Deeper Than Wrath

By OctaviaMaeve

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"Are you sure you're up to it?" "When do I start?" Shall Harbor has been experiencing disappearances for deca... More


Ronan: A Home Lost and A Home Found

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By OctaviaMaeve

My father and I had never been on the best of terms, but especially when his business started requiring more time from him. He would always be out of the house, in meetings, filing paperwork while I was being trained by his assistant to take over the company. Formalities one day, memorizing ways to reduce our taxes, networking with other kids of business owners like my father. Every day the same old story, lesson after lesson, after lesson. I guess it wasn't all bad, if I wanted almost anything it would be handed to me. I was always told I'd never have to work for anything, just stay in line and keep the business steady and I'd be set for life. But even with all of the lessons, I had no idea what I was doing, and even the other kids I had networked with only pretended like they did. We were all just as lost as our parents whenever they started building from the ground up, because even though they promised to teach us all they could, they never took a break from their work to focus on teaching us.

This had pissed me off so eventually I went to my dads office at the end of Thursday evening to discuss it with him, albeit cautiously as my inheritance was on the line.

"Sir?" I had always been trained to address him formally, never by father or any variation of it, which did our already disintegrating relationship no favors.

"What is it Ronan? I need to wrap up this paperwork before tomorrow." He kept his eyes on his pen ad he spoke, not even looking up to acknowledge me, although our relationship had always been strained, it was still a bit better when mom was still around.

"I wanted to speak with you about how I'm learning to take over the company... and I feel like-" finally he looked up from his desk to interrupt me.

"Ronan you disturbed me because you feel some type of way?" He clutched his face sliding his hand into the position of pinching his nose, he must be even more tense right now than usual.

"And as for your 'learning to take over the company' my assistant should be handling that and any questions you have. So do you want something?" He started staring me in the eyes, it was hard to tell if we was actually expecting an answer or if the question was rhetorical, but at least I have his attention.

"I don't think that I've learned anything about properly managing this business, I hardly even know what it's about. So I need you to teach me!" My father stood up from his desk, the combination of his frustration with work and mild annoyance with me causing him to boil over.

"You know I don't have time for that, let alone right now and still you disrupt my work with your ridiculous accusations and requests? You want to learn how to manage the family business? How about I kick you out tomorrow morning and you can figure it out yourself!" My father's face had gone red as I looked at the floor to hide the pain on my face. This wasn't the first time he'd made threats like this, but it was the first time it felt real.

"Well are you just going to stand there or are you going to let me finish my work?" This time the question was clearly rhetorical, as I apologized and left the room, walking upstairs to head to my room before I lost my grip on my facial expressions.

Finally when I got to my room I sat at the foot of my bed still in shock. My father was the only person I ever acted timid around, mostly out of self defense so things didn't get worse. A photo sat on my dresser in front of me, a photo from when I was younger and when my mom was still around. She had always been very kind to me, but it was obvious she wasn't happy married to my father. One day she got sick and they had to take her to the hospital, but she never came back. I wasn't allowed to go see her because apparently she was extremely contagious.

The photo was a reminder of bittersweet memories when it came to her. There were many nights where I'd take the picture frame and sleep next to it, just to have her close to me. I hadn't felt remotely safe, or even really happy, since the day she died. Tonight was one of those nights where I took the photo from its reserved spot for a piece of comfort. I just needed her to be close, even if she was farther than I could reach.

When I woke up the cold glass of the frame had gone warm as sunlight started to peek through my curtains. I got up out of bed slipping on my slippers, moving the picture frame back to its spot when a loud banging on the door startled me, causing me to drop the frame, glass shattering on the hardwood.

My dad came in which was a rare sight, he never came to see me, I wondered if he was finally going to teach me, but then my hopes were shattered like the picture frame when he spoke up.

"Why aren't you out of my house yet?" So he had been serious! One of the many housekeepers my father had hired ushered me out of the house as my father watched from the balcony of the stairs not saying a word. He just stood there with his arms crossed over his chest with a scowl on his face until he turned and walked away.

"Mr.Ronan..." The housekeeper that had been ushering me out was Maria, she had been close with my mom when she was alive, and my father had kept her employed. To be fair, my mom hadn't been very public about her friendship with Maria, as father had gotten rid of all the other people that had been close to her. Maria handed me a stack of clothes that were still warm.

"I ironed an outfit for you to change into so you won't be in your pajamas. Find somewhere to change into them when you leave, and try to get a job somewhere alright?" Maria whispered, doing her best not to be heard in the echoey stairwell. I thanked her and headed down the street. It was still early, father had never been one to miss tiny details. He knew sending me out when the streets were busy would make him look bad so it was about six in the morning. The only place that i knew would be open was a gas station nearby that I used to sneak out and grab snacks from when I was younger.

When I opened the door the signature dinging announced my arrival as a cashier I was familiar with looked over.

"Hey Ronan! You're up early!" The cashier was Alya, a girl I had gone to school with before my dad got private tutors because he thought that public school would 'corrupt me'.

"What's with the pajamas? Did you want to grab a snack or something and head back to bed?" Alya was mocking me from behind the counter, she'd always teased me for having 'daddy's money' but she never really meant it.

"Seriously though is everything okay?" She looked around the store to be sure no one else was listening.

"Yeah, dad kicked me out this morning, but Maria handed me some clothes before I got the boot. Do you mind if I go change? I can't buy anything..." Alya rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"Ronan, I work minimum wage first thing in the morning. Do what you want man." Alya chuckled as I walked to the restroom to change. I slipped out of my tennis shoes that my father had allowed me to put on before I left, one saving grace. I started putting on the shirt that Marie had handed me, a lung sleeve white button down, with blue rimming after putting on an under shirt. Even at six in the morning, Shall Harbor wasn't the coolest city in the world so I rolled up my sleeves. I put on the dark jeans she had handed me as well and slipped my shoes back on. My hair was still messy so I brushed through it with my fingers and some water from the constantly dripping sink in the bathroom. As I walked out Alya whistled at me while holding a bag that looked really greasy.

