I Won't Be Okay (Tracey Sketc...

By The-Insecure-Otaku

533 104 10

Ariel Waterflower is the youngest sister among her 4 older sisters, Misty, Lily, Violet and Daisy aka the Cer... More

Chapter 1: Ariel Waterflower, The Youngest Cerulean Sister
Chapter 2: I Just Wanna Leave...
Chapter 3: Runaway
Chapter 4: Finally Free...
Chapter 5: Friends?
Chapter 6: Weird Feelings
Chapter 7: Crush?
Chapter 9: First Date
Chapter 10: Finally Happy and Free
Chapter 11: They Found Out...Oh No...
Chapter 12: Nightmares and PTSD
Chapter 13: I Won't Be Okay
Chapter 14: Comfort and Love
Chapter 15: Healing Takes Time
Chapter 16: You'll Never Be Hurt Again
Chapter 17: Overcoming Fears
Chapter 18: I Love You
Chapter 19: Needing More
Chapter 20: You're Beautiful, Scars and All (SMUT)
Chapter 21: I Finally Feel Okay

Chapter 8: I Like Tracy Sketchit...

18 5 0
By The-Insecure-Otaku

(Takes place at Season 2: Episode 13 - Navel Maneuvers) 

(Ariel's Pov) *THE SAME DAY*

After a while of swimming on the ocean and the others having small talk here and there, I was lost in my own little world. My own little world of thinking about Tracey Sketchit...I couldn't help but think of how he's made me feel over the past few week...he's just made me feel things I've never felt before.

He makes me smile and laugh, he makes me blush, makes my heart and stomach feel weird and fuzzy...like warm on the inside...I mean he's handsome that's for sure and looking at him, even talking with him makes me forget about all the bad shit that's happened...he makes me happy and I've never been truly happy before...I didn't know someone like him could make me feel such a way...I don't know what to do...or who to tell really because Misty will just tease me and Ash is clueless...so who can I tell?

I heard laughter which made me gasp and blink a few times to see I was staring right at Tracey with probably fucking love hearts in my eyes like a pathetic loser...great...just what I need...goodness man...Tracey's eyes just widened as his face turned pink which made him look away and smile bashfully, while Misty just laughed and of course Ash was in his own little world with Pikachu so he had no idea what the fuck was happening, "Having a staring problem Ariel?" Misty teased, I blushed and rolled my eyes as I pouted and looked the other way making her laugh some more.

It went quiet for a moment "Hey look! There it is" Tracey said which made me look to see the Navel Island which was had a huge mountain just right smack dab in the middle of it, "Woah" I said, "I wonder what kind of badge they'll have" Misty thought, "I think it's called the Sea-Ruby Badge. It's made out of a seashell with a ruby in it" Tracey said which made me smile softly...he was so smart...Man I need to get it together before I embarrass myself more around him...ugh...

Ash smirked a bit, "The Sea Ruby Badge. Guys let's get to that island so I can get that badge" Ash said with determination which made Pikachu cheer. I smiled sadly because I will never know what it's like to battle other people or other pokemon because of the trauma I've endured...I probably never will...I mean not like I wanna battle and hurt pokemon or have my pokemon be hurt but still...

When we got to the shore, we all hopped off our pokemon and returned them. I kept Kip out of course to keep me company as he rode on my shoulder. We walked to what look like a little village but something seemed off about it...Not only did we not see anybody but it was just so quiet which just made all of us confused because for a big island like this there should be people around but it was literally just us.

Of course Ash complained because we didn't see a Gym around let alone any other buildings like a market or pokemon center which was odd for an island that's on the map like this. Suddenly we heard something coming from the ocean which made us look to see it was a guy parasailing his way over here. We looked at each other with confusion as he parked his boat on the shore and hopped off it "Hi, I bet you guys are looking for a Gym battle" The strange man said,

I felt anxious around new people so I huddled close to Tracey who smiled softly at me "Uh yea" Ash said, "Well you came to the right place. It's nice to meet you, I'm Danny" The man had said which something just didn't sit right with me at all with all of this but that could be my nerves just being destroyed inside so I can never tell who's nice or not or putting up a front so something bad can happen later on ya know? I've been abused and tortured for 6 years so it'll take time for me to trust those we meet...man how broken I am...

