Meant to be? | Tommyinnit x R...

By AlexLoveForever

460 17 2

[Was it meant to be? I hope so... ] _____________________________________ Well I guess I'm writing this 👁👄👁 More



50 4 1
By AlexLoveForever

So yes this is gonna be hopefully a long chapter... I mean I am at work writing this so that's pog. Kinda... I'll just write this threw out the weekend and post it when I get home 🤠

I wake up to me cuddling onto Tommy. He held me tight as I hear quite snores from him. I try to move from his grasp slowly as to not wake him but I don't succeed. He hold me tighter.

"Noooo, sleeeepp" Tommy whines as he pulls me closer to him.

"But I'm hungry Tommy and you need to go so you can come in threw the front door so we don't get in trouble..." I say trying to push myself off of him.

"Noooo, I wanna sleep more. I is tired!" He cry's (whines) more.

"I don't care, get up" I finally escape his grasp and get up slowly only to be pulled back down by Tommy. He starts tickling my sides. (Sorry to anyone who isn't ticklish, if you're not just be ticklish 🤠)

"Tommmyyyty-- no- ahhh!-" I scream laugh as he continues.

I hear a knock on my door. We pause and stay silent.

"You okay Y/N? What are you doing?" I hear my dad knock on the door and try to open it.

"Sorry just playing a game with Tommy. He keeps killing me. I'm live right now!" I say as Tommy gets up and decides it's time to go back to his house.

"Okay, just be a little more quite. You mom got back from work this morning and she's trying to get good sleep" he says. A simple "okay sorry" was said as I hear the footsteps render off into the distance. (Sorry render seemed right in a real life story 🐝) (also note+note after re-reading, I don't not indoorce <I swear that's a word.... I do not indoorce lying to parents....or adults in general..)

Tommy stands next to the window waiting for me to come so that I can hold the latter. I get up and hold onto the latter (is that how you spell latter... Wait I think it might me ladder..darn)

Tommy climbs across back to his room waving. I nod as I run downstairs to go to the front door to great Tommy back there.

I hear a Tommy or so I thought. I open it to see a delivery guy with a big package. I sign the thingy migig and take the package and see Tommy walking over in a different outfit. I should have changed.

"Whatcha got there?" Tommy asks with a smile plastered onto his face.

"Not sure, it's addressed to me but I didn't buy anything..." I look at the box confused.

"I don't know, how about we go open it." Tommy says rushing up stairs.

I see my dad in the living room and I quickly tell him Tommy is over and that we'd be quiet before running up the stairs into my room. With me BIG BOY BOX...

I walk in to see no tommy in sight. Did he go the the bathroom? I don't know I guess I'll just wait here.

I go over to my closet to get a pair of my sizzors (how spell?)  to open my box. I open the closet to a Tommy with a smile on his face. .

"Boo" is all he says before I fall to the ground scared. "Shit- sorry I didn't think you'd fall" he says before helping me up and handing me my sizzors. I give him a glare before turning back to the box beside me.

I cut off the tape from the box opening it.

It's a....(a um... I didn't think this threw.. I've been sitting hear for the last ten minutes thinking about what it should be...)

It's a custom made keyboard. It has my logo along with Tommy's. I look over at Tommy.

"Was this your doing?" I ask pulling it completely out of the box. He laughs and nods at me as I pull out more stuff.



Mouse pad


"This is all really good gear for when we stream together" Tommy says while taking the items and switching them with my old ones.

"So why did you get me all this, you should have asked first Tommy" I say with a half smile on my face.

"Well, I don't know when your birthday is so I got all this for your early or late birthday!" He says looking over at me with a smile.

I go up behind him and hug him tightly. I whisper a 'thank you' and let go. "By the way my birthday is (insert birthday) so it's quite early for a present" I give him a look, you know that look.

We decided to go out and eat somewhere because my mother was sleeping and we didn't want to be loud. I know how loud Tommy can get.

We stop in front of a cafè where we are supposed to see some of Tommy's friends. He leads me over to a table with three people sitting at it talking to a camera.

"Oh guys! Big man Tommyinnit is here with a lady" a man says.

"That is Jack Manifold Y/N" he then points to a man with a mask and glasses. "That's Ranboo" I nod because I knew Ranboo.

"Oh hello Y/N" I look over next to Ranboo and I see Tubbo.

"Hi Toby" I wave over at him as we sit down next to Jack. A lady soon comes up to us and obliviously knows who we are. Well I can't say we because she doesn't know who I am.

