Scarlet Widow One-Shots

By ReaganKey

26.5K 678 31

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these stories. All one-shots belong to their respective authors on AO3 More

Casting the Shadows
The blossoming of love
We'll be alright
Wasted Renegade
Never I have ever
Just let me know, I'll be at the door (hoping you come around)
I know that you're scared
Help me feel
Denial (Soulmate AU)
A bag of ships
A calm walk under the rain
Wanda's Way
And we think that the world is alright and that's a lie
Sweet Dreams
Run away with me
Just a Mission Pt. 1
Just a Mission Pt. 2
I See Lightening in Your Eyes
"Safe?"... "Safe.."
Trust In Me Pt. 1
Trust In Me Pt. 2

Can you hold me, please?

1.2K 33 0
By ReaganKey

All rights go to lovelywanda on AO3


The soft and quiet knock on her door was the first thing that awoke Natasha from her slumber. Two quiet knocks rasped against her door, just loud enough for her ears to pick up the noise and pulling her out of her light sleep. She wasn’t sure if she had heard correctly or not so she stayed still in bed, waiting to see if the unknown person behind her door would knock again.

Just a mere thirty seconds later and a second set of knocks came across her door, a little louder this time and almost more frantic. She could hear the soft sniffles of the person who stood behind her door, the small noise causing her to finally sit up in bed and run away the sleep that was in her eyes.

“Nat..” The voice on the other side of the door was barely able to choke out her name between their sobs and Natasha had never jumped out of bed so quickly before. She could recognize that voice anywhere.

She swung the door open and was met face to face with a crying, and awfully distraught Wanda, who upon setting eyes on the red head brought out into another fit of sobs as she wrapped her arms tightly around her waist and buried her face in her shoulder, letting the sobs rack through her body.

“Oh darling..” Natasha spoke softly as her arms reciprocated the tight hold Wanda had on her and held the small woman close to her own body.

The two stood in silence as Wanda continued to cry and Natasha wracked her brain to come up with a valid reason as to why Wanda was crying.

It was to everyone’s knowledge that Natasha was protective of the younger woman. She always looked out for her and defended her in situations that didn’t really need defending, but Natasha had a soft spot in her heart for the little witch. A spot so soft and deep that she rarely let anyone besides Wanda see this side of her.

She continued to hold the younger woman in her arms as she let her cry into her chest. She rested her cheek atop her head and let out a breath, waiting for her to calm down so she could finally ask what was wrong.

Wanda’s deep fried finally turned into soft sniffles that finally turned into silence. Even though she had called herself down enough to stop crying, the soft heartbeat that was emitting from Natasha’s chest was almost like a lullaby to her ears and she didn’t want to pull away from the embrace, she was enjoying being wrapped up in the arms that were tightly bound around her.

Natasha finally pulled away from the embrace after a few minutes of silence from Wanda as she reached a hand up to cup her cheek and make the woman look at her.

“Are you okay kitten?” She asked softly and almost motherly. Wanda absolutely adored the woman that stood in front of her, almost too much and she loved the way Natasha always seemed to take care of her. She wasn’t sure if it was the motherly nature of her actions, or if it was because she was just slightly older than Wanda but she didn’t care, any type of way she could get to be in the presence of her she wasn’t going to protest.

Wanda shook her head in a silent answer as she sniffed again and wiped at her nose with the sleeve of her shirt. Natasha continued to watch her, observing her moves and behaviors, trying her best to try and read the woman in front of her. All of those years of training as a spy really need to pull together for her in this moment.

It wasn’t until Natasha began observing the woman’s face that she noticed the deep gash above her eyebrow, that was covered in dried blood but still looked fresh.

“What the hell happened to your face Wanda?” Wanda fell silent, almost backing away from the older woman as she heard the words escape her lips and turned her head down and away from her gaze.

“Wanda..” Natasha warned, a slight edge to her voice as she said her name, almost demanding that she be told what happened.

Wanda remained silent, and turned herself slightly away from Natasha. She felt small all of a sudden under Natasha’s gaze, she knew she wasn’t doing it on purpose, but being scolded like a child did not bring back the fondest memories for her.

“Wanda I swear to god if you don’t tell me..” Natasha cut herself off, falling silent as the realization of who did this finally made its way to the forefront of her brain. Her jaw was set and her teeth gritted together as she clenched her hands into fists.

Wanda finally built up enough courage to look back up and face the woman, who was now staring at the empty hallway behind her as if she was about to murder an entire town’s population.

“Nat..” She spoke up softly, the facade only faltering slightly on her face before it hardened again.

“Was it him?” Natasha finally asked as she looked down to catch Wanda’s eye her quickly diverted her eyes to look somewhere else, not answering the question. Wanda’s silence was enough of an answer to her as she went to go move out the door.

“I’m going to fucking kill him.” She seethed as she went to make her way past Wanda who finally moved from her frozen state and placed both of her hands on Natasha’s biceps to stop her.

“No! Not please don’t, please..” Wanda pleaded as she looked up at the angry woman, tears threatening to spill from her always.

“He hit you Wanda! He doesn’t get to get away with this!” Natasha shouted, causing Wanda to flinch in the slightest but brushing it off as if it never happened but Natasha noticed, and it made her question if this was the first time Vision had laid his hands on her.

