By Prakruti143

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She is a simple girl, beauty with brain, she is kind and soft from inside but serious, strict and hardworker... More



417 69 35
By Prakruti143

Radhe Krishna

Hey guys here is the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Happy reading.

Let's start.....

"Avni" She gasped in shock as well as surprised by seeing the opposite person in unexpected place.

Avni looked at Swara but didn't react. She came near Neil while staring Swara like she was seeing her first time.

"Sir this is the file which you asked" Avni said professionally while forwarding file to Neil. Swara got shocked by seeing no reaction from Avni but sooner she composed herself by realising that where she was and even Sanskar also looked at both expression but didn't understand so he kept quiet. Avni stood beside Neil.

"Ms. SG, What about your decision regarding the project?" Neil asked her directly with professional tone.

"Well Mr. Singhania, Its a great honour for me to work with you but I have some questions which is eating my brain, couldn't help but asking you" Swara said with chuckle.

"Definitely Ms. SG"Neil said with small smile.

"Why did you chose our company to work with you? I mean you could have done this solely because it's more profitable project and moreover no businessman would like to share his profit with another one"Swara put her question infront of him.
Neil let out small chuckle making Swara confuse as well as surprised.

"Yes Ms. SG, you are right! No true businessman would like to share his profit with anyone but not like our MD. He is person who always think quicker than light and have a sharp mind. Money is not matter to him but hard work with perfection. He always give encouragem to those who wanted grow and hard worker. He had seen your work and wanted to give a chance to you to work with us so asked me to send a proposal and even I also impressed with your work and wanted to work with you, nothing more than this" Neil said in his professional tone.

Swara thought for a sometime and felt honesty in his words and then looked at Sanskar who was looking at Swara for answer. Sanskar blinked his eyes to say yes.

"Ok Mr. Singhania, I am in with this project"Swara said with little smile in professional tone.

"Ms. Chaturvedi, contract papers"Neil said while turning towards Avni.
Avni hand over the paper to Neil making Swara and Sanskar surprised as well as amused.

"Don't look surprised Ms. SG, I know you will surely agree"Neil said with a smile while eyeing Avni with corner of eyes. Swara also followed his gaze to see Avni who averted her gaze quickly and then Swara turned towards Neil who kept papers infront Swara.
Swara read the paper and signed it.

"Welcome Ms. SG"Neil said while forwarding his hands for handshake.

"Thank you Mr. Singhania"Swara said while shaking her hands with Neil.

"One more thing, you can call me Swara"Swara said with a small smile.

"Same goes to you, call me Neil"Neil said with return smile.

"Ok Neil, We will take leave now" Swara said while getting up from sofa.

"Sure Ms...I mean Swara. My PA will send you all information about the project"Neil said while getting up from sofa along with Swara.

"Sure"Swara said and moved towards towards door before giving hard look to Avni who was looking at Swara.
Both Swara and Sanskar went out from the cabin. Swara came little bit far from Neil's cabin while mumbling something in anger.

"I will see her later. How dare she to give that look to me?"Swara was murmuring under her breathe in anger.

"Swara what happened?"Sanskar asked her by seeing her angry red face.

"Nothing....I will tell you la...."Swara stopped by feeling a pair of palms on her eyes which was covering. Sanskar looked at the person who was closing her eyes and the person signed him to keep quiet and Sanskar smiled while nodding his head.

"I know it's you only" Swara said with hard angry tone without reacting anything.
The person who was closing Swara's eyes removed her hands while biting her tongue.
Swara turned towards the person and kept looking at her with folded hands and hard look.

"Swara, I am sorry. You know I am on my work" The person said while making puppy face.

"Avni, I am not angry for not reacting but angry for not informing me that you had come to India"Swara said while glaring at her angrily.

"Sorry, I wanted to give surprise to you but I didn't expected that you here. Please forgive me this time"Avni said while holding her ears with puppy face. Swara looked at her puppy face which she couldn't resist but smiling. She removed her hands and hugged her tightly.

"How are you? It's been a long time I saw you and also missed you so much" Avni said while hugging her back.

"Even I missed you so much. Ragini told hat you are coming after two days but you are here already" Swara said and broke the hug.

"She doesn't know that I am here because I reached yesterday late night  only and directly came to office and still didn't go home"Avni said.

Sanskar was just witnessing friends union with a small smile. Avni looked at him and followed by Swara.

"Avni, he is Harsha"Swara said introducing Sanskar to Avni.

"Hello"Sanskar said with small smile.

"Harsha, he is Avni. My bestie and Ragini's twin sister"Swara said while introducing Avni to Sanskar.

"Hi, nice to meet you"Avni said with smile.

