sweet creature x jemily

By theprxntisstrials

54K 1K 2.9K

Emily is granted the opportunity to adopt Carrie after her entire family was murdered. Emily is adjusting to... More

bonus chapter: twenty-one


2K 42 126
By theprxntisstrials

i want nothing more than to go and take a nap. but i cannot sadly😣

anyways, thank you all for nearly 6k on wattpad and 6k on ao3. y'all are truly the best🥳

also not proofread. i'm lazy ✨

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: mentions of stalking, homophobia, heavy amounts of swearing
word count: 3415

Penelope: "Anything worth having is worth fighting for." Susan Elizabeth Phillips.

"Carrie," Emily said and ran her hands over her face. "Let's just hear the suggestions, please."

"Am I going to get my heart cut out and have it punched into tiny star shapes," Carrie asked as she paced around Hotch's office. The raven-haired woman stood up. "What if they try to drown me while I'm showering?"

"Carrie," Emily said and grabbed onto the teenager's shoulders. "Enough with the thinking out loud. They're not going to do that. I won't let that happen."

JJ and Hotch both sighed softly as Carrie was moved to sit in between Emily and JJ. The teenager was fidgeting with her fingers.

"We'd have to put the three of you into protective custody," Strauss said and looked between the three women. "I don't want to see the situation escalate so much that the threats start to become more physical."

"It gets worse?" Carrie asked and widened her eyes.

"No. It's just a possibility it could," Hotch said and looked up at Strauss.

"What would happen to us?" JJ said and looked over at Emily. The two higher ups looked at each other and then back at them.

"You'd have to resign from the BAU," Hotch said softly. "That's if you go into protective custody. There is another option."

"And what's that?" Emily asked and crossed her arms. Both Hotch and Strauss sighed.

"You'd have an undercover agent full time with the both of you here as well as Carrie at school," Strauss said. "Now I don't advise that suggestion. But it's still on the table. Since neither of you are necessarily the age to retire, the money put towards your retirement plan wouldn't come in until you're the age of sixty five."

"Then we're doing that one," Emily said and clenched her jaw. JJ and Carrie both looked over at Emily. JJ stood up and placed her hand on the back of Emily's chair.

"Excuse us for a minute?" JJ asked over at Hotch and Strauss. Emily pursed her lips as she stood up and walked out of the room with JJ. Carrie immediately felt uncomfortable with Strauss and Hotch both looking at her.

"You do know that if they go into some sort of protection program, they'd have to tell the Ambassador, right?" Hotch said and looked up at Strauss. The blonde woman ran her hand down her face. That was a whole other thing of trouble. Carrie furrowed her eyebrows.

"Who's the Ambassador?" Carrie asked and looked back and forth between the two of them.

"Can we think about this for a second?" JJ asked and shut the door behind them. They had entered an empty conference room down the hall from where Carrie was.

"JJ. We're going to have to continue working at another place if we leave the FBI. I'm going to tell you right now, no other job is going to pay as good as this one. And it's a little late for the two of us to try and get into medical school with our psychology degrees," Emily said and held her hands out. JJ pushed back her hair behind her ears. "I say the agent is the best bet."

"Will it keep us safe? Will it stop the packages?" JJ asked and smiled forcefully. "Emily, this is serious."

"Don't you think I know that?" Emily snapped and crossed her arms. "I don't want to sleep anymore even when Carrie is right next to us in our bed. This is terrifying me. But I'm thinking of how to provide for us. What is the best way for us to maintain financial stability? If I have to have Carrie here with us, doing school online for the rest of the time this psycho is coming after us, then I will. But the last thing I want is for us to be packing and moving over and over again. She wants a normal life with normal friends. If I can't give that to her, then why did I bring her here to DC in the first place?"

"Okay. Okay," JJ said and held up her hands. She made her way towards Emily. "Two agents, we can pay them ourselves. One has to make sure that they're always with Carrie."

"Okay," Emily said and nodded her head fast. The blonde woman gently placed her hand on Emily's cheek. "I'll find them. It's the least I can do for you and for Carrie."

"That is more than enough, okay? I will be here with you every step of the way," JJ said and nodded her head. "We can work out a deal with Hotch and Strauss. We can make this work."

