My Best Friends Mate

By piscesdrowning

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Dustin and Kiaras parents were killed when they were young protecting their pack and their alpha. Ryan, the a... More

Chapter One-New Beginnings
Chapter two- now what?
Chapter Three- Leaving
Chapter Four- Blast from the Past
Chapter Five- Uncharted territory
Chapter Six- Adjusting
Chapter Seven- Feelings
Chapter Eight- the dreams begin
Chapter Nine- Sparks
Chapter Ten- Not yet
Chapter Eleven- not awkward at all
Chapter Twelve- Training
Chapter Thirteen- Surrender
Chapter Fourteen- Tattoos
Chapter Fifteen- Craig
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two- Gold
Chapter Twenty Three- Invictus
Chapter Twenty Four- Natalia
Chapter Twenty Five- family reunion
Chapter Twenty Six- Gabriel
Chapter Twenty Seven- Mein Schatzi
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty- the witch
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty two- Hold on, I still need you
Chapter Fifty Three, Take on the World

Chapter Forty Eight

196 2 15
By piscesdrowning


I said my good byes to Kiara and Dustin not long after the pregnancy news.I tried wrapping my head around it all. Kiara couldn't transform in either form now and that put a damper on things, we needed her but at the same time, she's giving birth to an heir to the royal lycan line. I had Janeen put a protection spell against Dustin's unborn child,I needed to do the same for Kiara. This is my family and the only family I have left. I couldn't protect Selene but I'd be damned if anything happened to my neice,nephew and their children.I needed to talk with Janeen for many reasons. First to check on the progress of her protection spells, to hear about how the witches are handling the werewolves and to see if she had any more premonitions. 
I whipped down the roads leading out of the territory and into the city only coming to a stop when arriving near Janeens store. I parked a block away so no one would recognize my car if they happened to be watching the place. I remember being young and unseasoned of life. While we were raised since infancy to be warriors, it wasn't until the slaughter of our kind that I became paranoid of my presence in certain places. This human city being one of them. As I began to get closer to the shop, I caught on to a werewolfs scent. One I had noticed earlier that day but never bothered to track specifically.
As I rounded the corner, I saw a she wolf standing at the door of Janeens shop peering in with her hand on the door. She had pale skin, slanted brown eyes and hair so black it reminded me of the raven. What was she doing?

She jumped when she noticed me,turning to face me and watched me nervously as I walked up the stone steps to the shop door.

"Oh.. Hi. You must be Gabriel. Dustin and Kiaras uncle. Ive.. heard a lot about you" she said extending her hand.

I peered into her eyes that shone with suspicion and anxiety. Not to be obvious, I grabbed her hand softly, offering a slight bow. She was a she wolf at the training arena this morning.  That's where I had smelled her. She also smelled of the young Alpha. I scoffed internally.
"You know my name, yet I don't have the pleasure of knowing yours.." I countered as I rose back to my upright position, taking note of every detail about her. Her black ballet flats size 6 1/2, short but thin legs in black leggings and knee length yellow dress.
"Sumiko" she responded flatly.
"Sumiko." I tossed her name around in my head.

"Sumiko.. are you shopping?" I asked. I wondered if she knew about Janeen.

"Oh, actually yes.  Just a little gift for your neice actually. I heard the good news" and she giggled.

Got her. No one else was in that hospital room. She had to have been listening which meant she was near by, not where the others should have been. But why? Because of Alpha Ryan or something else.

"Well, by all means, come in with me" and I placed my hand onto the knob turning it and walking in. Sumiko took one step forward but then stopped abruptly and smiled.

"Actually..I need to get back to the pack. I know Alpha Ryan is expecting me. " she said and turned on her heel.

"See you soon Sumiko" I said flatly as she paused with her back turned to me before finally resuming her stride.
She said nothing in return.
Closing the door behind me I took a few more steps into the shop disguised home of Janeen who quickly appeared. 

"I thought I heard the door bell" she smiled coming from the back and snapping her fingers to remove the veil upon her home.
Stepping forward she looked me straight in the eyes with concern. I didn't make any attempt to hide anything from her.

"The child?" She said in a tone that was part question and part statement.
"Yes" looking back at her.
Janeen turned placing her hand to her chin.
"Does she know, that I foresaw this?"
"No she doesnt" I replied.
"That child must stay alive Gabriel." And returned to face me.
"It will, as will my niece. I'll make sure of that."
Janeen could only nod but couldn't hide the look of concern on her face.
I cleared my throat.
"Janeen, your protection spells work"
Her eyes widened. 
"How do you know?" She asked.

