Book 3: Fire (Sokka Love Stor...

By thats_not_her

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Things have officially gone to shit...AGAIN. In the aftermath of Azula's attack in Ba Sing Se, (Y/n) has to... More

Book 3: Chapter 1: Wake Me Up (Wake Me Up Inside)
Book 3: Chapter 2: My Name's Aang and I'm Your Freestyle Dance Teacher
Book 3: Chapter 3: Sokka's Master; Or: The Time Kim Was A Stubborn Prick
Book 3: Chapter 4: Pain, Bread, and... D'oh!
Book 3: Chapter 5: Werewolves, Vampires, and Bloodbenders
Book 3: Chapter 6: Good Nights and Bad Nights
Book 3: Chapter 7: All Aboard For The Invasion (Part 1)
Book 3: Chapter 8: All Aboard For The Invasion (Part-2)
Book 3: Chapter 9: Me and My Homies Hate the Warden
Book 3: Chapter 10: Zuko Gets Choke-Slammed Into A Wall
Book 3: Chapter 11: Goodbye, Farewell, Hope We Meet Again
Book 3: Chapter 12: Love Amongst the Fools
Book 3: Chapter 14: The Lion Turtle, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
Book 3: Chapter 15: We Burn Airships for the God Anubis
Epilogue: Part 1 - The Homecoming
Epilogue: Part -2: The Desires
Epilogue: Part - 3: The Seduction

Book 3: Chapter 13: Avatar On Crack

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By thats_not_her

Heidy-Ho, my lovelies! It's only now I realized it's the end of July and... feels sketchy. 

I had forgotten to update this book, apologies. However, this is one of the longest chapters I have written, and it's THE PLAY!!! I had a lot of fun writing this, not gonna lie. 

I hope you're all doing well. I love your little comments and your simping for Suki. Every day I wake up and wonder "should I make the relationship with Suki, too?" and I psych myself out of it. LIKE WHY? I love her so fuckin' much. But I have sorta already gotten a love interest for her in line right from the beginning, and I like that, too. 

So, this will stay a Sokka x Reader book but goddamn Suki will be getting a girlfriend. SHE DESERVES ONE OKAY!

I am so happy you liked the previous chapter! And I hope you like this one, too -- it's just absolute crack. 

Happy reading, cuties!

ALSO YOOOO one of my readers is an artist and made this absolutely cute art of the cave scene in Book 2!! It's on twitter, so please give her some love, her twitter handle is @kzusda1 and the link is below!


They've taken up residence in Firelord Ozai's beach house, which, ironically, is the safest place in the Fire Nation by far because well, he hasn't come by since forever.

While Zuko and Aang take to firebending in the vast courtyard, and Katara and Suki are spectating in their Fire Nation disguises, Toph is just napping happily in the sunlight.

That's where (Y/n) and Sokka find them after their short date in the city, and Sokka, well, the moment he saw it, his face turned utterly gleeful and (Y/n) couldn't help but feel the same. This was what she had been waiting for after all.

Sokka calls attention to himself. "You guys are not going to believe this. There's a play about us."

"We were just in town, and we found this poster," (Y/n) says, unlatching her hand from Sokka's as he brings out the rolled-up poster from underneath his free arm, and unveils it to the group. It's a drawn picture of Aang in the centre, with Katara and Sokka on one side, (Y/n) and Toph on the other, and Zuko above them, with his scar painted on the wrong side of his face.

Katara pops up beside her brother, to which he turns and proudly shows it to her, but she looks a little more mortified than him. Mostly because all of the main characters are heavily exaggerated, from Katara being older and extremely weepy, clutching onto Aang's leg, to Sokka being pictured as a muscular man in Water Tribe clothing. "What? How is that possible?"

Sokka flips the poster back and reads, "'The Boy in the Iceberg' is a new production from acclaimed playwright Pu-On Tim who scoured the globe gathering information on the Avatar from the icy South Pole to the heart of Ba Sing Se. His sources include singing nomads, pirates, prisoners of war, a dangerous world-bender, and a surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage."

(Y/n) leans forward and completes the description. "Brought to you by the critically acclaimed Ember Island Players. I gotta say: world-bender? Sounds pretty cool to me."

