Children of the Revolution: Y...

By burntmoony

98 6 0

In their first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Genevieve Rosier, Marlene Williams, Violet... More

Chapter 1 - Marlene Williams
Chapter 2 - Genevieve Rosier
Chapter 4 - Violette Gwynn
Chapter 5 - Marlene Williams
Chapter 6 - Genevieve Rosier

Chapter 3 - Rosalie Selwyn

19 1 0
By burntmoony

I FINALLY arrived at King's Cross station early in the afternoon, after a dreadfully drawn out morning of carefully concealed, but nearly bursting, excitement.

Platform 9 ¾ was waiting for me!

I tried to keep myself at a steady pace between my parents, tuning out their bland discussion of politics or whatever world issue of the day they disagreed with. I was more occupied with the knowledge that I, myself, had picked out the outfit for the day.

Usually my mother sent a seamstress up to my room with a new outfit for important days like these, but the house elf she usually sent for the seamstress had gotten sidetracked with another creature of its own kind. Poor thing. I tried exceedingly hard to not let my, already dealt with, anger rise to the surface at the memory of how my mother treated that innocent elf, but I couldn't help how my smile wilted slightly. Shaking my head, I tried to rid myself of the hate and, instead, focus on my carefully constructed outfit.

I had chosen a simple black skirt, an item I knew my mother secretly hated, with black boots and tights. My father never liked those boots either. I also chose my favorite blue jumper and some jewelry I purchased on our trip to France last summer. My family had just approached the wall concealing the platform when my eyes caught onto a family who all shared a shock of red hair.

Before I could get a word in about awaiting the wizarding world or about the exceptionally bright hair that family shared, I caught my father sneering at the family. My mother tilted her chin up impossibly higher at the sight of them. I furrowed my brows at their expressions before the dreadful thought hit me.

The blood traitor family. The Weasley's, I believe.

I tried to harbor the same feelings my parents were displaying, but, truthfully, the feelings never arose. They seemed like a cheerful family, all laughing and hugging. They seemed comfortable, even happy. Silently, I felt a spike of jealousy, but refused to recognize such feelings.

Before I could physically harbor any reaction, my father steered me away and towards the wall quickly. I tightened my grip on the cart in front of me.

"Ready, Rosalie?" My father asked me. Nodding nervously, I did my best to put on a brave face. I was almost too glad when my parents placed their hands on my cart with me and suddenly, we ran through together. I shut my eyes tight, senses suddenly assaulted with a shock of sounds: a train horn, owls hooting, cats hissing, families talking.

When I opened my eyes, a big red and black train stood tall along the tracks,

"Woah," I whispered.

"Let us get your stuff ready, then," My mother said stiffly, already releasing her hold on the cart and scowling distastefully. Unmoved, I gleefully pushed my cart ahead, walking to the back of the train.

I passed many different witches and wizards, some crying, some smiling, and some severely underdressed, but a certain family stuck out to me, just as the Weasley's had. Two tall adults, one a man with startlingly blonde hair and the other with bold, red lipstick.

"The Malfoys are here," my father whispered above me, already putting his hand on my mother's back and guiding her to them while I followed behind closely.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy's eyes slid to us as we approached. My parents stopped in front of me and greeted the other family. I couldn't quite tell what the Malfoys were thinking, with how regal they seemed.

"Rosalie, darling," my mother called quietly, pulled me from my stupor, "Come here, please."

Quickly releasing my grasp from the trolley that held my belongings, I nodded (though it was really only to give myself confidence), and found my place between my parents. As I took in the family once more, my father swiftly walked towards the trolley, deciding to deal with it himself.

"Rosalie, sweetheart," my mother began, leaving me wondering if it was nerves in her voice, "You remember the Malfoy family, don't you? They live in that gorgeous manor in Wiltshire."

I nodded quickly, "Yes, of course," I stated, turning my head to the blonde family before me, nodding once more in greeting, "It is good to make your acquaintance once more, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy." Lowering my head a little bit in a gesture of respect as my mother once taught me, I let out a breath I accidentally held.

Don't mess up this interaction. Remember what you've been taught.

Mrs. Malfoy's lips tilted up just slightly, though she appeared no less threatening "Lovely to see you again, Rosalie," Mrs. Malfoy said, almost pleasantly. "I'm pleased to see you are attending Hogwarts."

I smiled at her.

"Narcissa, Lucius, where is young Draco, now?" my mother asked curiously. Mrs. Malfoy's gaze slid away from me and to my mother, leaving me nearly crumbling in relief.

"He has already boarded the train.'' She told my mother, plainly.

