(Yandere) X Readers Oneshots...

By AlishaDaWolf

130K 1.5K 1.6K

One shots for everyone with the fandoms included: Identity V, Creepypasta, Among Us, Dead By Daylight, Dark D... More

DeadByDaylight - YandereThe Huntress X FemChildReader
Identity V - YandereThe Photographer/Joseph X FemReader
Identity V - PossessiveFan Wujiu X FemReader
Identity V - Disciple/Ann X YandereMaleReader
Identity V - Norton X HuntressReader
Identity V - Norton X SurvFemReader (PART 1?)
Among Us - YandereImpDarkBlue X CrewmateReader
Among Us - YanImpGreen X CrewReader X ImpLime
Identity V - Postman/Victor X HuntressReader PART 1
Identity V - YandereMercenary/Naib X FemReader
YandereShapeShifterShark X FemDiverReader
One Shots I am working on at the moment..
Question and Fanart of Lady Dimitrescu
Among Us - YanImpostorMalePurple X GenderNeutralReader
Identity V Screenshots
Thank you for the fanart! ❤
Identity V - YandereMikeMorton X FemReader
Identity V - YandereAndrewKreiss X FemReader
YandereLadyDimitrescu X FemChubbyReader PART 1
Emil and Ada Fanart and some screenshots
Identity V Screenshots
YandereMalak X MaleReader -Dark Deception
YandereLadyDimitrescu X FemChubbyReader PART 2
YandereGoldWatcher X FemReader - Dark Deception
YandereLuckyTheRabbit X MaleReader - Dark Deception
Ballora X YandereReader - Sister Location
YandereBoyfriend X FemReader
YandereEmil X FemPsychologistReader PART 1- Identity V
YandereMercenary/Naib X FemReader PART 2
Yandere Tokyo Revengers X FemReader Fanfic RELEASE DATE

Identity V - YandereLucaBalsa X FemReader

2.3K 34 99
By AlishaDaWolf

"Are you a cipher? Because we make a connection. ;)" ~ Luca Balsa

Don't mind the cheesy pickup lines that will follow, definitely not me searching them for the story XDD

Requested by your_local_diabetes 😌 Also, they were the ones to give me some ideas for the one shot 😁 I just did not write this oneshot with all the ideas, I just went with the flow :")

By the way, I managed to write this in a day and it usually takes me more than a day, if not weeks to complete a one shot like this so... Yeah xD I apologize if it does not live up to your expectations. I believe that the longer it takes for me to post an one shot, the more details I add so since I completed this in a day there may not be that much to it. I just have a slight writer's block and a bit of lack of inspiration, but I still hope you'll all enjoy nonetheless!


"It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Y/n, the fine woman who had just entered the mansion said as the doctor introduced the new member to all the survivors... Excuse me, participants in the manor. Her voice had a calming effect on everyone as it was warm and comforting, even the small smile on her face as she introduced herself. She seemed to be a bit shy, yet she still tried her best to be polite and make a friendly impression.

Luca couldn't take his eyes off the woman.... Despite the fact that he forgot most of his past, all these memories he spent with the woman before he entered the mansion came back. Y/n was the most important person in his life. They did not manage to get as close as he wished they could have previously due to many issues, but the two of them were doing really well together and Luca had already fallen in love with her. The memories of her were blurred before she entered the mansion, as if he had almost forgotten her, but the moment he looked at her beautiful (e/c) eyes, he immediately recognized her.

He immediately ran to her, not bothering to apologize to the people he accidentally bumped against on his way - All he wanted was to see her.
He gently grabbed her arms and looked straight in her eyes. The woman looked shocked and confused. "Y/n... Is it really you? You're back...." He waited for a reply, but all he was met with was her silence and confusion, as well as that of the survivors that surrounded the two of them. "I.." She stuttered. "Y/n, it is me... Luca, Luca Balsa!" The woman swallowed before she gave a nervous smile at him. "I-I'm sorry.. I don't think I recognize you. You probably confused me with someone else..."

Her words shattered his heart in pieces. It hurt to hear these words come from his favorite person's mouth. He expected her to embrace him and tell him how happy she was to see him again. Either way, he was very relieved to hear her soft voice again... She was still as kind as gentle as she was from these few years ago.

He felt the doctor's hand on his shoulder. "Luca, do you know miss Y/n?" "Yes!" He exclaimed, looking at the doctor, before back at Y/n, "The two of us... Were extremely close. I remember it clearly!" Y/n hugged her arms with a frown on her face, a bit uncomfortable at the amount of attention she was getting, as well as the man she considered unfamiliar talking this none sense.
Emily sighed. "Luca, if that's the case, it is most likely that she has some sort of amnesia upon entering the manor... Just like what happened to all of us. She probably forgot a lot of things about her past.... Including you." Luca looked at Y/n with a worried and saddened look on his face. She stared at him with a quite similar look.

