My Day is Full of You [Comple...

By himulgokizary

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I republish this story after change some of the storyline. The first version is moving too fast and looked un... More

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By himulgokizary

Peaceful morning at Seulgi's apartment, the Kang family are busy with their own activities. Seulgi is doing his work on his laptop while Irene eats her breakfast. Hyunji sit on baby chair beside her mom playing with her pineapple plushie

"Bae, I want to get my drink. Do you want to drink coffee?" Irene asking after she paused from her work

"Coffee sounds good. I want black coffee"

"Okay, take a look a Hyunji"


Irene goes to the kitchen, then Seulgi goes back to his work after checking Hyunji. The little girl is engrossed in her toys while babbling her own words. However, a few minutes later Seulgi heard the sound of a spoon hitting the plate beside him. He took a peek over his laptop screen and gasped when he saw Hyunji hand on the plate. Seulgi quickly take action to prevent further damage

"Omo, Kang Hyunji! Don't grab the rice" Seulgi removed Hyunji's hand from the plate but she already succeeded in grabbing the rice. Her face looked satisfied as she already got what she wanted. She giggle seeing her dad struggle to open her grip

"Bae, what happened?" Irene come back with a mug of coffee and a glass of water for herself

"She grabbing your rice"

Irene laughing seeing Seulgi unable to open the small hand that full of rice "Aigoo, let me do it"

Seulgi sits back in his place and Irene sits beside her daughter "Baby, open your grip please. Mommy want to clean your hand"

Hyunji is not listening. She tried to eat the rice instead "Baby, it is not your food. It is spicy. Mommy will give you delicious food later, okay?"

Finally Irene succeeded in opening the strong grip of the small hand. She cleaned it with wet tissue. Hyunji's face seems frowning as she can't eat the rice. Seulgi smiles seeing his daughter antic. He admits that Hyunji is getting active these days. She crawls here and there, grabbing whatever is within her reach and often throwing tantrums if she doesn't get what she wants. When Irene and Seulgi want to go out, she will cry knowing that they will leave her at home. She is really clingy to her mom and dad. To make up for the time when they leave her at home with her grandma or her nanny, her parents will bring her to the apartment on weekends so that they have a lot of quality time together. The little girl is growing up so fast

After cleaning Hyunji, Irene finishes her food then brings the plate to the kitchen. Hyunji is watching cartoons now so she is not disturbing her dad. Irene brings a bottle of milk for Hyunji. It is breast milk that she pumped earlier. Hyunji only drinks formula milk when Irene is working and the breast milk stock runs out. If she is at home, she will give her daughter breast milk whether it pump or suck directly from her breast

Little baby Hyunji was moved to the mattress so that she can drink her milk comfortably. However, she rolling to the side of the mattress instead and lied her head on the blanket

"Yaa Kang Hyunji, you're really weird. Mommy put you on the mattress to make you comfortable but you choose the floor instead" Irene sighs because of her daughter's antics.

At that age, Hyunji already gave her a headache and had a heart-attack a few times. She doesn't know what Hyunji could do in the future. She is so full of weird antic

Seulgi laughing at Irene when he saw her face contorted "I thought she listen well to you but it turn out both of us have the same luck"

"She only listen well if she want something" Irene puffed her cheeks

"She know your weakness"

"Yeah, she knows how to melt me. I can't with her puppy eyes"

"That is her ultimate weapon" both of them laughing lightly

In the end, Hyunji falls asleep after finishing her milk. She sleeps holding her mom's finger as usual. If her mom is beside her, she will hold her mom's finger until she finishes a bottle of milk or sleeping. Her mom finger is one of her favorite thing

Irene moved her daughter to the mattress then covered her with a blanket so that she was not cold. The weather has been getting colder because of autumn season. After done taking care of Hyunji, Irene go to the kitchen to cook lunch


Irene, Eunji, Jennie and Leo gathered at Jennie's restaurant. They plan to eat dinner together because it has been a while since they met because of a packed schedule. Hyunji also comes together with her mommy because Irene and Eunji go home directly after meeting with their client. Seulgi come separately because he is from apartment

"Is Jisoo coming tonight?" Eunji asking randomly

"I heard from Suho, they will come together. Jisoo insist to come since she want to gather with us" Irene answered

"I already asked my staff to cook healthy food for Jisoo unnie" say Jennie

Moonbyul and Solar arrived followed by Suho and Jisoo. Their table starts to get chaotic because they are playing with Hyunji. The little girl laughed happily when her uncle and aunty teased her. Lastly, Seungwan and Seulgi arrived. Seungwan sit beside Eunji while Seulgi still stand beside Irene

