A Miss Step In Pride

Storyseeker94 tarafından

16 0 0

Remember Warriors. When you are given an apprentice you haven't just been given a responsibility but a life a... Daha Fazla

NightFang Speaks

16 0 0
Storyseeker94 tarafından

"My name is Nightfang, I am one of MoonClan's warrior ancestors. I came to StarClan after risking my life to save a group of elders from a viper that had snuck into the camp. I had killed it only to have it take my life as well with its poison stopping my heart. I now look over my clanmates with watchful eyes. What I think I enjoy most is watching our warriors train our future MoonClan cat's. Having an apprentice is something I think is the most important part of the clan. It is a job that is taken very seriously and should be only given to a responsible cat. A job that should never have been given to me."

The air was crisp with a light snow covering the ground of the camp and many cats still lay in their dens trying to keep out of the cold. There were two cats however that were sitting near the camp entrance. Lakeheart was slowly bathing her sleek silver fur, in the warm sunlight that crept through the heavy clouds and Nightfang was pacing back in forth in a quick motion. The she-cat rolled her green eyes looking over at her companion.

"You do realize that you are going to dig yourself into a hole if you continue that pacing"

Nightfang halted as she spoke and hesitantly say down. "Well I wouldn't have to pace if our apprentices would just hurry up already, I mean how long does it take to eat a mouse. I could be out hunting right now"

Lakeheart just flicked her ears and continued to groom herself. "You know you could cut them a little bit of slack. This is their first day after all.

"Which is why they should learn to be on time" huffed the black tom.

A few more moments passed before two young cats came racing across the camp skidding to a halt in front of the Warriors. One a calico she-cat and the other a fluffy gray tom.

"Good morning Applepaw and Sedgepaw" Lakeheart stood up and softly pressed her muzzle against the top of her apprentice's head. Applepaw smiled happily touching her mentor's cheek with her nose.

Sedgepaw looked up at Nightfang with such excitement that it made the warrior question if the younger cat had even slept last night. Lakeheart stood beside Nightfang.

"So, are you two ready for your first day of training?" The two apprentices looked up at their mentors happily both shaking with anticipation.

"Totally! What are we going to do first? Hunt a squirrel? learn amazing fight moves? Oh, go fight a fox?" Sedgepaw bounced up and down excitedly.

Nightfang let out a soft groan rolling his eyes and Lakeheart gently nudged his shoulder and placed her tail on the young cat's back. "I don't think we will be doing anything like that today. Besides a fox would be far too much for you to fight right now" she laughed with a warm smile. "Nightfang and I decided that we would take you around the borders of MoonClan so you can see all of our territory"

Applepaw's eyes glowed "Really?! Can we go see the Great Willow? I heard Flamepetal talk about how beautiful it is"

Sedgepaw's ears dropped with a little disappointment but it quickly faded when he saw how excited his friend was. "Yeah I want to see it too!"

Nightfang only started making his way out of the entrance flicking his tail telling the three other cats to follow him. Lakeheart quickly stepped in beside him with the two apprentices close behind. "Now I want you two to stay close alright, we may be in MoonClan territory but anything can happen at any time" she looked back at them with comforting eyes. The two young cats nodded in understanding but it didn't take long for them to start looking everywhere as they walked through the forest.

With Nightfang in the lead the four cats walked all around the territory the warriors showing the young cat's all that belonged to their clan. They showed them the forest pound where many clanmates came to sun bathe and just to relax among the flowers and moss that grew around the water's edge during the leaf green seasons. They also showed them the training cave where soon they would come to learn how to fight to someday defend their clan. The group had stopped to take a break and catch some prey with Nightfang returning with two mice and a small bird.

"Wow! Look at that prey and you caught them so quickly" Sedgepaw and Applepaw looked at him in awe as the warrior dropped the prey in front of their paws each taking a mouse and Lakeheart taking the bird.

"Well when you are the best hunter in the clan you shouldn't expect anything less" Nightfang boasted and than walked over and sat near the base of a tree closing his eyes basking in the dim sunlight. He suddenly felt Lakeheart's fur brush against his as she sat beside him pushing the rest of the bird in front of his paws. He blinked thankfully quickly taking a few bites as the small hunger in his stomach slowly subsided. Lakeheart looked over at him and than over to their two apprentices. "It's none of my business but you don't seem all that thrilled to be doing this. Are you not happy about Moonstar making you a mentor?

Nightfang held his breath for a second and only let out an annoyed huff. "Is it that obvious. I just feel like he should have given Sedgepaw to some other cat. I'm a warrior and I don't have time to watch some kit"

Lakeheart's eyes flashed with a bit of surprise from his tone. "I don't think it's a waste of time at all. As a warrior it's our job to teach the next generation of MoonClan. What could be more for filling than that?

"Hmm I don't know? How about becoming the most amazing hunter or leading a group of cats into battle? That's what a warrior is remembered for not mentoring an apprentice"

Lakeheart sighed. "Well I think you should be a little more grateful and honored that Moonstar gave you this responsibility. He clearly sees something in you to have made you Sedgepaw's mentor. I know he is jumpy and full of energy but he just wants to learn and he is clearly thrilled to be under your guidance".