"Because I was able to come in when a young she wolf of suspicion could not"


"I have to go, but I'll catch up with you two later."
Craig and I had returned to the hospital room where Kiara was signing discharge papers and Craig was getting her things together. Kiara said nothing but only looked at me. She stared into my eyes once again seeing the inner depths of my soul, the darkest parts I hid from everyone. 
At that moment she looked more beautiful than I had ever before seen her. I wasn't angry, just disappointed.  This was supposed to be me and her starting our family. Still, my heart warmed seeing her. I was about to apologize to her as well when Keely came crashing in through the door, followed by Natalia. I still hadn't gotten used to my ex being friends with my.. well, I guess my other ex.

"Oh my Goddess Kiara! Are you OK? What happened?!" Squeeled Keely as she ran around the room to Kiara and hugged her neck. Kiara could only laugh.  Natalia stood at the door but she wasn't looking at Kiara. She was watching me and it wasn't one of lust or attraction but curiosity and as if she was trying to read my take on the situation.  I quickly but calmly made my exit figuring this would be a great opportunity to do so while Keely was mid melt down. I stopped down the hall way and mind linked Kiara.

"I'm sorry Kiara for my actions today.
You got this ok? And I'm here if you ever need me "

I shut off the mind link before she could respond and made my way out of the infirmary.
I was greeted by the other lycans Gabriel had brought and Dustin. They were all talking amongst themselves.  By the looks of it, Dustin had told them the news.

"Alpha.." said Lennox acknowledging my presence and I nodded in return.

"What's going on out here?" I asked looking at them all.

"We're looking for Gabriel. No surprise he disappeared again" said the one with a British accent.

"Do you ever stop complaining?" I heard the tall one with a French accent retort.

Lennox could only offer me and Dustin a smile.
"We are looking for Gabriel BUT we also need you two as well. We have been waiting to meet with the redwood Alpha and you two to discuss the next course of action. "

"My uncle will show. He always does." Dustin reassured them.
Lennox offered a sly smile. "Yes he always does."

I smelled the air. The others must have as well as everyone stopped in silence to inhale and listen.
Something just didn't feel right.


Ryan had mind linked me. His voice still stirred up something inside of me and it bothered me. It still bothered me that deep down, I loved these two men. I couldn't respond. I  didn't.

"Is someone going to tell us what is wrong with Kiara or are we playing a guessing game " came Natalias voice from the door she had been leaning up against. Keely stood in front of me with her pouty face and arms crossed.
Craig and I looked at eachother and chuckled.

"Kiara is pregnant" Craig cautiously revealed.

"What?! Omg Kiara!!!!" And Keely hugged me again.

I absolutely adore Keely. She has become my new best friend these past few months. I knew what she was needing to hear and I sighed followed by a playful eye roll.

"I guess we're going to have to go shopping for baby stuff aren't we?!" I said to her.
I felt her loosen her grip on me and jump with excitement clapping her hands together.  You would think Keely had just won the lottery.
"Uh yeah! We're going to get her..."

"Wait wait wait" Craig interrupted.  "Her? We don't know the gender yet. Let's not get hasty"

We all laughed and Keely elbowed Craig. "What's wrong Emerson? Afraid of having a little girl..tea parties, make up... BOYS " Keely said emphasizing the word Boys.
Craigs put up his hands.
"Nope. Not happening.."

"OK, so we need to get your nursery set up, and plan for a baby shower and.." Keely began rambling on every thought that came to her head.

"First let's get Kiara home" Craig said.

I stood up, supported by Craig and gave Keely a hug good bye. I nodded and smiled at Natalia who offered me a congratulations. Watching them both walk out, Keely going on about all things baby, Craig turned me to face him.

"Let's get you out of here, but first I want to take you somewhere"

"OK? "

Craig could only laugh.
"Don't even think about it Hudd. It's a surprise "

Then he threw a bag over his shoulder and led me out of the infirmary to his car.


"Alpha, Craig is with the redwood pack. The silvermoon and the lycans are there as well."
I looked at the she wolf who was bowing before me.

"Excellent work, general"

I extended my claws, licking the blood of a human I had just killed.
The hunters would jump on this opportunity to take out the remaining lycans and two wolf packs at once.
I scoffed with amusement.  Too easy.

"Alpha, there is one more thing" I heard her voice quiver before me.

"It better be good"

"Oh it is. Your sons mate, the lycan hybrid is pregnant" and she looked up at me with a satisfied smile.

I felt my blood begin to boil. That weak bastard half human  was no son of mine and the fact that he was extending the line infuriated me. My line would not be tainted with human blood. His mother was just a play thing, nothing but an easy fuck. I took care of her but her tribes magic made it difficult for me to track him all these years.  They had been secretly protecting him from afar. But I found him now, and I'd kill him just like I did his mother. The lycans and that hybrid I've heard so much about wouldn't be as easy but with the help of the hunters, it would happen.

I looked down at Sumiko. My only heir of pure blood.

"Plan for attack"

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