The Last One (young justice/r...

By bevswashere

120K 3.8K 896

Iris's arrival on Earth prompts a journey that she could never have predicted. Taken under the wing of the Wo... More

1. the end
2. welcome to happy harbor
3. beginnings
4. girl wonder
5. out of my mind
6. tower of terror
7. downtime
8. remember
S1 • stats
9. the new girl
10. adjusting
11. get traught
12. the general
13. plan B
14. to be more human
15. failsafe
16. consequences
17. bashing
19. assumptions
20. designed
21. an open mind
22. last chance
S1 Gallery
23. welcome back
24. gamma squad
25. as many as we can
26. the fix
27. personal business
S2 • stats
28. the girls
29. date night
30. you and me
31. the plan
32. reunion
33. savior complex
34. repercussions
35. missing
36. lost
37. the two months pt. 1
38. the two months pt. 2
39. the nothingness
40. letting go

18. reality

2.1K 101 12
By bevswashere

Mount Justice
November 5, 19:47 EDT

"Do you remember a lot about your home?"

    "I think so."

    "Are you not sure?"

    "At the time, it didn't seem to matter, but I realize I didn't see most of the planet," I recounted. "Up until the end, I didn't even know that I had been sold into military service—that I had siblings and parents; a home outside of the palace."

    "Do you remember anything about them?"

    "My mom's voice in the dark. She'd cradle me, singing a lullaby until I'd stop crying."

    "What else do you remember about your childhood?"

That was the only memory I retained from my life before the palace. "I-I remember being put in this room. Being strapped to a chair with pins on my head. Every time they shocked me, they'd say the same thing over and over again."

"What did they say to you?"

"'Your name is Iris.... Assignments must be followed. Enemies of the Arcane Supreme must be extinguished.'" My eyes watered, still terrified of the memory I'd tucked away for so long. "Everything about me was erased in that room. "

"Do you think that's why, or even partially why, you have so much doubt about your identity?" Canary suggested. "Because it's been altered into something else since you were a child?"

"Then how do I know what part of me is real?" I pressed. "Every time I think, or want, or like something, how do I know it's not just programming? That my thoughts and actions aren't just 'Iris'?"

"But you are Iris," Canary said firmly. "And you're still becoming her. One thing that happened yesterday, and another that could happen tomorrow may change how you think, or feel, or act, but what's left: that's still you. You have to learn to trust that."

"But what if what I'm thinking, or feeling is wrong?"

My palms flew to my ears that threatened to bleed. A high pitched ring began blaring through my head.

"Iris?" Canary approached my seat. "Iris, what's wrong?"

"Too! Loud!" I strained, eyes forced shut. "Make it stop, please."

"Make what stop?"

The noise cut out abruptly, as Canary vanished before my eyes.

"Canary?" I shot up from my seat, worried that I would disappear next. But I didn't, and was left to search the empty room. "Canary?!"

When I ran into the hangar, the entire team was standing amongst broken crates and spilled groceries.

My breath was shaky. "Something happened to Canary."

"Not just Canary," Robin said, "Batman, Tornado, Zatara... all gone."

Without any of the adults in sight, the team got to work immediately. There were satellite scans, radio broadcasts, and search parties all being monitored. Most of the team had to station out to make sure neighboring cities would be okay.

"Well?" I answered Wally's call over the com-link.

"We've set up a refugee center at the high school gym. Any luck with..?"

"No," Robin said. "Can't reach the Batcave, the Hall of Justice, or the Watch—or any adult hero. Even Red Arrow."

"Guess we're on our own. Kid Flash, out."

"Traditional media is offline, but kids worldwide are all posting the same thing," Zatanna scrolled through the monitor. "Every adult, 18 or older, has disappeared."

    I didn't need to know a lot about magic to understand; I heard it. "The amount of power someone would need to do this..."

Zatanna nodded fearfully, "Scary big."

And potentially irreversible.

I've seen too many catastrophes spring up out of thin air, just to feel like there was nothing I could do about it. I hesitated to be optimistic, but things were different now—I'm different now.

    At the least, I could form some semblance of a plan.

"Your dad did something when we fought the Injustice League last month," I brought up, rewinding through old cave security footage. "Some spell that traced large sources of magic."

The feed of Zatara locating Wotan on the holo-globe played once, then another time for her. "But the words, I mean, that's only part of it. The rest takes training, a-and I'm just not on Zatara's level," Zatanna stammered. "Maybe you could do it?"