She starts talking to them, telling them that she is a big fan. The whole time giving me dirty looks. I look at she touches Tommy's shoulder and talks to him as if he's been her best friend. I can tell that Tommy had gotten uncomfortable but didn't want to be rude to a fan in real life.

I get up and go over to her. "Hey could you do me a favor and stop touching him" I say point at her hand on his shoulder.

"Fuck off, I'm trying to talk to them" she says flipping me off. I look over to Tommy as I see the anger growing on his face.

"Okay, I'm trying no to be an ASS right now so Im asking for you to leave and we want a different waitor!" I give a more stern tone this time not caring if I sounded rude or not. That's when I feel her push down to the ground.

"I said fuck off woman your ruining our conversation! You stupid bitch!" She says hovering over me. Tommy looks like he's about to say something but I stop him. I look and see people staring over here.

I get up onto my feet and start to get into her face. I am slightly shorter then her but she has a twig body and I could easily take her. "Whatcha gonna do about it huh, you can't do shit" I say spitting in her face. I look over at Tommy smiling knowing whats gonna happen.

She reaches for my hair but I grab her arm to stop it. "Dont you dare fucken touch me me!" I hold my grip tighter on her arm slowly twisting it. She starts to cry out in pain. "If you come near me or my friends again.." I get whisper into her ear. "I will fucking kick the shit out of you" I push to the floor and I motion for them to get up so we could leave.

As we leave all eyes are on me. "Oh my god Y/N! That was so cool!!" Tommy shakes me slightly. We all laugh at Tommy's reaction.

We decide to just walk around while Jack records the journey.

It was about 10 pm before we got back to Tommy's house. I decided I was gonna stay there for the night because my parents were out on date.

We go inside to see his mom and dad sitting in the living room. They call us over, so we do so.

"Hello Y/N, nice to see you again" Mother-innit says with a bright smile. "Would you both like to play a board game with us?"


"Yes we would love too!" I say with a smile on my face. Tommy give me a look before turning back to his parents smiling.

We sit down beside his Dad before his mom gets up to get a game.

"What game would you guys like to play?" She yells from her bedroom.

"Can we play Monopoly?" I ask hoping that they have it. I hear footsteps as she comes back with they game in her hand. I smile up at her as she sets down the game sitting down as doing so. I open up the box and start pulling out things.

"Haha-! Your bankrupt! That means I win Tommy!" I laugh at him as he pouts on the couch. I earn a couple laughs from his parents as we start to out the game away.

With that Tommy runs upstairs as I continue to clean up.

"Thank you Y/N" Mother-innit says with a smile.

"Of course Mrs. Simons, I love board games!" I say with a big smile on my face.

"Not for that love.... Tommy has been so much more happy since you showed up, I'm happy he finally has some one to hangout with when he is lonely.." she gives me a sad smile before getting up and putting the game back in her room.

I get up and start to walk upstairs.

Was Tommy always lonely. I mean he never seemed so. At least not in his streams or video's. He always seemed to be laughing or such. But that was in front of a camera in front of a bunch of people. I'll understand that you've sometimes you've gotta put on a fake smile.

I make it up to Tommy's room to see him setting up a stream.

"You gonna stream?" I ask. He looks back at me and nods slightly. I sit down on his bed and watch as he get on Among us. "Who you playing with?"

"Um, Wilbur, Schlatt, Big Q, Niki, Scott Major, Fundy, Tubbo, Philza and David" he says not looking away from the screen.

"Well I'll be here if you need me" I say with a smile. He nods and continues.

A few minutes later he starts his stream. I watch as he starts smiling brightly at the camera.

So he does do it. Just a minute ago he was serious and instantly into a smile. I get off the bed and crawl onto the floor next to his legs, just out of camera's view. I put in head phones and listen to music. I rest my head on Tommy's leg. I feel a rub on head as I slowly drift off.

-Tommy's POV-

I watch as Y/N gets off the bed and crawls over to my legs. She sits up and puts headphones in and leans against my leg. I rub her head as she slowly falls asleep.

"Sorry stream I gotta keep quiet. My parents are in bed" I say as we start a game of among us. I was a cremate. I start walking around and do garbage in cafeteria and then down to card swipe. I follow shlatt down to coms and do a download task there.

O2 goes off so I go to that. I see David there so I stay alongside him. Should I trust him? I decide to trust him and we go up to weapons and I do weapons. I do download there aswell, but halfway threw O2 went off again so David went down to stop it.

I finish up my download and go down with him. Next thing I know a report was made. I could clear David and he could clear me.

After a bunch of talking it was Tubbo and Philza who were dead so we decided to get rid of Fundy for the funny's.

