๐ฆ๐ž๐ญ๐š๐ง๐จ๐ข๐š. mo dao zu s...

By chillebby

194K 9K 6.3K

โ˜ฏ๏ธŽโšฃ๏ธŽ ๐–’๐–Š๐–™๐–†๐–“๐–”๐–Ž๐–† *เณƒเผ„ หห‹ แตแต’ แตˆแตƒแต’ แถปแต˜ หขสฐโฑโ €โ €โ™กโ €โ €แตแตƒหกแต‰ สณแต‰แตƒแตˆแต‰สณ หŠหŽ หห‹ยฐโ€ข*โ€โžท THE YOUNGEST SON OF THE LAN... More

metanoia - SEASON 1
what the stars saw
inner demons.
season 2 incoming !!


2.8K 160 92
By chillebby



y/n - your name
w/n - weapon's name
c/n - courtesy name



his eyes glowed red, and a malevolent aura surrounded him as he continuously released powerful surges of resentful energy. he was definitely not himself. jiang cheng paused in his steps, looking over his shoulder to see lan y/n standing there, smiling wickedly, as the wens aimed their bows, loaded with flaming arrows, at him. lan y/n raised his arms and was readying himself to receive the barrage of arrows. "come at me, you wen dog!" lan y/n roared, his red aura expanding all throughout the area.

wen chao was about to give the command to fire the arrows at lan y/n, but his eyes landed on something that was behind him. curious as to why they haven't fired, lan y/n followed the second master's gaze, and his eyes fell upon jiang cheng, who wanted to help lan y/n and huaisang who was trying to pull him to safety. the red glow surrounding lan y/n disappeared. "a-cheng!!" he screamed. wen chao smiled as he commanded, "fire!!"

lan y/n ran towards jiang cheng, reaching both arms out in an attempt to reach him.

but he was afraid.

he knew he wouldn't reach jiang cheng and huaisang in time.

everything seemed to happen in slow motion in front of lan y/n's eyes. he could see his hand reaching out to jiang cheng, who stood there, horror painted on his face as he tried to reach a hand out to lan y/n. he knew he was going to die, him and huaisang, and... himself. but he tried to reach out anyway.

lan y/n's fingers barely grazed jiang cheng's when he heard a cackle inside his head. "i can't believe you've fallen in love with a person like that, child." the qiong qi's voice drawled into his ear. the tiger spirit laughed, "humans and their emotions..."

cursing silently, lan y/n snapped back to the voice in his head, "are you going to help me or not?"

he could hear the qiong qi holding back a laugh. "well aren't you a demanding little vessel?" the qiong qi said. "but, fine. if i get to kill the wens, why not?"

as if he had returned from being frozen in time, lan y/n felt something push him from behind his back. jiang cheng grabbed his hand and huaisang grabbed his arm as the two boys pulled him downward. they landed on their backs, while lan y/n landed on top of them, his body hovering over them both as he used his intense, resentful aura to shield their bodies from the rain of flaming arrows.

huaisang whimpered as he squeezed his eyes shut and gripped lan y/n's arm. lan y/n comforted his timid friend by giving him a soft smile, "just hold on a little longer, it'll be over soon." he says. jiang cheng looks at lan y/n through his gray orbs, worry evident in them. "lan y/n..." he says. lan y/n leaned down, resting his forehead on the crook of jiang cheng's neck. "it's okay. just stay underneath me, no arrows will hurt you." he assures.