Again, my magic knowledge was still limited, but, "I don't think it works like that."

    Zatanna and her dad use verbal magic—incantations and the like. I've never read or heard about Mayilean's performing magic that wasn't a motion. Even so, I can't guarantee my powers would translate properly, regardless. I could end up making things worse—create more chaos.

Robin put a hand on Zatanna's shoulder. "I know it's hard, but try to stay whelmed. We'll find your dad, Batman, all of them. That's what we do."

The sight of them that close turned my stomach in a way I didn't want to admit to.

"You should prep for your spell." I hastily turned the computer off, keeping my eyes on the floor as I moved to leave. "I should fan out to Gotham. Make sure everyone's okay."

"I'll go with you."

I was speaking to Robin, but my eyes glanced at Zatanna. "You should stay."

"No, go," Zatanna encouraged. "Prepping for a spell is boring, and I'll need to concentrate if I'm going to have any chance at pulling it off."

My intention was to get away from the two, not have Robin tag along with me.

Robin's hand touched my arm. "You shouldn't head out there alone."

I couldn't remember the last time I felt Robin's skin against mine, but part of me believed it belonged there.

    That feeling... it has to be real.


November 5, 20:19 EDT

"Recognized. Iris B-04, Robin B-01."

    We emerged from the glowing phone booth. "I didn't need you to come with me."

    "Do you enjoy being this stubborn?"

    "I'm not being stubborn." Which in hindsight was a lie. "You shouldn't have left Zatanna by herself. She's panicked."

    "And you're not?"

    "I'm fine."

    He came to a halt and turned to face me. "You seem different."

    I feel different. I hate how he could sense that. "Nothing's different."

    Robin didn't have to remove his glasses for me to know he was scanning me. He observed the tired look in my eyes, the demeanor that seemed more closed off than before; how it felt so wrong beneath my own skin.

     Then, suddenly, "I worry a lot about you," he confessed.

    My lip quivered, but I fought to stay in control. "You don't have to."

    "I know I don't have to, but I do."

    "Why?" I snapped. "Where was all this sudden concern this entire past month?"

    "Just because we haven't been talking in school or we don't agree about your friends—"

    "They're not my friends anymore."

    He hesitated. "What happened?"

    I scoffed, "You don't have to pretend to not be happy about that."

    He chased after me on the sidewalk. "So, who have you been hanging out with if you're not friends with them anymore?"

    "You know Kylie Martin?"


    "Do you have something to say about that?"

    He thought for a moment. "No."

    For a while, we resumed walking in silence. The only sounds were distant car alarms and our footsteps on the pavement.

    "I'm sorry."

    "For what?"

    "I shouldn't have left you by yourself at school."

    "It's fine. There's nothing we can do about it now."

    "Iris!" Robin grew frustrated with my dismissiveness. He pulled me by the hand, "Would you please stop? I'm trying to talk to you."

    My voice came out weak, "We don't need to talk about it."

    I was scared that if we did, I might burst into tears.

"Of course we need to talk about it," Robin insisted. "I really wish things went different, but I got freaked out because I've never mixed this life with my normal one, and after Batman told me to be careful, I got inside my own head about it. But I'm sorry."

I could feel the lump forming in my throat. "Why did Batman tell you to be careful?"

    "Because one of us could get hurt," he tossed his arms up, "But what's the point? We both did anyway."

    "I... I didn't know you got hurt."

    "Of course I got hurt. To watch you walk around with another..." he seemed to stop himself. "I-It seemed like you didn't need me anymore."

    Whether wanting this was programmed or real, I didn't care. "I'm always going to need you."

    I don't remember us getting closer, but I found little space left between us. My heart threatened to beat against his, and my mouth didn't know what else to say. I could picture his eyes beneath the glasses: two pools of a color I'd never seen before, but wanted to for the rest of my life.

    He dared to inch closer—for once, intimacy that wouldn't feel like a mistake.

    But then I heard it: crying inside a nearby car.

    I reached for the car's handle, only for Robin to laugh at me when the door ripped off completely. "Oops."

    Robin pulled what could have only been a few years old child from the car. "Here," he placed them in my arms.

    "I-I don't like children," I stammered, holding them back out for Robin, "Here. Take it."

    He refused to take it back. "How could you not like children?"

    "There were nurses to tend to the Dastra babies. I never touched them."