Ash looked dumbfounded for a moment but then smiled softly "Hi I'm Ash" "I'm Tracey" "Oh and my name is Misty and this is my sister, Ariel" We all introduced ourselves...well Misty did it for me because I sure as hell wasn't going to. Not to strangers, nope. Not until they prove that they are actually kind people who won't hurt me or my pokemon, "Misty and Ariel aye? Well that beautiful name suits you both very well" Danny said...was he...flirting? Really? Ash looked again dumbfounded because he doesn't want to admit he's jealous that someone is hitting on Misty.

I looked up at Tracey who also looked very jealous if not angry...but why? But for who? Me or my sister? Pfft why would it ever be me? It's never me...I don't get the guy; I don't get a happy ending like everyone else does...Nope...Not me and will probably never be me...

I frowned and sighed a little as Danny walked up to the both of us which just made me back away a little just from fear instincts "well, it's my pleasure Misty and Ariel" He said, Of course Misty took this chance to actually be flirty back because well, she likes any male attention she can get even though she's just as naïve as Ash and both will never admit that they have the hots for each other but hey, the fuck do I know? "Ya know, I've seen some beautiful things on this island but nothing as beautiful as the both of you" He continued to flirt which made Misty lose her mind...I was still just thoroughly confused.

I blushed shyly and looked at Tracey who looked like he wanted to murder the guy with his bare hands...why was he so angry? I didn't understand, "Beautiful? As me?" Misty repeated as she became lovestruck by this tool. I rolled my eyes a bit as Danny told us to follow him so we did to god knows where.

I held Kip close to me and stayed close behind Tracey. Of course Misty began to just aimlessly talk to the guy about his backpack for some odd reason and how mature it was and basically stated that Ash wasn't mature at all which was true. I laughed a little which made Ash glare at me. I frowned and stayed closer behind Tracey "Are you alright Ariel?" He asked softly,

I blushed shyly and nodded "Just nervous around new people is all" I whispered, he just nodded "Don't worry. I'll keep you safe" He said, my eyes widen and face flushed which made me smile softly "Th-thank you" I whispered, he just smiled kindly at me and nodded as we continued to follow Danny to where I hope is the Gym so we can hurry up and leave this place or at least find somewhere to stay so I can crawl under a blanket and never come out.

Ash and Misty began arguing again which made me scoff and roll my eyes "those two never know when to quit huh?" I asked Tracey, he laughed "Oh yea. For sure" He said, I just giggled and shook my head "If anything them fighting like babies makes us the mature ones" I stated, he chuckled "You got that right" he said with a wink which made my heart and stomach flutter again and face feel hot...damn Tracey...what are you doing to me?

Eventually we saw a building in the distance that said Navel Gym. We stopped in front of these huge doors which was shocking to me...I've never seen a gym this big before. We walked through the doors to see a small cabin like building and the giant ass mountain? I was so lost. Attached to the cabin was a cable car while there was a path leading up the mountain.

I tilted my head a bit in confusion...what the fuck was this? There was a sign with instructions that basically said the gym trainers have to climb to the top without using any pokemon or they would be disqualified and those watching can take the cable car up to the top. Ash was pretty confused if not concerned by it all because he had to climb a damn mountain but hey, it wasn't me so I didn't care what he did.

Somehow Ash was determined to climb the mountain but hey, congrats for him if he makes it. Couldn't be me and never will be "well good-luck Ash we'll meet you at the top" Tracey said which made him nod as Danny and Ash started to climb the mountain while me, Tracey and Misty headed over to the cable car. I never liked heights so this was already way too much for me.

As we rode up to the top, I looked out the window to see how high we were which made me whimper as I held onto Tracey's arm, "Woah are you alright Ariel?" Tracey asked, "She's scared of heights" Misty said, I squeezed my eyes shut and tightly held onto Tracey as if I'll fall if I let him go, but what was strange is, he held me closer to him. He just felt...so safe and so warm "Ariel look at me" Tracey said softly.

