The Trouble Next Door (Book #...

By nevergoingtofindme

145K 6.5K 1.3K

(Book #3 of the mafia series) Sierra is now 21 years old and in her last year of collage She lives in this... More

Authors Note
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 27
Ch. 30
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 40
Ch. 46
Ch. 48
Ch. 49

Ch. 45

1.5K 84 21
By nevergoingtofindme

Sierras POV

I've been staring at the ceiling for the past 20 minuets since I had woken up.

Hayden had cuddled me into small spoons some time during the night and I had finally gotten off of him like 10 minutes ago.

It's the butt crack of dawn and here I am staring at the ceiling trying to decide whether I should stay and wait till he gets up or if I should just leave already.

I turn my head to look over at him.

He looked to peaceful. His golden locks all messy, and his toned body showing off from where the blanket isn't covering him.

Flashbacks of last night rushed into my head. They've been rushing to my head since I had woken up.

Finally something in me tells me it's time to finally leave.

I turn back to look at him and smile.

He never once questioned anything about me and even when he took care of me.

Tears gather in my eyes as I slowly get up and start picking up my clothes all the while I try putting them on as quietly as I can.

I open the door and don't look back as I quietly leave his apartment and into mine.

I drop my stuff wherever I could and head for the shower to get all the sweat off me.

As I start scrubbing my body flashbacks of him touching me everywhere come rushing in and suddenly I start missing his touch.

It's not to late to slip back into his bed now is it?

I slap my head as I knew that it was the right thing to do.

I take a deep sigh and finish the rest of my shower.

Getting out in only my towel and I start to put on a comfortable outfit and finally just lay down in my bed.

I kept trying to find a comfortable spot but it almost felt impossible as I wanted to feel and smell him.

But just when I was about to finally go to sleep I get a knock at my door.

I check my phone just to see that it is now 7 in the morning.

Who could be knocking at my door this early.

I lazily get up and start heading for the door as they just continue knocking.

"I'm going!" I scream in annoyance.

I didn't bother to check the peephole and just swung it open to seeing cops right outside my window.

"Sierra Del Rey" The first cop says making my blood run cold.

I just stand there at the door looking from the cop that just spoke out to his parter who looks young and is probably an intern.

"That's my name?" I say still sounding confused.

"We are going to have you come with us to identify the body of Mathew A-" I didn't get to hear the last words that was coming out of the police officer as my arms went limp, my hearing started to ring, my throat went dry and my vision went blurry from the bushes tears that I was holding back.

All I remember is one moment I'm in my room trying to fall asleep to finding out that I have to identify Aces body.

I let the cops led me to their car as they didn't feel like it was safe for me to drive and they took me with them down to the station.

It's a possibility that it's not their body but who knows.

A million thoughts ran through my brain and it was almost impossible to stop them until we finally got to the morgue.

When they led me inside they greeted the person at the desk and immediately took me to the room where they laid two body's on top of a two separate tables.

My blood ran cold, my heart was pounding, my throat was soar, and a chill ran through my whole body.

I could see the officers mouth moving but I didn't understand anything about what they were saying. It all came out as if he was mumbling.

I guess I understood because I began to nod.

Deep breaths, Sierra.

He began to unzip the body and looked back at me before he uncovered the body bag.

My voice left me at that very second as it was Ace laying pale as ever.

Everything was spinning.

If Ace is there then.... Don't tell me.

Dont tell me.

I look over at the smaller body bag and the other officer uncovers it.


Bonnies lifeless body was on that table.

The ringing in my ears stopped as I was processing everything.

"Is this Mathew Alex Johnson and Bonnie Lynn Johnson, Ms. Del Rey?" One of the police officers say.

As much as I tried I couldn't manage to get any words out and instead I nodded as I ran out of the room and back outside.

I start to inhale the air outside as I tried to keep myself together.

I had just seen her not even a couple days ago.

How could any of this happen?

I started rubbing my eyes as tears tried to escape.

I felt a big clump in my throat that felt stuck there and as I open my mouth I throw up.

I've seen plenty of dead bodies but this one hit different. Especially when you considered them family.

After a couple of minutes I was standing next to the bush I threw up in.

I wipe my mouth and walk away from the bush not wanting to smell the oder anymore.

That's when I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn to see the officer.

"Ms. Del Rey, i know this is hard but we have to ask you a few questions to pin point who might have done this" The officer says.

