Scarlet Widow One-Shots

By ReaganKey

26.5K 678 31

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these stories. All one-shots belong to their respective authors on AO3 More

Casting the Shadows
The blossoming of love
We'll be alright
Wasted Renegade
Just let me know, I'll be at the door (hoping you come around)
I know that you're scared
Can you hold me, please?
Help me feel
Denial (Soulmate AU)
A bag of ships
A calm walk under the rain
Wanda's Way
And we think that the world is alright and that's a lie
Sweet Dreams
Run away with me
Just a Mission Pt. 1
Just a Mission Pt. 2
I See Lightening in Your Eyes
"Safe?"... "Safe.."
Trust In Me Pt. 1
Trust In Me Pt. 2

Never I have ever

1.4K 34 0
By ReaganKey

All rights go to lovelywanda on AO3


Wanda could hear the beat of the music coming from downstairs as she finished getting herself ready. Tony, as per usual, said that they needed to throw some extravagant party for Pepper. There were rumors of her being pregnant floating around the compound but until Wanda heard the news for herself, she chose to just let this be another party Tony decided to throw every week.

She gazed at herself in the mirror as she adjusted her blazer. Wanda wasn’t fond of dressing up, so when she had to, she preferred to wear pant suits as an alternative to dresses. So, she adorned herself tonight with a pair of black, flowy pants with a bold red stripe down the side of each leg, accompanied by a scarlet red bralette and a black blazer, with matching red high heeled ankle boots.

She looked hot, and she knew she looked hot. Wanda was not ashamed of her looks nor her body and when she had the chance to flaunt what the good lord gave her, she took it, especially to impress a specific red head.

She noticed the casual gazes and the friendly flirtatious remarks she would receive from the older woman. She noticed how her eyes seemed to linger a little too much on Wanda whenever they accompanied the same space. She noted the sharp intake of breath every time Wanda would enter the room wearing none other than a revealing outfit and she would smirk to herself knowing the effect she was having on the woman.

All of these small things, all of the glances and the touches and the flirting lead to a now very sexually frustrated Wanda. Who if you were to ask her, was sick and tired of having to get herself off every night after one of their flirtatious encounters.

Wanda knew what she wanted. She knew she wanted to take the woman to bed, fuck her until she couldn’t walk and make her, her own. She knew she wanted to jump her bones every time she saw her, and place soft kisses to those plump lips that she often found herself staring at. She wanted all of these things but it was as though Natasha wasn’t so sure herself.

Natasha was obviously attracted to Wanda, but she had a hard way of showing her feelings, let alone letting someone in and fully giving her trust to them. She knew it was wrong to keep flirting with Wanda, to keep having her think that she wanted more when she just wanted a quick fuck. But she couldn’t help the pang of jealousy that always seemed to find its way through her chest whenever she saw Wanda becoming too comfortable with another woman.

She had no reason to be jealous, Wanda wasn’t hers, but she couldn’t shake the feeling.

Wanda let out a sigh as she untied her hair from the braid that it was in, allowing her hair to fall down her back in naturally and almost too perfect waves. Her hair accentuated her face perfectly and brought out the green in her eyes, eyes that she noticed Natasha found herself staring into quite too many times to count.

She made sure she was presentable before making her way out of her room and down to the elevator to take her to the main area where Tony was throwing his party.

She could only hope and pray that this party wasn’t extravagant, something small with the team and maybe a view of the S.H.I.E.L.D agents would be perfectly fine, she specifically liked a certain Yelena Belova that worked under Coulson but she would never admit the crush to herself as she was always too caught up in Natasha.

The elevator dinged, signally her arrival to the floor, and she walked off gracefully, heals clicking with the ground as she pushed her way into the living quarters, all eyes turning to her upon her entrance.