"Thank you," Emily said softly. The blonde woman smiled shyly at Emily before pulling her in. The two of them kissed gently. Neither of them wanted to overpower the other. They just needed each other for the time being. "I love you and I'm sorry I dragged you into this."

"I'm here because I want to be. You and Carrie, you both mean the world to me. I will never turn my back on the two of you," JJ said and smiled. "I am so head over heels in love with you, Emily. I'm not going anywhere without the two of you right beside me."

Emily leaned forward and rested her forehead right against JJ's. The raven-haired woman's eyes filled with tears. JJ noticed and held onto Emily's face.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey," JJ said and wiped away the tears that fell from Emily's eyes. "Let me in? What's going on?"

"I'm scared," Emily said softly. "I don't want anything to happen to you or Carrie. I just feel so useless."

"You are not being useless. I know you, Emily. I know you want to go and find the son of a bitch who's hunting down Carrie. I do too. But they're already showing you how dangerous they can be. I don't want to sit and watch as you get yourself killed," JJ said and swallowed her tears. "You are staying under the protective order as well. I will fight you tooth and nail for this."

"Yes ma'am," Emily said jokingly and chuckled. JJ smiled softly as she wiped away Emily's tears.

"Give me a smile?" JJ asked and tilted her head. Emily smiled softly making JJ smile widely. The raven-haired woman couldn't help but crack a bigger smile. "You're so gorgeous."

"You're going to make me blush," Emily said and rolled her eyes. JJ smirked slightly. Emily shook her head and grabbed onto JJ's hand and pulled her in. The two of them kissed as Emily's hands tried to pull her closer.

"Come on. They're going to be waiting for us," JJ said and pulled away from her. Emily nodded her head as they walked out of the room and back into Hotch's office. Hotch and Strauss both tensed as they saw Emily back.

"What?" Emily asked and crossed her arms. "You both are looking at me like you're afraid."

"Emily, please sit down," Hotch said calmly. Carrie pursed her lips as she sat up in her seat. Emily studied Carrie's body language. She was nervous about something. JJ stood up behind Emily's chair. She also felt them holding back a secret. If it was bad, she'd have to hold back Emily.

"We contacted the Ambassador," Strauss said simply. Emily's entire body felt hot with anger. She shut her eyes to refrain herself from snapping at her boss's boss.

"And why did you do that?" Emily asked, clenching her jaw as tightly as she could. Both of them looked between the other.

"It's a protocol. Immediate family must be warned. I know you wouldn't call your mother yourself," Strauss said and sighed softly. "The last thing I'd want is for her to come after the bureau because she wasn't aware her daughter was ordered under protective custody."

Emily stood up and was about to walk out when JJ held onto her shoulders. Seeing JJ there was what made Emily calm down. The raven-haired woman turned over to Carrie.

"Carrie, honey. Why don't you go with JJ and get a snack from the vending machine?" Emily asked. Carrie nodded her head and stood up. The two of them left the room without another word. Emily's jaw clenched as she turned back and Strauss and Hotch. "What exactly did you tell her?"

"That you'd have be under protective custody starting tomorrow morning," Strauss said and gestured for Emily to sit. The raven-haired woman refused and just paced slowly back and forth. "I'm sorry that you didn't like that move. But it was one that needed to be made."

"Do you know what she told me the last time I spoke to her?" Emily asked and crossed her arms. "She told me to figure myself out. That's when I went to left for college. She refused to believe I liked women when I was a teenager. And her only wish was for me to figure it out, to get rid of it, while I was at college. I haven't spoken to her since. Now I have to explain to her all this?"

"Emily it's not—"

"I will not be putting Carrie into that kind of situation," Emily said and clenched her jaw. "That may have been protocol but it doesn't mean I have to like it. She didn't have to know anything else. It's none of her business to know regardless."

"She'll be here any minute. She demanded to know what was going on," Aaron said softly. Emily's eyes practically had fires in them.

"That's fucking amazing. That's just fucking great," Emily said as she grabbed onto the door handle and opened the door. She stormed out and slammed shut the door behind her. Any harder and Emily would have easily broken off the handle. She was in a world full of rage in that moment. Derek, Spencer, Rossi, and Penelope all kept their eyes to the floor as she passed. JJ and Carrie walked in and looked up towards Hotch's office before back to the group.