Suki frowns. "I have no idea what that means at all."

"World-bender?" Zuko asks, rubbing his chin. "I don't know what that entails, but if we can find out who it is, maybe they're powerful. It would be good to have them on our side."

(Y/n) exchanges an amused look with Sokka, and Toph has taken to stifling her laughter.

So (Y/n) is a world-bender, huh? That's sounds a lot more badass.

But then she realizes that the poster says the 'world-bender' is a source of information for the writer. Which doesn't make sense because she has never talked to a writer or given him any information about their lives. She's kept it pretty hush-hush about the whole universe talk so...

Who is the world-bender that the writer actually talked to? Because if it wasn't her, that means... there's someone else who had travelled to the ATLA universe.

But instead of continuing the train of thought that very much makes her uncomfortable, Zuko interrupts with a cringe.

"Ugh. My Mother used to take us to see them. They butchered 'Love Amongst The Dragons' every year."

"I hope it wasn't anything like the book because - phew." (Y/n) fans her face. "Intense dragon fuc-"

"Sokka," Katara says, her tone firm. "Do you really think it's a good idea for us to attend a play about ourselves?"

"Come on - a day at the theatre? This is the kind of wacky time-wasting nonsense I've been missing." Sokka grins, letting the scroll roll back up and that's that.


(Y/n) knows that this is a somewhat terrible idea. Not only would she see everything she's been through, but she'd have to see it in its most butchered, terribly-written form that somehow encapsulates the truth.

Another facet of this play would prove to her that somehow, the playwright of the script is an all-knowing universe god or something that has known about her freaky world-travel thing.

She's genuinely terrified of meeting Pu-On Tim. She hopes she doesn't because well, she has her answers. She's made her choice. She's staying here. She has nothing more to ask, right? And if she meets him and he spouts something otherworldly, it'll just fuck with her head.

They reach the theatre, passing by a snack stand selling all kinds of snacks that's very reminiscent of cinemas, and after purchasing some food - (Y/n) decided to share the packet of spiced popcorn with Sokka despite knowing he'll chomp it up in the first ten minutes.

They enter the hall where rows upon rows of lightly cushioned seats are lines up, slowly elevated the farther it's from the stage.

They take the pack of seats in a secluded top area that's furthest from any other seat - the private viewing box that overlooks the whole hall and has a centre view of the stage. It's dark, only illuminated by a few lamps around the hall, the rest coming from the bright lights pointing to the red curtains covering the stage.

Toph and Katara take the first row immediately, and (Y/n), Suki, and Sokka take the top row, with (Y/n) in the middle, much to her confusion at the amount of scowling the other two shoot at each other.

Sokka pushes the popcorn box in her hands and slings his arm over her shoulders, drawing her close until their bodies are pressed snugly to each other, and (Y/n) finds herself preening at the attention.

Without her really realizing, Sokka throws a cheeky look at Suki, who rolls her eyes and huffs.

In front of them, Zuko, wearing a hooded cloak, sits beside Katara quietly, until Aang comes along and stops in his tracks at the sight. He's wearing a floppy little hat that covers up his tattoos, and awkwardly, he nudges Zuko.

"Hey, uh..." Zuko looks up and Aang frowns, pointing. "I wanted to sit there."

Zuko, the poor fool, doesn't understand why Aang is clenching his fists and blushing furiously. He mumbles, "Just sit next to me; what's the big deal?"

Aang looks like he wants to shake Zuko, but when Katara looks over at them, he gulps. "I was just—I wanted to... Okay." He sits next to Zuko, pouting.

Sokka presses a fist to his mouth, but a small little snort escapes, and he hisses when (Y/n) elbows his side. "I'm sorry!" He whispers, trying to be serious, but his lips are twitching as if he wants to laugh. "Aang was just so sad, I can't help it."

(Y/n) shakes her head. "Don't laugh at the poor guy. He's just—" she takes one look at Sokka and her strict facade cracks like a biscuit. She fights back a grin. "It was pretty funny though."

They snicker together, and it's nice. It's very nice. (Y/n) has everything she needs right now - her friends together, her sweet, dumb boyfriend by her side making her happy, and a nice distraction from the war.