"Even on his bad days, Mr.Ronan's a heartthrob!" She started mimicking a sports announcer to resume her teasing. "Here he comes folks, with the classic white button down and messy but perfect looking hair, Ronan Gardener swoops in. Whose heart will he break today folks?" I couldn't help but chuckle. It had been years since we went to school together, but ever since she started working here I made a habit to come grab something now and then just to get away from the friends that I had to make. She handed out the greasy bag in front of her to hand to me.

"For the road! I know you're kind of broke right now so I just started a tab for ya..." Alya backed away from the counter trying to look busy doing something while I opened the bag. It was one of the hot dogs I would get when I came here.

"Thanks Alya, I owe ya one." She turned back around to face me with a serious expression on her face.

"Uh, yeah! That's why I started you a tab dummy." She rolled her eyes and smiled, then went back to what she had been doing. I walked out of the store walking while waiting for the hotdog to cool down. I guess I should probably start looking for a job if I don't want to be sleeping on the streets, or in the gas station. As I was walking I looked at each of the store fronts, most of them not open yet, for any sort of 'help wanted' sign. Most of the people in town know who I am, but I'm not entirely sure if that will help or hurt my chances. Finally the hotdog cooled off so I started eating while I was walking, but it was a bit difficult since I didn't want to stain my shirt with grease. As I kept walking I saw an 'open' sign glowing from a window. As I got closer, I realized it was coming from the pub, strange, I didn't realize they were open this early. I tried the door and they were actually open. As I walked inside I was greeted by an old woman drinking a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper. I sat down at the opposite side of the bar from her to start eating when she put down her paper and looked over at me.

"You know, Mr.Gardener, that most restaurant owners would consider it a bit rude to bring outside food into their establishment?" She eyed me with one eye quirked upwards over her glasses. "But then again, I guess you're lucky I'm not must restaurant owners. You can sit closer if you want I don't bite." She went back to her paper while I stood stunned in silence for a moment. I figure it would be rude to decline the offer so I moved closer to her, but still kept one seat in between for us to have some room.

"So, Mr.Gardener, it's a bit strange that you're eating a hotdog in a pub at six-thirty in the morning, would you mind explaining what that's all about?" She kept looking at her paper as she asked the question, and when I hesitated to answer she put it down and turned towards me. I guess I'm obligated to answer since I did just offend her business.

"I kind of got kicked out this morning, so I was looking for a place for work. But I also got breakfast from a friend, and a greasy one at that, with my only outfit on, so I couldn't stain it. That's how I wound up here." The old woman nodded as if this was a completely run of the mill answer.

"I see... well I could use some help around here if you're looking for a job. For one thing, I'm looking for a new bartender, but there's something else as well..." The hesitation in her voice made me curious so I asked her to continue.

"I'm sure you've heard about some of the disappearances in town... and I have some connections that are also hiring, if you're up to it?" This piqued my interest, everyone had heard about the disappearances and everyone had their theories.

"What kind of connections if you don't mind my asking." I had abandoned my half eaten hotdog now, I had to know who this lady's connections were. Just who is she?

"There's a sort of mafia per se in Shall Harbor... they take care of people that don't make their payments and what have you, essentially they're town mercenaries, and they're looking for new hires. It's hard work, but it pays well..." The old lady went back to sipping her coffee that I could only assume was of the Irish variety from the smell of whiskey and coffee on her breath.

"I think you found your new hire!" The old lady chuckled and asked me several questions about my experience with weaponry and combat and was seemingly satisfied but had a few more questions.

"Alright, I've determined you'll be satisfactory for that part of the job, but can you actually make a drink?" The old lady wave me to the other side of the bar and asked me to make anything for her. Since she was already drinking whiskey in her coffee, I just went with an old fashioned since she had left the bottle on the bar and slid it over to her to try.

"Hm, not bad. You start today."

"Today?" That was quick, she must not have had many other prospects.

"Today, and employees can sleep upstairs as long as they work here." She showed me to my room up the stairs and to the right the furthest down the hallway.

"You can make yourself comfortable and get anything done that you need to sort out, I'll need you downstairs by five, and my name is Donna, or you can just call me Ms.York." The lady headed back downstairs and left me in my new room.

The room was clean and comfy with an outlet and an up to date charger already plugged in next to the bed and a journal with a pen on the desk. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and as expected, my dad had already cancelled the cellular for my phone but the wifi password was on a sticky note on the desk. I checked my email to see if my father had emailed me. Nope. In fact, he had blocked me on all of his social media platforms. At least I wouldn't have to trouble myself with blocking him. I plopped down on the bed to process what all had happened in the last couple of hours and figured I should text Alya.

Hey Alya, got a job! I can pay back the tab tmrw!

That's great! I'll see you soon then!

Finally five o'clock came and I went downstairs to help Ms. York with the pub. Everything seemed normal besides her job offer, the pub was just a regular old pub. Around eight she situated herself in the back corner as I tended the bar, most of the patrons just ordered shots with the exception of a cocktail here and there. Until a particularly disgruntled woman came in, she was in her pajamas with a tank top and loose pants, still in her slippers. She was pretty, she had dark olive skin and dark wavy brown hair that blown in front of her face, she must have been running. The bar stopped talking and Ms.York yelled that she'd cover her drink. I watched her walk over to Ms.York to thank her. I guess we had both had a difficult day.

When she came back over to the bar, I learned that her name was Julia and I fixed her a drink. Ms.York came over and offered her a job, I wonder if she'd accept...

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