Nightfang didn't respond but only flicked his ears in annoyance.

Soon after the young tom came walking over standing in front of the warriors. "Nightfang can I try and do some hunting I want to catch some prey and give it to Moonflower" Nightfang was about to deny the cat's request when Lakeheart covered his mouth with her tail.

"That's actually a great idea Sedgepaw. Applepaw wanted to go see the great willow anyway so we can just meet the two of you back here and all head back to camp together. Unless you don't want to show him how "amazing" you are Nightfang". The she-cat flashed him an amused smile.

"Yeah I guess that will work" Nightfang grunted standing up stretching his back.

"Glad to hear you agree. Alright Applepaw the great willow isn't to far from here so let's get going shall we"

"Yes Lakeheart" the apprentice stood beside her mentor looking up at her joyfully. Nightfang watched as the two she-cats walked away and out of sight through the brush and trees.

The tom turned his attention back to Sedgepaw who was sitting in front of him closely squirming. His eyes large with excitement. Dose he have to look at me like that. It's so uncomfortable.

"Alright let's get this over with" Nightfang took a few steps forward and proceeded to get in a hunter's crouch. He looked back when he saw Sedgepaw just sitting there watching him.

"Well? Do you want to learn or not?"

"Oh, r-right sorry!" Sedgepaw quickly padded over and got into position beside the warrior.

"Alright, so want you want to do is drop into a crouch and take all your weight into your haunches so that your paws have no impact on the forest floor. Pounce and when you are close enough kill it with one swift bite to the neck. This is great for catching mice and other small animals of that sort"

Sedgepaw quickly nodded his head in understanding and started to sniff the air around him to pick up any kind of scent. For a few moments he smelled nothing but suddenly he picked up the small scent of a squirrel. He lowered his body even more and slowly started to stalk forward with Nightfang following behind shaking his head. This cat has no idea what he's doing.

Sedgepaw slowly crept along the forest floor until he had his prey insight, he moved his tail back and forth in anticipation. Nightfang sat behind him sitting down not really caring about being silent as he let out a breath of annoyance.

The squirrel quickly lifted it's head up and dashed away from the two cats. Sedgepaw let out a growl and quickly chased after his prey. He chased the squirrel through brush and among roots until it came into a small clearing where it raced up a large tree. Sedgepaw was to focused on the animal that he didn't notice the root and got his front paw caught causing him to trip. He rolled and hit the base of the tree with his back against the bark his tail dropping over his stomach. Sedgepaw rubbed his head and blinked a few times with everything spinning around him.

Suddenly Nightfang appeared above him looking down at him with a look of discontent. "What in StarClan's name was that. Did you even try and sneak up on that squirrel?

Sedgepaw rolled onto his stomach and quickly sat up his ears down and gave his ruffled chest a few embarrassed licks. "I did try .... I did w-what you told me t-to do"

"Yeah I don't think so. Your belly was way to low to the ground and your paw steps were way to loud. You have to have the proper technique if you ever hope of catching something"

The younger cat let his head fall closing his eyes clearly upset that he had failed at his first try of catching something. Unfazed Nightfang let out a breath flicking his apprentices' shoulder. "Since it doesn't look like you will be catching anything soon, we should start heading back to meet the others"

Sedgepaw slowly got up on all four paws and both of them had only taken a few steps before a merrow of laughter sounded from behind them. Both cats turned to see two other cats standing there. One was an older tom with reddish brown fur and torn ears and ember eyes. Next to him stood a young cat probably no more than a moon older then Sedgepaw. He was a white cat with black spots and yellow eyes. Nightfang's fur stood on end and he arched his back in a hackle at the newcomers. "Rustwing?! What are you doing here?" he hissed walking up and facing the other warrior.

"Oh, relax there friend. Who put thorns in your pelt? I'm just out here teaching my apprentice Rabbitpaw here on climbing and hunting in trees and couldn't help but watch your apprentices funny tumble there" The ShadeClan warrior gave Nightfang a smug look while Rabbitpaw looked down at his paws shyly.

Sedgepaw looked at the cats with a tilt of his head remembering the stories he heard in the nursery about how ShadeClan lived in the swamp of the valley. He was also told that cats of that clan could hunt in muck and mist and climb and strike down from the strong trees that grew in their territory.

"Well you are on MoonClan territory so unless you want to go back to your clan with claw marks down your face, I suggest you turn around now!" Nightfang narrowed his eyes his lips back in a snarl.

"Actually, Nightfang I hate to disappoint you but we are still in ShadeClan territory. This tree here divides the boundaries remember mouse brain" the brown tom chuckled as he watched Nightfang lower his ears even more.

"Now since you've wasted enough of our time Rabbitpaw and I here need to get back to climbing some trees" The warrior shouldered the younger cat as they started to walk back toward the mist that lay behind them.