"When you plan to come home?"Swara asked her with raised eyebrow.

"I will come definitely but after Ragini's engagement even I want to see Aunty and Uncle"Avni said.

"By the way when you plan to get marry"Swara whispered slowly with naughty smile while bending towards her.

Avni glared at her with fake anger.

"Don't look at me like that. I know you have boyfriend as Ragini told me but she didn't tell me who is that lucky boy"Swara said with mischievous smile.

"Soon I will bring him to you" Avni said while laughing with her.

"Ok, I have some work and meet you at home"Avni said while giving bid bye hug.

"Ok, see you"Swara said and bid bye to her.

Swara and Sanskar came out from the KG Company. They were going back to office.

"Harsha" Swara called him and turned towards him who was sitting beside her.

"Hmm"Sanskar looked at her by removing his eyes from tab.

"What do you think about Mr. Singhania? I mean how he is?"Swara asked his opinion.

"As far I heard about him, he is nice, hard worker and honest person. We can trust him"Sanskar said.

"How can you sure about him?"Swara asked him doubtfully with raised eyebrow.

"I mean, I felt honesty in his talk and behaviour and most importantly I have checked their previous projects, all are perfect without fault" Sanskar said. Swara nodded her head in agreement after a thinking for a while.

Rawat Industries

"What the hell are you telling me?" Samarth shouted at his PA who was standing infront of him with scared face.

"Yes sir, I m telling truth. I got solid information that SG is working in collaboration with KG Company" his PA said in scared tone.

"After marrying someone else you are enjoying your life, in first place you never wanted to marry me and above that you are working with my enemy" Samarth gritted his teeth in anger. He was boiling with rage by listening about Swara.

"Did you find who is her husband?" Samarth asked his PA with domineering tone making him scared.

"No sir, SG kept it all secret and not revealed anywhere about her husband" his PA said in low voice by fearing for his anger.

"Shit"Samarth banged his hand on near by wall in anger.

"I don't know what you do, I want all information about her husband in one week otherwise get ready to resign" Samarth ordered him in threatening tone. His PA nodded his head in fear and went out hurriedly.

"I will see till when you will keep secret about your so called husband. You married him without waiting for me"Samarth seethed in anger while fisting his palm.

KG Company
CEO cabin

Neil was working in his system and deeply engrossed in his work. Avni entered inside after getting permission. She came near Neil and going to say something but interrupted by call. Neil looked at the caller ID which was unknown number.
Neil received the call while looking at Avni.

"Hello Mr. Singhania"A creepy loud voice came from opposite side making Neil to stiffen his body.

"Who is this?" Neil asked him with serious tone.

"Now that's not important Mr. Singhania. Important matter is that you are not going to work with SG"Opposite person said in threatening tone making Neil to get angry.

"Who the hell are you to threaten  me?"Neil asked him in angry tone with serious face. Avni was getting worried by seeing his angry red face.

"Not threatening Mr. Singhania. I don't have dare to threaten you but just warning you so that you could listen my word and drop SG from this project. It will be better for you both otherwise..." Opposite person was saying but cut in by Neil.

"Do you think I will be back off by your this mere warning? I have listened so much threaten in my life" Neil said in calm tone after composing himself.

"First listen completely Mr. Singhania"Opposite person said with devil smile. Neil kept silent to listen what he was going to tell.

"If you insisted to work with her then don't blame me on upcoming consequences"Opposite person said.

"Why don't you call SG instead of me?"Neil asked him calmly like nothing was happening. Avni got amused by his sudden change of action as some time before he was angry but now he seemed cool.

"First I thought that only but as per I know she won't get afraid of anything even if it cost her life also then also she won't care so I have to warn you. So be a good boy and remove SG from this project otherwise you will face loss"Opposite person said.

"Do you think I will get fear and drop her from his project. First try then surely you will see the hell"Neil said with chuckle making opposite person confuse as well furious.

"Mr. Singhania, I thought to warn you with simple word but...."he was going to say further but stopped by Neil.

"Hello listen whoever you are! You dared to mess with me then obviously consequences will be very bad. Countdown your time"Neil said and cut the call not letting him to say further.

Neil looked at the caller ID then at Avni who was looking at him with tensed lines on her forehead.

Neil kept receiver down and sat on his chair with cool expression on his face like nothing happened.

The opposite person revealed as Samarth who was looking like a furious volcano which was ready to burst by listening Neil's words.

"Neil what happened?" Avni asked him with worried tone.
Neil looked up by listening her voice.

"Someone called me to warn about SG so that I could drop her from the project"Neil said with calm tone while playing with paper weight.

"What? Who called?"Avni asked him with worried about Swara.

