Bliss Kingdom 5: The Inner Ci...

By alexrelatado

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After Alex Auditore vanquished The Fiend Bray Wyatt at SummerSlam, purging his influence on his wife Alexa Bl... More

Chapter 1: Confrontation After SummerSlam
Chapter 2: Join Us
Chapter 3: Order of the Dark Circle
A/N: Group Structure
Chapter 4: Jiu Jitsu Past
Chapter 5: The Order Increases
Chapter 6: Escalation
Chapter 7: Past Revealed and Secret Revealed
Chapter 8: The Pinnacle of the Dark Circle
Chapter 9: Drifting and Reaping
Chapter 10: Evolution 2.0
Chapter 11: Reaping the Pinnacle
Chapter 12: Drifting to a Dangerous Debut
Chapter 13: Unexpected Backup
Chapter 14: Lunch Time with the Joshi Judas
Chapter 15: Shiny Drift
Chapter 16: Gauntlet Match
Chapter 17: Champions vs. Challengers
Chapter 18: Two Matches, One Night
Chapter 19: The Gears Grind
Chapter 20: On the Same Page
Chapter 21: AEW Full Gear

Chapter 22: Eight Man Tag Team Main Event

384 5 7
By alexrelatado

(Raw, 24 hours after Full Gear)

Bliss Kingdom has garnered success after their matches at Full Gear where there were two significant title changes involving the AEW World Championship and the TNT Championship when Blood Shepherd defeated his former teacher Chris Jericho in a hellacious no holds barred match and Alex Auditore got his measure of revenge when he defeated MJF in a steel cage for the TNT Championship.

Tonight's main event is a huge eight man tag team match as Tony Khan treats the fans to a preview for Stadium Stampede as the four members of the New Evolution takes on the four members of the Pinnacle.

The leader of the New Evolution was in the locker room still celebrating with his friends.

Alex: I made poor MJF eat metal chain link, I wonder how his face looks

Scott: bet it looks like a pile of crap

Alex: so guys, are you ready for your eight man tag team match?

The Pharaoh was referring to the main event tonight which was an 8 man tag team match between the New Evolution and the Pinnacle.

Vade: the Pinnacle lapdogs will get what's coming to them

Scott: we'll take care of them, you and Shepherd take care of the heads of the snakes

Alex: sounds like a plan, and I heard from Alexa that you and Vade captured the attentions of Io and Tegan

Scott and Vade's eyes widened while the Reaper blushed and the Ambassador of Anger turned his head away while he blushed a bit.

Alex: well?

He smirked as he was waiting for an explanation from his two friends.

Scott: Io and I only hung out

Vade: same goes for me and Tegan

Alex: well those hang outs will soon turn into serious dates

Scott: whatever man, Vade and I will catch up with Travis and Chase, so we can talk strategy

Alex: alright, see you guys later

Scott and Vade left to catch up with Chase and Scott for their match tonight.

The show opened a video package from AEW showcasing the company's next pay-per-view Double or Nothing, including their tradition match, Stadium Stampede, in which they showed highlights featuring The Elite and Inner Circle from 2020.

So far, only three matches were confirmed for the event:

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. vs. Tegan Nox (c) - Singles match for the Raw Women's Championship

Santana & Ortiz (c) vs. Josh Stevens and Samoa Joe - Tag team match for the AEW World Tag Team Championship

The New Evolution (Alex Auditore, Vade Drifter, Scott Wilson, Travis Sharp and Chase Destiny) vs. The Pinnacle (MJF, Wardlow, Shawn Spears, Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood) - Stadium Stampede

The show's opening match was a women's tag team as Raw Women's Champion Tegan Nox teams with Io Shirai to take on the Dark Circle's Nyla Rose and Penelope Ford.

The Shiniest Wizard is looking to send a message to the villainous dentist come Double or Nothing. The champion and the Joshi Judas made their entrance representing Bliss Kingdom while the crowd cheered.

Tegan and Penelope started things off with the classic lock up followed by a side headlock by the Shiniest Wizard on the Bad Girl. Ford pushed Tegan to the ropes, only for Nox to fire back with a running dropkick.