The ShadeClan warrior stopped as he heard a loud huff from Nightfang. "Please like climbing a tree is so hard that you need to be trained for it"

"I mean how could you know? After all you MoonClan cats aren't exactly all that skilled at being fast and balanced" Rustwing rolled his eyes turning back to them.

"Any cat can climb a tree"

Rustwing narrowed his eyes his whiskers twitching. He was silent for a moment as he glanced at Nightfang and then focused his attention to Sedgepaw who shrank to the grass under his sharp gaze. "You say any cat can climb a tree? But I hardly doubt that kit there can even make it to that first branch" raising his tail pointing to the tree that stood beside them.

"He can even barley catch a simple squirrel for that matter"

"Sedgepaw is more than capable of climbing, aren't you?" Nightfang looked at the younger cat who just stood there with his ears down.

"Let's put it to the test, than shall we? Your apprentice against mine. First one to make it to the top of the tree has to catch those cat's three of their prey from their own territory". Rustwing looked at the MoonClan cat with a sly look in his eye.

"Ummm R-Rustwing I don't think Shadestar would a-approve of..." Rabbitpaw slowly spoke up but was silenced as the warrior spun toward him with a snarl. "Look here kit! You are to listen to my orders and I say you ARE climbing that tree got it!" The small white apprentice sunk to the ground and quickly nodded his head.

Sedgepaw frowned feeling bad for the young cat but turned his eyes and looked up at his mentor, trying to figure out what was going through his mind. "We aren't really going to go through with this are we?"

Nightfang didn't turn from his gaze and stayed still. "MoonClan isn't going to back down from a challenge. We take any chance we can get to put other clans in their place"

Sedgepaw frowned even more but didn't make an effort to say anything.

"So, do we have a deal? Or do you want to go ahead home with your tail between your legs" Rustwing gave the MoonClan warrior a grin showing off his sharp teeth

"It's a deal. I look forward to trying some ShadeClan prey" Nightfang answered with a slash of his tail.

Before Sedgepaw and the ShadeClan apprentice could register what was happening they were standing side by side facing the oak tree that stood large and tall in front of them. Sedgepaw looked back at his mentor. "Isn't this a little unfair if he's had more practice doing this than I have?"

"All the more reason to have them eat their own tails. Don't mess this up Sedgepaw. Also keep in mind that if you win this, it will make up for you not catching that squirrel" The warrior spoke raising his head high.

The apprentice turned back and let out a shaky breath and kept his body from trembling hoping the other cats would think it was because of the cold. He could do this. He HAD to do this. All he wanted to do was prove to Nightfang that he was ready to be an apprentice and he had to trust that his mentor knew what he was doing.

"Alright you two kits get ready" Rustwing stood beside the tree and had his tail in the air. "When I drop my tail, you start running and climbing. First one to the top wins"

Both young cats blinked and readied themselves in anticipation. Relax Sedgepaw you got this.

As he waited for Rustwing to give the signal Sedgepaw felt like all time had stopped and all he could hear was the echo and feel of his heart racing.

It felt like an eternity had passed before Rustwing's tail fell and all at once everything came back into focus and Sedgepaw was racing to the tree. Sedgepaw thrusted himself forward across the frozen ground and hurled himself up and dug his claws into the bark pulling himself up the tree. He did his best to scramble up the tree his muscles tightening as he used all his strength. He gazed upwards and saw that Rabbitpaw was already halfway up the tree as he quickly climbed. He could hear Nightfang shouting behind him to go quicker. Yeah like it was just that easy for a cat that has never climbed a tree before. A heavy wind started to blow making Sedgepaw close his eyes as the cold air rushed against his body.

He ignored the cold and wind hoisting his self up the tree more trying his best to move faster. He could hear Rustwing yelling at his apprentice about something but couldn't make it out because of the wind. Sedgepaw made it to the first highest branch. As he sat up, he saw across from him that Rabbitpaw was on the branch across from him but wasn't making any attempt to keep climbing. He must be tired? This was his chance to gain the lead and win this thing. He looked down not realizing how high up he really was. He could see Nightfang yelling at him but couldn't understand what he was saying. Don't worry Nightfang I'll make it to the top and prove to you I'm just as strong and brave as any warrior.

Sedgepaw latched his claws back into the tree leaving his branch and heaving himself more up the tree. He thought he saw Rabbitpaw trying to reach up for him but he ignored it knowing if he got distracted, he wouldn't have chance of winning.

The wind battled with his body as it tried to blow him off the tree but he only dug his claws in further and continued to climb. It felt like moons had passed but he finally did it. He was at the top and he looked around and could see the whole valley and the lake beyond the forest, with the mountains peering over his home.

It was a beautiful sight and everything was calm.... until the only sound that could be heard next was a loud snap and the shrieking of a falling cat.

"I watched as my apprentice fell from the sky and onto the ground his life ending the second, he had hit the earth. To later face his mother and clan that he was gone is something that will never leave me. If only I had not been so prideful and arrogant, I wouldn't have put Sedgepaw in a situation that ended up costing him his life. I vowed I would never take another apprentice again. Remember warriors when you are given an apprentice you haven't just been given a responsibility but a life as well"

Okumaya devam et

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