She raised an eyebrow at the eyes that were currently trained on her, scanning her own eyes around the room before they met the emerald ones that adorned the face of a very specific red head before speaking.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” She spoke with a smirk on her face as she walked farther into the party and over to the bar. She smiled to herself when she saw that Natasha was behind the bar, serving drinks to everyone who came by. She was tired of waiting, waiting for her to make the first move so she was going to do whatever she could to get the Russian to break, after all, having the Black Widow in her bed is something she’s wanted since the day she first laid eyes on her.

So, she weaved her way through the party guests, finding a spot leant up against the bar, adjusting her arms so that way they were pushing her tits out more than normal. Yes, her outfit in itself was already revealing enough, but showing off a bit more cleavage wouldn’t do anyone any arm, nor would she receive protests.

She knew her actions were proving to work as she caught a glimpse of Natasha staring, but she didn’t acknowledge it, instead she motioned her over with her finger.

Natasha gulped as she broke out of her trance, wiping the sweat on her hands off on her skirt before making her way over to Wanda. If god was a woman it would definitely be her.

“What can I get for you?” She asked nervously as she too leaned herself up against the bar, looking at Wanda who still had a smirk on her face.

“You..” Wanda mumbled to herself, hoping that the comment would fly past the woman’s ears but Natasha’s years of spy training allowed her to ear the smallest of sounds, even if it was mumbled out. “Uhm, surprise me.” Wanda spoke aloud this time and Natasha just nodded, turning to bust herself behind the bar while making her a drink.

“Wanda!” Someone called out from the other side of the room, causing both Wanda and Natasha to turn their heads in the direction of the voice, and to say Natasha was annoyed when she saw the face that came along with the voice, would be an understatement.

Yelena made her way over to the bar, eyes set on Wanda as she weaved her way over to the woman before embracing her in a hug.

“I was hoping to see you here tonight!” She exclaimed happily, a little too happily as her eyes raked over Wanda’s body, taking in her full appearance before licking her lips.

Wanda smirked at the woman before her, wrapping an arm around her waist and holding her close to her.

“Oh, I wouldn’t miss the chance of seeing your sexy ass, now would I?” Natasha could’ve gagged, literally felt the bile of throw up forming in her throat as she watched the exchange between the too, gripping the glass in her hand a little too hard when she saw Yelena’s hand make its way to secure itself on the back of Wanda’s neck, fiddling with a few stray baby pieces of hair.

“Here’s your drink.” Natasha finally spoke up, causing both women who were just seconds ago caught up in each other to look over at Natasha, who displayed a look of annoyance on her face. Wanda offered her a soft smile, grabbing her drink and taking a sip.

“Oh, this is lovely, thank you Nat.” She spoke as she took a sip again, maintaining eye contact with the Russian as she licked her lips, Natasha’s knees grew impossibly weaker at the action.

Yelena was quick to grab Wanda and drag her away from the bar, pulling her to the dance floor, arm wrapped tightly around her waist as Wanda danced against the woman. Natasha watched from afar, gripping the edge of the bar as she practically seethed with jealousy at the close proximity of the two women.

That should be her, she should be the one dragging Wanda to the dance floor, she should be the one with her arm wrapped around Wanda’s waist as she was tightly pressed up against her, whispering sweet nothings into her ear about how she wanted to fuck her after the party.

But no, her ego and her insecurities got the best of her and instead she was stood behind the bar, knuckles white and jealousy coursing through her veins as she watched.

Steve found his way over to the bar, leaning against it, resting his chin on his hand as he looked at Natasha, who hadn’t taken account of his company until he cleared his throat, snapping her out of her thoughts and dragging her eyes away from Wanda to now look at an amused Steve.

“Don’t.” She warned.

“Don’t what?” He asked.

“You’re about to give me some speech about getting over myself and how I need to ask her out already.” She spoke as she poured herself a drink, making it a little reigned than normal, she was going to need it if she wanted to make it through the night.

Steve just shrugged in response before reaching behind the bar and grabbing a beer, popping it open and taking a drink. “You deserve happiness Nat, and I see how she makes you happy, I don’t want you to wait too late and lose your chance all together.”