"Bubble~" he calling Hyunji name

Hyunji automatically stopped laughing when she heard her daddy's voice. She looks to the right and left but doesn't see her dad around. Everyone looking at her with adoring smile while witnessing she react to the voice

Seulgi speak again "Kang Bubble"

"Yaa, she is so adorable" Moonbyul cackle

"Unnie, she respond well to her dad voice" Jennie say

"Yeah, whenever she hears our voice, she will stop doing anything. She waiting impatiently for us to appear in front of her"

Seulgi continue teasing his daughter "Kang Bubble, my baby~"

After she don't see her dad and only hear his voice, Hyunji face slowly frowning and her eyes teary

"Bae, stop teasing her. She is crying" Irene say while comforting her daughter

Seulgi laughed, then he moved to Irene's side. He take Hyunji from Irene then hugging her tightly and Hyunji stop crying

"Aigoo, Kang baby~" Seulgi peppered Hyunji's face with kisses. Hyunji giggle cutely because she finally see her dad after few days only seeing each other through video call

"Both of you are so sweet and adorable" Solar commented

"Thank you noona"

"Seem like Hyunji is daddy's girl instead of mommy's" Leo said

"She is clingy to us depending on the situation. She is not specific to mommy or daddy only. Sometimes she is clingy to both of us. Hyunji knows what she wants and she knows who can give her what she wants. If she don't get it from me or Seulgi, she will go to her grandpa because he is her biggest supporter"

Everyone laughing lightly "Smart girl indeed"

"Something I like about her is that she is so serious when she is looking at someone who she meets for the first time or who she rarely meets. Look she staring intensely at some of us" Suho signal his eyes to Hyunji

Everyone turned their focus to Hyunji. She really showed intense stares and her forehead creased. She looked like going to scold someone

"Yah Kang Hyunji, who makes you upset? Tell uncle now" Seungwan say playfully as he stare back at Hyunji eyes

"I guess she's staring at me because I rarely meet her" say Leo while making eye contact with Hyunji

"Me too" Moonbyul also do the same thing

"Yah, why does she look like crying again? Her face slightly red" Jisoo noticed Hyunji reaction change a little bit

"She is crying because she thinks that both of you scold her. She quite emotional and dramatic sometimes" Irene holding her smile when she saw her daughter chin trembling

"Stop teasing her" Solar hitting Moonbyul arm

"Aigoo baby, you should win the eye contact competition, you know?" Seulgi sigh

"Try again next time, baby girl" Moonbyul and Leo high five. They having fun teasing the baby girl

Waiter and waitress come with their food and they start eating. They talked about many topics and gossiping together. Irene gives a piece of fries to Hyunji. Fries are Hyunji 's favorite snack. She sit on baby chair between her mom and dad

"Guys, Byul and I have something to say" Solar stated nervously

"What is it?"

Moonbyul and Solar looking at each other then she speak again "We will held our engagement party by end on this month"

"Wow, congratulations!" Everyone clapped their hands cheering for the couple. Little Hyunji who know nothing also clap her hands when she saw the elder doing so

"Baby, say congratulations to Aunty Yong and Uncle Byul" Irene squishing Hyunji cheeks

"Thanks cutie" Solar give new piece of fries to Hyunji and she accept it happily

"Finally one of us will settle down" say Seulgi

"I thought Seulgi would be the first one but I'm wrong. Anyway, we're happy for you, hyung" Seungwan added

"Thanks guys" Solar smiling shyly while Moonbyul grinning like idiot


Eunji stops walking without warning and makes Irene and Jisoo almost bump into her. She currently staring at someone at the coffee shop across to their location

"Yah Jung Eunji! What are you looking at?" Irene puzzle

"Em...unnie, isn't that Seulgi?" Eunji pointed at the people sit at the outdoor table

Irene squinted her eyes to get a better look then she recognized that person was Kang Seulgi. However, she don't know who that woman is

"Unnie, I think that is Seulgi" say Jisoo

"Yes, that's him" Irene answer faintly

"But who is that woman? They looked so happy together and look so close too"

"Ayy, she really beautiful"

"I don't know. He doesn't tell me that he is meeting someone. We have not contacted each other since this morning. He said he is busy. Looked like he is busy with other woman" Irene balled her fist in frustration

"Calm down, unnie. Don't jump to conclusions. Maybe that is his friend" Eunji caressing Irene back to comfort her

"We should go now before you launch your missile" say Jisoo then they leaving

Irene is silent all the way back to the office. She is so upset right now because she is unable to contact Seulgi. His phone is not active. When they arrived, Irene went directly to her office without talking to Eunji and Jisoo. Her mood is totally broken. She go home early and drive herself back without Eunji sending her

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