I looked up at Tracey which made my face flush already "Do you trust me?" He asked, I just nodded "Everything will be okay. We will be a the top shortly" He reassured, I just nodded which made him smile softly as we just continued to stare at each other for what seemed like an eternity. I wanted to kiss him so badly you have no idea...

When we had finally gotten to the top, apparently it started to snow which was strange. We walked out of the cable car and in the cabin where we grabbed some blankets and headed outside to wait for Ash. I shivered a little and crossed my arms over myself for some warmth, "Here Ariel you can share with me" Tracey said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and held me close to him for warmth.

My face flushed and heart pounded which I hope he couldn't feel seeing as I'm basically pressed up against him while my heart was pounding against my ribcage. I took a few deep shaky breaths to try and relax myself from being this close to Tracey...I had no idea what was going on or why I even felt this way...I mean surely he doesn't feel the same right? Surely he's just being nice because he's just a nice guy...he can't actually like someone like me...can he?

After a while of waiting, we heard Danny and Ash eventually come up the mountain which of course Misty had to go flirt with Danny again thinking she's going to get somewhere with that but I highly doubt it. Danny congratulated that Ash passed the test which made him confused because it turns out Danny's the Gym Leader...shocker. Everyone knew but Ash who just looked at him dumbfounded yet again...he's such an idiot who would've thought?

To get the badge, Danny went on to explain that there were 3 rules when it came to this challenge. Number 1 was to see who can freeze hot water the fastest with the geyser that was behind him that started to shoot out hot water. Danny chose a Nidoqueen while Ash had his Lapras. On Go, they both shot out icebeam towards the water which made it began to freeze until Danny went fullpower and won which was interesting to see how strong his Nidoqueen was just from that one move because Ash's Lapras already looked worn out...poor thing. I mean it still was a baby so I understood why it was a struggle and using an icebeam longer than necessary was difficult.

Challenge 2 was to sculp the ice into an ice sled with only using 3 pokemon. Ash chose Pikachu, Bulbasaur and Charizard, "Not Charizard!" Misty and Tracey shouted with concern which just made me confused as I looked up at Tracey who I was still in a blanket with me because of how cold I was which I'm not sure how the others aren't cold but whatever, I'm small and malnourished so I get cold easily, "Why not Charizard?" I asked, Tracey laughed nervously "His Charizard isn't exactly a good listener, not to mention it's stubborn and lazy so it never does what Ash says" Tracey said, I giggled softly "how stupid" I said, Tracey chuckled a little.

Danny chose his Machoke, Scyther and Nidoqueen to help him which looked like a good option. As they began to sculp the ice, Danny's pokemon were a lot bigger and looked stronger meaning they should be able to build it a lot faster. Ash had tiny pokemon meaning it should take them longer...not to mention his Charizard was just standing there doing absolutely nothing while Pikachu scratched the ice and Bulbasaur vinewhipped it.

I shook my head a little as Ash began fighting with his Charizard who laid down and did nothing. Ash begged for him to use his flamethrower...which of course he did and hit Ash with it which made me laugh a little "does this always happen?" I asked, Tracey chuckle and nodded "unfortunately" He said, I just shook my head but evidently his Charizard hit the ice and sculpted the ice perfectly into the sled which sparkled a little "Oh wow. I wasn't expecting that" I said, Tracey nodded as Ash won the second match which made everyone confused on how he won...I'm guessing he doesn't win that often...strange.

For the last challenge, you basically had to sled down the hill to the finish line...was this what pokemon battles were like now? You just do easy, simple puzzles and that's it? This feels more like a camp activity than any gym battle I've seen...then again I was the target practice for my sister's battles for 6 years so what do I know?

Ash and Danny hopped in their sleds with three new pokemon. Danny had Scyther, Geodude and Electrode while Ash has Pikachu, Squirtle and Bulbasaur. It was quiet for a moment until the lights showed red. Once they flashed green, they were off...oh man the anticipation was real on this one "let's take the cable car down and meet them at the finish" Tracey said which made us nod as we finally took the cable car back down where it was much warmer...I hesitantly let go of Tracey and set the blanket aside "Th-thank you Tracey for keeping me w-warm" I whispered, he smiled softly "Of course. Can't have you get a cold now can we?" He asked, I giggled and shook my head which made him smile as we headed back down the mountain.