just like he said, none of the arrows seemed to land anywhere near them, as all the arrows that rained on top of lan y/n burned away into ash. the arrows stopped. "hurry and load more arrows!" wen chao screamed from the top of the cliff to the wen disciples. lan y/n took that as a chance and he stood up, pulling up jiang cheng and huaisang, who was clinging to his arm, with him. "is it over?" huaisang asked, still clinging to lan y/n's arm. lan y/n quickly pried huaisang off him, "not yet, but i need you two to leave, now." he pushed the two boys away, towards the cover of the forest. he yelled, "go!" but jiang cheng tried to reach out to him. he called, "lan y/n-"

but with his resentful energy, he blocked the two boys from coming any closer to him. "make sure my brother gets out alive." he told them as he gave them a serious look. "you have to go back as well, for wei ying." jiang cheng looked from the deathly serious lan y/n, who was trying his hardest to convince jiang cheng, then towards the seething wen chao, who was rushing his men to finish loading their arrows. jiang cheng stepped back, breathing heavily, as again, he was faced with a difficult decision. leave him or die with him. but he didn't have enough time to decide, as lan y/n was already running towards wen chao, his hands enveloped in a red aura.

huaisang squeezed his eyes shut. he didn't want to leave him, but he and jiang cheng couldn't outrun an entire army of wen disciples. having lan y/n distract them all while they all fled was their best bet. he grabbed jiang cheng's arm and told him, "jiang-shixiong, let's go!" jiang cheng glanced back at lan y/n. "we can't leave him!" he yelled to the nie disciple. "we don't have a choice if we want to live!" huaisang barks back. "don't be selfish, huaisang!" jiang cheng yells back.

"it's exactly why we have to leave! we have to return to our clans and get help! we can't fight those wens when we're all scattered and weaponless like we are right now!" huaisang reasons. "we have to think practically, jiang-shixiong. i don't want to leave him either, but i... we're going to return for him."

jiang cheng's fingers curled into a fist. he didn't want to admit it, but everything huaisang told him was true. he took one final look at lan y/n before he ran away with huaisang.

lan y/n saw them running from the corner of his eye and he smiled in relief. "what the hell could you possibly be smiling about?!" wen chao asked him. "nothing really, i was just thinking of how much fun it'll be to make you beg for mercy as i make you bleed." he held up his hand, which was wrapped in an aura of malevolent energy, and he smiled wickedly.

"hell yeah! let's kill them all!" the voice inside his head yelled. "no." lan y/n whispered as he took up a fighting pose. "what?! no!" the voice yells. "please, don't kill them... just.." lan y/n tightened his fist as he glared up at the wens. "i'm afraid i can't respect your wishes this time, child." lan y/n felt like his head was spinning as he hallucinated the figure of the qiong qi, standing behind him and casting his giant shadow over his much smaller figure.

before lan y/n could move forward, he felt his entire body stiffen, as if something was trying to take hold of his body. he froze and his vision turned white, a sign that his conscious was being transported to the deepest parts of his mind, where a certain spirit resided within him.

a surge of resentful energy sprouted from lan y/n's body, and the wens had to shield their eyes, afraid that if they looked, they would be hypnotized and bled until they die. unfortunately, one of them got curious and impatient. they opened their eyes, expecting that they would start bleeding, but nothing happened. "sir! the light isn't harming us!" the wen exclaimed. when the wens looked, they saw a red aura was now wrapped around lan y/n's frozen body.

wen chao smirked. "that monster has lowered his guard, kill him!!" wen chao roared, "kill him, kill him! make sure he doesn't get out of here alive!!" flaming arrows and spells were cast to harm the unmoving lan y/n, but the arrows and spells never reached lan y/n. his entire body was surrounded by an aura of red, burning away everything within a certain radius of him.

but again, he wasn't moving. his body remained still, and his eyes were completely white. his mouth was hanging open, with his teeth bare.

deep within his mind, he was fighting for dominance with a certain angry and vengeful spirit. he's taken care of this spirit, housing him inside his body for as long as he lived and the two of them became close, as close as brothers, with the foreign spirit acting as the older of the two, always reminding him to be careful, and whatnot. but rarely did they fight. rather, this was the first time they were fighting.

