louis fished his keys out and locked his door, spinning around but his eyes fell on a red car that was in his neighbour's driveway.

He made a face but didn't pay much attention to it; figuring that it's probably the old lady's family or something, and that it wasn't his business to be nosy.

And with that he set off the work.

Well that was the plan, until he almost hit a boy walking behind his car like reckless fool.

He stopped in time, but got out to yell at the person about not paying close enough attention to a moving car, but stopped when he saw that the boy was Harry.

Harry Styles.


"Oh...uh, hi, Mr. Tomlinson." He said awkwardly and slipped his phone into his pocket.

"Why haven't you been in school!? And how are you here!?" Harry raised an eyebrow and tilted his head, realizing what was going on. "Do you live here?" Louis nodded and asked why he asked him such a question, but gulped when Harry smirked and walked towards him.

"Want to know something Mr. Tomlinson?" Harry said, facing Louis and locking eyes with him. "What Harry?" Louis asked, trying to show Harry that he wasn't intimidated by him when in fact he wanted to cower away.

"We're going to be having lots of fun together from now on." He said and took a step forward, making Louis take a step back and his back his car.

"I'm your new neighbour Mr. Tommo." Harry said and laughed at Louis' face, that was somewhat mixed with confusion, fear and amusement.

"Don't ever call me Mr. Tommo."

"Not even worried about us being neighbours?" Harry asked, completely disregarding Louis' request. "No because I don't believe you."

"And why not?"

"Cause you're moving in with your brother, and he doesn't live anywhere near here."

"That's true, but our grandmother does."



Louis glanced swiftly at the old lady's house and looked back at Harry, gasping because this has to be some cruel joke.

"Why that face Tommo?" Harry asked, completely amused by Louis' face. He knew for a fact that if Louis dispised him as much as he's shown him over the years, then living next door to one another would be his nightmare, and it would be fun to tease and harass him any time of any day he wanted.

His day just kept on getting better and better.

"That old grouch is your grandmother!?"

Harry gasped and proceeded to lecture Louis on calling such an old and helpless lady a horrible name like that, and that it was not funny to him because he loved his grandmother to death and he didn't find his comment amusing.

"Oh Christ."

"I know you're a christian an all, but do you need to bring him up in everything of everyday?" Harry asked and rolled his eyes, shoving his hands in his pants pockets.

"It's more of an expression, Harry."

"Still, I'd appreciate if you didn't speak about him infront of me. We got some beef with one another, you know, with me liking to have cock shoved down my throat and all-"


"Mr Tomlinson." Louis rolled his eyes and looked at the time on his phone, groaning at the time. He's going to be atleast half an hour late now because of this literal perverted kid that could never seem to leave him alone.

"I've got to work now, so I've must leave now. And when I get back I better not see you anywhere near my house."

"Of course! I'll be right next door." Harry smiled sweetly and sent Louis a kiss, laughing a bit at the flustered look on Louis' face.

Once Harry was out of his driveway, he stepped back into his car and watched as he greeted who Louis now believes is his grandmother with a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

Harry glanced his direction and puckered his lips once more, making Louis shiver in disgust and pull out, starting the long drive to school.

On the way, he felt uneasy about Harry being his new neighbour, which he was confused about at first but concluded that he's staying at his grandmother's house instead of Marcel's or something of the sort.

However, he couldn't get that smile off his face, because as much as he didn't want to admit it, he prefered having Harry annoy him to bits, than to have that empty space that he knows only Harry can fill.


"Right, here I am." Louis said to Eleanor, rolling his eyes as he sat down on the chair across from her at the Cheesecake Factory they're at.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't come." Eleanor said honestly, but had the brightest smile on her face which Louis wanted to slap off.

"Aren't you going to order?" Eleanor asked a few minutes later when she noticed Louis wasn't touching his menu, instead fiddling with his fingers.

"No, I'll have pick up something on the way home. I'd rather stick a fork in my eyes than have a dinner with you." Eleanor felt offended, but realized that Louis was just joking with her and laughed it off, but suggested that he order something however because he'd need something before the party.

Louis ignored her and proceeded to play on his phone for a half an hour until he faked a phone call from his mother, which gave him an excuse to leave.

He thought so anyway.