“I don’t want to make the situation worse, he didn’t mean it, he just needs to calm down.” Wanda pleaded, trying to get the woman in front of her to stand down.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me Wanda!” She spoke loudly again as she ran her fingers through her hair, pacing over to her bed and sitting down on the edge.

“He hit you! And you’re going to stand there and defend him?!” She asked, looking at Wanda with a look of utmost shock on her face, Wanda avoided her gaze yet again and just looked to the ground, twiddling her fingers.

“He didn’t mean it..”

“Oh, don’t give me that bullshit Wanda! He knew what he was doing before he even raised his hand to hit you.” She said throwing her arms up in the air as if it was quite obvious what his intentions were. More tears began to fall down Wanda’s face as she stood there and took in the words spoken by Natasha.

Upon noticing the tears, Natasha’s face fell soft again as she stood up and moved her way back over to the younger woman and cupped her face in her hands, making her look at her.

“I’m sorry kitten, I just- I care about you so much and the thought of him hitting you makes me sick.” She spoke softly as she rubbed both of her cheeks, trying her best to bring as much comfort as she could to the tiny and frail woman in front of her with only the slightest touch.

The actions seemed to be appreciated as Wanda closed her eyes and Natasha could feel the weight of her head leaning into her touch, causing a small smile to spread across her lips, letting it slowly fade away as her eyes opened again to look at Natasha.

“I know Nat..” She said barely above a whisper as she continued to relish in the touch of the woman as she closed her eyes again and stood there for a moment, hands resting gently on her arms as she leaned more into the touch.

“Can I at least clean it?” She asked, looking over the cut that was on her eyebrow, it wasn’t too deep, definitely didn’t need stitches but if it wasn’t cleaned she feared it was going to get infected.

Wanda slowly nodded as she looked back up at Natasha, who in turn released her face from her hands and grabbed Wanda’s hand in her own as in she left her into her en-suite, sitting her down on the toilet.

Wanda watched as Natasha bent down to grab her first aid kit from under the sink, before setting it on the counter and rummaging through its contents to find what she was looking for.

She finally grabbed the bottle she was looking for and clean wash cloth, before dabbing some of the liquid onto it and moving to crouch in front of Wanda to meet her level.

“This might sting kitten..” She wanted and Wanda just nodding in understanding as Natasha slowly pressed the washcloth to her face.

Wanda hissed in pain as she gripped the side of the toilet seat so tightly her knuckles were turning white.

“For fucks sake Natasha..”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but I need to clean it so it doesn’t get infected.” She simply stated as she began to dab around the area more, cleaning up dried blood that was around it.

Wanda continued to watch Natasha with soft eyes as the woman took care of her. Wanda had never felt so loved and taken care of than in this moment and her heart swelled with an enormous amount of love for this woman. No matter how many times she tried to bury the feelings deep within her, Natasha did something like this, something to bring all of those feelings barreling to the surface.

Natasha finished cleaning her cut and made her way back to her first aid kit to grab the wound tape.

“It’s not too deep, doesn’t need stitches, but I want to tape it close to avoid any risks.” She said as she kneeled back in front of Wanda who just nodded.

“I trust you Nat..” Who just smiled in response to her statement as she gently taped the wound close on her forehead, setting the tape down so she could gently run her fingers over the wound to make sure it was secured.

Wanda grabbed her hand and held it in her own before interlacing their fingers and looking up to meet the emerald eyes of the woman in front of her.

“Thank you, Natasha, for always taking care of me.” She spoke softly with a glint of adoration in her eyes as she spoke.

Natasha just smiled softly back at her and squeezed her hand gently.

“I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.” Natasha said genuinely as she matched Wanda’s gaze, completely entranced by her eyes that she didn’t even notice Wanda leaning in until she felt her soft, plump lips connecting with hers.

A small sigh left her lips as she reached her spare hand up to cup Wanda’s cheek as she reciprocated the kiss, a kiss that was more than she could have ever dreamed of since she first laid eyes on the witch.

A dream that she thought would never become a reality because of that goddamn toaster oven, but now that he was no longer a threat, she was going to take this chance and fly with it.

The two only pulling away with air was needed and resting their foreheads against one another.

“Wow..” Natasha breathed out and small laugh emitted from Wanda’s lips.

“You’re so adorable.” Wanda spoke and a slight blush fell across Natasha’s cheeks as she pulled herself off of the bathroom floor and stood up, pulling Wanda up with her.

“Where are we going?”

“To bed, I’m tired and I know you’ve got to be exhausted to my love.” Wanda felt herself too blushing at the little nickname Natasha had just given her, but nodded in agreement as she let a small take escape her lips.

“Can you hold me, please?” Wanda asked and Natasha smiled that award-winning smile and nodded.

“Of course, kitten.” And Natasha pulled her over to the bed, before climbing in and opening her arms up to allow the smaller woman to climb into them and bury herself deep within the confines of her arms.

Natasha held her tightly and closely against her side and Wanda gently laid her head on her chest, listening to the steady rate of her heart, allowing herself to succumb to the exhaustion of the day and slowly closing her eyes.

She raked her fingers through Wanda’s long brunette locks, helping lull the woman to sleep as she too felt sleep overtaking her.

Natasha could die happily in this moment if she wanted to, but living and getting to call this woman hers every day is a lifetime she just doesn’t think she would be able to pass up on.

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