When we got there, we waited at the finish line for Danny and Ash to come down. We only saw one sled which turned out to be Danny who we thought he was gonna win, but the next thing you know, Ash came flying out of the bushes making all of us surprised as they both started speeding towards the finish line. It looked like it was going to be a tie until Ash hit some rocks which made his sled into a flying saucer and started speeding down the hill and into the water causing a big splash.

Everyone was shocked that he had basically won the battle I guess, even though no battling happened...all of this challenge stuff just made me thoroughly confused thank god I'm a breeder and not whatever the hell this was. Danny got off his sled and gave Ash the Sea Ruby Badge which made him hop out of the water and cheer along with his pokemon.

We all laughed as Danny led us to an actual small village that had people, a pokemon center and market which was good. We said bye to Danny as we headed to the pokemon center to heal our pokemon and get a place to stay for the night or so, "I'm hungry. I say we go find something to eat after we get set up in our rooms" Misty suggested,

We all nodded as Nurse Joy led us to two separate rooms. Me and Misty in one and Ash and Tracey in the other which was good meaning we can finally have some girl time and I can just tell her how I feel and what to do because I don't know what to do.

Once we got our rooms, we set down our things and headed out to find somewhere to eat. Once we did, we found a booth and took our seats. Me and Misty sat together while Tracey sat across from me which made me blush shyly "You've been quiet Ariel" Misty said, I looked at her and shrugged "I just don't have anything to say is all" I said, she just smirked at me which made me confused...what was that about?

A waiter came by and asked us what we wanted to eat and drink which we all ordered some delicious food. Ash went on to brag about his badges while Misty made fun of him. I leaned my head on my hands and looked over to see Tracey to see him sketching. I glanced down to see he was sketching me? My eyes widen and face flushed as I looked away feeling my heart race and stomach flutter.

After we had finished our dinner, it was getting pretty late and we were all pretty exhausted from the ocean ride here and the battle and whatnot. I know I'm exhausted but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep because all I could think about was Tracey...

When we got back to our rooms, I looked at Misty and sighed as I picked at my fingernails nervously "Misty" I said, she looked at me "Yea?" She asked, "C-can I ask you something?" I asked feeling my heart race nervously...I was nervous because what if she laughs at me? What if she makes fun of me? Or tells Tracey?

Misty walked up to me and put her hands on my shoulders which made me let out a shaky sigh "Ariel, what's the matter?" She asked, I shook my head and sighed as my hands shook nervously "I-I want to tell you something but I'm scared to" I whispered, Misty looked confused "Why are you scared?" She asked, I bit my lip anxiously "I-I don't know how you're going to react" I whispered,

Misty took me over and sat me on one of the beds "Hey. I'm not like our sisters. I will never hurt you. You can tell me anything" She reassured, I just took a deep shaky breath and nodded "I-I like Tracey" I whispered, her eyes widen as a smile formed on her face "I KNEW IT!" She shouted, I looked at her with confusion "What?" I asked, she laughed "I knew you liked him. You guys have been so flirty and close since you met. Not to mention I can sense the tension" she said,

I blushed shyly "what do I do?" I asked, Misty chuckled "you should just tell him how you feel" She said, I frowned "What if he doesn't feel the same way?" I asked, she gently held my hands "I'm probably sure he feels the same way. I can see the way he looks at you and how kind and caring he is to you" She said, I smile shyly "you think?" I asked, she giggled "of course! I'm the expert at love didn't ya know?" She joked,

I just chuckled and shook my head which made her smile as she hugged me tightly "I love you Ariel" she said, I smiled softly "I love you too Misty" I said which made her smile a little "I'm going to get some air" I said, she just nodded as I grabbed Aqua's pokeball and brought it with me for safety because he always likes to keep me safe.

I headed out of the center to see it was dark outside. The moon was full and so bright as the stars twinkled in the dark sky. It just looked so peaceful and so calming...like it just took away everything bad that's happened in my life...I smiled softly and took a deep breath and let out Aqua my Suicune out of his ball.