Then she tagged in the Joshi Judas, and the two worked together to send Rose outside the ring, gaining momentum in their favor for the time being.

(Fast forward towards the end)

AEW Women's Champion Dr. Britt Baker and her associate Rebel were watching the match from the stage as the dentist was scouting her competition. Back in the ring, Penelope Ford was neutralized, so it was all up for the Native Beast, but she was overwhelmed by the numbers game as Tegan took down Nyla with the Shiniest Wizard and then tags in Io while the Raw Women's Champion stared down at the AEW Women's Champion while the Joshi Judas went to the top turnbuckle and hits her moonsault for the pinfall victory. Then Tegan taunted at the dentist as she raised her Raw Women's title.

(Time skip)

Tony Khan and the rest of the management have confirmed a huge six man tag team match as Josh, Samoa Joe and Geiz takes on the Inner Circle members Santana, Ortiz and Jake Hager.

Meanwhile, it was time for the huge eight man tag team match as the New Evolution takes on the Pinnacle in a preview for Double or Nothing.

(In the ring)

The Pinnacle made their entrance with MJF's second-in-command and the group's muscle Wardlow leading the way with FTR, Tully Blanchard and Shawn Spears flanking his sides. The four members got in the ring while Blanchard stayed at ringside to scout or in this case interfere on the Pinnacle's behalf.

Then the New Evolution members came out and made their entrance with Vade and Scott leading the way as the four men stared daggers at their opponents for Stadium Stampede. Vade, Scott, Chase and Travis walked down the ring and then split up as they began to surround the ring on all sides Shield style.

The Ambassador of Anger gave the go signal and the New Evolution went to the apron while the Pinnacle stood back to back to try to catch the New Evolution on all sides. The four members got in the ring and a brawl ensued between the eight men as the referee tries to restore order. The Pinnacle got out of the ring to regroup while the referee held the New Evolution back.

(Match starts)

Travis and Dax Harwood started things off with a lockup, then the American Nightmare took down Harwood with a leg sweep before transitioning to a headlock. Travis went for an early cover, but Harwood kicked out at one and he immediately stood up and tagged in his partner, Cash Wheeler.

The American Nightmare saw that Scott wanted in; he happily obliged and tagged in the Reaper and the two men immediately trash talked each other as they started to trade punches. Scott took down Wheeler with a dropkick before landing hits on the rest of the Pinnacle. The hits provoked Spears to get in, but Travis collided with him and another brawl erupted, but it was all New Evolution as the Pinnacle regrouped and strategize.

(Fast forward)

Vade was the legal man for the team as he took down Spears with a T-bone suplex while he stared down at Wardlow. Harwood came in, but he was caught by Vade's hand to the throat. Vade stared down at Wardlow as he nailed Dax with a chokeslam.

Vade took down Spears with a superkick and then goes for the cover, but the Chairman was able to get his shoulder up before three.

The Ambassador of Anger tagged in the Limit Breaker and Chase fired rapid grounded punches on the Chairman while Vade stared down at the Pinnacle's muscle.

(End of match)

Scott was locking in the crossface in the middle on the ring on Cash, but the match immediately stopped as MJF slid in and hit Scott with a steel chair ending the match in a disqualification.

The former TNT Champion landed punches on the Reaper while Wardlow joined in by stomping on Scott. Vade got in the ring and took down Wardlow before executing the Lou Thesz press on the big man.

The rest of the participants got in the ring and a huge brawl ensued with the Pinnacle having the numbers game as it was a 5 on 4 beatdown.

However the tides turned in favor for the New Evolution as Alex sped down the ring armed with a kendo stick. The new TNT Champion got in the ring and swung shots on the members of the Pinnacle; the Pharaoh then played sword and shield with the Chairman before he got the open shot on his gut.

Travis got back in and sent Spears over the top rope as Alex turned his attention to MJF.

The show ended with all 10 men brawling all over the arena giving the crowd of what's to come along with a bigger picture of what Stadium Stampede is all about.

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