Their giggling is interrupted by Toph complaining, "Why are we sitting in the nosebleed section? My feet can't see a thing from up here."

The lights in the theatre dim down as Katara says, "Don't worry, I'll tell your feet what's happening."

There isn't any applause or welcome as the curtains draw open to reveal the stage decorated by moving sets of water props, mimicking the sea. The backdrop is a crude painting of icebergs.

In front of it, a canoe is being rowed by two much older actors in Water Tribe clothing - exaggerated versions of them, anyways, obviously being Katara and Sokka. The Katara actress is beaming and it's as if she finds excitement in the boring little fishing expedition.

As she turns to 'Sokka,' her pose shows her clothes are a little too revealing with slits along her clothes that show off shapely legs, and a red blush is painted on her cheeks.

Actress Katara sighs, draping herself dramatically along the canoe edge. "Sokka, my only brother. We constantly roam these icy South Pole seas and yet never do we find anything fulfilling."

Actor Sokka, who is much thinner, bonier, and has buck-teeth, with an extra-long ponytail that Sokka grimaces at, replies with a hand on his stomach. "All I want is a full feeling in my stomach, I'm starving!"

The audience laughs, and (Y/n) finds herself snickering along, much to Sokka's shock, and he looks at her with utter betrayal.

"I looked a lot more buff in the poster," Sokka grumbles. "That's false advertising, and I can sue—"

(Y/n) clasps a hand over his mouth, and whispers, "Behave."

Sokka does, rather reluctantly, but he catches her hand in his and doesn't let go. When she tries tugging it back teasingly, he holds onto it tighter.

"Is food the only thing on your mind?" Actress Katara asks with disdain, and Actor Sokka only shrugs and points to his mouth.

"Well, I'm trying to get it out of my mind and into my mouth. I'm starving."

It's a little unreal how this play is giving her shitty sitcom vibes with the fake laughter reel because the audience is actually laughing at the dumb food jokes.

Sokka growls. "This is pathetic. My jokes are way funnier than this."

"I think he's got you pegged." Toph laughs.

Actress Katara declares, "Everyday, the World awaits a beacon to guide us, yet none appears. Still, we cannot give up hope." She places her hand to her chest and sniffles, voice choked up as she says, "For hope is all we have, and we must never relinquish it. Even... Even to our dying breath."

And then she breaks down into tears.

Katara, the real Katara, crosses her arms, utterly unamused. "Well, that's just silly. I don't sound like that."

Unfortunately for her, everyone else is laughing, and Toph is practically cackling with glee. "Oh man, this writer's a genius."

Then, the iceberg prop slowly moves to the centre of the stage and inside of it, a cut-out of Aang sways from side to side on a stick.

Actress Katara gasps. "It appears to be someone frozen in ice. Perhaps for a hundred years."

"But who?" Asks Actor Sokka. "Who is the boy in the iceberg?"

For some reason, Aang is excited. He's grabbing the railings and looking with excitement, but Zuko is the exact opposite of Aang, yawning softly.

Actress Katara, for some reason, climbs atop the iceberg prop, and does a chopping motion with her hand, shouting, "Waterbend, hai-ya!"

Katara only buries her face in her hand, groaning lowly.

Cracks appear on the iceberg, and it opens with white smoke escaping it, and then, a person dressed up as Aang, bald, tattooed head, airbender outfit and all, leaps out, winks at the crowd, and poses with a hand on their hip.

Actress Katara gasps and asks, "Who are you, Frozen Boy?"

Actress Aang giggles and balances on one leg. "I'm the Avatar, silly. Here to spread joy and fun." And accentuates that with a broad smile and a dancey pirouette.

Aang leans forward, in disbelief. It seems he's finally noticed the heavy makeup on the actress, with full lashes, blushing cheeks and painted pink lips. "Wait, is that a woman playing me?"

Instead of anyone responding to his outrage, there is a shaggy, white Chinese lion get-up that pops from the iceberg, and it's slowly swaying side to side to join the kids. There is a gruff animal noise and yes - that's supposed to be Appa, controlled by three dancers wearing shaggy beige pants.

