Jacob Bertrand Imagines

By ElementOfARose

48.6K 411 77

Basically just whole bunch one shots of Jacob Bertrand and all the characters he plays on TV. No longer taki... More

Jacob - Comic Con
Hawk - Forrest
Jacob - Wedding
Jacob - Bathroom
Hawk - Attention
Jacob - Surprise!
Hawk - Bra
Jacob - Birthday
Hawk - Closet
Hawk - Caught
Joey - U Tech (Request)
Jacob - Family (Request)
Hawk - Hurt
Jacob - Texts (Request)
Hawk - Periods
Hawk - Accident (Request)
Hawk - The Real Thing (Request)
Hawk - Negative or Positive?
Hawk - Vacation Gone Wrong

Eli - Movie Night

1.9K 29 2
By ElementOfARose

My first Eli imagine!!

WARNING: This does contain light smut. If you are not comfortable with this type of literature, I recommend skipping this one.

Hope you enjoy!


You and Eli had been friends since grade school. It started when you moved to the valley in the 3rd grade. You didn't know anyone. One time you had seen a mean boy picking on a smaller boy. Being the heroic person you were, you went over there, and kicked that boy where the sun don't shine.

The smaller boy, thanked you profusely. Of course, you had gotten into deep shit with your parents. But it was all worth it as that bully never picked on him again. That's when you became friends the with smaller boy, also known as Eli Moskowitz.

Ever since then, you two had become inseparable. Of course, in middle school, you two had met Demetri, so the duo had now became a trio.

You never minded Demetri. In fact, you both shared a lot of the same common interests. But you were never as close with Demetri as you were with Eli.

It was also around middle school that you had started to develop a crush on Eli. Whenever you talked to him, or were around him, or even looked at him, you just got butterflies.

Eli had started liking you since the day you had stood up for him. You were completely oblivious to it.

You guys also had a tradition that had been going on since you became friends. Basically the tradition was, that every Friday night, you would come over to his place or he would come over to yours and watch a movie.

Once Demetri became apart of the group, he also took part of the tradition. Every Friday, you would rotate houses. And every Friday it was a new movie.

Usually y'all just picked a random movie off of Netflix, or sometimes if you couldn't find anything, you would rewatch some marvel movies. Since those where all three of your favourite movie series.

It was around freshman year that Demetri had let it slip that Eli had a thing for you. You were in complete shock. You thought he was just messing with you. You couldn't believe that the boy you've had feelings for, for like 3 years, also reciprocated those feelings as well.

You had planned on confronting him about it. Since you knew well enough that he wouldn't make the first move.

You planned it perfectly. This Friday's movie night was going to be at Eli's. And Demetri would be gone all Friday because of a camping trip with his family. So that gave you the perfect time to strike.


It was currently 2:45 pm on Friday and school had just been let out. You were going straight to Eli's place after school for the movie night.

His mom picked you guys up right on schedule as always. His mom absolutely adored you. She's always been like a second mom to you. You could come to her about anything.

Both you and Eli enter the car as she pulls up to the school. "Hey guys! How was school?" She asked us.

"It was good!" "It was fine mom" you both replied at the same time.

"That's good! So, what movie are you guys planning on watching tonight?" She asked you two.

"We're not sure yet. We figured we'd just scroll through Netflix again and see if anything interesting catches our eye" you respond to her.

"Ah. You know I heard of this new trilogy that came onto Netflix, I think it's called Fear Street?" She suggested.

"We watched it already. It was alright. Pretty gory though" Eli responded.

"If we can't find anything, we're probably just gonna rewatch Marvel" you added.

His mom only nodded as she payed attention back to the road.

Once you got to his house, she parked the car in the driveway and you all made your way inside. She unlocks the door for everyone.

"Oh. By the way, I'm going to be meeting with a client tonight for dinner, so I won't be around much tonight. If you like, there are leftovers in the fridge or if you decide to order takeout, let me know and I can e-transfer you some money" she says.

You mentally smile to yourself at the thought of you and Eli alone tonight before responding back to her. "That sounds good. Thank you!" You reply.

"No problem at all" she says before making her way towards the kitchen.