"Don't know, He used voice changer"Neil said and looked at Avni who seemed bit worried about her friend.

"Cool down Ms. Chaturvedi. He can't do anything to anyone and you know the reason too well" Neil said with a chuckle.

"Then also we can't avoid these types of threaten" Avni said with worried tone.

Neil took intercom and asked his security guard to come inside.
His security guard came inside after receiving his call.

"Vishal check this number and I need all information about this caller in an hour" Neil ordered him.

"Now ok?"Niel asked her with cool tone. Avni smiled little then also she couldn't help but worried about Swara.

"Ms. Chaturvedi, you are thinking too much, don't worry nothing will happen to your friend. Do you think your boyfriend will do nothing?" Neil asked while getting up from his chair and pulled her in his arms. Avni looked at him with jerk because of his sudden pull.

"One small needle also need to ask permission to touch her then who the hell dare to touch her?"Neil said while tightening his hold around her. Avni looked at him with raised eyebrow like 'is it really' on her face.

"Don't give that challenge look! Now tell me when you are going  home? Ragini called me 5 times already asking that when you will send her sister home? If you do another hour late then she will kill me surely" Neil said with small chuckle.

"I am going now. Don't forget to remind Uncle and Aunty for tomorrow function"Avni said while coming out from his embrace and moved towards door leaving annoyed Neil. Avni laughed at him by seeing his annoyed face. She came back making Neil confuse and kissed his cheek.

"Bye"Avni said while laughing and ran out before he could catch her. Neil smiled by seeing his crazy girlfriend.

Neil sent the call recorder to someone else and sat on his chair to resume his work.

SG Industries
SG Cabin

Swara was sitting in cabin while updating something in her system. Sanskar entered after knocking door. Swara looked up to see Sanskar who came near her.

"Swara, this is the file which was sent from KG Company"Sanskar said forwarding file to Swara. Swara took it and read the file then kept it inside the drawer. She turned towards Sanskar.

"Harsha, cancel all my scedule tomorrow and also your work"Swara informed him. Sanskar got confused but didn't dare to ask. It's not that he feared about her but here she was the boss so he didn't dare to question her back.

"Did you forget? Tomorrow Ragini's engagement. She will kill me if I don't go and also take you with me"Swara said with chuckle by reading his confused face and clarified his confusion. She knew that he doesn't ask her back so she only explained the reason. Sanskar nodded with small smile. He got satisfaction by understanding him even though he didn't ask her. Sanskar turned to leave the cabin after updating about current projects.

"Harsha wait"Swara called him who was leaving the cabin. Sanskar turned back and looked at her with questionable eyes without a word.

"Get ready at 5 pm, we are going somewhere"Swara told him. This time also Sanskar didn't ask her but just nodded his head and left the cabin.

At evening Sanskar came to her cabin as he was told. Swara also wrapped  up her today's work and took her bag. Both sat inside the car and this time Swara herself was driving the car. She sent driver to home but security guards were following from distance.

After 20 minutes Swara stopped the car infront of City Mall making Sanskar confuse but he thought that may be she has to purchase something for her so he didn't ask.
She parked the car and both moved towards the shops. Swara directly entered Men dress selection making Sanskar again confuse. Sanskar got confuse for whom she was buying clothes.

"Excuse me, can you shows suits for him"Swara asked sales girl while pointing towards Sanskar.

"For me?" Sanskar asked her with confused face to confirm her.

"Yes, for you only"Swara said casually while checking around for dresses.

"But why? I have enough dress Swara" Sanskar said to her.

"I have seen, you just have casuals and shirts but it's for tomorrow's function from my side"Swara said while checking the t- shirts for Sanskar.

"Swara, you know..."Sanskar was saying something but interrupted by Swara.

"I know Sanskar, you have your own principles. You never like to depend on anyone. For your note I am not anyone but your wife and life partner so there is no differentiation  between us. I know you are thinking about money and don't want to spend money on you unnecessarily. Don't think too much and think it as gift from my side. I never forced you to change Sanskar and I don't want too, I like the way you are now only and I don't want you to change for anyone. It's just that I wanted to see you in suit so brought you here. Still if you don't want then it's fine then let's go home"Swara said and turned back to move but stopped by Sanskar as he held her hand and Swara looked up to him.

"You can choose anyone"Sanskar said with a smile while pointing towards the suits which sales girl brought.
Swara smiled and started to check perfect colour for him.
She took out one dark Indigo colour coat with matching light blue shirt and nother one Rose Burgundy colour coat with light pink shirt and matching ties.

"Harsha try these two"Swara said giving him two suits. Sanskar took these two and went inside to check. He came out after wearing Indigo colour suit making Swara's heart beat skip. He was looking very cute in that dress. Then again Sanskar came out with Burgundy colour suit. In this suit he was looking Greek God. Swara couldn't take off her eyes from him.
Sanskar came back after trying them which was perfectly fitted him.