“Well it seems as if she’s not available.” She spoke, eyes wandering back to the two women who were now fully wrapped in each other’s arms.

“Oh, Yelena?” Steve said taking another sip of his beer and Natasha nodded. “I don’t think there’s anything going on there.”

Natasha scoffed and downed her drink quickly, before pouring herself a shot and downing that as well.

“Their hands all over each other tells me something different.” She said, heart breaking a little bit as she did, and she hated that she felt this way, hated that after years of not allowing anyone in, years of pushing everyone away, she let the Scarlet Witch worm her way right into her heart and make a home.

“For being a spy, you sure are shit at it.” Steve stated simply and Natasha gave him a look.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” She asked defensively, she was a good spy and she’ll he damned if she will let Steve undermine her abilities.

“Well what you have managed to miss are the glances that keep getting made this way, in your direction as if she’s wanting to provoke a response out of you.”

Natasha just laughed and shook her head. “You’ve lost your mind Steve.”

“Oh yeah? Then why is she looking over her right now then?” He asked and she was quick to turn her attention to where Wanda was, and who was indeed looking in her direction, making eye contact with her before smirking and turning back to Yelena.

“You were saying again Romanoff?” Steve asked as he looked up at the now flustered Natasha who seemed to not be able to take his eyes off of the woman.

“Shut up.” She mumbled before turning back to him and taking his beer out of his hands, chugging the rest of it.

“Hey, that was mine.” He whined out before pouting.

“Oh, get over it big boy, you can grab another one.” She spoke before making her way from out behind the bar and onto the dance floor. Two can play this game Wanda.

As the party was nearing an end, and the guests were starting to leave, it left the team, which consisted of Wanda, Natasha, Steve, Bucky, Tony, Sam, Bruce, Thor, Clint and Yelena even stayed behind to hang out with them, even it was to Natasha’s annoyance.

“Alright team, it’s time for a little fun.” Tony spoke as he stood before the group who was sat around the living space on couches and chairs, some finding comfort in sitting on the plush rug that was on the floor.

“Oh here we go..” Clint spoke, slight annoyance to his voice, causing the group to laugh.

“Get your panties out of a twist Barton, we’re going to play a game.” Tony spoke, taking a sip of his drink. “It’s called Never Have I Ever.”

“Tony, that’s a game children play.” Natasha spoke up, taking a sip of her beer and Tony held a hand up.

“You didn’t let me finish. We’re playing with a twist, instead of putting a finger down if you’ve done said thing, we’ll be stripping.” He said nonchalantly, causing Natasha to raise an eyebrow.

“So, we’re playing strip poker?”

“Essentially yes.” Tony said. “But the rules are simple. One person states something that they have never done, and if you’ve done what they said, you have to remove an article of clothing.”

Wanda smirked, oh this could be fun. She knew how Natasha reacted to seeing her fully clothed, and she could only imagine the reaction she would get out of the woman when she was close to being fully naked.

“I’m down to play.” Wanda spoke up, breaking the silence.

“Well if Wanda is playing, then so am I.” Yelena chimed in, and Natasha just rolled her eyes. The rest of the team hesitated but eventually agreed to play, all gathering in a circle on the floor, facing one another, expect for Natasha.

“Romanoff, get your ass in this circle.” Tony spoke up.

“Oh no, this is something I don’t think you’d want me to participate in.” She said and Tony rolled his eyes.

“Such a buzz kill, Romanoff.” Tony said, laced with annoyance as he turned back to the group. “Okay America’s Ass, why don’t you start us off?” He added before looking at Steve, who just shook his head with a smile.

“Fine, this one will get things started. Never have I ever had sex.” Steve stated simply, all eyes turned to Steve with glares, as Steve already knew everyone, expect himself, had done the deed before as he would call it.

