By royalken

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GISELLE WINDSOR, 𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞-𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲, 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨... More



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By royalken

Chapter Nine: You Make My Dreams


"Ahhhhh fuck!" I moaned loudly as Connor was assaulting my flower with his tongue. I tried pushing him off because I couldn't take the pleasure any longer. His hands latched through my thighs holding my hands and restricting me from moving. My back arched and my feet were literally trying to make a fist.

"C-Connor!" I moaned loudly. With one last drawl, I finally came. I was left there shaking and out of breath. My stomach clenched and unclenched as it was trying to appreciate the orgasm I just experienced. A lazy smile adorned my face as I was left gazing up at the ceiling.

After the lemonade incident, I went to Connor's room while I waited for my jeans to wash and dry. I ate breakfast in a pair of Connor's sweats. I wasn't complaining though. I wanted to have some fun, so we excused ourselves from the table, and that brings us here me recovering from an intense orgasm.

Connor sure does know what he's doing. He climbed onto the bed hovering over me.

"You were so fucking loud. There's no telling you heard you." He says smirking while grazing his nose on my cheek.

"Oops," I say nonchalantly. I wanted Gabriel to hear. I wanted Ivy to hear.

"What're we doing today?" I ask.

"It's a surprise." He says smiling. I roll my eyes.

There was a knock on the door sending us both into a small panic. He tosses me his shirt which I gladly and hurriedly put on. He still had his jeans on that hung dangerously low on his hips. He buttons and zips them up making his way to the door.

He opens it, but I can't see who's there. I scroll on my phone trying to appear casual as if I didn't just have an earth-shattering height of pleasure.

"Could you tell Giselle I'd like to speak with her?" My ears perk up as I heard Gabriel's voice.

"I'll be in my office." He says and I hear the door shut. I turn to oversee Connor holding my jeans.

"Thank you kindly, sir," I say looking for my panties. Connor stood smirking with my thin undies hanging off of his two fingers that were just inside of me.

"Give me," I say.

"I don't know, I think I may keep them." I roll my eyes.

"Don't be a creep," I say jumping up to get them because he held them high in the air to where I couldn't reach them. I gave up and shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh well, commando I shall go," I say getting ready to put on my jeans. He chuckled before tossing them to me.

"I have to go pick up a small thing needed for our date today. Can I leave you here?" He asks.

Of course.

"Sure, take your time," I say smiling. Connor, you just don't know how perfect you are. We both finish dressing quickly, and I saw him on his way out. I began the search of Gabriel's office. I check the garage seeing Erica's car is gone.

Hmm. Where did everyone go? I wondered as I walked the halls. I heard Gabriel's laugh as I neared two dark double doors. I softly knock earning a,

"Come in." Which I gladly did so. My eyes immediately began to take in the surroundings of his office. His degrees were plastered behind him in huge frames. There were a couple of family pictures some including his parents, and might I say his father isn't so bad himself. I can see where Gabriel sprouted his devilishly handsome looks from.

"You wanted to see me?" I ask. He had his phone up to his ear smiling.

Hold on. He mouthed to me. I nodded my head browsing around his office. My hand trailed the shelf that held many books. I lifted my finger and couldn't find not one speck of dust.

"Okay, well I have to go." He says ending the call before setting the phone down on the dark wooded desk.

"Is this Oak?" I say knocking lightly. He smiles nodding his head.

"Please have a seat." He says. I sit down staring boldly at him not breaking eye contact.

"I was able to move your name up to the top of the waiting list. Now I'm not sure if it'll be guaranteed, but that's the best I could do." He says. My eyes lit up.

"Thank you so much!" I say smiling wanting to leap across the desk to kiss him, and thank him in ways my eighteen-year-old self shouldn't be doing.

"Is that all?" I say getting ready to get up.

"I want you to be careful Giselle." He says causing my head to tilt to the side.

"You're young. Connor may be a little immature for you." He says.

"He's twenty-three Gabriel," I say saying his name slowly. He clenched his jaw. I noticed as he tensed.

He rolls his eyes before continuing to speak.

