The Hurt And The Healer ; Loki

By sugaryseb

12.2K 369 6

She was healing my world..all the damage was could someone so pure love me. He was crude and ha... More

Need to knows <3
Chapter One : The Avengers
Chapter two : Training Begins
Chapter Three : Tension
Chapter Four : Hauntings of the past
Chapter Six: Thank Yous
Chapter Seven: Unlocked
Chapter Eight : Reunion
Part Nine : Ballroom Dancing
Part Ten : Secrets
Chapter Eleven : Monsters
Chapter Twelve : The truth
Chapter Thirteen : Angelic
Chapter Fourteen : I Love You
Chapter fifteen : The Voice
Chapter Sixteen : Asgard
Chapter Seventeen : Back to Reality
Chapter Eighteen: Worth it?
Chapter Nineteen : Ruin Me Pt 1
Chapter Twenty : Ruin Me Pt 2
Chapter Twenty One : Morning sex
Chapter Twenty Two : Mark me
Chapter Twenty Three : Bet?
Chapter Twenty Four: Mistake
Chapter Twenty Five : Undercover
Chapter Twenty Six : Getting Deep
Chapter Twenty Seven: Control
Chapter Twenty Eight : Greeting From Ex's
Chapter Twinty Nine: Honeymoon
Thirty: Happy Ever After.
Authors note!

Chapter Five : Saved

544 18 0
By sugaryseb

Warning there's talk of suicide please don't read if it triggers you

Loki's POV

Something felt off there was a change in her poster the way her breath hitched when she beckoned him so i did it i read her mind i focused and saw what she was about to do and immediately stood up "NO!" I shouted but it was too late. "Fuck, FRIDAY!" Tony yelled and the same robotic voice came on the system "Open 'Training room'.." he said "Sorry, there seems to be a issue please try again" the voice rang "She's gonna kill her self!" Wanda said running to the door as her hands went red but it wasn't working. "Friday show me the security camera for 'Safe space 21'.." "pulling it up now.." a screen dropped down and it showed Bucky asleep shaking "Friday fix door 35" "on it now it'll take 20 minutes" she replied and we all stared intently at the screen.


Y/n's POV

As cap lead me into the room i saw a taller man with longer brown hair his eyes were squeezed shut and his body was trembling as cap gave me the short story of what happened i nodded and walked over to him "are you sure you can.." "no." I cut him off and looked at him "But cap ill do my best" i placed my hands on his head and closed my eyes the heat began to rise and from the breath cap let out i assumed it was working i felt it grow more and the heat began to burn on my hands all at once this huge serge of power was sent through me. It sent me hauling back into the stone wall of the room "ugh" i huffed holding my head "Y/n!" Cap called out but everything was ringing. "BUCKY!" I heard cap say the ringing grew soft as i heard the sound of foot steps i could feel the blood running down my neck and my hands stung awfully it was so strong. I could hear Tony faintly before it all went dark.

I woke in my bed the sting in my hands had subsided and i slowly sat up as the room was still spinning "Ah, Y/n" Dr walked into the room with a glass of water "I'm getting deja vu" i said causing a chuckle from him "you're lucky you didn't get hurt worse" he said sitting next to me i smiled and took the water from him "what happened" he looked at me "when your head hit the. Wall it caused a small crack which is healed already...your hands are different" i looked down noticing the bandages "you burned your palms pretty bad...its starting to heal but isn't there completely" i nodded "you're such and idiot why in hell would you do that??" He said and i sat the water down "truth?" He nodded "my powers died after my friends death..i tried to heal her but i was too late and she was to far gone...i went into i depressive spiral I'd drink throw up get drunk again pass out wake up throw up again...and again. So I decided to end it i jumped off a bridge and yet i still woke up..washed ashore. My wounds heal to fast for me to die" he stared at me as i continued "so then i tried to overdose...i still woke up...i tried everything i could. I.still.woke.up.....i didn want cap going through that" i said and he reached out to touch my arm then stopped "that's very kind of you" he said and i nodded "don't do it again" he said and i smiled "ill think about it" i said and he nodded "get some rest" i nodded and he left.


Loki's POV

I couldn't sleep why couldn't i sleep? Why couldn't i get that stupid girl out of my mind? Why did she bug me like this? I sighed and rolled out of bed going to the elevator "for fucks sake" i said and pressed Tonys floor as the elevator dinged i looked quietly sneaking past to her room. She was laid there sound asleep the wound on her head had healed already an empty glass set next to her on the night stand. "Why do you get to me" i whispered her reply was the soft snoring that made me smile "i touched the back of her hand and it was still warm i jumped when she moved blipping myself back to my room.

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