sweet tooth s.p

By decomposingheart

49.1K 899 119

Sweet Pea and Asher felt as if they were lovers in a past life, feeling as if they knew each other the moment... More


Lovers Lane

1.8K 40 8
By decomposingheart

She was starting to remind herself of Bella Swan when Edward left her. Starting out of her window as months passed, but in reality it was only a couple of weeks.

When she woke up she was in the hospital, her father quickly broke the news though that she was in a different state.

She had screamed at her father for a long time before she broke down into tears. Mason had demanded to know the whole truth, what had really happened.

She spilled it all out, not caring anymore about what Malachi had done to her. Asher just wanted to know what happened to her friends, was Sweet Pea okay? Reggie? Archie? Betty? Jughead?

Mason relieved her when he said all were fine, but that was quickly taken away at the comment she wouldn't be seeing them again.

Since then she'd been brought to the new house, Daddy had brought the Porsche and the Subaru with them. The house was big, she hated it.

She hated everything.

The house was gray, this almost being worse than the bright white of the last one. The gray reminded her of how she felt inside while the white had forced a falseness into her mind. The gray had let her embrace the darkening inside of her.

She had barely eaten, hadn't really even slept at all. Asher kept having terrible nightmares. Nightmares where her friends are hung up like dolls, slashed apart by the same man who slashed her.

Asher missed the nights where she had to relive her trauma, she hated dealing with the panicked moments upon awakening where she worried if it were real. If maybe Malachi had reached her friends- that maybe he had found out she survived so he went to hurt the only people who mattered to her.

She would have a permanent scar across her throat and an ugly scar on her stomach. She couldn't bare to look at herself anymore.

Asher drew him a lot. It was the only sense of relief she had in the overwhelming pain that felt like it was consuming her. She begged her mind to leave him alone, why was she so attached to him?

In reality she knew why, because Sweet Pea had freed a part of her she hadn't realized needed released. She had been cloaked in her own self she hadn't realized the world around her was still moving- until he smiled at her and shook her to the core.

Asher wished she hadn't wasted so much time with him, she had known what she felt for him the moment they looked at one another.

It was painful missing- loving Sweet Pea.

Asher didn't know if she'd ever be able to see him again but the way she was feeling the last week convinced her that she wouldn't ever forget him.

Her father had left her again in the house, like always. It was good though, she didn't have her cell phone anymore so when he left she'd sneak into his office and use his computer.

This time when she looked up Riverdale something horrifying came up in response.


Her eyes widened at the memory of her childhood best friends father. He had always been nice to her, doted on Betty a lot.

She must be absolutely crushed. She wished so bad to check on her but had absolutely no way of doing so.

After a moments hesitation Asher went to google maps, typing in her old address. 2 hours 23 minutes away. She was relieved to see it was only that far, she had feared her father had moved her cross county.

The crazy thought entered Asher's mind and once it was there she couldn't get it out. So, she pressed print on the directions and started rummaging through her fathers office.

After searching the whole office she sprinted to the stairs, taking two at a time to reach the top. In her fathers room she started at the bedside tables, nothing.

The bathroom was empty still, dresser drawers held no car keys. In his closet though, that was another story.

After lifting herself up using a shelf she could snatch a set off of the top shelf. She was glad to see it was her Subaru set.

Asher ran to her room and stuffed a couple of t shirts, jeans and the necessities before grabbing the print outs and rushing out of her new "home". She knew where she really belonged, and it wasn't here- they weren't here.

Her heart was racing as she reversed out of the unfamiliar driveway and onto the street.

It had gotten dark so quickly, but she knew she was getting close when she passed the entry sign.

The town of pep!

Asher scoffed as she passed the worn sign but continued to drive straight to Betty's house, only to see it completely void of any life. Odd cars parked up and down the street in front of the Cooper house.

The only other place she could think of that Betty would be at would be Jughead's. Which would mean maybe being able to see Sweet Pea before she was caught by her father.

She drove as fast as she could to the trailer park. As she pulled up though she was surprised to see a make shift bomb fire, heads snapped up at the rumble of her exhaust. Asher's nerves took over but nonetheless she tried to spot Betty.

Stepping out of the car she didn't expect to have all of her friends stand. She also didn't expect to see Reggie Mantle with them. Her friends started in absolute deafening shock as they all thought they were having some sort of a fever dream.

"Reg? What are you doing on Southside?" And at her voice all hell broke lose. Reggie leap over the bomb fire and rushed her. He picked her up in the tightest grip she thinks she'd ever felt, her back cracking from the pressure.

"Sweet Pea! Get your ass out here!" Fangs basically screamed to the whole trailer park.

Reggie kept kissing her cheeks, "What the fuck happened? You're dead!"

Asher blinked in shock, "What? No-"

The large Serpent approaching the group made any thoughts in her brain stop.

"Did Mason drop off her other car?" Sweet Pea called out, noticing another item of Asher's he had missed seeing, hell even hearing.

"Sweet Pea?" Asher couldn't help but smile as she stepped forward, towards the boy.

He stared at her in total bewilderment, his eyes couldn't help but immediately look to her throat. A large scar now instead of the gore and blood he remembered.

It's as if the whole world faded, his knees buckled slightly but he still walked closer, as if he was still confused.

Asher didn't hesitate though, she approached him quickly until she was right in front of him. He stared into her honey colored eyes, tears springing to his own at the sight.