    "Well, there's a first for everything." Robin fixed my arms to hold her properly. The moment I did, her crying ceased and her little arms wrapped around my neck. "See! You're a natural."

    "I don't like this."

    Mount Justice
November 5, 22:07 EDT

    Robin and I found three more children before we were summoned back to the cave.

    "I finally got through to Atlantis," Kaldur said. "No adults there, either."

    "So... just how desperate are we?" Both Wally and I had our eyes fixed towards his souvenir shelf. "I mean, this thing could definitely come in handy."

    "Yeah, but whoever's putting it on next is stuck that way," I pointed out. "Nabu won't release another candidate."

    "So... not that desperate," Wally concluded.

    "Not yet—"

    "Guys?" We turned around to see Zatanna at the doorway. I was unsure how much of our conversation she had already heard. "I-I'm ready to try my father's locator spell."

    With everyone back in the mission, Zatanna held a, uh, a stick? She pointed it towards the holo-globe, reciting the incantation.

    "Coordinates locked. Roanoke Island. You did it!"

    I patted Zatanna's shoulder, forcing a smile. "Good job." But the look on her face showed anything but accomplishment. I lowered my voice enough for only the two of us to hear, "Whatever you're planning to do. It won't be worth the cost."

The warning came out of understanding. The thoughts going through Zatanna's mind are the same ones that went through mine during our battle against the Injustice League. And from my point of view, Zatanna has a lot more to lose if she made a decision out of fear.

    I jumped as the room thundered.

    "It works!"

    "Where did you come from?" Aqualad hounded on the boy who had appeared out of thin air. "Who are you?"

    "Quick. Read my mind."

    M'gann gasped. "He's Captain Marvel."

    "Yeah, and I'm speedy Gonzales," Wally scoffed. "Look, just because he believes he's Cap—

    "Gee, Wally, do I really have to bring you nachos and pineapple juice to get on your good side?"

    My mouth dropped open.

Roanoke Island
November 5, 23:56 EDT

    The same chaos lord from the Tower of Fate was planted in the midst of a pentagram, protected by a shield of his own impenetrable magic. Nothing we threw at him made so much as a scratch.

    "That's the best you can do?" Klarion mocked.

    Zatanna ran to the front, announcing an incantation that did.... absolutely nothing. Great. "It's but baby magic."

    With a wave of his hand, Zatanna flew backwards with a scream. Superboy leapt up into the air to catch her in time.

    I was hesitating to move forward more than anyone else. I've seen what Klarion can do—I can hear the strength of his magic. In all honesty, without the helmet ofrthe League to help, I'm not sure we stood much of a chance.

    So you've teamed up with the grown ups? Team works so overrated."

    With no abilities as a bolster, Robin and Artemis were knocked unconscious. Meanwhile, Superboy and M'gann were doing their best to fend against Klarion's monstrous cat familiar, Zatanna was nowhere to be seen, and Kaldur and I were running out of ideas.

    It was a long shot, but a growing ball of purple light crackled between my hands. I tried to push out any remaining emotion that hadn't been dulled in the past months, but even my anger seemed to fizzle out. I could barely muster enough to start an attack, let alone finish it.

    But then I pictured Robin's eyes, the feeling of his hand touching my skin earlier, how it felt to be so close to him. Then, I remembered Fenix. I remembered my protector throughout my entire childhood, who died doing just that. I remembered how long it's been since I've seen him; since I've heard his voice.

    Without realizing it, the sphere grew beyond my control. It swelled up before bursting into a flood of purple light, surging towards Klarion. It shattered the red dome that surrounded him, crackling through the air towards his heart.

    But in that same moment, Klarion's clawed hand caught the beam, absorbing it with his own red magic. It crackled against the purple, swallowing it whole until it struck me through the chest.

    I gasped for the air I couldn't find in my lungs, the feeling of ice running through every vein in my body bringing me to my knees. I looked in the dirt below me; blood dripping down from my nose. What was worse than the physical pain, though, was the realization that it had all felt familiar. The sensation was reminiscent of the surge that rushed through my body whenever I used my powers. Only this time, it was forced back into me; stuffed into my soul until it overflowed and made me bleed.

    I fought the urge to be sick, focusing on Kaldur. He was unable to withstand the red magic striking him like lightning, and I was barely able to get to my feet.

    Planting myself in front of him, a thin purple dome formed around us. It was too late, though. Kaldur fell to the floor in a mixture of pain and exhaustion, and still none of the team was nearby.