You look over at Eli to notice he's already looking at you. You smile at him while he shyly smiles back. You always loved his smile. To you, it was one of the best smiles in the world.

"So... shall we go upstairs then?" You ask while making his way upstairs towards his room. He follows you up muttering a small "sure".

Once you both get settled on his bed, he grabs his remote and turns on his TV. Before y'all start watching a movie, you both decided to play a bit of Cod.

You both play for about 2 hours before deciding to start looking for a movie to watch. He pulls up Netflix on his screen. Soon, he starts scrolling through the movie section, trying to find one that y'all haven't seen yet and that seemed interesting.

After a couple of minutes, you both agreed on watching "Before I Fall" (A/N: Highkey recommend this movie!! One of my faves).

Before starting the movie Eli goes downstairs to make you and him some popcorn. You agree to help him as well by grabbing some drinks and perhaps some extra snacks.

As you were waiting for the popcorn to pop, y'all started talking about your math test from earlier that day.

"Oh see I got 1185 as my final answer on question 6" you say comparing your answers.

"What? How the hell did you get that answer? I got 2347 as my final answer" he argued.

"Hmm I guess we will have to see then... but I'm right" you contradict making him laugh.

Just then, Eli's mom steps in the kitchen. "Hey kiddos. Just to let you know, I'm heading out to that dinner now. I should be back by 8:30. Y/n will you be staying over again tonight?" She asked you.

It was a pretty normal occurrence for you to sleepover. Since you two had been best friends for so long, it was never weird. Some of your clothes were actually in Eli's dresser from the amount of times you spontaneously slept over. The same with Eli at your house.

"I think I might. I'm not sure yet. I guess it depends on how tired I feel after" you say to her.

She nods "alright. Well let me know if you aren't and I'll drive you home" she offers.

"Oh no you don't need to do that! My parents can pick me up" you say to her.

She shakes her head "no I insist! I'm not taking no for an answer" she says firmly.

You laugh and nod your head, giving in. "Alrighty then! I'll head out and leave you two to watch your movie. What movie did you pick by the way?" She asked.

"We chose "Before I Fall"" Eli said, answering this time.

"Ooohh. I heard that was a good movie. Anyways have fun, and call me if you need anything!" She says while walking towards the front door.

She quickly puts on her shoes and grabs her purse and keys before giving Eli a kiss on the forehead which he embarrassedly wiped off. She chuckles at her sons antics before saying "I love you" and heading out the door.

Once the door was closed, the microwave started beeping, indicating the popcorn was done. Right on time. You both make your way back to the kitchen. Eli starts putting the popcorn in a huge bowl for the both of you to share while you start preparing drinks for the two do you.

"What do you want to drink?" You asked, opening his fridge.

"Cokes fine for me" he replied. You nodded and got a Coke for him and a Nestea for yourself. Once you both go everything, you headed back up towards his room and got comfy once again. He turned on the movie as y'all started to watch it.

As you were watching the movie, you couldn't stop replaying what Demetri had accidentally let slip. Eli liked you. He's liked you since you've met! How did you never notice? According to Demetri, it was pretty obvious.

You couldn't focus on the movie as much and Eli started to notice. "Hey, you ok? I noticed your not really paying attention. Do you not like it? Do you want me to put on something else" he asks concerned.

You look at him. "Hm? No no the movies fine. It's just my mind is just a little elsewhere right now"
You said to him. He looks at you curiously.

"Oh? What's on your mind?" He asks you.

You debate on telling him. This could possibly ruin your friendship. You start thinking on whether or not you should tell him, long enough to not answer him.

"Y/n?" He says waving his hand in your face.

You immediately snap out of your trance. "Yea yea no I'm good. It's just uhh... Demetri told me something the other day that I just haven't really uh... grasped my head around, You know?" You say, manning up to tell him.

"Really? What did he tell you?" He asked you, his eyes hinting with curiosity.

"Uhh... well... he- he said... uh... something that to be honest I didn't quite believe at first because I thought it was too good to be true" you said sort of hinting.

"Come on y/n/n stop being cryptic. Just tell me what he said" he said getting a little frustrated.

"Ok ok! Umm... he maybe sort of possibly mentioned that you had a thing for me..." you said whispering the last part. Unfortunately he did hear you from how close you were.

