Dochor, The Dragonborn

By umbrabeech

31 1 1

This is the backstory of my Dungeons and Dragons: Dochor. I've always wanted to play D&D. Before I even start... More

City life
A turn of events
A much needed talk
A haunting past
Two years later


13 0 0
By umbrabeech

When I open my eyes, the only thing I can see is snow, rocks and an open blue sky with a couple of clouds. Where am I? A mountain? How did I get here? Thousands thoughts run through my mind, relax, you'll get a headache. All of the sudden dark clouds roll over my head, and a couple of snowflakes fall besides me. In a second a full blizzard starts and I can barely see anything.

In the corner of my eye, I can see multiple dark figures with bright red eyes. They look like shadows with no facial features. HEY! I shout, but they do not answer my call. The blizzard gets stronger and stronger, and the dark figures disappear. Fear washes over me and I start to panic.

All of the sudden I feel someone or something grab my hand. I scream and red eyes stare deep into my soul. I freeze, I have never felt this scared before. Behind me, a gate appears, it looks familiar but that does not matter right now. All I want now, is a place to get away form this blizzard and these dark creatures, or whatever they are! I pull my arm away and start running to the gate, the snow makes it not easier.

I start slamming my fist on the gate. "OPEN UP! PLEASE! HELP ME!". When I turn around, the dark shadows walk towards me, very slow and intimidating. Again I start slamming on the gate, tears running down my face and it feels like I am about to faint. The dark shadows are getting closer and closer. I feel an immense pain, blood drips down my hand and there is a spot of blood on the gate. When I look at my hand, the skin on my hand is torn. The dark figures are right behind me, I close my eyes and the gate opens.

It is silent, no blizzard or the groaning of the dark things. I look at my new surroundings, it looks like a normal room, dimly lit but normal. Suddenly light appears through a window and it creates a sort of spotlight. In the spotlight, lies a figure. As I walk closer, it is an old, like really old, male silver dragonborn. I examine the dragonborn and he appears to be dead. Again this dragonborn and this room look oddly familiar. Behind me, I hear what sounds like people shouting, walking up stairs and banging on doors.

When I turn back to the old dragonborn on the ground, it comes to my surprise he now stands on his feet, his eyes rolling back into his head. I take a step back out of disbelief and again fear washes over me. It is all your fault!" Shouts the dragonborn. "It's all your fault!" Spit mixed with dark blood covers the floor. The yelling and the noises behind me are getting louder and louder. "I am sorry! I really am sorry', I scream at the top of my lungs.

The ground starts to shake, everything gets louder, it feels like my head is about to explode. Suddenly underneath me, the floor disappears and I fall into a dark abyss. I look up and the old dragonborn seems to float and does not lose eye contact. 

After falling for what feels like forever, I fall into water. As I float, I see two figures above me, covered in heavenly light. They look disappointed and turn away from me. I want to scream but I can't make a sound. I start to sink, I can't move. Am I drowning? As I try to breathe water fills my lungs, it hurts like hell. Slowly I lose consciousness and it all goes dark.

I shoot up in bed, screaming, gasping for air and slamming my head on a wooden beam above me. FUCK! That is going to leave a mark. As I touch the bump on my head, my stomach makes a weird noise and it feels like I am about to throw up. As I reach for a bucket nearby it is too late, stomach fluids are all over the floor. I sigh and lay back in bed, with an awful sour aftertaste of puke in my mouth.

From my left I hear "Dreaming about your past again huh?"

"Oh shut up Dre" I say in his direction. "Wait? Dre! How did you get in here?!"

Dre, a human young adult male sits on a barrel picking his nose.

"I have my ways." he gives me a wink.

"Well get out!" I say.

"But Do- Dochor I..." He stutters.

"GET OUT! NOW!" I yell.

"Fine, fine, I get out your hair. But I got us a gig, if you want to make some extra gold. Just come looking for me when you calmed down a bit, okay? You know where to find me." Friends have to stick together"

"Yeah friends...." I say under my breath.

Dre opens the hatch leading to the busy streets of the city, bright light fills the basement. I cover my eyes, the hatch closes and it is back to a dimly lit basement. I get up, clean up the mess I made, look in a broken mirror, sigh and wash my face with water.

When I look back in the mirror, tired yellow eyes stare back at me. My left horn still has not grown back, but I don't think it will. It broke off last year, during a fight (which I won ofcourse). A couple of green scales around my face are about to fall off, I am shedding already?

I turn around and walk a bit in my basement, well it is not really 'my' basement. I found it underneath an old brewery in the city. It has enough space, a self-made couch, an old punching bag and enough rats. Everything you need. Right?

Through the little curtains I can see a bit of light, I open them and look at the sun. "Hmm it is around noon'' I say to myself. Suddenly I feel hungry and grab the leather pouch (which obviously is not mine, I stole it) on the barrel in the corner. Look inside and see a couple of gold and silver pieces (which I also stole). I grab a couple, put on my black robe and open the hatch. The hatch is on the backside of the brewery and behind a couple of old barrels. So it is not easy to find, well for Dre it is, unfortunately. 

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