π‘΄π’š 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒐 𝑢𝒇 π‘³π’Šπ’ˆπ’‰π’•


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This is the Story of how Izuku midoriya was once in his world to how he got transport to another world a worl... More

Chapter 1 Hero's Arrival
Chapter 2 The Beat Down
Chapter 3 The Mako Family
Chapter 5 Life Fibers
Chapter 6 Kamui JUNKETS!!!
Chapter 7 No Tardys Day?
Chapter 8 Trick And Trap
Chapter 9 The Stranger
Chapter 10 The Battle
Chapter 11 Fatal Lost
Chapter 12 Re-awaken
Chapter 13 The Change
Chapter 14 Don't Give In
Chapter 15 The Visit
Chapter 16 Sudden Death Run Off
Chapter 17 Match one part 1
Chapter 18 Match One Part 2
Chapter 19 Match Two
Chapter Special: Happy Birthday
Chapter 20 Match Three Part 1
Chapter Special: Marry Christmas
Chapter 21 Match Three Part 2
Chapter 22 Unwelcome Vist
Chapter 23 Izuku Vs Nui
Chapter 24 New Awakening
Chapter 25 What's Are Horizon
Chapter 26 Back On Action
Chapter 27 The End Begins A War
Chapter Special: All For Love Pt1
Chapter 28 Flame Rising
Chapter 29 What's Next?
Chapter 30 A-Aliens!?!
Chapter 31 Against The World
Chapter 32 Preparation
Chapter 33 Evil Never Dies
Chapter 34 "Truth"
Chapter Special: Love For All Pt 2 (18+)
Hey Guys we need to talk

Chapter 4 Tennis Battle

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Author: Hello everyone this is part 4 I just want you guys to know that I am so happy for my self cuz I get to make so many of my ideas became a reality now without further ado let's start.....

Narrator: Okay let's go with izuku who is now waking up

??? Yo wake up...I said wake up....Tch *Inhales* WAKE THE FUCK UP BRAT!!!!!

Izuku: *Sits up straight* (IM UP IM UP!?!?!)

???: Good your awake

Izuku: (O-oh Mr.Daigoro)

Banjo: *Sighs* For the last time no need to be formal it's Banjo use my first name we've already past the part of being formal so just quit it

Izuku: (O-okay)

Banjo: Now the reason why your here is simple you have got my quirk unlocked now your free to use black whip

Izuku: (Wait what happ-)

Banjo: There locked I don't know why at the moment but Yoichi is here as well as all might if your wounding since there are the only ones who are freed from this... what ever this is but still are main problem is we can't connect or contact you and get out of this mindscape at the moment for now were just back to square one connect you by sleeping or getting knock out

Izuku: (L-ike unconscious or...)

Banjo: *Smirks* Basically getting your shit rocked

Izuku: (I guess that) *Blank face*

Banjo: *Slowing fading* Hm...Oh one more thing be aware about the voice

Izuku: (The voice?)

Banjo: Yes for some reason she is the one that is connected to you and one for all be careful confronting her got it... *Vanishes*

Izuku: Ugh *rubbing head* W-what the *hears screaming* who's th-


???: Will you calm down

Ryuko: *Breathing heavily* WHAT DID YOU DO!!!

???: It's anesthetic acupuncture by the way look like you blood is running hot *take out Needle* mined if I take a little off ya *smirk*

Ryuko: N-no I hate needles no i-i

Izuku: *OFA 10%* *Punches ??? In the face* SSSMMMMMAAAAASSSHHHHH!!!!!!!!

???: Oof *hit wall went* *Knocked out*

Ryuko: About time izuku what took you so lo- *Blush*

Izuku: Huh what's wrong?

Ryuko: L-look at y-your self you idiot *Blush*

Izuku: Huh? *Looks down*

Yes thanks to the guy who made this Oh yeah his naked let's start

Izuku: *Blushes* O-OH IM SORRY!?!!? (W-wait the more I look at him up close isn't he are teacher...NOW IS NOT THE TIME IM HALF NAKED!?!?!?)

It took at least 10 minutes for the teacher to be woken up as the time passes

???: Ugh *Holding his jaw* Damn that punch hurts your boyfriend is powerful

Ryuko: *Little Blush* I AM NOT HIS GIRLFRIEND!!!!

Izuku: *Blush* Yeahwearenotdatingatall

???: Now as I was saying I want to teach you a thing or two about your body

Izuku: *smiles* I think im about to punch or kick you again

???: N-no no I don't mean it that way I just need her blood or to teach her about her uniform

Izuku: *calms down* Fine

???: Anyway I only need her blood so *Grabs a needle* so please let me do it

Izuku: Fine

Ryuko: Wait the fuck no pls I don't have ti-

Izuku: *Grabs hand* I-Its fine don't worry I'm here if he trys anything *smile*

Ryuko: *Little Blush* Fuck f-fine let's get this over with

???: (Damn the boy is Dence) alright let's start *Takes Blood*

Ryuko: Mhmmm *grip on izuku hand tight*

Izuku: (She's gripping on my hand hard is this what mom was talking about don't mess with strong women's)

???: I bet your wounding why your kamui didn't activate when you wanted to? *squirt blood on uniform*

Senket: *Starts Glowing*....MORE MORE FEED ME MORE FEED ME MORE BLOOD!!!!