"Anyways," Emily continued as she put her hand on Y/n's shoulder now, "Miss Y/n must have had a tiring trip - She deserves some rest." Then, she stared at her, "I shall guide you to your ro-" "Allow me to do that," The prisoner interrupted the doctor. "Please..." Emily thought about it for a moment, before she handed him the key to Y/n's new room which had the number of her room on it. "Very well then, I am quite busy anyways.. Miss Y/n, take your time to relax before we guide you around the manor." Y/n nodded at the doctor before she quietly followed the prisoner.


The two of them walked by the corridors, just the two of them.
Luca suddenly stopped and looked at her, not missing her uncomfortable posture. "Y/n... You probably do not remember me, do you?" Y/n simply stared at him before she shook her head. "I... Do not...... I'm sorry. I don't think I recognize you." Luca chuckled sadly before his gaze fell on the floor. "Well then..... It's just like what doc said, it's because of the amnesia you got when you came here. It happened to all of us. The difference is that this was not enough to make me forget about you." "What kind of amnesia? What are you talking about?" "Doesn't matter." Luca waved his hand, before he put on a smile. "I'll probably have to help you remember. But until then, let's start it properly.... I am Luca Balsa, once again. I... Hope the two of us can create a new start...?" He asked a bit unsure. He didn't know how to feel about having to restart everything and build the strong bond the two had -or he assumed they had- on their past, but maybe he could make things a bit better this time? So, why not give it a try?
Y/n smiled at him kindly, "Of course, pleasure to meet you... You already know me as it seems."

'Luca Balsa.... Who are you really?'


Two days had passed and it made sense that people were curious about the new participant. Of course, Luca was trying his best to stay with her and try his best to bond with her better, but he was worried about her becoming uncomfortable. To be truthful, having him around her most of her time around did make her slightly uncomfortable, but she was glad that he was trying his best to help her, as well as the fact that there were more people around in case anything happened. She had to admit - She was really curious about Luca and wanted to learn more about him and his past, as well as whether he was saying the truth about the two of them being familiar with each other before entering the manor.

Luca was working on different intentions during nighttime so he woke up a bit later than usually. He quickly got dressed and followed his morning routine before he immediately left his room to find Y/n, skipping breakfast.

Needless to say, he was not very happy to see her hanging out with the painter. The two of them seemed to be having fun... A bit too fun for his liking.

"You're so talented, Edgar! I wish I had a talent like yours.."
"Nobody is born an artist, Y/n... I can help you get better at painting and even teach you some things. I have my supplies in my room, if you want, we can go there so I can teach you a thing or two.." Before Y/n could accept or decline his request, Luca entered the scene. "Good morning, Y/n!" He greeted her with a smile. "Oh, hello, Luca!" She smiled at him. "Hey, I need to show you something, follow me!" "Right now?" She questioned, "Yes, let's go!" Y/n got up after fixing her clothing and muttered a small apology to the painter after having to follow Luca.


"So, why are we in your room, Luca?" She quietly asked the prisoner. He smiled at her before he leaned down on his bed as he pulled a box under it. "I got you something... I thought that it would look pretty on you." He grinned as he handed the white box to her. Her eyes widened as she took the box in her hands, her fingers brushing against his. "Luca... You shouldn't have!" She then ripped the red ribbon before she pulled out a beautiful dress. Her eyes sparkled. "Luca... Thank you so much!" He smiled and placed his hands on his hips. "No problem, doll. To be honest... You used to wear similar clothes like this. So I managed to learn how to create a few basic things and with the help of some girls I created this for you."

Y/n smiled and hugged him tightly, "Thank you..!"
Luca blushed and hugged her back. "Hehe... Why don't you try it on then? "Sure! Um, where can I change...?" She asked as she looked around his room. "You can do it right here, darling.." He chuckled as he bit his lip at her flirtatiously. "I don't mind~"

The girl blushed hardcore. "Where is the bathroom??" Luca laughed before he pointed to his bathroom.

After a minute or two, she walked out of his bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were widen and her mouth was open in shock as she changed her pose a few times to get a better look at herself. "Wow, this is gorgeous! It looks as if it was made for me..! It looks beautiful on me..." She was amazed by the dress he made for her. She was also shocked how it was her exact size!

"Do you know what you would look even more beautiful in?" Luca asked as Y/n stared at him through his reflexion of the mirror as he approached her from behind calmly. Then, he wrapped both of his arms around her waist, touching his back with his chest as he stared at her with a loving gaze, "My arms."

Her face went red as she tensed. She noticed how his grip on her tightened and how his face slowly leaned closer to her neck..