“Nice one Cap.” Clint stated before he took his shoes off, and everyone followed suit, liking the idea of taking their shoes off instead of an actual article of clothing.

Natasha sat quietly in her chair, eyeing Wanda as she began to take her heels off, it didn’t surprise her that the Sokovian had, had sex before, but she was just curious as to who it was with, and her gut told her it was the striking blonde that was sat too close for comfort.

“Oh, we’re just getting started.” Wanda said with a smirk and Tony looked at her.

“Since you want to be snarky Maximoff, you’re turn next.” Tony said and Wanda smiled innocently.

“Fine, never have I ever had a threesome.” Wanda stated and if looks could kill, Tony was going to kill Wanda. He huffed before taking off his suit jacket.

“This is unfair.” Tony said

“You wanted to play the game.” Bucky stated while shrugging his shoulders.

“Oh, shut it metal man.” Tony snapped and Bucky just laughed, he was used to Tony’s nicknames by now and metal man was very mild to what he had done before.

“I’ll go next.” Yelena said. “Never have I ever been skinny dipping.” Wanda huffed as she took her blazer off, leaving her only in her pants and her bralette.

“I’m beginning to agree with Tony, this is unfair.” She spoke as she leaned back on her hands.

Natasha couldn’t help her gaze as it fell to the now half naked woman, eyes trailing over her body and the curves of her breasts as she took in her beauty. She couldn’t help the overwhelming heat that began to pool between her legs at the idea of a fully naked Wanda underneath her.

She licked her lips and readjusted herself in her set, crossing her legs tightly to help dull the ache between them. Wanda couldn’t help but notice the shift in the air as she watched Natasha, her plan was working.

“I’ll go next.” Bucky stated. “Never have I ever had a sex dream about someone in this room.”

Wanda was ready to off herself by that point. Of course, she had planned this out, of course she has asked them to all specifically ask certain questions, of course this whole damn game was her idea but now she has to sit in front of everyone in just her bra, and matching lace underwear and she wasn’t thrilled.

“Ridiculous.” Wanda huffed before standing up, and going to unbutton her pants. Everyone else in the group stayed sat in the ground as they watched her.

“Really? Nobody else?” She asked and was met with silence. “I hate it here.” She stated as she unzipped the zipper on her pants and slowly slid them down her legs. Natasha bit her lip, hard, drawing blood to keep herself from practically moaning at the sight of Wanda. Not only was she adorned in a red lace bralette but she was also wearing a matching pair of red lace underwear, that showed off way too much ass.

She couldn’t take her eyes off of the woman as she sat back down on the ground with a huff, arms crossed over her chest with a pout.

“I take it back, I don’t want to play anymore.” Wanda spoke with a bought and the team laughed.

“I’m sorry Wanda, but you don’t have a choice.” Tony smirked and they continued in with the game. Wanda, luckily, did not have to remove any more clothing. The statements were milder as they went on, quite a few other teammates being left in only their undergarments.

The game to conclusion when the last statement was made by Clint, giving Natasha a look before looking directly at Wanda and sending her a smile.

“Never have I ever had a crush on a co-worker.” The room was silent, no one moved at first, scared to see who would strip and it was to everyone’s surprise when both Steve and Bucky removed their last articles of clothing, leaving them only in their boxers. Tony whistled at the now half naked men and both blushed, because it was quite obvious that the two had a thing going on.

Wanda silently stood from her position and looked around the room, before slowly reaching behind her back and going to unclasp her bra. “I’m starting to think that this game is rigged.” She stated, using one arm to cover her breasts as she let her bra fall to the floor, leaving her in only her underwear.

Natasha was practically drooling. It was as if a switch had been flipped inside of her and she all of a sudden hated the way everyone was staring at Wanda, her Wanda.

“Okay I think that’s enough of this game for everyone.” She stood up quickly, grabbing Wanda’s blazer and handing it to her, leaning in to whisper in her ear. “My room, 10 minutes.” Nipping slightly at her earlobe before walking away and sauntering down the hallway, leaving a shocked yet very excited Wanda, her plan worked.