Ryuko: So you decided to wake up

Izuku: (Oh so it can talk Huh!?!,wow I can't believe it can a piece of clothing talk i didn't know this world has that wait wait wait I think I remember him talking before....maybe another time)


Ryuko: Y-you dumbass you totally left me hanging were yo-

???: Okay let's calm down *lift up his hair* Now do you understand?

Izuku&Ryuko: What are you talking about

???: I'm talking about your kamui your blood woke it up

Ryuko: I have no Idea what kamui thing is are you talking about my saller uniform?

???: *Takes tie out* Correct *Shows muscles*

Izuku: Yep its official he's a menace to society

Ryuko: Yep

???: Your late father *shirt slowly opens* Isshin Matoi made it its more powerful then any goku uniform

Izuku: (I see so a kamui is more powerful than any normal uniform huh)

???: *Does a pose* And the one who masters wearing it will be the one to defeat Satsuki Kiryuin

Izuku: Hmmm Okay


Izuku: For some weird reason yes

Ryuko: *Sighs* Can you make explain it to me so I can understand

Of course izuku was Muttering the whole time explaining everything along the way

Ryuko: *Sweating* I-I see but first who are you *points at ???*

???: *Does a pose* First you have to prove to me you deserve the answer *Another Pose* then I'll give it to you

Ryuko: How do I Prove it

???: Beat the Tennis club captain Omiko Hakodate if you can't master this kamui you don't stand a chance

Ryuko: *Her Blanket fall* Huh EH!

Izuku: *Raps her around with a towel* H-here you g-go *Blush* *while looking away*

Ryuko: Th-Thanks *Little Blush*

???: Against Satsuki

Bell Rings

???: Oh better get going you two *changes fast* and take these with you it's call Seki Tekko it make givein blood much easier

Ryuko: Fine I'll go pound her to the dirt but after that your going to tell me every thing you know already izuku carry me

Izuku: R-Really? (Can we think about how he changed that fast)


Izuku: *Carrie's her Piggy back* All right let's go *OFA 15%*

Ryuko: *Startled* W-wait let's take it es-

Izuku: Let's GO!!! *Runs Super fast*

Ryuko: AHHHHHH!!!!

???: Welp there they go now got to go to my class *Walking away*

--To the Tennis Club--

Omiko: HYYYAA *Hit her 🎾 to the target and*

Uzu: *Fully Recovery* Looking good Hakodate

Omiko: Thank you sir it's all because of my tennis speck goku uniform that I got from lady Satsuki the tennis club is gonna own Hokkaido you can bet on it





As they both stop there conversations they were looking at a girl by the name of Mako Mankanshoku who she is getting hit by multiple balls from every direction

Uzu: Explain?

Omiko: we have an unmotivated club member so we're purging h-

She was then Interrupted by two figures who were protecting Mako from the balls

Izuku: *Block all of then with black whip*

Ryuko: *Blocks then with case*

Izuku: That's Enough-

Ryuko: -Of that you bitches

Mako: *Recovered Quickly* Huh Ryuko and Izu

Izuku: (C-can she recover like that!?!?!)

Uzu: It's the new girl and the....*flashback* And the brat *grinding teeth* look like they come back

Omiko: Heh here for another beating aye

Izuku: you know if I was your opponent you would have been knocked out in an instead

Omiko: Heh you think your so str-

Uzu: Stop he's right he can beat you in a instead


Izuku: but lucky for you I'm not going to fight

Ryuko: That's right your up against me

Omiko: Heh really you want to get beaten up again

Ryuko: As if *points* this time I'm going to knock all of your asses out let's do it *Pulls pin* Senkets

She then transformed

Omiko: Ohh that looks painful and embarrassing you masochistic stripper



Izuku: ( . . . W-wait wh-what did I say)

Omiko: ohh what are you his boyfriend

Ryuko: *Blush* Oh Bite me I'm not a stripper and I'm NOT his girlfriend

Omiko: Heh could of fool me *bring out team* READY 110 million Serves

All of the girls hit the ball at the same time then Ryuko raises her blade and

Ryuko: Hyyyaaaaa!!!

Izuku: She cut all of that in an Instant amazing *Awe*

Omiko: Grrrr *squishing ball*

Uzu: Fhou your qualified new girl

Izuku&Ryuko: WHAT!!!