"You guys I have a scan in med bay I'll show you all just come to medbay" Schlatt says.

The next round starts so I quickly go and do download in admin. Once I finished that I go up to medbay the see if Schlatt actually did have medbay scan. Everyone was in there except Niki. S major stands on the scanner and Schlatt goes up and kills him.

David reports.

Wilbur, me and Quackity start just saying uh. As Niki tried to get us to talk.

"Wilbur calm down what happened" Niki says

"Um when I'm, Schlatt, what where you showing us in medbay Schlatt?" Wilbur says.

"W-well... He was on the scanner and I wanted to go" Schlatt says innocently. We all break out laughing.

I stream for an hour and 45 before getting off. I take Y/N and lay her on the bed. I lay down next to her and as soon as I do so she cuddles up to me. She mumbles an 'i love you' before going back to little snores. "I love you too"

During the stream, Y/N was having a nightmare and made some noises so the stream kinda knew someone was there but I tried brushing it off as nothing and it was just the game.

I look over at Y/N she had such beautiful H/C hair and I couldn't help but smile at how adorable she was when she slept.

I've known her for over a month now and I couldn't help but have fallen for her.

+ Y/N POV +

A few days later Tommy and I sat at lunch talking about streaming some Terraria tonight with Phil, Will, and Techno.

"Hey Y/N" I freeze at the sound of the voice. I turn around to see Aaron. Shit. I take out my hand for Tommy to hold. I give him the look to stand up with me so he does so.

I turn to look at him. "What the fuck do you want Aaron!" I saw gripping Tommy's hand tightly.

"Oh I just wanted to see my beautiful girlfriend" he says stepping close.

I feel Tommy's grip loosin as he says that.

"Fuck off, I broke up with you asshole" I say giving Tommy a smile.

"Who's this prick? Your new boyfriend?" He says stepping closer.

"Fuck off go away, your not even supposed to be near me! I have a restraining order..." I say backing up some. Tommy moves closer to me and more in front of me. "I will call the police!" I scream getting everyone's attention.

"Oh c'mon now, I know you want me. Plus I know your single you wouldn't date someone like him." I give him a disgusted look before grabbing Tommy's face kissing him gently on the lips. I slowly melt into the kiss before pulling away.

"This IS my boyfriend so fuck off, I would never want you back in a million years!" I get up close to his face spitting on it before backing away.

He wipes the spit off his face. He looked angry as fuck. He was gonna take a step forward once more before stopped by Tommy.

"Stay the fuck back there bud!" He says shielding me. Tommy was much taller then Aaron and could most likely take him.

Aaron scoffs before turing around. "I will get you Y/N" he says before for leaving. I grab onto Tommy.

"I need to get home please" I say Into his chest. He agrees with me and we leave to go home.

⚠️ Warning| Some stuff may not be suitable for younger audience | You have been warned ⚠️

We get to my house going inside. Luckly my mom and dad were home. I run up to them and hug them and start crying.

"H-He's back" I say. I look up at them, they both had angry and shocked looks on their faces.

"Tommy take her to her room, we have to make a few phone calls..." My dad says before he hands me over to Tommy.

We walk upstairs and go into my room.

"Are you okay Y/N, who was that?" He hugs me tightly. I cry into his chest.

A few minutes later I pull away, I calmed down enough to speak.

"T-that was Aaron. He was my first love. We had dated since 5th. One day I went over to his house. About a year ago, and he just went crazy. I told him I was moving. He tied me up and put me in his room." I cry out. Tommy looked at me in shock. He grabbed ahold of me and held me close.

"H-He would come in and just talk to me. I couldn't do anything, I was helpless. I was there for over 3 weeks before police found me... So much happened for those three weeks.. He was gone when the police got there, but they knew he lived there. But couldn't find him.." Tommy grabs my chin raising my head to face him. He gently lays a kiss on my lips. I slowly melt into the kiss. I pull away and hug him tightly.

⚠️ ‼️Warning Over ‼️ ⚠️


- Tommy's POV -

"Y/N, I know alot just happened but.. I really like you" I give her a smile. She looks up at me. "Y/N will you be my girlfriend?" I ask looking away. I don't know if she likes me back. I kissed her-

Mid thought she kisses my quickly, nodding her head vigorously. I hug her tightly as she starts crying. I want to keep her safe. "Don't cry you Woman, it makes you look weird" we laugh as I say this and we lay down on her bed.

Well I said I was gonna make a really long chapter, so here ya go. Since I haven't had internet for the weekend this will be posted today. I hope y'all enjoy and there will be alot more drama and stuff to come.
Y'all have a wonderful day! 🤠

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