Fortunately or unfortunately for her, there was a knock on Luca's door, startling the two of them and making them pull away from each other. "Luca? It's Annie. You need to get prepared because you')) have a match in ten minutes with Edgar, Ganji and Y/n. If you find Y/n, inform her please." Then, footsteps were heard, ensuring the two that Annie had walked away.

Y/n was a blushing mess and she was holding her forearm with her other hand. "S-So, uh... We have to, um... Get ready for the match?" Luca hummed, still pissed that their moment had to be interrupted because of the stupid match. Unfortunately, it was not something they could avoid or skip. Not taking part in it would lead to unpleasant consequences.

"I'll go to my room to prepare then.." She quietly said. She slowly started making her way through the door, until she felt Luca grabbing her arm and pulling her back. He placed a kiss on her cheek. "We'll meet in the kitchen along with the other two... I'll try to find you early during the game, okay? You still need to get used to everything." Y/n quickly nodded, her cheeks red from the previous interactions before she quickly left the room, Luca not taking his eyes off of her as she did so.


After some minutes, Luca and Ganji were already there, waiting for the others to arrive.

Not long after, Y/n walked in... With Edgar. Of course. He was surprised to see her in the dress he made for her. She smiled upon seeing Luca and sat on his right while Edgar sat on his left.

"Hey Luca! I decided to wear the dress you made for me this time... It is so comfortable and nice. For a change!" She giggled. Luca chuckled, "Well, I also wore something different today.." Y/n raised her eyebrow as she stared at Luca for a few seconds. There was nothing different about him. He looked just like he usually did. Luca patiently waited for her to notice. "Oh, really...? What is it?" She asked curiously. Then, he gave her one of his most handsome smiles. "The smile you gave me!"

Y/n blushed at this and she couldn't help but laugh. "That was actually adorable...!" She said. Ganji, who heard the conversation just rolled his eyes and looked away, not saying anything as he played with his bat. He was not the type of person who enjoyed watching romance, he preferred to bully hunters instead. On the other side, Edgar just rested his chin on the palm of his hand as he stared at the two in silence. "..."

A few seconds later, the match had already began.

Luca was getting worried because he could not find Y/n in China town. It was easy to understand that the Hunter was that clown just by seeing the rocket pieces spread around the map. Many people underestimated him at times, but he was much stronger than he looked. Y/n was also mostly the assist type, she was not good at kiting which was understood as she was still new to the whole thing. It was just her third match.

However, he did notice the clown trying to attack Y/n who was very scared, but Ganji immediately came to the rescue as he used his body as a shield and immediately stunned the hunter with his skill. Edgar also appeared there and Ganji noticed him. He looked at Edgar with his fierce glare, "Get Y/n and take her the hell out of here! She is injured - I'll handle him," He said as he pointed his bat at the hunter who was recovering. Edgar picked Y/n bridal style and started running away somewhere safe.

Luca knew that he should have started to decode in order to help the team, as Ganji would do a good job containing the hunter and Edgar healing Y/n, but he just could not bring himself to leave the two alone.

His jealousy did not allow him.

So instead, he ran after the two.


"Ugh... I'm really sorry.." Y/ apologized as Edgar gently placed her on the ground and took a look at her injured leg. As he was examining it, he looked at her, "Why are you apologizing?" "I am doing terribly... I Sam only causing trouble!" Edgar let out an annoyed sigh. "Stop with the nonesense." He complained as he healed her leg. There was silence during that.

"There - This should be fine." Edgar said, proud with how well he treated her leg. "Thank you, Edgar." "Yeah yeah, let's get to decoding now." He said as the two quickly walked to the nearest cipher. As they were going to decode it, they accidentally touched their hands. They quickly stopped and stared at each other in their eyes in silence. Y/n had pulled her own hand back a bit, only for Edgar to take it closer to him. "...." Edgar did not say a word as he touched his forehead on hers and stared at her in her eyes.

Luca, who was already extremely near, would not sit there and watch what would happen next, but instead appeared right behind them. "Hey Y/n, are you okay?" That startled both of them and Edgar quickly pulled away from her. The two men glared at each other for a second. "Luca! Yeah, I'm totally fine!" "Good! Now, let's decode..." He said as he started to decode with the two of them.


A while had passed of the four decoding, kiting and trying to survive through the match...

After some time, both of the gates had opened. Ganji was forced to leave as the hunter would have gotten to him. Luca and Y/n were waiting on the other gate for Edgar, who was separated from the two and he was trying to escape the hunter who was chasing him.