    My shield was beginning to crack and I had no ideas left. I feared Klarion's magic running through my veins again, or whatever worse he could do to me.

    Finally, the dome of purple shattered and I fell to the floor, deeply broken into a sweat.

    "Mm, potential," Klarion mocked, "But face it sweetie, you'll never beat me. I feel nothing but chaos looming inside you."

    "Don't shout Billy," M'gann's voice rang in my head. "I've linked you telepathically to the others."

    "That's so cool—I mean, it's the gem. At the center of the pentagram. Destroy it and we win."

"Okay," I panted, spotting the little yellow gem behind Klarion.

But the team was back to square one, trying to use blunt force to get past him. The purple light pouring from my hands collided with a stream of red, slowly being consumed by it. I nearly let out a scream, doing my best as my heels slid backwards in the dirt.

All we needed, though, was the gem.

The purple light fizzled out. Immediately, the red soared through it, grazing my side as I took a running start.

I raced towards Klarion, hoping that the team's efforts would distract him long enough. When I reached the dome, I threw back a fist crackling in purple, punching the shield with full force as it shattered. With no hesitation, I dived towards the gem, the red bubble already reformed around us, blocking Wally before he could get in.

Klarion's clawed hand caught me by the throat. He held me up, the demonic look slowly forming into his face. It folded like slabs of rubber, eyes dripping crimson, and a smile full of fangs.

"Klarion! This ends now."

That wasn't me or any of the team talking. It was Dr. Fate, now in control of Zatanna's body.

Klarion tossed me out of the bubble and back into the dirt. "Billy," I instructed. "Tell Zatara."

"Right, yeah... SHAZAM!"

With the added help of Dr. Fate, our odds were slowly beginning to even. But even so, Zatanna kept phasing in and out of the suit. "Ha! There, see? When the world's divided, the helmet's split too. You're not all here, Nabu! And you're losing hold of that poor, soon to be dead, girl! She gave herself for nothing."

"No, Witch Boy! Fate decrees her sacrifice will not be in vain!"

With enough force pressing against Klarion, the bubble slowly began to dwindle.

"Now, Kid!"

Wally took a second sprint towards the pentagram, grabbing the jewel. "Doc! Catch!"

Nabu announced a spell as the other sorcerers and members of the League reappeared.

His plan failed, but Klarion merely giggled. "Well, they sure don't make evil immortal sorcerers like they used to. Oh, well." He snapped his fingers, removing his restraints."Fun while it lasted. Teekl."

The familiar Superboy had been wrestling with the entire time, shrank back down and leapt into Klarion's arms.

"See you later, armadillos!" He stepped through a portal. "Unless I see you first!"

"Aren't you gonna stop him?"

"To what end? Klarion is Chaos personified. He cannot be contained."

I glared up at Nabu. "Then, what are you here for?"

Robin and Artemis arrived, still gripping their sides in pain.

He wiped some of the blood from my nose. "Did we win?"

How am I going to tell him..?

"Fate! Great Nabu release my daughter."

I knew what he would say before he said it.

"No. Witness the havoc wrought in these hours. The world needs Doctor Fate and the girl's natural affinities for the mystic arts makes her the perfect candidate."

"You can't do that!"

"She has her own life to live!"

"Kent would never allow you—"

"Kent Nelson did object, strenuously, so I released his spirit to the afterlife. He is gone."

"Take me, instead," Zatara offered. "My skills are already at their peak. My body is physically stronger, better able to withstand the strain of your power."

"All true. But if I remove the helmet, what guarantee have I you will don it?"

"My word." Zatara announced an incantation, setting it in stone.

Nabu let Zatanna take off the helmet, and immediately she ran to her father. "Dad!"

"Remember, I love you." He kissed her forehead and took the helmet. "Take care of my girl."

"You have my word."

"No, please! This was my fault!" I grabbed Zatanna before she could try to stop him. She struggled in my arms, begging him not to do it. "Dad, don't! Dad!"

"Leave these to Fate." With Zatara's body, Nabu took the other sorcerers and left through a portal.

"What do I do?" Zatanna whimpered, looking up at me with red, widened eyes. "Tell me what I should do."


"You always know what to do, so tell me!" She fell to her knees, begging again through a sob, "Iris, please tell me what to do."

I realized Zatanna recognized me as one of the leaders of this team. She looked to me for strength and a strategy. How could I tell her that there was nothing any of us could do?

I knelt down, and simply let her cry into my arms. "It'll be okay."

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