"Connor is young as well. He doesn't know what he wants out of life. I just don't want you to be an experiment of this pursuit he's on." He crosses his arms leaning back into the chair. My mouth forms an 'o' shape letting him know I understand.

"You need someone who will treat you like the good girl you are." He adds on. I smirk at him.

"Who says I'm a good girl?" He tosses his head back in laughter. I was able to see his strong neck as it vibrated due to his deep voice.

I began to grow insecure. Please tell me he doesn't still see me as that little twelve-year-old. I am far from being a child, and I need him to know that I am mature. For Pete's sake, I am doing everything for him in the name of love! If love doesn't dignify maturity, then I don't know what does.

"C'mon. You were so nice and sweet in middle school." He says chuckling while rubbing a hand in his beard.

"Shit happens and things change," I say shrugging my shoulders. He raises his eyebrows in amusement as he heard me curse. I took this perfect opportunity to send those messages from Ivy's phone to his computer.

I just press one button on my phone that had the saved draft of the messages I had previously screenshot and forwarded to myself. I made sure to include her number. I sent it from a burner email account that had one of her friends' names, so she'll know exactly who to blame.

"Things like what?" He asks. I bring my attention back to him.

"You know things such as puberty." As I said that his eyes glanced quickly at my bosoms and back.

"First boyfriends. . . You know things of that such." I say as I twisted a piece of hair from my ponytail.

"Hmm." Was his response.

"Just please think cautiously with Connor. I watched the kid grow up, and I know how he is." He says steadily.

"Maybe Connor should be thinking cautiously with me," I say slowly.

"Oh yeah?" He asks. I nod my head.

"Yup." I say popping the 'p'. I giggle.

His computer dings signaling he must have received a notification. His eyes squinted at what he was reading. I studied his reaction from confusion to anger.

"Um, will you excuse me, Giselle?" He asks.

"No problem, is everything alright?" I ask. His jaw clenches as he continues to read the inappropriate messages that filthy whore typed.

"Y-yeah." With that, I saw myself out. I smiled to myself as I closed the door. I make my way back to the common area of the home. I see Ivy playing with the boys through the window.

"Hey babe, I'm back," Connor says approaching me.

"Hey," I say not really paying him any mind. I see Erica and Gabriel both approach her.

When did she get back? I wondered. I shake my head watching everything unfold. I sure wish I could hear what they're saying.

I watch as Ivy's face drop with horror. I couldn't help but release a cackle. "What's so funny?" Connor asks.

"Twitter." I simply reply.

Ivy's hands cover her face as her shoulders shook. She cried in hysteria. I see the boys leave her side in confusion. The D'Angelos enter the home together joining us in the kitchen.

"I just don't believe it. I thought she was a good kid." Erica states.

"What's going on?" Connor asks.

"Ivy. . . She um, she said some inappropriate things about me." Gabriel says. Connor raises his eyebrows in bewilderment.

"What? No way!" He says.

Is he trying to defend her?! I thought angrily.

"My goodness," I mumble under my breath.

"Who in the hell is going to watch the boys now? I have very important meetings coming up this week and—"

"I can watch them," I say. I had bit back the urge to say you need to watch your own fucking kids, but I didn't.

"Don't you think that's a bit much?" Erica began speaking. Hmm, she doesn't want this young tender roni around her husband. She's smart.

"I could use the job," I say widening my eyes and putting on the full puppy dog effect. I make sure to stare at Mr. D'Angelo. My heated gaze will have him crumbling.

"She was a good kid in middle school Erica. Why not?" He states turning to his wife. Erica rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.

"We don't know her that well. As far as I am concerned, she's just Connor's toy at the moment."


"Woah, woah, woah." Both Connor and Gabriel chime in together.

"A simple no would have sufficed," I say. The nerve of this bitch as if I wasn't sitting here.

"Do not look at me like that!" She yells.

"If that girl is crushing on my husband, there's no telling what she'll do." She says gesturing her hand at me.

"I'll be damned if I lose my husband to a nanny! Look at how she's dressed!" She rants. I bit the inside of my cheeks trying to contain my anger. I felt my tears threatening to fall as my heart rate increased. I was pissed.