"Our Draco has even made a few friends in his short time here," Mr. Malfoy added, rather smugly. Suddenly, he turned his attention to me, and I felt no different than cowering prey.

"I hope you also make his acquaintance, Rosalie," he decided, though it felt almost like an instruction. Glancing back at my parents, the tall, intimidating man continued, "I'm sure both the Selwyns and Malfoys would do well to have such a. . . strong. . .connection."

His words left a bad taste in my mouth, but I nodded, nonetheless.

Admittedly, I didn't know much about this 'Draco' character. My parents had talked much of many pureblood children my entire life, but I hardly met any of them in a setting outside of a fancy banquet or dinner. My parents had no desire for family mingling beyond politics and connection, I was more than aware of that fact. I could only hope this Draco would be a little less stuck up than his father, if we are intended to meet. When I thought harder about it, I could faintly recall a celebration held for a young, blonde boy years prior.

"Well, we should get going," my mother tenisted. After a tense moment, a polite smile curled on her lips.

"Yes, so wonderful to see you, dear," Mrs. Malfoy said, pulling my mother in for a kiss on the cheek, along with a slight hug. My father, now returning from handling my luggage, gave Mr. Malfoy a determined handshake. It looked nowhere near friendly.

Once parted from the Malfoys, my parents walked me over to the door where dozens of students entered the train. Before I made a move to enter the train, I gave both my mother and father a long hug goodbye, waving to them as I entered the grand Hogwarts Express.

They waved back as I disappeared onto the train.

Letting out a long breath. I glanced around at the interior of the train.

Now, the hard part comes: finding a compartment to sit in.

I walked past four different compartments until I finally came across one with three boys in it. I slid open the door, standing tall and confident in the doorway. The three boys all turned to me with smug faces.

One of their faces pinched up when he saw me, his lips curling into a scowl, "This cart is for purebloods only," he spat with an almost venomous tone.

I stood straighter at the accusation. How dare this pathetic boy accuse me of being anything less than a pureblood?

"Actually," I started, brow raised, "I am pureblood," I finalized, crossing my arms.

"Oh really? Go on, what's your name then?" The stupid boy asked.

"Selwyn," I started, voice clear and steady, "Rosalie Selwyn."

Secretly, I was doing my best to emulate the way my mother always introduced herself to random people. The mere mention of her title always sent people into a frenzy to please her.

When I said my name, the boy's eyes widened slightly and he quickly sat up. I watched smugly as he quickly composed himself, his nose still turned up but his scowl losing its hostility.

He arrogantly stuck out his hand to me, "My apologies," he jeered half heartedly, looking at me closely, "I should have recognized you, truthfully." His brows furrowed slightly, as if trying to remember something, "I believe that last time I saw you was at my birthday celebration," he admitted, hand still extended. I doubt he noticed how long it had been left hanging between us.

The blonde boy smirked, "My name's Malfoy. Draco Malfoy."

"Draco Malfoy?" I echoed, his smirk grew in response. He stuck his hand out impossibly further.

My eyes flickered to it briefly, a plan already brewing in my mind.

If you're gonna act like a right git, I'll treat you like a right git.

I sighed disparagingly and took a step back into the aisle, giving Malfoy a long look. "Yes, well, I think I will just find somewhere else to sit then," I told him, insolently, "I'll see you in school, Malfoy."

Leaving the compartment, I closed the sliding door behind me, and left his hand untouched. The last thing I saw was the confused furrow of his brows.

Merlin, the look on his face was priceless, I thought, smugly.

I kept on walking down the aisle, glancing into compartments as I passed, until I stopped at one with three girls.

One girl had brown hair like my own, only not as straight, and the other two girls both had dark, curly hair. I nodded to myself and opened the glass door, knocking on the doorframe in order to announce my presence. The girls turned their attention to me, conversation halting.

"Hello," I started with a smile, "Is there a free seat here? Everywhere else is full," I asked politely.

One of the girls with raven hair shook her head and patted on the seat next to her. I smiled widely and closed the door behind me, skipping over and sitting down.

"Rosalie Selwyn, by the way," I introduced, lacking all of the hostility I had shown Malfoy moments prior.

The girl next to me seemed surprised. "You're a Selwyn?" she questioned, "I think my parents work with yours at the ministry."

Suddenly the girl across from me, the other one with dark curly hair, stuck her hand out, "I'm Violette," she said kindly, "Violette Gwynn." I took her hand, and shook it firmly.

When I released her hand, I remembered something briefly, "Your father owns the pet shop in Hogsmeade Village, right?"

"Correct," she replied with a smile. "We've been in Hogsmeade for years. Dad runs the shop himself."