Eleanor looked disappointed, and pleaded for him to stay, but he rejected her offer and said that he's needed at home right now, and that he might not be able to attend her party after all.

"Louis that's unfair! My party is more important that whatever your mother wants!"

Louis jaw clenched. "Eleanor, we are not dating what so ever. She is my mother for goodness sakes! You mean nothing to me! You never have, and never will!"

Eleanor sighed and mentally thanked god that the resturant wasn't busy today, and that it was basically just the two of them. If it wasn't then it'd be really embrassing because Louis is literally yelling at her.

Tears brimmed in her eyes and she nodded slowly, apologizing for her actions.

Louis blinked because that was the last thing he expected from Eleanor.

"What?" Louis asked, not understanding anything Eleanor is saying.

"I'm sorry, Louis. I was just trying to be your friend, and getting to know you. I'm sorry. I never had, nor have friends. I was hoping that we could have been friends since you were new to the school and had no idea who I was, and how much eveybody hates me for no reason. I'm so sorry."

Louis just stared at her, trying to process everything that was just said by the girl infront of him.

"I'll leave you alone then." She said and told him goodbye, starting again with her chicken as tears rolled down from her eyes.

Louis awkwardly walked away, looking back at her a few times because he honestly was just a bit too confused about what just happened.

Little did he know, when he drove away, Eleanor smiled widely from cheek to cheek, wiping her fake tears away with a grin.

No guy ever escapes her grasp. She'll have Louis right where she wants him when the time comes.

Call her what you want, but at the end of the day she knows that woman want to be her and little girls adore her.

And no man could resist her.


Throught his drive home, Louis' brain couldn't wrap around what just happened at that little....whatever, with Eleanor.

All he knew is that he felt a bit sorry for her; seeing her cry and admitt that she never had friends and that she just wanted to get to know him. The way the words fell out of her mouth; the sadness and sincerity. Louis never thought Eleanor was capable of being sincere, but he knows now, and he honestly felt a little bad for her.

Now in unlocking his door and throwed his shoes off, walking to his bedroom, which was located on the same floor as....everything, really. The top portion of his house was more for guest use. An extra room, a bathroom and even a extra walk in closet.

He preferred his room on ground level anyway; it was more convenient for him, and incase of any leg or foot injuries, it would be the easily accessable.

He had his own bathroom and stuff downstairs, so he hardly went upstairs, unless it was to occasionally clean.

He unlocked his window and turned his fan on, sitting on his bed and took his balzer off, throwing it in the laundry bin, and unbuttoning his shirt, exposing his white tanktop under and was about to discard his shirt when he heard a thud behind him.

He spun around and gasped when he saw Harry standing infront of his window.

"YOU'RE IN MY HOUSE!?" Louis yelled and buttoned his shirt back up, crossing his arms because Harry's never seen him in anything but blazer and dress pants.

"Left your window open." Harry retorted and sat down on Louis' bed, looking around his room, admiring how simple Louis is with designs and colours.

Plain white walls with little flowers drawn all over with a few red and yellow small handprints near the base of the door.

"Can I finger paint on your wall too?" Harry pointed to the stain and Louis shook his head and told Harry to get out, not bothering to lecture Harry yet because he wanted to know what Harry wanted from him.

Harry shrugged and kicked his sneakers off and dragged himself up the bed so he's sitting against Louis' back rest.

"Harry no."

"What do you mean no, Mr. Tomlinson. All I'm doing is chilling on your bed."

"That's exactly what I meant. Get off my bed! You'll dirty my sheets."

Harry smelt his clothes and said that he didn't smell so he didn't need to worry about him stinking up his sheets after all.

"Harry, please, I'm begging you, listen to me for once." Louis whined and grabbed Harry by his arm and tried to pull him off, but Harry laughed and allowed Louis to try to pull him off.

Louis is basically skin and bones, and Harry's been building alot more muscle recently, and last he checked he was up to 180 pounds.

Louis couldn't move him, and Harry knew that his teacher did as well, but still attempted to do so.


"Mr. Tommo."

"If you're not going to move, then atleast tell me why you're in my house."

"Saw the window open, and you were taking you clothes off. I wanted to see my show in full view; up close and personal."