Uzu: I give you credit for evaded Hakodate attack but slicing balls in half is against rules sure you won the fight but you lose the match

Ryuko&Izuku: Huh?

Uzu: You do know that you're standing at a tennis sport right so you didn't win according to the rules of tennis then YOU DIDN'T WIN!!!!

Ryuko: W-what oh come on now your getting picky what about happened yesterday??

Uzu: Well that happen yesterday

Izuku: (Why do i feel like i should kick him for that)

Ryuko: Well you mother- this is crazy when we were boxing we-

Uzu: Doesn't matter your disqualified

???: No she totally won

Izuku: *Standing with them* (H-how did I get here I was like 5 meters away from th-)


Izuku: What th-

Uzu: Huh?

Izuku: (I'll say it again this world is weird as Hell )

Omiko: Hehehe if she want to challenge me the captain of the tennis club to a tennis match then it her funeral

Mako: Here you go knock her socks off *gives tennis Racket*

Izuku: Yeah beat her a-a-ass for me will ya *smile*

Ryuko: Hm *smirk* I'm definitely going to crush her that you can count on *steps forward* COME ON THEN LETS DO IT!!!!

5 minutes later as we see an izuku who is at an awe struck at what he has witnessed

Izuku: How.....How do they do this Huh ITS BEEN FIVE MINUTES!!!!

Uzu: *Speaker* This will be one game and one game only who's gonna serve first?

Mako: I got your back Ryuko!!

Omiko: Ha if the rookie wants to serve that's fine by me

Ryuko: Awesome we'll let's get this thing rolling *bounce the ball* Watch out cuz here it *throws the ball up* COMES!!! *Hits the ball*

Omiko: Hehe *Hit the ball making it hit in the right side spinning really fast* Back at Cha

Ryuko: *Runs to the left and hits the ball*

Omiko: N-Not way

Everyone: *Nosebleed* YEAH *Taking pics*

Mako: Nice job Ryuko

Izuku: *Blushing red* Y-y-yeah

Omiko: Hehe *She then hit the ball again without Ryuko not seeing it*

Ryuko: Huh?! Oh no you don't *she then dashes for it in an Instant*

Ryuko: *She then hits the ball and trying to hit it back but then the ball broke her tennis racket and the ball went pop*

Izuku: That ball couldn't handle her strength hmmm *he then look at the scissor blade* Heh I think that might work

Ryuko: Heh *smirk* nice reflexes

Omiko: I'm just getting warmed up speaking of warned up I hope you are your about to fe-


Omiko: Alright geezzz

Ryuko: Shall we start you God damn *she then tosses the ball up and Hits* MOTER MOUNTH!!!!

Omiko: *Smirk* Hehe

Izuku: I don't like this one bit, come on I'm not done yet *He is then wapping something on the Scissor blade handle*

Omiko: *She then hits the ball super hard*

Ryuko: *Then she blocks the ball like this*

Everyone and Mako: *Cheering*/GO RYUKO

Ryuko: Huh? *then the ball starts spinning towards Ryuko and eventually hit her face sending flying* HUAAAA!!!!

Uzu: THE THIRTY!!! *Blows Whistle*

Omiko: To bad I knew you were going to do that th-

Then as the dust was clear you see izuku holding her on his arms

Izuku: Are you alright Ryuko?

Ryuko: Y-yeah I'm fine the bitch hits hard though

Izuku: Hey you got this don't fail now

Ryuko: Heh *smirk* You got that right now put me down

Izuku: *Smiles* Yes ma'am



Uzu: *trembling* Y-yes

Ryuko: Okay that does it *then her suit Tighter and steam starts coming out* HERE WE GOOOO!!!!

Ryuko then hit it Making a red star shape but then

Izuku: O-oh It broke might be because of her overpowering strength she need something to hold on much stro- *Immediately looks at the blade* Her scissor blade!

--At the court--

Ryuko: HUHHHH!!!!!

Uzu: And fault

Ryuko: Ah Come On *she then grabs another and then hit it making her Grip on the handle Tighter But hits the net then the other side*

Uzu: Double Fault Forty

Mako: *who is sleeping next to izuku* Zzzzz Huh? *Point at board* RYUKO This is bad this is your last shot

Omiko: What are you waiting for hurry up and serve already

Ryuko: Grrrr *Tighter handle and looking at it*

Senket: (Ryuko use your scissor blade trust me it's the only thing that strong enough that can hold against are power)

Ryuko: Got it

Izuku: R-RYUKO!!!!