She felt the dull ache between her legs as she was quick to grab her pants and pull them on followed by her bra. Yelena moved to her and wrapped her arms around her waist, glancing at her chest before looking up to make eye contact with her, biting her lip nervously.

“Why don’t we get out of here and go back to my place?” She spoke softly, hands trailing up Wanda’s exposed back, and to say it wasn’t having an effect on her would be a lie, Yelena was hot, Wanda would not deny it and as much as she would love to take Yelena up on her offer, she had somewhere to be.

“As much as I would love to,” Wanda started, hands grabbing onto Yelena’s arms, giving her a soft smile, “I already have plans.” Yelena pouted, but nodded her head.

“Well just know,” She leaned closer to whisper into Wanda’s ear, “The offer is always on the table.” And with that, she pulled away from the embrace, but not before grabbing to the base of Wanda’s chin, pulling her in for a quick peck to the lips.

“Call me.” She said before walking away and making her exit, leaving Wanda blissfully shocked and making it harder for her to hide the ache between her legs as it substantially grew.

She hurried herself down the hall and to the elevators, clicking the button repeatedly as if that would help her ride arrive faster. The doors opened and she quickly made her way since, pressing the button for her, which just so happened to be Natasha’s as well since they shared a floor. The elevator began moving and she bounced her leg impatiently. Months of pent up frustration and feelings were all about to be released and she truthfully didn’t want to have to wait another minute.

The elevator dinged signaling her arrival and before the doors were even fully open, she was pushing past them and walking down the hallway to Natasha’s room. Before she could even knock on the door, it was as if Natasha was waiting to hear her approach and the door was swung up, a hand grabbing her by her blazer and pulling her into the room before shoving her against the door.

“Right on time Maximoff.” Natasha whispered, pressing her body against Wanda’s, leaving barely any room for breathing between the two. Wanda gulped, finally lifting her gaze to meet the other woman’s eyes.

“I wouldn’t want to miss this.” She replied and Natasha smirked.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself little witch, I’m mad at you.” She stated simply, walking over to the mini bar that was in her room to which Wanda raised an eyebrow at, she didn’t have one of those in her room.

“Mad at me? What for?” She questioned as she watched Natasha navigate her room.

“Did you really think you could get away with that skimpy outfit of yours tonight? Hmm?” She asked, taking a few steps closer to her, “That I wouldn’t notice that you specifically showed more skin knowing that I was going to be around.” She continued and Wanda gulped, her heart rate increasing by the second with the proximity of the two.

“I-“ She started but was cut off when a hand suddenly found it’s way to become wrapped around her neck, squeezing tightly but not too tight so she could still breathe.

“And the worst of it all was when you thought it was okay to strip in front of everyone.” Natasha seethed, jealously raging through her veins at the thought of someone else seeing her naked. “And don’t get me started on that blonde bimbo.”

“Are you jealous Natasha?” Wanda asked softly and Natasha glared at her.

“I don’t get jealous.” She firmly stated.

“So, the explain the heat of your pussy that I feel pressed against my leg Natasha, and how you’re desperately trying not to fuck my thigh, just to feel some sort of relief to your aching and dripping cunt.” Wanda said and Natasha could’ve cum from the deep octave her voice dropped to and the dirty language that she was using with her.

In her previous sexual encounters, Natasha has always had to fake an orgasm, never fully recovering enough pressure to initiate a release within her, and she became way too accustomed to her fingers. So, this was new, the feelings of deep desire and desperation flowing inside her, begging for some sort of contact with the woman before her.

She didn’t respond, instead she responded with slamming her lips against Wanda’s in a deep and passionate kiss, pouring every bent of her pent of frustration in it. Wanda whimpered when she finally felt Natasha’s lips against her own and they felt better than she could have ever imagined.

