The Trio (Story of Yuqi, Luca...

By ikunforlife

4.8K 159 39

Yuqi, Lucas, and Kun once were just like siblings. But what happened over the years that made their relations... More

Author's Note
The Past of Hate
Not Friends
The Phone Call
Not Normal
All Because of You
Everything's Okay
Author's Update Note!!!
Her Heart Is Moving
Like The Old Days
So Wrong
Author's Note On Slow Updates
Fun Plans
What Truly Matters (FINALE)

Sweet Concern

128 6 1
By ikunforlife

After the call ended, Kun walked back to the living room where Yuqi was.

"Yuqi, are you cold?" Kun asked as Yuqi put her socks on. She nodded and gave Kun a look that said, "I'm okay." Still, Kun had to tell her again.

"I told you many times. Put your socks on in the winter. What'll happen if you catch a cold?" Yuqi hated socks and refused to wear them even during winter. It made Kun worried every time.

"Ok, ok." Yuqi obediently put them on, but it was only for Kun. She secretly thinks he worries a bit too much, but it was probably just his personality. Still, he was never this concerned for other people...

Right when Kun was about to reach for his cup of tea on the table, he suddenly felt chest pain. He stopped right there and clutched his chest lightly.

"Kunkun, are you okay?" Yuqi asked, now starting to panic. Before Kun could even react, he started having trouble breathing. It all happened too fast. Sweat quickly trickled down. His heart pounded, and he struggled to breathe at a normal pace.

"Kun Ge, try to breathe slower." Not knowing what else to do, Yuqi went and grabbed the pills she bought at the store in case something like this happened. She handed Kun the pill and a glass of water.

Kun tried hard to breathe. It wasn't too extreme, except he was still freaking out. It hurt to breathe sharply, so he had to do it slowly too. Kun's breath was a little more controlled than before, so he took this time to take the pill. After that, he just needed to sit down and relax a bit.

"Are you okay? You suddenly..." Yuqi was so scared that she couldn't even really talk. It really made her feel so helpless. Kun gave her a tired look and said, "I'm fine. You don't have to worry." Yuqi suddenly felt her stomach twist. She felt so nervous and anxious. Seeing that something was suddenly wrong about Yuqi, Kun put his hand on her shoulder. The two of them didn't hug each other, but Kun liked putting his hand on her shoulder. It was a show of care.

The night passed and before they knew it, it was already close to ten-thirty.

"Yuqi, you should go to bed now. I think I'll stay up and do some work." Yuqi nodded and started heading for her room. "But wait. I think...I think someone wants to talk to you. Maybe tomorrow you can...give Lucas a call?" The words stopped Yuqi cold. Talking to Lucas? It was a challenge. Yuqi was embarrassed to admit it, but she did miss those times when Lucas bonded with her. He was her best friend. And she sure wished it stayed that way.

Earlier today, Lucas texted her. He told her that he loved her. It was such a sudden message that Yuqi got worried for a second. It definitely wasn't a normal thing to say out of the blue. But instead of asking Lucas what was wrong, Yuqi felt the need to do something else. She just ignored him. She was secretly worried, but she thought that it was wrong to be concerned for Lucas.

Lucas was hurt when Yuqi left him on read. Recently, he was not understanding the meaning of life. He would sit for days trying to figure out if life is worth it. It was something he knew he would never get an answer to, yet he still wanted to find out. The past few days he kept crying in his sleep, although he couldn't remember what his dream was about. But in the morning, only one person came to Lucas's head. Yuqi. Before Lucas fell asleep every night, an image of Yuqi smiling would come to his mind. He didn't even realize how much he actually loved Yuqi. He realized he was willing to do anything for her love. She was his little sister, but even more, she was his love. It was a one-sided love though. That was the fact that kept his life from having any light.

Yuqi felt bad afterwards for leaving Lucas and not replying, but the day went on and she kind of forgot about it. Besides, she wasn't sure what to say back to him. Saying she loved him too wouldn't be a lie, but it was only the sibling kind of love. And even that relationship shattered to almost nothing.

And now Kun was telling her to call him. Not knowing what else to say, Yuqi replied, "Okay. Maybe tomorrow."

A/N Sorry for not updating in a week! I'm on vacation, so that's why I barely had time to write. Lol this chapter was boring...sorry!

And here's cute Yuqi for you!


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