"i've been quiet for too long child! kill them and let me have my revenge!" the spirit growled as he butted heads with the young lan y/n. inside lan y/n's head, it was almost like it was a different world. lan y/n stood across the vengeful spirit of the qiong qi. the room they were sitting in was spacious, like a hollow cave with only a single rock pedestal in the middle, where the two would usually converse while sitting across each other. there was but a single light source from above them. it was unknown what was causing it, and lan y/n never dared to look.

"you've already waited for hundreds of years, what's a few more?" lan y/n asked as he and the qiong qi, in his beast form, dashed forward. they collided in the middle, their spiritual energies battling for dominance. the qiong qi was repelled back, as in his current state, he was weaker than the young lan y/n. he snarled, hearing the clanking of the heavy chains. a heavy shackle wrapped around his neck signifying the pact the two made a long time ago.

the qiong qi, was allowed to remain inside lan y/n's body, in exchange for his power, which he would lend to lan y/n every time he requested for it. but still, the qiong qi was nothing more than an intruder lan y/n kept inside his body. the shackle was silver, carved with lan y/n's name like a dog's collar, along with the flowing cloud symbol of the gusu lan clan carved underneath his name. "child, listen to me." the tiger growled as it slowly stood up. it shook its gigantic wings. "wen ruohan, the descendant of that scum, wen mao." he began.

"i know that." lan y/n said. "shufu taught us that in schoo-" the tiger roared loudly, angered that lan y/n would dare interrupt him. lan y/n glared at him, but he still closed his mouth. "wen ruohan thinks that killing me was a mistake made by wen mao, which in all honesty, he is right. but, wen ruohan plans to take me away from you no matter what it takes, are you with me so far, child?" the tiger asked, its body slowly disintegrating into black smoke.

carefully nodding his head, lan y/n purses his lips. then, an angry voice growled from the darkness of the smoke, "he has no plans to make amends for his ancestor's mistake, rather, he wants to forcefully take me away from you... so he can chain me up like a puppet and take me on the greatest hits attack run of the cultivation world!" a figure draped in black clothing appeared.

first, it started with the glowing eyes, eyes that held a gaze as fierce as a lightning storm. then, came a tall figure, carrying a sense of power and elegance. his mouth had pointy canines poised to bite, and crimson eyes filled with so much rage. lan y/n had seen the qiong qi's human form in his dreams ever since he was a child. he apparently used that form to confuse humans, but he couldn't reminisce, not now. the qiong qi's words stuck to him. the only time he ever had to kill was to hunt for food. but to kill just for the sake of revenge?

"i know what you're thinking." the qiong qi spoke, now taking a seat across him. then, he added with a chuckle, "we're inside your mind after all."

lan y/n looked up at the handsome face of the once terrifying beast. he had fair skin, and a beautiful face that almost mirrored lan y/n's, except, it had jagged scars littered everywhere. from his lips to his eyes, to his forehead, he was what one would call, a 'scarface.' the qiong qi had mismatched eyes as he was blind in one of them, and long, white hair that cascaded down his back like a waterfall.

lan y/n frowned. people already thought he was a monster, why would he give them more reason to condemn him? "don't think of it as revenge." the qiong qi said, his voice, smooth and velvety as he waved his hand. two cups and a teapot appeared, floating in the air. he grabbed the handle of the teacup and poured two cups of tea. he picked up one of the cups and gave lan y/n the other. "think of it as, taking out the trash." he casually said, his face matching his tone as he sipped on his cup of tea. "if i let you kill them using my body, then that'll give people more reason to call me a monster. what would my brothers think? and the seniors would punish me again and lock me away." lan y/n looked away. "or worse, kill me." lan y/n glanced at the qiong qi, hoping the spirit would pick up what he was putting down.

the qiong qi sighed, putting down the cup of tea. "since when did you care about what those side characters think?" the qiong qi scoffed. lan y/n sighed and stood up. "you are absolutely hopeless. i'm done here." he said, picking up the cup of tea. he downed it with one sip, before slamming it on the table. "i just need to buy time for the other disciples." he said. "to do that, i certainly won't need your help."