"Cause you're beautiful." Louis blushed a bit, not used to Harry saying....nice things about him, since all the child did was sexualize him.

"And I needed to see that ass of yours up close." Okay that's the Harry that made Louis' eye roll.

"Great, now get out. That's invading my privacy-and breaking into my house."

Harry shrugged. "M' not here to fucking rob you. I just want to chill with my favourite teacher."

"No student in their right mind voluntarily comes into their teacher's house to pay them a visit, most tend to run away and hide."

"Well technically you and I have more than the regular student and teacher relationship."

"I know and that's what scares me."

Harry smiled. "Why are you smiling at me like that? It's creepy."

"Cause I think we both know that maybe you do enjoy our little banter deep down inside." He grinned and Louis shook his head, and Harry took this as a chance to slip of the bed and press Louis to the nightstand; Louis' hips digging into the wood, while Harry pressed his body against Louis, hands grabbing his waist.

"I certainly do not."

"Then why aren't you stopping me?"

"You wouldn't listen." Louis retored, but didn't understand the real reason why he puts up with Harry sexualizing and touching him inappropriately.

"Most teachers would report it, or simply stay away from the student."

"Well it's hard to stay away from you since-"

"-I'm irresistible?"

"-you don't leave me alone."

"Could still report it." Louis scoffed, about to reply but Harry continued. "But if you wanted to, you would have done it a long time ago."

Louis hated how Harry was actually making sense for once.

This is the only time he chooses to be smart about what he says, and Louis didn't know whether he should be proud of Harry for thinking for once, or intimidated.

"Whatever, I wouldn't expect a kid like you to understand." Louis stated and pushed aside Harry, turning to his bed where he hovered and shook his head disappointed at the rumpled sheets.

Harry pressed his crotch to Louis' ass, and placed his hands on his waist once more, but slowly drifted his hands up so he could touch Louis' bare skin under the shirt and tanktop.

Louis noticed and tried to pry Harry's hands off him, but he tightened his grip. "Stop."

"What if I don't want too?"

"I'm your teacher, Harry. This is wrong." He told him and tried again but Harry spun him around and pushed him down to the bed, where he spreaded Louis' legs apart and crawled ontop of him.

Louis swallowed deeply and glanced at his crotch before meeting Harry's eyes. He placed his arm against his chest to stop Harry from moving any closer to him.

"Harry Edward Styles!" Louis tried to yell but it came out as more of a squeak. "This is so wrong! I am your teacher!"

"So? You're not right now."


Louis wanted to cry. Why couldn't Harry just leave him alone? Why couldn't Harry just be a normal and nice kid for once in his life? Why did he feel the need to embarrass him like this?

What's worse is that he could feel his lower region tighten and it took everything in him to not buck his hips up against Harry.

"Don't pretend to hate it Mr. Tomlinson. Embrace it."

"Embrace what?"

"The need for my cock inside of you."


"I could fuck you into this mattress right now if you want Mr. Tomlinson. I could have you screaming and shaking from pleasure right now if you just allow me to make you feel good, sir. Trust me, you may think you hate it, but never knock it till you try it." Harry said and grinded down against Louis' semi.

He moaned and turned his head to the left, giving Harry access to his neck unintentionally where he pressed kisses, and grinnded down on his teacher once more.

Louis' judgement became clouded for a second, but once he realized what was going on, he pushed Harry off his neck and held him up with his arms, forbidding Harry to continue.

"Harry you're taking this too far-"

"Come on Mr. Tomlinson-"

"Harry!? What on earth are you and Louis doing!?" Marcel yelled from the kitchen window, looking at his younger brother disapprovingly.

"Thank god."

"Nothing!" Harry said and scurried off Louis who let out a breath of relief. "Come here now and get ready! The party starts at six and I want to be there on time!" Harry nodded and blew Louis a kiss before exiting throw the window, not evn bothering to pick his socks and shoes up because it gave him a reason to visit Louis later.

Louis however was still in a daze; trying to understand what happened a few moments ago, and why his cock was straining in his boxers from it.

He was fucked.


Tysm for reading, and again I'm so sorry for leaving this book undone for so long. I just needed a break from writing, but I'm back permanently.

Feel free to check out my new book if you want!

-Nir <3

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