Actress Katara gasps. "An airbender! My heart is so full of hope that it's making me tearbend." She drops to her knees, grabs Actress Aang's leg, and weeps loudly.

Actor Sokka joins her, grabbing Aang's other leg and wailing. "My stomach is so empty that it's making me tearbend." He sobs. "I need meat."

"But wait!" Actress Aang kneels down and places an arm around Actor Sokka's shoulder and points to the ceiling of the theatre. "Is that a platter of meaty dumplings?"

Actor Sokka rears up, tears gone as he looks around desperately. "Ooo. Where? Where?"

Actress Aang giggles uncontrollably – annoyingly, too. "Did I mention that I'm an incurable prankster?"

The audience laughs. (Y/n) herself is laughing, curled up against Sokka, and he's glaring at the stage as if he wants to set it all on fire.

Aang scowls. "I don't do that. That's not what I'm like! And... I'm not a woman!"

Toph is laughing loudly. "Oh, they nailed you, Twinkle Toes."

Then, Zuko's ship enters the stage, with Actor Zuko poised near the front of the ship, looking through a telescope. Beside him, sitting down with a platter of food, is Actor Uncle Iroh.

"Prince Zuko, you must try this cake." Actor Uncle Iroh brings up a whole cake on a plate, but one slice is missing.

Actor Zuko, who is taller, buffer, and with that terrible, terrible half-bald ponytail, has the burn scar on the wrong fucking eye.

"I don't have time to stuff my face!" He snaps, his voice rougher and deeper than Zuko's, who squirms uncomfortably. Actor Zuko puts down the telescope. "I must capture the Avatar to regain my honour!"

Actor Iroh shrugs. "Well, while you do that, maybe I'll capture another slice." He proceeds to bring the plate of cake to his mouth and makes loud, masticating noises.

Actor Zuko scowls viciously. "You sicken me."

Zuko makes a sound that is very much like a squawk. "They make me
totally stiff and humourless."

"Actually, I think that actor's pretty spot on."

Zuko looks at Katara with utter betrayal. "How could you say that?"

"How could you say that?!" Actor Zuko then snaps, outraged at Actor Uncle Iroh.

Katara grins wickedly, and Zuko quietly slouches in his seat, looking as if he wants the bench to consume him entirely.

Then, the ship rotates, so that it shows the hidden side, but instead of it being the outer part of the ship, it just shows the brig of the ship, all terribly crafted with loose wood and chains.

In the middle of the set is a person lying there, hands and legs bound in chains, dressed in red clothes. The actress has her hair braided tight and at first glance, does look like (Y/n). She wakes up, clutching her head.

"Where am I?" She mumbles. Then, she notices a Zuko cut-out placed to the side and gasps quietly. "I've been caught by the Fire Nation prince!"

Suki leans over, tapping Zuko's shoulder. "Here I thought I was special because you tried to burn my village. Turns out, you make all your friends by trying to kill them."

Zuko grumbles, blushing.

(Y/n) grins, shaking Sokka's arm excitedly. "I'm gonna do the most awesome move to get out of the chains, just watch!"

Sokka snickers. "I can't wait for them to ruin your character."

"Oh, please, I think I'm pretty straightforward when it comes to—"

"WITH THE POWER OF CHI, I SUMMON YOU TO RELEASE ME!" The actress shouts and taps the chain, and then the chain just... breaks.

It fucking breaks at the tap of her hand.

(Y/n) smile slides off her face. Her head cocks to the side, as if she can't process what just happened, and then her friends are roaring with laughter.

"I did not do that," (Y/n) says.

Sokka wipes his wet eyes, still rumbling with laughter. "This is better than I'd imagined."

"I don't have the power to talk to metal. Chi-blocking doesn't work like that, what the fuck."

The actress crawls out the porthole, barefoot, and shivers in the icy-blue setting of the southern water tribe. She makes a show of cracking her knuckles, staring at the fake icebergs in determination. "The only way out is to go up. There, I can find someone to help me!"

She begins scaling the icebergs with the obvious footholds carved into them, and she makes it a point to shiver and chatter her teeth. Her makeup is ridiculously overdone, with huge lashes and kohl-lined eyes, and geez—did they polish her nails?