as lan y/n walked away from the stone pedestal, he heard the qiong qi's psychotic laugh echoing all around him. "you've changed, lan y/n! when you were twelve years old, you didn't hesitate to kill the parents of those children!" the qiong qi yelled. lan y/n stopped in his steps, he glanced at the smirking qiong qi over his shoulder and said, "i didn't change. i just stopped acting the way you wanted me to." and with that, he looked forward and continued trudging through the darkness.

the moment lan y/n gained full control of his body again, he did a backflip, dodging any of the arrows that came after him. he took cover in the trees, and the wens lost sight of him. "hold your fire." wen chao's voice echoed in the rocky terrain. lan y/n climbed up the cliff the wens were all standing upon, using the trees as a cover. he looked up and saw a wen disciple looking over the cliff, searching for him with squinted eyes.

lan y/n pressed his feet against the rocks, before pushing himself, making his body swing upwards. his legs wrapped around the neck of the wen disciple who was sticking his neck out the cliff. he couldn't even scream as lan y/n crushed his vocal chords with his legs. the wen disciple choked before lan y/n released his hold on the disciple, allowing the wen to free-fall down the cliff. he peeked up at the cliff again, holding back a laugh when no one noticed the disappearance of the disciple. "they didn't even notice one of their own is missing. how ignorant." he hauled himself up, and stayed low, as most of the disciples were clustered on the edge of the cliff, where it showed the river that led into the cave.

carefully and quietly, he began knocking out the disciples, one by one. grabbing them from behind and knocking them out. he went to grab another one, when all of a sudden, he felt a smooth, cold metal on his shoulder. he sighed sharply, before a smirk formed on his lips. looking back, he saw wen chao, holding the sharp side of his sword against his neck, his mistress standing behind him. he turned around, not at all afraid. "oh, hey." he smiled. "what are you guys up to?"

"why you-"

with a quick movement of his hand, he grabbed wen chao's wrist, forcing him to move the sword closer to his neck. "take your best shot, wen-er-gongzi." he smiled wickedly, feeling the blood trickling down his neck, staining his white robes, red. the sword trembled, and so did wen chao's hand. lan y/n's smile slowly turned into a grin, his pearly white teeth showing. "kill me." he encouraged. wen chao took a deep breath through his nostrils. letting out a loud scream, wen chao raised the sword, ready to bring it down on lan y/n, when another wen disciple showed up, grabbing his wrist.

"wen-er-gongzi, wen-zhongzhu has ordered that lan c/n is to be returned to him, alive." lan y/n's smile faltered. "boo!!" he booed straight to the disciple's face. wen chao swung his sword, attempting to cut down lan y/n out of frustration for his cocky attitude, but lan y/n easily grabbed his wrist, stopping his movement.

"didn't you hear what dear old daddy said? he needs me alive."

"shut up." wen chao says, trying to pull his hand away, but lan y/n didn't let go. his grip only tightened. "you're coming with me, you monster." wen chao hissed. lan y/n only chuckled. "really? i thought you wanted to kill me, hence the, pointing a sword on my neck." again, wen chao tried to pull away. wen chao chuckled, trying to hide his nervousness. he was face-to-face with the cultivation world's worst monster, who was still alive and well, after all. a monster his father desired more than anything. wen chao held up a hand, and the surviving wen disciples pointed all their bows at lan y/n.

lan y/n looked around, raising a brow as he was completely surrounded. he tossed his head to the side and sighed, raising both hands. "just as i thought. you're nothing without your band, daddy's boy." he cackled, his red aura disappearing. wen chao scoffed and sheathed his sword. two other wen disciples came behind lan y/n and tied up his hands behind his back.

( 𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗍𝖾𝖽 | ✓ )
( words: 3000+ )

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