Ryuko: Hm *look at izuku holding the Scissors blade* izuku can I get my scissor blade

Izuku: Y-you don't have to tell me twice HERE!!! *Throws scissor*

Ryuko: *Catch it as she grabs a piece of her clothing like wires and ties it around her handle*


Ryuko: *Smirk* Thanks izuku

Senket: (Heh what a reliable partner we have Huh Ryuko)

Ryuko: (Yes we do) Okay I'm back on the game


Uzu: *Blows whistle* Fau-

Light appears shining from the tower as everyone look at were the light was non other then lady Satsuki herself

Satsuki: No its fine Hakodate keep playing show her the power of the 2-star uniform

Omiko: At once *bows*

Uzu: *bows* Malady

Izuku: (Really does she have to do that the 3rd time)

As Lady Satsuki looks at izuku and knows that he is saying something disrespectful but bears no mind as she then looks back at Ryuko


Ryuko: Same as always you Is standing there on your pedestal like some queen given orders to your slaves down below Tch! what a poser

Satsuki: I'm just here to observe let's see how much power you can draw with that kamui

Izuku: (H-how does she know it was a kamui!?)


Satsuki: Oh please your opponent waiting over there

Omiko: Hehe I'm going to use you as target practice to lossen up for the Hokkaido match

Ryuko: Heh well let's get you lossen up then * she then jump in the air and hits the ball forming a Red star*

Omiko: *Then she goes after the ball and hits but has a troubled shooting it back* I-i've got my training for it and you got nothing *she hits it back* Huh?

Ryuko: Who need training when you pissed off! *In a Murderous Intent*

Omiko: Eh!?!

Ryuko then swings her left hand in pure strength enough for someone to be sent flying

As then spikes came at Ryuko and she blocks then at ease and finally the last thing this need

Izuku: (Is it just me or did the screen just play it 3 times)

Omiko: AAHHHH!!!! *Flying towards Ryuko*

Ryuko: *She then spin her blade and grab the hilt* GRAAA!!! *Slices her clothes*


No one noticed the light pink string went inside of Senket with even Senket but expect for one person

Izuku: *saw the pink string* What is that?

Mako: YOU DID IT RYUKO!!!! *Smiles Brightly*

Izuku: ( That's string that itache onto Ryukos uniform what was that) *Looks to see Ryuko who is standing tall*

Izuku: *Sighs* (but that would have to wait for another day as she won) YEAH THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!

Ryuko: *look at izuku*

Izuku: *looks at ryuko*

Izuku&Ryuko: *Smiles*

Ryuko: Well look like we can go n-

Then without the both noticing Uzu and the 1-Star students surrounding Ryuko

Uzu: Not Quite you Cocky bitch

Izuku: *Twitch* (I knew it that basterd Ill full Detroit Smash him)

Satsuki: Wait Uzu she's right it's over the new girl wins

Uzu and the student: Lady Satsuki *bows*

Izuku: (What the, was that how was she there in a split second ah not the time Ryuko is going to fight her again) Mako grab her case

Mako: Gotcha *Stick out Tongue*

Ryuko: Now that we're face to face again I want to know if your the one who kill my da-

An unexpected slash came out of nowhere

Ryuko: *Shock* W-what the

Satsuki: if you wish to know the answer *Pulls out sword* Fight me for it

Senket: (Ryuko try to beat her within 2 minutes any longer and you'll pass out again)

Ryuko: Maybe you shouldn't drink so much of my blood

Satsuki: Secret Sword Bakuzan its blade is sharper then yours it can cut through anything even a kamui

Izuku: Dammit a sword that can cut a kamui Ryuko will not survive this

Satsuki: *Then the intensity grew big as she is ready to slash Ryuko*

Both swords made connect but Ryuko is having a hard time as she is struggling

Everyone: *Got hit by wind pressure*

Izuku: *Grabs Mako by her uniform* (Damn this wind pressure reminds me of the time when I was fighting Allmight with kanchan) MAKO ARE YOU ALRIGHT!!!

Mako: Y-YEAH! *Dizzy*

Ryuko: I-i can't keep this up S-shes too strong

Satsuki: Hmm-

But then izuku came in right in the middle of both Satsuki and Ryuko

Izuku: IM SORRY BUT EQUAL RIGHTS EQUAL FIGHTS!!! *OFA 40%* SAINT LOUIS SMASHHHH!!!!!!! *kicks her in the stomach* There now *As the debre made a sand storm causes them to cover there eyes* MAKO,RYUKO LETS GO!!!!

Mako,Ryuko: Hai!


Izuku: *Carrie's Ryuko* NO TIME GO!!! *Grabs mako as he charges OFA 20%*


Disappears without any trace


The dust clear showing Satsuki holding her stomach

Satsuki: (Dammit that kick was more than I can take, it hurts and yet he was still holding back just how much power does he have!?!)

Uzu: lady Satsuki are you alright!?!

Satsuki: I'm fine just as I thought *puts sword back on* kamuia are quite power but also that boy Izuku midoriya and Ryuko Matoi you both have my Attention

Chapter End

Author: I hope you enjoy this and have a good day goodbye guys

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