(Y/n) perks up. "Well, I lose my pinkie finger here."

Sokka instantly catches her hand and runs his fingers along her palm before pinching the stump of her pinkie finger. "Ah, yes, the infamous—"

"MY TOE!" The (Y/n) actress wails and falls onto the smooth top of the iceberg.

Fake blood is stained across her foot — this production didn't hold anything back — and there, beside her, is a fake piece of clay fashioned into a toe. Actress (Y/n) begins sobbing at the loss of her last toe.

(Y/n) gapes. "They got that wrong, too?"

"They got my scar wrong," Zuko says blandly. "I wouldn't put it past them."

Toph is having the time of her fucking life.

Actress (Y/n) presses her palms together and breathes deeply.

"Oh boy," (Y/n) mutters.

"Where there is no struggle, there is no strength." The actress says solemnly, and miraculously gets up with zero problem because hey, a broken off toe feels like nothing once you invoke the power of a deep quote.

(Y/n) just remembers a lot of crying and sobbing at that time.

She walks to a nearby hut and finds clothes to wrap herself in. Actor Sokka stumbles in and his eyes grow wide at the sight of the girl in his home.

"Who are you?" He shouts. "And do you have any meat? I'm starving!"

Actress (Y/n) fishes out a fistful of jerky and he salivates at the sight like a hungry puppy. All he needed to do was bark.

Suki makes a sound of understanding. "So that's why he likes you so much."

Both (Y/n) and Sokka turn to her instantly, their own versions of snarling at the smug girl.

"For the record, I have way better jokes than that!" Sokka says, "It's so redundant, and if there's one thing I'm not — it's redundant."

(Y/n) nods. "Also for the record, I beat his ass that day."

"Yeah she—" Sokka splutters. "No, you didn't!"

"Yes, I did, Sokka."

"OOO, their first fight," Aang says, eyes wide.

Sokka scoffs, tugging (Y/n) back to his side and pressing a kiss to her temple. Her heart flutters. "This is a friendly debate. Which I'm winning because she did not kick my ass."


The backdrop of the Southern Air Temple was the next scene, completely skipping the part where she meets Aang and Katara. Apparently that wasn't too important to them.

Actress Aang roams the temple, spotting a tail sticking out from a bush prop.

"Hey look!" She points, and the tail slinks deeper into the bush. Actress Aang tiptoes to the bush as her friends look at each other puzzled. "I think I found something. It's a flying rabbit-monkey. I think I'll name him Momo." She steps away from the bush with a large puppet of Momo sitting on her shoulder.

Then, the puppet on her shoulder, which is controlled and voiced discreetly by the actress, opens its mouth and says, "Hi, everybody. I love you."

Aang is rubbing his temples.


They're now at Kyoshi Island, and an actress dressed like Suki, in Kyoshi warrior outfit flits around with two fans. However, her headgear and the belt around her waist are a little too big, even as she peeks from behind her fans cutely.

Actor Sokka struts in backwards, sticking his rear out, also wearing the bootleg uniform. "Does this dress make me butt look fat?"

(Y/n) presses a hand to her mouth, shaking with laughter as Suki beside her grins.

Sokka blushes, mumbling under his breath. "It was an initial concern of mine..."

(Y/n) pats his arm, smiling at how purely cute he looks with that little pout and red ears. "You have a perfectly shaped butt, my love."

"Aw, thanks."


Omashu, in its tall palace and delivery system painted as the backdrop, is the next scene, where an actor Bumi is in a green bodysuit, giggling maniacally. "Riddles and challenges must you face, if you are ever to leave this place."

Onstage, Actress Aang avoids swinging rocks and Actress Katara is trapped in a green rock prop. Actress (Y/n) is, for some reason, floating atop of them, strung up by rope to swing back and forth slowly, and saying a whole bunch of bullshit in a solemn tone, like, "True friends are together in spirit," as if that is supposed to help Actor Sokka who is being chased by someone dressed in an evil bunny suit.

"Y'know, this scene seems to be the most accurate one by far." Katara muses.

(Y/n)'s eye twitches. "I am flying in the air, talking about the power of friendship."


Give her the strength.


They're in a backdrop of trees now, the hideout of the freedom fighters where they had first met Jet.