Y/n gasped when she heard Edgar yelling in pain. "Oh no, he is in trouble! Luca, we have to do something!" Y/n desperately clinged on Luca. He put his hands on her hips and stared at her sternly. "Y/n, the hunter has Detention... We cannot save him. If we do, we will most likely get downed too. Let's leave and we will get a win!" "And leave Edgar like that?!" Y/n asked in shock. She really did not want to leave anyone behind - whether it was a win, a tie or a lose. "You'll understand how this works soon enough." He said. However, the innocent and nervous stare of hers that was trying to see Edgar from the distance was enough to make his heart melt. She was really serious about that. He sighed. "Come on... He'll be back anyways. I've also lost matches but I'm still alive?" He pointed his thumbs at himself with a lazy smile, trying to cheer her up. She gave him a small side smile, while her eyebrows still held a frown. "Fine... Let's go then." She held his hand as they both escaped.

She did not notice the suspicious smile on Luca's face...


Everyone was happy to see the three of them survive and they congratulated everyone for their great work. Especially Ganji, who did most of the work. If it weren't for him, they would have probably lost. The hunter did not go easy on anyone that round.

However, they noticed that Edgar was not coming back to the manor, which had everyone extremely worried. First, it took hours but during the next days they all noticed that he was not coming back... Until they heard that he was found dead and rotting in the map he had last participated at.

Luca rubbed Y/n's back softly as she was crying on his chest, the two of them lying on his bed. Y/n was terrible, she was sobbing while blaming his death on herself. Luca however did his best to convince her that she never did anything bad.

"He didn't deserve this... How did this happen? Why did this happen?" She sobbed. "Y/n, please... It hurts me to see you like that." Luca cupped her cheeks and cleaned the tears on her eyes. "I'm so-ory ..." His heart broke seeing her like that. Despite the two of them sharing so many memories in the past, it was the very first time he had seen her cry... Or held her while she cried.

"Y/n?" He asked as she looked at him. ".... I just wanted to let you know that I am extremely happy to have you back." He smiled, trying to distract her from Edgar's death. "I truly missed you... You probably still do not remember me," He sighed as he played with her hair, "But I still want to make things the way they used to be." Y/n carefully listened to him.
"I love you... I always have loved you. I just wanted to get this out of my chest." Y/n managed to give him a smile and she hugged him. "I know... Even though I can't remember that past, I can totally see that the two of us were very close. And.... I'm starting to love you too, more and more, day by day.."  "... I'm very happy to hear that." Luca said as he hugged the girl close to him. Within a few minutes, Y/n fell into a slumber between his arms. He smiled as he played with her hair during her sleep. Gosh, she was the cutest...

If she knew that he was the cause of Edgar's death, she would have hated him... But at least, nobody would know.

All he wanted was to be with her. He was willing to do anything for that.


Many survivors had noticed Luca's unhealthy obsession for Y/n. Surprisingly, she was the only one not to notice this. For her, his behavior seemed normal, but the others did notice the massive change of his behavior. They all knew that he was becoming obsessed and crazy for Y/n. Fiona had even warned Y/n about it, but she did not really take it very seriously. She said that he was just fine and that he was hurt by Edgar's death and he had his own problems that he was dealing with.

However, it didn't take too long for her to notice how he would always interrupt the moments she would spend with other people, mostly the men in the manor. He was very possessive when it came to that, so hr would always find his ways of stealing her away. She started to love Luca and she was enjoying their time together, but it started getting a bit tiring - he wanted to be with her twenty four seven.


"Luca, you need to relax-"

"I CANNOT relax, Y/n! They are literally trying to get to you!" Luca exclaimed angrily as he was stomping around his room while Y/n was trying to get him to calm down. It was not the first time...

"Luca I promise, they were just talking with me.."
"Didn't seem that way to me, Y/n! They all want to steal you away!"
"Please Luca, listen to me! Lucky was only giving me tips on how to kite!"
"You have me, Y/n, you have me to help you! You don't need anyone else!" He groaned as he glared at his door. Y/n let out a sigh as she knew that he would not calm down in that way. So instead, she walked close to him and hugged him from the back. His angry look softened at that. "I don't like seeing you angry.. I truly love the time we spend together, but I don't like it when you try to isolate me from the others." "I am only protecting you, Y/n.." He whispered. 'Protecting me from what?' She wondered. He then took her hand and made her sit on his bed as he sat beside her. "I've found my happiness again the moment you came here. I just knew that I could not afford to lose you again... Especially now that I need you the most." He kissed her hand. She leaned her head on his shoulder. "I won't disappear again."
Then, she started thinking... "Luca, can I ask you... How did the two of us get separated in the past? You usually avoided talking about the past..."
His eyes glowed dangerously without her noticing. "You were running away, my love... Because my love and obsession was too much for you to take, so I came here in order to search for you..." He grinned. "And I was rewarded for my hard work. I finally have you again. But this time... You cannot run away. We'll be here forever... Together." He giggled insanely. Y/n was trembling in fear, but she still did not move away from him. "Now, I can forever protect you and love you... Nothing can get in the way of our love."

And he was right. There was no escape for her. Not even her fellow teammates could do anything about it. But at least, he was always there for her...


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