• Blood Bound •||• Simon Kali...

By garbage_supreme

21.6K 352 57

What do you get when you mix six friends and a town curse that has lingered since 1666? Six dead bodies, but... More

·Warning, Disclaimer, And Key·
1 - Shadyside
2 - In Loving (And Hating) Memory
4 - Babysitter's Worst Nightmare
5 - Confrontation
6 - Lives On The Line
7 - You Always Hurt The One You Love
8 - Discovery
9 - She Reaches From Beyond The Grave
10 - Pound Town
11 - Fight Back
12 - Final Battle
13 - Welcome Back
14 - The End
15 - Possessed
16 - C. Berman
17 - Body And Hand Unite
18 - Full Moon Rises Before Nightfall
19 - A Good Night To Enjoy
20 - The Fruits Of The Land
21 - The Devil Has Come
22 - Blood Will Fall
23 - Search
24 - The Death Of Sarah Fier
25 - Back To 1994
26 - For The Greater Goode
27 - Be Prepared
28 - The Real Final Battle
29 - Finale

3 - Vengeance

1K 12 9
By garbage_supreme

"Pieces of shit!" Kate announces. "YEAH!!!" the whole bus yells. "They think they can do what they want!" "NO!!!" The bus shakes slightly at our response. "They ruin our vigil, then go waltzing back to their mansions, like we're some reject pile that they can step on!" "NO!!!" "Well, we are not the reject pile!" "NO!!!" "This shit ends tonight!" "YEAH!!!" "What are we gonna do?!" Simon adds. "We're gonna kill those preppy assholes!" Kate yells. "YEAH!!!!!" Everyone cheers.

We all begin to chant her name as she sits down back in her seat, proud of the riot she started. The perks of being a cheerleader. "When I say Shady, you say side!" Simon cheers, getting out of his seat. "Shady!" "SIDE!" "Shady!" "SIDE!" "WHEN I SAY SHADY, YOU SAY SIDE! SHADY!!" "SIDE!!" SHADY!!" "SIDE!!" "SHADY!!!" "SIDE!!!" "SHADY!!!" "SIDE!!!" The chant speeds up and gets louder as everyone gets hyped up.

"GUYS! COME HERE! COME HERE!" Deena demands, motioning towards the back windows. Simon, Kate, and I rush to see what she's taking about as everyone else continues chanting. It's a bright red car, speeding right behind us. Someone in a skull mask is standing up from the sunroof, throwing beers at us.
"It's those assholes!" I pipe up. "Hey, isn't that, uh..." Simon points out. We look closer and see who he's talking about. Sam is riding shotgun with these dicks. So much for not seeing her tonight.

"Sam..." Deena whispers, enraged at what she's seeing right now. Deena gets up and grabs the cooler, letting Simon pull his pants down and press his ass up to the glass, mooning the Sunnyvalers pursuing us. "Sunnyvale sucks!" Simon smiles as another beer is thrown at the window. He pulls his pants back up and walks away from the window.

"Open the door!" Deena orders, pulling the lid off of the cooler. I do as she says and open up the emergency exit door. I'd like to see that stupid car covered in Gatorade. The alarm blares loudly as the door swings open.

"This is definitely a good idea, right?" Kate cautiously asks. "It's the best idea! Now, move!" I encourage, grabbing the other end of the cooler. Deena stares down the car intensely. "On three, okay?" "Alright," I cheer. "One... Two..." She begins counting. Blood begins to drip out of Deena's nostrils. "Deena! Your nose is bleeding!" I quickly say, my smile fading from my face.

"What?" she says, loosening her grip on the cooler. "DEENA!" I exclaim as the cooler slips out of my hands completely, causing it to fly out of the door and hit the car. The car swerves as the cooler, ice, and Gatorade block the windshield and finally drives straight into the woods. "Oh my god!" I gasp, placing my hand over my mouth.

"STOP!!!" Deena screams with blood still pouring out of her nose. "STOP THE BUS!!!"

The bus screeches as the driver slams the breaks, knocking over everyone that's standing up. Simon falls down onto me, his hands not able to stop his fall. "Ow!" I grunt as his head falls onto my chest. As the bus comes to a complete stop, Deena jumps out of the emergency exit and runs into the woods.

"You okay?" Simon asks, strained a bit. "Yeah. You?" "I know I am. Your boobs are like pillows," he smiles, nuzzling into them. My entire face heats up. "Ugh! Get off of me!" I scoff, pushing his head off and quickly standing back up.

"Come on, we have to go!" I urgently say, stepping out of the bus. Simon follows after me, with Kate not far behind us yelling how bad of an idea this is. We enter the dark woods, beginning the search for a crashed red car. It's not hard to find considering... well, it's a car in the woods.

The three of us find Deena kneeling on the ground with Sam. "Oh, shit!" Simon exclaims, rushing to Sam's side. I kneel next to Simon, taking a look at the damage we have done. "Okay, we should not be down here," Kate pipes up. "Shut up, help me carry her!" Deena quickly says. "We need to leave, like ten minutes ago," Kate says. "We have to clear her airway," Simon says, moving his hand toward Sam's bloody nose. "Quit it!" Deena hisses, smacking his hand away. "She seems to be breathing fine," I add.

"Hey, I got this! Chill out!" he assures. It's not assuring at all to any of us, though. "I got this," he whispers to Sam. Simon holds up three fingers in front of Sam. "How many fingers am I holding up?" Simon asks. "Three," she sighs. Simon turns to us. "See? She's fine." He smiles.

His words are immediately contracted when Sam sputters blood on me and Simon's shirts. She's definitely not fine! "Oh my god!" I gasp, looking at the blood on our shirts. Simon exclaims in disgust and stands up. "We need to take her to a hospital right now!" I order. "What the fuck?!" Simon yells, looking down at his shirt. "We have to take her to the hospital." I say, still gagging at the blood.


The ambulance finally arrives, carrying Sam away on a stretcher. The police are involved, too. Great. "What are we gonna tell the cops if they question us?" I quickly ask everyone. "Just tell them it was just an accident!" Kate urgently whispers. Sheriff Goode approaches Deena first. Kate is second, then that loud-mouthed Sunnyvaler and his friend. Now it's my turn...

"What's your name?" the sheriff asks me. "Y/N L/N." I answer. "What happened here?" he questions. "The car was just driving behind the bus, then it crashed," I bluntly say. "The bus driver said that he saw you and Deena Johnson holding a cooler." "I was taking a drink out of it," I shrug. "He also said that you opened the emergency exit." He pushes, writing on his notepad. "I don't think so."

"Alright," he sighs, walking away from me. He clearly knows what happened, but can't get anything out of us. He approaches Simon next. "So, you wanna tell me what happened?" he questions. Simon places his hands on his hips and utters the words, "Suck it, pig." The sheriff shakes his head in disappointment and walks away. I chuckle as Simon gives me a dorky grin.

I smile, "Come on, Si. Let's go and rent a movie. I was thinking we could watch Jaws. I haven't seen it yet."

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