"I thought I heard the door open and shut?" JJ asked and gestured towards the office. The rest of the team pointed towards the glass bullpen doors and to the left. JJ sighed softly. "You wait here with the rest of the team—"

"No. I'll go talk to her," Carrie said and handed JJ the bag of cheetos the two of them were sharing. The blonde woman furrowed her eyebrows before grabbing onto Carrie's hand.

"Carrie, I don't think that's a good idea. Emily is really upset right now. I don't want her to snap at you because she's mad," JJ said and tilted her head to the side. "Just wait here with the team, please."

"I can handle Emily. You already talked to her. And I'm the reason why you're all in this mess. Nothing was happening when I wasn't in Emily's life. Let me go talk to her?" Carrie asked and gave JJ her best pleading eyes. The blonde woman sighed before letting go of her hand. Carrie didn't hesitate to run after Emily.

"She's one strong girl. You and Emily are doing a hell of a job," David said and stood up. JJ looked down towards the floor.

"JJ?" Penelope asked and furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm sorry. I just, I don't know what to do with myself. If anything happens to them—"

"Don't do that. You, Carrie, and Emily are going to be fine. You have us. And we're going to fight like hell to make sure the three of you are safe. You're our family," Derek said and held up his hand. JJ sighed deeply and sat at the edge of the desk. "You'll be fine blondie."

Just then, the doors of the bullpen opened. Elizabeth walked in and made her way up towards Hotch's office. JJ's heartbeat was racing out of her chest.

"Okay maybe not completely fine," Derek said, earning him a hit from Penelope and Rossi. JJ sighed heavily as she ran her hand down her face.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"JJ. I appreciate you trying to come and fix this, but I don't think there is anything you can do right—"

"Emily?" Carrie called out as she fidgeted with her fingers. "It's not JJ. I wanted to talk to you."

Emily leaned her head back against the stall. She debated for a second before opening the door. Carrie's eyes never met Emily's. She was just too nervous to even look at her.

"Is she that bad?" Carrie asked and furrowed her eyebrows. Emily sighed softly as she nodded her head. Now it made sense of why Emily was so overprotective of Carrie. She was overcompensating.

"I never wanted you to meet her. I figured, if she came knocking on my door you'd be out at school. It was even a stretch to assume she'd even do that," Emily said and chuckled bitterly. "Carrie, you don't have meet her if you don't want to. I'm not going to force you to do anything that you don't want to do."

"I want to," Carrie said and finally looked up at Emily. "I want to make her realize how great of a guardian you are."

Emily smiled softly as she wrapped her arms protectively around Carrie. The raven-haired woman felt whole having Carrie in her arms. Emily held onto her as tightly as she could.

The two of them made their way out of the bathroom. Both of them walked into the bullpen hand-in-hand. Emily reached out for JJ as she walked by. The blonde woman happily grabbed onto Emily's hand. The entire team watched as they made their way up towards Hotch's office once again.

Emily opened the door and locked eyes with Elizabeth. Carrie clung onto Emily's arm as the Ambassador stood up. JJ placed her hand on the teenager's shoulder.

"Mother," Emily said and sighed heavily.

"Emily," Elizabeth said and tilted her head to the side. Her eyes landed on JJ and Carrie. "Are you ready to tell me what this is about and why I had to hear from your superiors rather than you?"

JJ shut the door behind them. If a screaming match broke out, the entire bureau didn't need to hear it. Emily took a few steps towards Elizabeth. Her eyes didn't move from Carrie.

"Emily, you're being rude. Are you going to introduce me to the teenager clinging to your arm or the blonde woman standing behind you?" Elizabeth asked and tilted her head slightly.

"Mother. This is our daughter, Carrie," Emily said and gestured towards Carrie. The teenager gulped as she broke away from Emily and stood on her own.

"You said our?" Elizabeth asked as her eyes raked up Carrie. The teenager never felt more self conscious then in this moment.

"This is Jennifer Jareau, my girlfriend," Emily said and held onto JJ's hand. The blonde woman smiled proudly.

"Well, this was unexpected," Elizabeth said as her eyes finally moved from Carrie and over to JJ. The blonde woman was so nervous to even move. "Is this the urgent message that I rushed down here for?"

