orphan | komahina

By komaedasbagels

24.5K 959 1.1K

nagito lives in a rundown orphanage and has only really ever had the company of his best friend maki. that is... More



1.2K 51 84
By komaedasbagels

i sat on the sofa bored out of my mind, occasionally glancing over at the empty space next to me. nine days ago maki would have been sat there with me, complaining about the kids and listening to me go on and on about my usual nonsense. i was still incredibly upset over her departure. it sounds extreme but it felt like a part of me had died. it was almost as if i was grieving.

"what's with the hair?" i heard an unfamiliar voice ask. i looked back at the kids but standing in my way was someone i'd never seen before: a short boy with purple hair beaming a cheeky grin at me.

"i can't tell if you're my age or seventy years older." people often commented on my hair. it was a little understandable. my hair was white and it wasn't dyed or anything. it was weird and unusual for someone my age to have natural white hair. they have no idea it's from all the stress.

"not the talkative type huh? i get it. that's not gonna stop me from bugging you. is this seat taken?" he questioned, pointing at the space beside me. he didn't even give me a second to answer before throwing himself onto the sofa anyway.

"sooooo. weird choice for a hair dye." i rolled my eyes and finally decided to respond to this weird boy.

"it's not a choice." he raised an eyebrow and chuckled.

"you're telling me you were born like that?" i shook my head.

"i was born with brown hair and it went white after a few years. naturally." he nodded, clearly confused. but there was no way i was going to give him any sort of a detailed explanation.

"what about you, huh? what's with the purple?" he curled his fists slightly and cleared his throat.

"if you pay closer attention you'll notice it's actually mostly black. it's just purple at the ends."

"right...and that's supposed to answer my question?" i continued with a smirk.

"i'll have you know that i had it done like this for my organisation." i nearly burst out laughing. this kid looked like he was twelve years old, and he was out here talking about his 'organisation'?

"your what?"

"my super secret, super evil organisation that i happen to be the leader of!" this kid really is quite the jokester, huh?

"of course, of course...your super secret, super evil organisation." the kid nodded and then flashed a huge smile at me.

"my names kokichi ouma. and you are?"

"nagito komaeda." i didn't really see the harm in giving him my name. this guy is willingly talking to me...he does seem a little childish and annoying, but maybe this is my chance to make a new friend? at least one to keep me company until i can get out of here.

"i know my much needed entrance into your life was a bit abrupt but you were the first person i saw that looked my age. so how old are you?" i look his age? that's a bit insulting.


"sweet! i'm sixteen." this kokichi guy is only a year younger than me?! but he doesn't even look thirteen!

"woah!" i noticed that he was looking down at something when he let out that exclamation, and i then realised what exactly he was staring at...

"that's pretty cool. how'd you do that?" i wasn't going to be telling him what happened. i didn't trust this guy and i didn't know him well enough. after all, maki was the only person i'd personally told.

"wait, let me guess, let me guess. i bet you lost it in an explosion." i didn't guide him as to whether he was correct or not. i just stared and waited for him to shut up. although, he is being nicer about it than some people have.

"no? alright then, what about a car crash? or a boat accident? or a plane crash?" my eyes widened slightly and i felt my heart begin to beat a little more rapidly. the mere mention of it...it was enough to make me feel like i was going to have a heart attack.

"on second thoughts...couldn't have been a plane crash. you wouldn't have survived." i really wish i hadn't.

"youuu...got it caught in a lawnmower! you got it caught in a meat grinder! you lost it in an epic battle between you and your worst enemy-"

"i'm starting to think you might be my worst enemy." he let out a giggle and twirled his hair around his index finger.

"i'm not your enemy nagito! we're best friends now!" you're not my best friend. maki's my best friend and she always will be. even if i never see her again.

"right..." i muttered, not really sure how to respond to his claim. there was an incredibly short silence before he carried on rambling.

"you got it caught in a propeller! you put it in acid! you cut it off yourself!" why the hell would i...?

"you know what? i don't even care how it really happened anymore. i'm saying a shark ate it." i gave up and chuckled slightly, nodding.

"sure. a shark ate my arm." it'd probably be a cooler story. and less traumatising.

"i knew it! i'm a genius! well, that is to be expected from an evil supreme leader of course."

"i can imagine..." i went along with his childish claim yet again. maybe if he starts to act more like his age we could have a really good friendship. but until then...i'll have to think it over with this guy.

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