Sweet Pea wrapped his arms around his girl and lifted her to him. Her small legs wrapped around his waist as her arms went to his neck. Asher pulled back though to look at him, surprised to see tears rolling out of his eyes. She brushed them off of him quickly, "What's wrong?"

Sweet Pea didn't answer for a long moment, still unable to understand what was happening.

"Mason lied to us." Jughead spoke as everyone still continued to stare at Asher.

"What?" She asked as she dropped her legs from Sweet Pea's waist, but he continued to hold her up. Still unable to release her, scared it was another dream.

"He said you were dead, Vi. W-We all thought you were dead." I stared back at Reggie.

"I'm so sorry. I-I didn't know. I woke up in another state, he wouldn't let me call or visit. No phone, had to swipe the car keys." Asher tried quickly explain but nobody really cared. They were ecstatic that she was here, that she was alive.

"Is Betty here? I came to see her, her dad?" Asher couldn't help whisper out her question. Slowly pulling herself from Sweet Pea.

Jughead walked towards her, "She's with her mom, she's okay. Sad obviously but she knew." He wrapped her in a tight hug.

Asher went and embraced her friends, telling them how much she missed them. How much she loves them. Sweet Pea was back at her side in seconds, wrapping his hand in hers as he looked down at her.

Slowly a sort of tension filled the atmosphere, "What's wrong?" Asher didn't have time to hesitate.

"A few things to say, your dad gave us your house, the Stang and college money." Fangs spoke quickly.

Asher gaped at him for a moment, "The Stang? You can't even drive manual!"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

"I have something I need to tell you too. Not now, not with everyone here." Sweet Pea said quietly to her.

Asher stared up into his happy eyes with a smile, "Let's go then."

Sweet Pea couldn't help but smile, "We can go back to the house or the trailer-"

"The trailer, I never got to see it." She didn't hesitate to tell him.

Sweet Pea smiled at her, knowing then just how much he had underestimated her.

Sweet Pea didn't hesitate to carry her back to his old trailer.

      Sweet Pea's eyes showed nervousness as he pushed open the door. If it wasn't much, honestly it was shit, he could admit it. But it was all he had needed.

"I'm sorry, it's a mess. I-I haven't been keeping up-" Sweets tries to explain but stops at a shake of Asher's head.

"I like the lay out." Asher moves to sit on the worn out couch in the living room.

"Promise not to be mad at me?" Sweet Pea asks her quickly. She had begged him to stay away.

"I could never be mad at you." Asher smiled sweetly, remembering how badly she had missed him. She could never be mad after experiencing such excruciating pain at their "breakup".

Sweet Pea put his hand on the side of her jaw. "I went after him, Reggie and Archie too."

Asher blinks at him with a small sigh, she wasn't surprised. Sweet Pea had thought she was dead.

"Are you okay?" She asked him carefully.

"I killed him. I guess it made me feel somewhat better." Sweet Pea didn't look in her eyes as he told her, nervous at what he could possibly see.

"I'm glad someone did it. Wanted it to be me though." Asher gives him a small smile.

Asher's shoulders loosened just the slightest amount with the news, she couldn't imagine her sweet boy hurting anyone but knew that at the end of the day- Sweet Pea was dangerous.

Her mind couldn't fathom the idea of relaxing, that the biggest threat on her life and her happiness had been snuffed out by the man who was holding her so carefully.

Sweet Pea stared at her for a long minute, "Are you gonna kiss me, Sweets?"

Without thinking for a moment Sweet Pea caught her mouth with his. Almost towering over her on the couch, he couldn't help but loose a little control when they connected.

Asher's small noise only made it worse for him, all the blood went straight to his dick. Her hands on the side of his face pulled him closer to her.

She shoved at the collar of his leather, "I missed looking at you in this."

Despite this Asher desperately wanted to feel the warmth of his skin against her hands instead of the cool leather.

"Take it off. Please, Sweets." She shoved at it again as they separated, Sweet Pea basically throwing it across the small trailer.

Asher's hands moved over his biceps, one moved to the side of his neck as she made another noise. Sweet Pea couldn't help himself, he snatched her up by her hips and lifted her off the couch and to him. Asher laughed beautifully as she took her new seat on his lap.

She pushed her mouth back to his, moving her hips against his lap. Sweet Pea made a small growling noise at this as he gripped onto her hips.

Sweet Pea lifted her shirt to pull off but Asher broke away from the kiss to stare at him.

"I-I'm sorry, I got carried away. We can stop, Asher." Sweets mouth was swollen, his chest heaving.

"I have a big scar. It's ugly." She couldn't help but sat back.

"No part of you could be ugly." Sweets glared at her.

At the glowing sight of Asher's green eyes Sweet Pea suddenly felt choked up again, as if she couldn't possibly be real.

He grasped either side of her round cheeks, "I-I really thought you were gone."

"I'm so sorry, Sweets." Asher couldn't help the guilt that soared through her.

"We won't part again." She swore.

"Your eyes alone gave me the push to speak.. to start living my life again." She said quietly.

"I love you, Sweet Pea." Asher'a voice shook as she made the confession but she hadn't ever been so sure of something in her life.

"I don't ever want to leave you again."

"I love you, Violet." Sweet Pea said causing a grin to break across the girls mouth.

Their lips connected feeling much more powerful than before, saying so much their minds couldn't piece together.

Asher wouldn't leave Sweet Pea again, she would kick and scream.

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