"Pack these two and all these colour t- shirts" Swara said by showing t-shirts which were hanging there making Sanskar wide open his eyes.

"Swara"He called her but she moved like she didn't listen then he followed her with fast step.

"Swara, you said one but here you are trying to buy whole shop for me?" Sanskar asked her unbelievably. Swara turned towards him by stopping in middle.

"Harsha, I am buying these for myself not for you"Swara said making Sanskar confuse as well as surprised.

"You wear this?"Sanskar asked her doubtfully like he heard something wrong.

"Yes"Swara said while laughing by seeing his face expression and went towards the counter leaving wondered Sanskar but Sanskar also ran behind her with fast step to match her pace.

"Swara, you know I have nothing to give you like this expensive" Sanskar said truthfully because he was feeling guilty for receiving and not able to buy for her.

"You are priceless for me so I don't need another expensive thing. You are enough for me Harsha"Swara said with a smile and turned towards counter. Sanskar's heart melted by listening her and a small smile crept on his lips by listening her answer.

After buying some necessary things both went to home.

At night

Swara was doing some office work in Sanskar's study as he made some space for her also arranged her things in his study. Sanskar entered inside and saw Swara who was deeply engrossed in her Mac.

"Swara, it's 11 pm, don't you want to sleep?" Sanskar asked her while coming near her.

"Ohh it's already 11 pm. Harsha you sleep, I need to finish this. I will sleep after completing this" Swara said with smile and concentrated back on her work.

"Ok then I will accompany you till you finish even I am not sleepy"Sanskar sat opposite to her while grabbing his laptop. Swara gave a small smile while nodding her head and both started to do their respective work. Sanskar was replying to his emails and but one message got him alert. He opened the mail and read. He got shocked by reading it and couldn't able to believe what he just read. He cleaned his first and gritted his teeth in anger but he controlled himself by seeing Swara that he couldn't show his anger infront of her.

"Do confirmation and inform me"He sent it back and closed his laptop. He rested his head on back of sofa with closed eyes to calm himself.

Swara finished her work and looked at Sanskar who was closing his eyes. She kept staring at him who was looking cute with peacefulness on his face. He looked calm and serene but she didn't know that there was a volcano erupting inside him.

"He looks very cute and calm while sleeping" Swara chuckle at her thought in her mind by looking at him. She came into sense by listening beep sound in her mobile and looked at the message as it was from Ragini.

"Not to forget bring your Majnu" Swara read Ragini's message.

"Yes Madam"Swara sent reply message with smile and looked at Sanskar who was still sleeping. She got up from her seat and came near Sanskar to wake him up as it's not comfortable for him to sleep here only.

"Harsha"Swara shook him little by his shoulder.

Sanskar opened his eyes instantly like he was dreaming about something horrible. Swara took off her hand immediately by seeing his reaction and saw Sanskar who was looking at her with worried face.

"Harsha, are you ok?" Swara asked him with concern.

"Yes, I am fine"Sanskar said with a small smile while composing himself by seeing her scared face.

"Let's go to room"Swara said and Sanskar got up from his seat after keeping laptop on table. Both moved towards their room.

Both were lying on the bed. Swara was thinking about something and in dilemma, whether to ask him or not? Sanskar was thinking about the recent mail which he got. Swara turned her head little and saw him who was sleeping while keeping his right hand on his forehead.

"Harsha"Swara called him after gaining little courage.

Sanskar opened his eyes and turned his head little towards her.

"Can I ask you something? I wanted to ask this for long time"Swara asked in low tone with little hesitation.

"You don't need to ask permission Swara, you can ask anything without hesitation" Sanskar said with calm tone.

Swara sat straight while resting her head on bedpost.

"I didn't see your parents photo anywhere since I came here, why?"Swara asked him most sensitive matter of his life which he never shared with anyone till now.

Sanskar's face colour changed by listening parents but he composed immediately and smiled at her.

"I will show you tomorrow"Sanskar said and turned his face straight not wanting to continue conversation because he knew where this conversation was going so he avoided it simply just replying in one sentence. Swara looked at him who closed his eyes or say, avoided the talk. She felt hurt by seeing him who was suffering alone without sharing. She wanted to share his pain and reduce his burden but he was not ready to let her know anything about him.

"I will wait for you Harsha till you trust me enough to share your pain" Swara said in her mind as a lone tear escaped from her eyes by not able to know him.

To be continued

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Happy Raksha Bandhan to all🎊🎉🎁

Love ❤️

Prakruti ❤️

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