"No, it's not," Emily said and clenched her jaw. "I am so sorry to keep you from your precious Ambassador duties."

"Emily, don't start—"

"Do you even care that I'm in danger? That my family is in danger?" Emily asked and crossed her arms. JJ and Carrie kept their eyes to the floor. Emily's years of anger were all coming out.

"Well you should have started with that," Elizabeth said and mirrored Emily.

"Forgive me for wanting you to meet the two most important people in my life," Emily said and clenched her jaw. "We're going into protective custody. There's a stalker that's been following us around. It's for our own protection. There, you're free to go."

Emily turned and made her way towards the door. She opened it and gestured for Elizabeth to leave.

"Agent Hotchner. Chief Strauss. Please give us a minute alone," Elizabeth said over her shoulder. Both of them didn't hesitate to leave that room. Neither of them wanted to be in the middle of that fight. Emily shut the door after they both left. JJ and Carrie could practically feel the mental fight that was going on between Emily and Elizabeth.

"I love our chats, mom," Emily said sarcastically. "Say it. Just say whatever you're thinking and stop trying to refrain from it."

"I thought you were over this," Elizabeth said and shrugged her shoulders. "All of this teenage angst. Even though you're a thirty-seven year old woman."

"Thirty-eight," Carrie corrected. Elizabeth's eyes fell to the teenager. Now, Carrie wasn't afraid to defend Emily. Elizabeth couldn't do anything to her. The oldest woman tilted her head at Carrie. Although she wasn't Emily's biologically, she was so much like her. It was like going back in time for Elizabeth.

"I gave the decency to tell you. Now you can return to your life prior to this," Emily said and stuffed her hands in her pockets. "It's not like it was a problem before."

That one sentence alone hurt Elizabeth deeply.The Ambassador shut her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry," Elizabeth said softly. Emily's eyes widened. JJ's eyes flicked back and forth between them. She was terrified in this moment.

"It only took you what? Nearly two decades?" Emily asked sarcastically. "Why the sudden change of heart?"

"You may hate me, and although I may not agree with your lifestyle," Elizabeth said and flicked her eyes over at JJ. The blonde woman tilted her head up. "I can see how much you need me."

"I don't need anything from you," Emily said and balled her hands into fists. "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of my family."

"I'm offering more protection. It'll be a good thing for the two of us," Elizabeth said and looked over at Emily. The raven-haired woman chuckled bitterly.

"How would that be good for the both of us? You hated the fact that I loved women. Now you suddenly don't have a problem with it?" Emily asked and raised her eyebrows. Elizabeth's eyes turned to Carrie. The teenager had never felt so small before.

"You have a daughter that I didn't know about," Elizabeth said as she studied Carrie's features. "Life is too short to hold grudges, Emily."

"If you hurt my daughter—"

"I want to know my granddaughter," Elizabeth said and took a step towards Carrie. The teenager's eyes fell to Emily. She nodded hesitantly. Elizabeth sat down on the chair in front of Carrie. She carefully examined every part of the teenager.

"I think that's enough," Emily said and walked towards them. Carrie held out her hand. JJ's hand grabbed onto Emily's.

"Let me help?" Elizabeth asked and looked over at Emily. The raven-haired woman only held onto JJ's hand harder. Elizabeth made her way over to the two of them. Her eyes raked up and down JJ's figure.

"Shake her hand," Emily said and tilted her head to the side. Elizabeth raised her eyebrows. JJ looked over at Emily with worried eyes.

Elizabeth stuck out her hand to JJ. The blonde woman looked down at it and then grabbed onto her hand. Elizabeth and JJ locked eyes. JJ could practically read the question Elizabeth was thinking.

"I love your daughter. I'm not going anywhere," JJ said and broke away from her. Elizabeth's eyes looked over JJ once again.

"You better not," Elizabeth said and nodded her head. The Ambassador walked towards the door and opened it. "I'll have Anderson gather two of the best workers of mine. They'll be at your apartment tomorrow morning. And Emily? You and I need to have a private discussion soon."

Aaron: "She gave me another hard look, the kind that can only travel from mother to daughter." Jojo Moyes.

don't you just feel the love between the two Prentiss mothers 🤩

i'll be updating soon! -salem🤍

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