He made his cute little greeting noise which made me smile as I pet his head "Wanna go relax on the beach?" I asked, he nodded and cried out his cute noise which made me giggle as we walked along the sidewalk and to the beach which was literally right behind the pokemon center. I took off my shoes and walked in the warm sand which made me giggle as me and Suicune walked along the beach.

I hummed softly and looked over seeing the dark waves crashing against each other and the moonlight illuminating off the ocean making it sparkle...this was so romantic and so peaceful...I just wish Tracey were here to enjoy it with me...I wish I could tell him how I feel...I looked around seeing no one else around which made me smile as I sat down on the sand with Aqua right next to me.

I looked at him and smiled as I pet his soft fur. I hummed softly "There's an old familiar silence
When I'm lost inside my heart
I can't hear the voice inside me
So I look up to the stars

There is darkness ever waiting
I can feel it in the air
So I call upon my angels
Are you still there?

When the wind bends the branch to softly touch me
When the band plays your song
I feel strong enough to keep dreaming
Even when I'm all alone
Our love goes on and on

When the wind bends the branch to softly touch me
When the band plays your song
I feel strong enough to keep dreaming
Even when I'm all alone
Our love goes on and on"
I sang as the waves crashed together again which made me smile softly and look at Aqua "Oh Aqua...feelings sure are complicated" I said, he cooed which made me giggle and lean against him.

I didn't hear anyone behind me "Ariel?" I heard Tracey say, my eyes widen as I looked back at him "Tracey?" I asked, "Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked, he smiled nervously and scratched the back of his neck "I asked Misty where you were. I wanted to make sure you were okay" he said, I smiled shyly and nodded "Oh that's sweet but I-I'm okay" I said,

He just nodded "Do you mind if I sit?" he asked, I shook my head which made him nod as he sat next to me which made my heart pound...what was going on? Why was he here? I don't get it. It was quiet for a moment "It sure is beautiful out here" Tracey said, I looked at him and smiled "I know right" I said, he looked at me and smiled and I swear we couldn't stop looking at each other...

My face started to flush and so did Tracey's, "A-Ariel I-I gotta tell you something" He said, I just nodded "I-I like you a lot Ariel" he said, my eyes widen as I think my insides just exploded...he likes me? He really likes me? Me? Of all people? Why? "Y-You do?" I asked, he just nodded "W-Why?" I asked, he smiled softly as he looked down and gently grabbed my hand "When I first met you...there was just something about you...When you got hurt all I wanted to do was help make you feel better and make you happy...when Danny was flirting with you I got crazy jealous because I want to be the one to do that and be the one to protect and make you happy...I just couldn't stop thinking about you...I still can't" He admitted,

My heart pounded like crazy and my stomach was all up in knots...I was just speechless. I didn't know what to do or what to say all I could do was blush and smile "I-I like you too Tracey" I admitted, he smiled happily and blushed "R-Really?" he asked, I just nodded "you've made me feel safe and loved...made me feel things I've never felt before and you make me happy...I've never been happy before" I admitted,

He just smiled "well I'm glad that I can make you happy Ariel...all I want is for you to be happy" he said, I just smiled as I swear I could cry from how happy I felt and how relieved I felt from getting all this out and knowing that he feels the same way. Tracey said nothing but move closer to me which made my breath get caught in my throat. No words were exchanged as Tracey gently cupped my red cheeks and made me look at him.

My heart raced and stomach churned nervously as he gently leaned down and pressed his lips against mine which made me smile softly and kiss back just feeling his warm, soft lips against mine...I just can't believe this was happening...I must be dreaming...this can't be happening...The kiss felt so magical, so sweet and lingering...It felt like it lasted an eternity.

Tracey pulled away leaving me breathless which made my breathing still get caught in my throat "Woah" I whispered, he just smiled "Would you like to go out tomorrow?" he asked, I blushed shyly and nodded "I'd love to" I said, he just smiled "Good. I will let you know when we can go" He said, I just nodded "Try and get some rest" He said, I nodded "Goodnight Ariel" He said, I smiled "G-goodnight Tracey" I said which made him smile and peck my lips before getting up and heading back to the Center to sleep...what the fuck just happened?

(yay i'm excited that to continue updating this story. I hope you all enjoy!)

(4400 Words)

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