He just froze. He looked at you like you just killed a bunch of puppies.

"...He... he told you that?" He asked after staying quiet for a couple minutes.

"Well- he didn't mean too! It just sort of slipped out" you said defending Demetri.

"Wait- but... you just said it was too good to be true... y/n... do you... do you like me?" He asked, a bit of hope glinting in his eyes.

"Yea... yea I do" you said, a small smile forming on your face.

His mouth just falls agape at you. "holy shit" he mutters to himself more.

It got quiet for a moment. Him still processing what you said and you just waiting for him to say anything. The movie was still on in the background but was long forgotten now.

"Please say something" you beg him.

He just looks at you, before murmuring "fuck it" and practically jumps on top of you and kisses you.

You were quite taken aback by his sudden confidence and didn't have time to register as he had already pulled away.

"Oh my god. Oh my god y/n I'm so sorry. That was just so random and uncool of me, I know I should have asked first and I understand if you don't want to be friends now and-" you cut him off by pressing your lips onto his.

After a couple moments of shock from him, he finally starts kissing you back. You turn over so that you are now on top of him. One thing had led to another and you were both heavily making out now.

Eli could not believe this was happening. He seriously needed someone to pinch him as he thought he was dreaming. The girl of his dreams, the one he never thought he had a chance with was on top of him right now, kissing him. It was a dream come true.

As you continue to kiss him, you simply graze his lap with your ass causing him to harden up even more for you to notice. You pull away quickly and glance down at it.

He follows your eyes and as his widens a bit at what your hinting at. "Can I...?" You ask him trailing off.

He just gulps and nods still a little out of breath. You get off him briefly and move a little lower towards his lower stomach and nether region.

You lift his shirt a bit, placing small kisses around his stomach and jeans. He softly grunts. You then start to slowly unbuckle his belt from his jeans and undo his zipper.

This was going to be your first time doing this, but you had read and watched pornography so you had some sort of idea on what to do.

He lifts his ass a bit to help you discard the jeans. Quickly after that were his boxers. You finally take a good look at it. It was quite impressive. Good size. If you had to take a guess, you would assume probably 6-7 inches.

You hesitate a bit, before grasping it softly around your hand. This action made him softly gasp a bit. You made sure not to squeeze it too tight or anything.

Slowly, you started to softly pump his member with your hand up and down his shaft, soon starting to use your thumb to rub the tip. You must have been good at it because you we're getting quite the reaction out of Eli.

He was whimpering and grunting softly beneath you. His head was back and his eyes were closed as he was softly muttering incoherent words out of his mouth.

Soon, you started to take it one step further, and licked the tip of his cock, making him cry out softly. Gaining more confidence, you put your mouth on him and started to suck.

He was a mess. Sure he had experienced pleasure before, but that was just by hand, and by himself. Never had he experienced something so pleasurable in his life.

You started to bob your head up and down his shaft, while also softly fondling his balls. After a couple of minutes, he started to tremble and shake a bit, meaning he was about to orgasm.

You started sucking faster and harder before. Soon, you felt his hot seed spew into your mouth. You swallowed it right up and released his dick from your grasp.

Eli was still panting heavily from his mind blowing blow job. He just looked at you stunned. He never thought you would do something like this, especially to him. But he would be lying if he said he definitely didn't enjoy it.

You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand to see if you had any excess cum around your lips. It suddenly got quiet for a moment before the two of you burst into a fit of laughter.

Once it died down, you notice him staring at you with admiration and a soft smile. You smile back at him softly before going back up towards him and softly pressing your lips on his for a quick moment.

You rest your forehead on his as you cup his face. He softly brings his arms around your waist. You then lower yourself so that your head was directly on top of his heart. Neither of you said anything, as the two of you laid together, in a nice silence. It wasn't awkward, it was peaceful.

"So... I guess movie nights will be a lot more interesting now huh?" He says and you laugh.


What did y'all think of this one?

I thought I'd finally attempt a soft Eli imagine instead of Hawk this time. Definitely prefer writing about Hawk, but Eli isn't so bad either.

On another note, the Cobra Kai season 4 teaser came out today!!

Word Count: 2671

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