If my memory served me correctly, the Gwynn family was centered around a half-blood heritage. While the Gwynn family was full of half-bloods and even a few squibs, it was known that Mr. Gwynn's wife was one of pureblood lineage, although very few people ever spoke of her. Rumor had it she'd been shunned by her family, and therefore no one dared talk of her relations. With this new bloodline, I couldn't recall much else about her family.

I turned to the girl next to me instead of pondering on it further. She was already smiling in greeting, "My name is Genevieve Rosier," she introduced, sticking her hand out as well. "I believe you live in the manor near Wiltshire, correct? Some miles off from the Malfoy Manor? I live near Bristol."

"I apologize, I couldn't recognize you." I told her in turn, reaching to shake her hand, "I don't believe I've seen you since that Malfoy party a few years ago, if I remember correctly." I was mildly shocked by her recounting of locations and such, especially since I was out of the knowledge on the whereabouts of other pureblood families.

I suppose there was the matter that I should know those kinds of things, perhaps even more dearly than Genevieve seemed to. Purebloods are their own community, I guess it would make sense that another pureblood knew all this information about other purebloods.

"It's alright, it's been years since Draco's birthday party," she replied, waving off my faux pas.

"Marlene Williams," the brown haired girl said abruptly, sticking her hand out. I shook it, thought not as enthusiastically as the two others I previously had shaken.

Williams. . . the name sounds familiar.

I bit back the question on the edge of my tongue and instead smiled as I wondered however I could know her last name. Just as I let go of her hand, however, it hit me.

Oh bloody hell, that's the family with that secret death eater!

Merlin, death eaters. . .

Despite my own train of thought, I greeted the girl, showing no reflection of my frantic headspace, "Nice to meet you, Marlene," I said with a smile.

Even with the kindness we showed each other within our greetings, there was an awkward silence for a couple of minutes. Genevieve and Marlene looked out the window while I fiddled with my fingers.

I looked up at Marlene, I wonder if I'm allowed to ask about her father?

Mentally, I shook off the ideas as quick as it came.

That'd be of bad taste.

"So, what house do you all hope to get into?" I asked instead, breaking the silence.

Genevieve was the first to respond, "Well, I hope to get into Gryffindor, but my parents haven't really said anything on the matter," she explained.

I looked at Violette, who gave me a shrug, "Gryffindor for me too, I suppose," she answered easily, "My dad was a Hufflepuff and my mum was a Ravenclaw. Might as well go down the middle, y'know? Besides, I know it's a cliché, but I want to make my family proud."

"I would like to get into Gryffindor as well, but. . ." Marlene started, though when I looked over at her, she trailed off, looking between us all, gears seemingly turning in her head. She slowly leaned forward slightly, voice lowering, "I'm worried I might get into Slytherin."

My brows furrowed, "Why does that scare you?" I asked, my own nerves bubbling under my skin. I could recall my parents' stern lecture of why Slytherin was the Selwyn destiny. The pureblood house of Hogwarts. There were stories about other purebloods, especially those of Slytherin house like my family, being disowned for getting into another house. Especially Gryffindor.

I had to get into Slytherin. For generations, the Selwyn family was always in Slytherin. No part of me wanted to disappoint anybody.

Marlene looked slightly shaken, "My father was a Slytherin," she admitted quietly, "Look how that turned out." she said, folding her hands together.

"Marlene," Genevieve started, catching the sorrowful girl's attention, "I'm sorry about your father." She leaned forwards, placing her hand on top of Marlene's with a smile.

Watching the scene, I succumbed to this reality.

I probably shouldn't ask.

The three of them turned to me and I realized with a jolt that I didn't tell them what house I hoped to get into. I cleared my throat, "I would like to get into Slytherin—" Marlene cut me off with a shocked gasp.

"What?" I asked, worry scratching its way into my throat.

"Why would you willingly want to get into Slytherin?" Marlene questioned, tone wary.

I looked between the three girls, "My entire family has been in Slytherin and if I don't get in, I'll be the one to break the tradition of the Selwyn Family." Genevieve, seemingly the only one who could empathize with the meaning of my words, stroked my arm for comfort. I offered her a small smile.

"But," I started again slowly, "some part of me," I hesitated, leaning in closer to everyone else. They all leaned in, wondering what I was doing,

"Part of me thinks I'm a Gryffindor.'' I whispered, as if letting out a deep, dark secret.

I suppose in a way, I was.

They all smiled at me as we sat back up, "Alright, so, you're okay with getting into Gryffindor, but you hope to get into Slytherin?" Violette clarified, pointing at me. I nodded in agreement, opening my mouth to continue only to be cut off by a swift knock on the door.

We all turned our attention to a girl standing in the doorway. She had frizzy brown hair and had already changed into her robes.