Wanda’s blazer fell to the floor before she could process that it was being removed and Natasha’s hands were quickly to work on undoing her pants, not once breaking the kiss. Wanda’s hands roamed her body, finding peace on her hips, gripping lightly whilst pulling her impossibly closer.

Natasha backed them up to the bed, gently pushing Wanda down on it as she stood at the edge and looked down at her, lips swollen and hair properly messed up, she looked like a fucked mess and she was her fucked mess.

She removed the oversized t-shirt that was adoring her body quickly, and Wanda sucked in a breath at the realization that Natasha was completely naked underwear, with her strap on her hips and one of the biggest dildos she’s ever seen attached to it.

“Holy mother of god..” Wanda spoke as her eyes continuously raked her body, taking in every curve and freckled that adorned her skin, even her flaws and imperfections, Wanda took note of, making a mental picture of the woman that’s told before her she could look back on it whenever she felt like it.

“Like what you see?” Natasha smirked and Wanda kicked her lips before nodding.

“What do you want me to do to you, Wanda?” She asked, bending down to pull Wanda’s pants off the rest of the way, kissing down her legs as she did. Wanda couldn’t speak, something about Natasha with a strap was paralyzing, she knew what she wanted but she just couldn’t find the words to express it.

“So, you’re going to make me guess huh?” Wanda just nodded and agreed with whatever she had just said, she was too far gone to even be able to process the words being spoken to her. Natasha spread her legs up widely, licking her lips at the sight of the dark wet spot that was in the middle of her underwear.

“Is this all for me? Is your pussy this wet for me?” She asked seductively as she began kissing her way back up Wanda’s legs, taking her time and savoring the feeling of her supple skin beneath her lips. Wanda couldn’t form a response as her body was squirming under the touch of Natasha she neared closer and closer to her aching core. She was desperate, desperate to feel something and desperate to finally have Natasha’s lips on her where she’s always wanted then the most.

“Use your words little witch."

“Fuck Nat, god-“ A moan left her mouth as Natasha placed a kiss over her clothed clit, sending shockwaves a pleasure through her body at just the slight pressure pressing against it.

“What about me?” She spoke, a hint of a smirk present in her voice as she pressed a finger to Wanda’s clit, causing her to rut her hips up against her hand, wanting more, needing more.

“Fuck me Nat, please..” She whimpered out and Natasha looked up at her, taking note of her blown pupils, lust glazing over them as she begged for more, rutting her hips forward every few seconds, trying to signal to Natasha to continue.

“That’s a good girl.” Natasha spoke, leaning back to remove Wanda’s soiled underwear before portioning herself between her legs, rubbing the tip of the dildo between her slick folds

“Please daddy..” Wanda begged and Natasha groaned at the name she was just called, immediately connecting their hips and completely filling Wanda with the dildo. Wanda moaned in pure pleasure at the feeling of fullness, the feeling of her walls stretching to take Natasha’s dick and the feeling enough almost sent her spiraling off of the edge.

Natasha was quick to begin pounding into Wanda, showing absolutely no mercy whatsoever. Wanda’s body rocked with the motions of her thrusts, hands tightly gripping the shits to try and steady herself, but all she seemed to be able to do was grab it long enough while releasing moans and whimpers of pleasure.

“Yeah, you like that baby? You like my dick inside you? You like me fucking you?” Wanda just moaned in response, words falling short in her tongue as she couldn’t control the moans that were leaving her mouth.

“That’s right baby, your pussy belongs to me, nobody else.” Natasha stated, gripping Wanda’s hips to adjust her angle and pound into her deeper. “Who do you belong to?"

“You..” She whimpered out. “I belong to you daddy.”

“Now cum for daddy, show me how pretty you look when you cum.” She demanded and Wanda was relieved almost as the flood gates were opened and her orgasm crashed over her in waves of pure bliss, her body tensing and shaking as it washed over her like a tidal wave. She swore she saw stars as she came down from her high, Natasha still moving her hips slowly to help Wanda come down.