"Erica enough!" Gabriel's voice booms.

"You don't even know her!" He continues.

"We should go," Connor says grabbing my wrist.

"Yeah," I say getting up from my seat. I waited at the front door while Connor went upstairs to grab something.

"And you do? You were her teacher for one fucking year, and she was twelve. There's no telling what she's on." Erica bellows.

"She'll start on Monday." Was Gabriel's response.

Way to go babe!

"No, you will not have her around my boys." She says.

"You're not even around your boys to know anything," Gabriel argues back.

"I honestly can't believe you right now Erica. You're blowing this out of proportion—" That was the last thing I heard as I was ushered out of the door.

"Are you okay?" Connor asks.

"I'm just peachy," I say smiling.


"Thanks, I really had a great time," I told Connor as I closed the door to his car. I went looking in my purse for my keys as my car was still parked in front of the D'Angelos. Connor enters the garage leaving me alone.

"Fuck." I say as I really can't find the keys. I do not want to go in there. I roll my eyes as I make my way to the front door. I ring the doorbell waiting for an answer. I hear the door open, and it's Gabriel.

"Giselle?" He says in shock.

"I really don't mean any trouble. I think I left my car keys here." I say quietly. I twiddle my thumbs.

"Come on in Yale." He says. My heart twinges at the nickname he gave me. I couldn't let him know I remembered it, so of course, I feign ignorance.

"Huh?" I say. He tosses his head back.

"Come on. Please don't tell me you forgot?" He says. He remembers more than I thought he would.

"Yale, oh the jacket I used to wear!" I say snapping my fingers.

"You know Mr. D'Angelo for someone who sees tons of students all the time as a professor, you sure do have a great memory," I say moving the pillows off of the sofa feeling for my keys. Although, I do not remember sitting on the large sofa.

"I only remember the ones who are worth remembering." He says and I kind of stop in my tracks staring at him to see he is looking at me as well. I clear my throat.

"I don't think they're here. Can I check your office? That's the last place I had them." I say.

"Sure." He says as he leads the way.

"I want to apologize for the argument. I hope we didn't make you uncomfortable." He says.

"Oh of course not. I get it. I by all means do not want to step any boundaries. I just offered a helping hand." I say as I see my keys sitting on the chair. I hold them up showing him I got them, and he smiles.

"Nice." He says.

"You didn't overstep any boundaries. The job is yours if you want it. In my honest opinion, we don't really need a nanny. Keep that between me and you." He says whispering lowly. I move my fingers across my mouth as if I was zipping it.

"Your secret is safe with me, but I wouldn't want to piss off your wife," I say. He rolls his eyes.

"She'll be okay. I'm the one paying the nanny bills." He says winking causing my heart to flutter.

"I'll walk you out." He says following after me. His hand rested on my lower back. My back was exposed, so I felt his large warm hand there shooting tingles through me.

"Your home is beyond beautiful. Erica has a nice sense of style." I compliment him. Erica didn't decorate the home he did.

"Thanks, but I guess my feminine side is showing because it's all me." I giggle.

"No way!" I say gasping while hitting his toned chest. He nods taking pride in his work.

He sucks in some air looking away. "How was your date?" He asks while smirking.

"Oh, it was nice," I say casually.

"We went to the zoo, and he set up a picnic," I say. He nodded as I spoke.

"That's the best he could do?" He says rolling his eyes. I poke his abdomen.

"Oh come on, he's your nephew," I say wanting to know what this animosity he has with Connor.

"He's bad news. He got into some trouble at school, and now he's here." He says looking up at the night sky.

"He's been nothing but kind to me," I say especially since he led me to you.

"It's an act." He says.

So am I.

"Seems as though you really don't want me with him," I say getting into the car I crank it rolling down the window.

"Just do not let him talk you into anything. . . If you know what I mean." He says. I smirk at him.

"Who's to say he hasn't already?" I say winking. I watch him as he hardens his face and clenches his jaw. I smile while driving away.


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