"Hello?" Genevieve greeted unsurely, looking at her with a raised eyebrow and eyeing the girl closely.

"Hermione Granger," the unknown girl started swiftly, "I saw you girls sitting here a couple minutes ago. I just came to tell you that we are nearing the school," she said, holding her wand in one hand.

I don't think I've seen her before, must be a muggleborn, I thought idly.

I looked the girl up and down, but found that, besides her hair, she seemed. . . passable. Certainly not up to mother and father's standards, but not awful. Her hair was too frizzy and her smile was arguably too hopeful yet too smug at the same time. Still, she seemed eager, an admirable trait in witches and wizards. Not to mention, quite punctual if her swift introduction meant anything.

We all gave her a confused look. Granger, however, grinned at the looks she received.

"Which means," she continued. "You should change into your robes."

She seemed rather pleased with her apparent "wealth of knowledge".

Seemingly satisfied with our reactions, Granger quickly got into the cart with us and sat down next to Violette.

"You're Violette Gwynn, correct?" Granger inquired, eyebrows raised in question. "Your father owns the pet shop in Diagon Alley. I heard great reviews while I was in Hogsmeade, but my parents had insisted we go to a pet shop last. Your father's shop was closed by the time we arrived." She stated, jutting out a hand for Violette to shake.

Violette and I glanced at each other with a surprised look on our faces. When Violette turned back, she slowly shook Granger's hand, seemingly dazed at the snap recognition and plainly stated praise for her father's shop.

As soon as Violette's hand left her's, Granger had turned her attention to Marlene already. "Marlene Williams!" She exclaimed. "Your family owns the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade." Granger shook her hand just as quick, then turned to Genevieve who looked upon the girl with a slightly pinched expression.

I wondered what she was thinking. More so, I wondered what she thought Granger was about to tell her.

"Ah, Genevieve Rosier. Your family is very well known in the Ministry." Genevieve watched her for a minute, a momentary raising of a brow, before her facade broke and she smiled at her, shaking her hand.

Granger then turned to me, a calculating look upon her face. "And you must be Rosalie Selwyn?" she questioned, hesitantly. She seemed surprised to see me.

I shook her hand with a smile, "It is a pleasure to meet you."

With a satisfied grin, Granger stood up just as suddenly as she came and walked over to the glass door, as if she was just a flurry of motion and knowledge that had swept up into our compartment for an abrupt stay, "It was a pleasure meeting you all." She stated. "I hope to see you before we reach the castle." With that, she turned on her heel and hurried back down the aisle.

A moment of silence passed.


"I like her," Violette admitted, smiling softly.

Hermione Granger seems nice, I thought slowly.

With Granger's warning in mind, we all grabbed our school robes and headed to the back of the train where the bathroom was. Other girls, it seemed, had the same idea as us, if the line outside the bathroom was any indicator.

We waited in line for a little bit until it was my turn to change. I went in, holding my clothes on my arm. I had a white button up, a grey sweater, a black skirt with tights, and a black robe, bare of any house emblems. Mother told me the house elves would sew on our house emblems the night of our sorting ceremony.

I changed as quickly as possible, not wanting to leave any of the other girls waiting in the hall and standing in the way of the trolley. As I finished up, I grabbed my other clothes and carried them with me back to the cart, smiling happily at Violette and Marlene as I hurried past them.

Genevieve was already sitting down in her robes and looking out the window when I arrived at our cart. I knocked on the glass to let her know I was here. She turned to me and smiled. I pulled open the heavy door and I walked inside, sitting in front of her. We both looked out the window and saw a big lake, the water glittering in the dying sunlight. There was a tiny island in the middle with a couple of trees on it, I noticed. I placed my hand on the window looking out with a smile.

This was like nothing I'd ever seen before.

The train turned a little, suddenly revealing a beautiful hillside. With a gasp, I looked on at the mountain and there it was! Hogwarts!

"Genevieve, look!" I exclaimed. Following my gaze, Genevieve, too, let out a gasp as we leaned into the window. My smile got impossibly bigger. It was so beautiful. Hogwarts looked like a giant castle!

Marlene and Violette rushed in and stared at it with us.

"That place is bloody huge!" Violette exclaimed, leaning against the window. "I know my Dad said it was gonna be big, but I didn't think he meant that big!"

I smiled to myself and let out a little giggle.

"It's home." Marlene said quietly, tone both content and joyful. I turned to her. She had a huge smile on her face, her little hands pressed against the glass as she tried to get a closer look at the castle. The train suddenly came to an abrupt stop.

We all jerked to the right, almost falling on top of eachother in a bundle of excited laughter.

I can't believe we're at Hogwarts! 

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