Her breathing was ragged as she placed a hand over her chest, trying to regain her breathe.

“Fucking hell..” She panted out and Natasha just lightly chuckled, pulling out of Wanda slowly, causing a whimper to leave her lips at the loss of fullness, before falling down next to her on the bed, breathing deep to catch her own breath.

Wanda turned her head to the side to take in Natasha, who she found to be staring right back at her, she licked her lips and took in a deep breath for speaking.

“What does this mean?” Wanda asked, a nervous look on her face as she watched Natasha intently. She could feel a hand come up and brush against her cheek, stroking it lightly before finding its way into her hair and scratching at her scalp.

“What do you mean?” Natasha replied, continuing to run her fingers through Wanda’s hair, she always seemed to love how soft she kept it, which reminded her to ask her what kind of shampoo she used, but that’s something she’d ask on a later date.

“Us, you know, what does this mean for us?” Wanda moved her free hand that was laying between the two and found Natasha’s other hand, intertwining their fingers and squeezing it slightly.

“I don’t know. I don’t do this, I don’t do feelings and I don’t date.” She started, and Wanda’s heart dropped, all this time and it was as if Natasha just used her for a quick fuck, but her thoughts and insecurities were broken when she continued to speak. “But with you, I want these things, I want to try these things that I have never felt before, and I want you, all of you, in every form I can get it because I’m infatuated by you and I can’t get you out of my head-“ She was cut off by Wanda’s lips pressing firmly against hers, before pulling away enough only to speak.

“That is enough for me Natasha. I have wanted you for so long, so as long as you’re willing to try, I’m in this, one-hundred percent.” Wanda spoke softly and Natasha smiled, stroking her cheek.

“What did I to do deserve you?” She asked genuinely and Wanda just smiled, kissing the palm of her hand before meeting her eyes.

“I think I should be asking the same about you.” Natasha just smiled, happiness and adoration flowing through her body as she watched the woman before her. Love was an unfamiliar feeling to Natasha, something she had never felt before, something she had always been scared of, but with Wanda, it felt right. These feelings and emotions all made sense because they were for the woman she had truly been waiting her entire life for, as cliché as it sounds, she was the one to completely swoop in and sweep her off of her feet, and she was grateful for that day.

“So does this mean-” Wanda started.

“That were dating?” Natasha finished the sentence for her and Wanda just nodded. “Yes dorogoy, we’re dating.” And Wanda couldn’t stop the huge smile that spread across her face as she wrapped her arms tightly around Natasha’s neck and pulled her into a tight embrace. A laugh emitting from Natasha’s lips at the action but fully succumbing to the embrace as her arms found themselves wrapped around Wanda’s waist, and her chin resting on the top of her head, holding her tightly against her.

“I love you..” Wanda barely whispered out, but the statement did not fall short in the spy’s ears as she smiled into the hair on the top of her head.

“I think I love you too.” She spoke softly, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head. Wanda was quick to pull back from the embrace and look at Natasha.

“Are you serious?” Wanda asked, completely bewildered by the confession, and Natasha just laughed.

“Yes moya lyubov’, if the overwhelming feeling of joy that I feel whenever I see you and the butterflies I get in my stomach when you laugh or smile and the way I feel sparks when we touch is what love is like, then yes, I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you.” Tears filled Wanda’s eyes as she cupped the sides of Natasha face and kissed her once pour, this kiss filled with utter raw emotions of love and happiness that was shared between the two for each other.

Natasha was first to pull away when she required air for her burning lungs, stroking Wanda’s cheek softly.

“So that Yelena girl..” Natasha started and Wanda groaned.

“Oh my god here we go.” And Natasha laughed, pulling Wanda against her, the two remaining in this position for the rest of the night, eventually falling asleep wrapped up in each other.

And that was the first night Natasha got a full night’s worth of sleep.

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