"Oh.... Okay" I say heading back inside.

After that the whole day was a blur.

I remembered coming back out and immediately going over to their apartment to see that it was all taped I'm caution signs.

I enter the apartment to see everywhere taped and messy as If there was an altercation.

I try to go further but by that time I started seeing their blood and the drawings of how the bodies were placed when found.

I immediately leave running out of the apartment.

After visiting Aces apartments I had just left wondering around New York until finally I landed at a bar.

We all know what happens at bars.

By the time 2 in the morning rolled around I was kicked out of the bar and was stumbling around the streets.

I guess that's the reason why I ended up at a familiar place and ended up at the park Hayden had taken me.

I just sat in the bench thinking of everything.

Of what had happen today.

Tears started building up in my eyes and I couldn't stop them anymore.

I had cried and cried until I couldn't anymore.

Even then I was just so done with everything that I just laid down on the bench.

That's when I had remembered.

Bonnie called me yesterday.

I could have talked to her even if it was for a minute.

I could have talked to her.

I started crying even more thinking about that until finally I had gone to sleep, drunk, alone, tired, and cold.

How did things end up like this?


A few days had passed by where I wouldn't stop thinking about Ace and Bonnie.

What didn't help at all was that I was the only one at this funeral.

Ace and Jessica were orphans who had never met their parents. Therefore leaving them with no families.

Jessica had a few friends but none ever close enough for her to get close enough to the point that they would care about her dying.

Ace was the loner type too and I'm surprised he even opened up his heart to me.

This left them with no friends nor family.

Only the funeral director, the priest, and I were here.

Before the priest had left he had done a blessing and was on his way back to the church. Meanwhile the funeral director stayed for a few minutes before leaving.

I stayed sitting at the lonely chair.

"You always wanted to be the first at everything but this...." I pause looking down at the dirt. "This is beyond- beyond dramatic" I suck in a cry.

I felt myself start to tear up making me look up so I wouldn't have to let the tears go.

"Man fuck you" I say.

At that moment I felt someone starting at me.

That stare turned into two.

I don't look around as i let myself cry knowing that it'll put on an act for them.

A few seconds later I hear a crunch of a leaf making me turn instantly.

I look to see that it's one of the twins from the underground.

"I offer my condolences" she says grabbing an empty chair and sitting.

I just nod and turn back to looking at aces and Bonnies burial sight.

"I actually came here because I was one of aces close friends" She says which makes me almost snap my neck to look at her.

"I'm sorry? Who's Ace?" I say and she looks around until she finally meet my eyes.

"You don't know who's a-"

"What my lovely sister meant was that we worked closely with your husband, Mrs. Johnson." I hear coming from behind me.

I turn to see her twin.

The audacity of these two.

"Oh. Me and Mathew weren't married, nor in a relationship. You see his wife died a couple years ago. I'm actually his wife's sister" I say glancing at the grave stone besides us which was Jessicas.

Ace always wanted to be buried next to her.

"Excuse us for the mix ups." He says and I just nod.

If they were close then they wouldn't have mixed that up.

"Such a nice man. Never really knew him well though. I would just take care of little Bonnie" I say with my voice cracking a bit. "I'm sorry" I say letting my eyes tear up.

I grab the handkerchief that Nina had offer and patted my eyes.

"Do you know anyone else who was close to Mr. Johnson?" Nika says and I shake my head after I had gathered my composure.

"Not sure. Mathew had closed himself off even to me after Jessica died. I would only go over to his house when it was to pick up Bonnie and even then he would leave in a rush. But when he did he always told me he had business up in Vermont and would leave me Bonnie for a couple of days" I say handing Nina back her handkerchief which she had refuse and let me keep.

I'm just bull shitting this story through and through.

"Did he ask exactly where in Vermont?" Nina ask ask I shake my head.

"Just told me he had business up there and would leave" I say and they nod to each other.

"We'll get going Miss" Nika stops and turns to look at me expecting my name. "Bella Scott" I say and they nod.

"I hope we meet again soon, miss Scott" nika says taking one last glance at me and leaves.

The fucking audacity of them.

Hope you guys enjoyed this short chapter!

Chile anyway I know I said I was going to update every Friday but guess what?


No but seriously i was and then I got a job and then I became tired and then with everything that is going on in my life it's just chaotic 🥲

Chile see you when I see you lamos !

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