Actor Jet has a rose between his teeth, his hair spiked up terribly, and he's shooting Actress Katara the most god-awful smoulder as he's lowered down to the floor by rope.

Actress Katara sobs out loud.

"Don't cry, baby," Actor jet whispers, holding Actress Katara close to him. "Jet will wipe out that nasty town for you." He tips her chin up to him.

A blue cloth is swept over the corner where the 'village' setup is, and Actress Katara sultrily breathes, "Oh Jet, you're so bad."

"Huurk," Sokka gags. Toph giggles, and Katara is blushing hard.


Actress (Y/n) is fighting with Actor General Zhao, who is trying to kill the Moon Spirit, and (Y/n) is grimacing every time her actress spouts a line about balance in the universe, before Zhao kills the spirit.

Then Actress (Y/n) falls to her knees and wails loud enough to have everyone in the theatre wince. "NOW THE WORLD WILL BE UNBALANCED, CAUSING UNTOLD LEVELS OF RUIN AND DESTRUCTION! WOE IS ME!"

Then, she promptly disappears behind a bush prop.

It instantly skips to Actor Sokka pressed close to Actress Yue, grasping her hands.

"Don't go, Yue. You're the only woman who's ever taken my mind off of food."

They kiss audibly, but then Actor Sokka gags and pulls back. "Wait, did you have pickled fish for dinner?"

"Goodbye, Sokka." Actress Yue whispers, slowly rising into the air by a cable. "I have important Moon duties to take care of." Just before she reaches the moon prop hung on the ceiling of the stage, she says, "And yes, I did have pickled fish."

Sokka has tears in his eyes, and (Y/n) finds herself patting his back.

"How come I haven't taken your mind off food?" She asks.

"That's because you indulge my food cravings and end up eating half my food." Sokka then hushes her. "Lemme watch."


Well, Act 1 was entertaining, if absolutely inaccurate. They shuffle out of the theatre during the intermission and sit on a flight of steps on a balcony.

Zuko looks grumpier. "So far, this intermission is the best part of the play."

Sokka paces down the steps, taking a seat to reach into his bag. "Apparently, the playwright thinks I'm an idiot who tells bad jokes about meat all the time." He takes out strips of meat and waves them around.

Suki nods. "Yeah, you tell bad jokes about plenty of other topics."

Sokka takes a bite out of the meat strip, chewing angrily as he agrees with her.

"At least this Sokka actor kinda looks like you," Aang complains. "That woman playing the Avatar doesn't resemble me at all."

"I don't know — you are more in touch with your feminine side than most guys," says Toph.

"Relax, Aang," Katara says, placing a hand on her chest. She and Suki are the only ones supposedly okay with their theatre counterparts. "They're not accurate portrayals. It's not like I'm a preachy cry-baby who can't resist giving overemotional speeches about hope all the time."

Everyone stares at her and Katara raises a brow. "What?"

"Yeah, that's not you at all."

Toph intervenes, calmly for once. "Listen, friends. It's obvious that the playwright did his research. I know it must hurt but what you're seeing up there on that stage is the truth."

"Well, sure," (Y/n) says, her fingers wringing in her lap, and she finds herself smiling a little at the ridiculousness she had witnessed. "But I don't think my portrayal is accurate at all. All that actress did was fly, dance, and say these deep quotes that made no sense. She didn't even climb one tree prop."

"I agree. Plus, (Y/n)'s actress didn't even look at me romantically," Sokka says.

"And his didn't threaten to send me flying off a cliff."

Zuko frowns at the couple. "Your relationship confuses me when you say things like that."

(Y/n) smiles at Sokka, who, despite dating her for a few days now, and has been flirting and practically dating her for months, still blushes at her gentle look, wondering how someone so cute and lovely could love him.

Intermission ends, and they're welcomed back to a scene of the Earth Kingdom where Actress Aang flits around with a rope attached to her back, glider in hand as she searches for an earthbending teacher.

Toph perks up instantly. "This is it! This must be where I come in."

Sokka yawns. "Wake me up when I'm the main focus." He snuggles up to (Y/n), his warm side pressed to her body as he tucks his head into the crook of her neck. (Y/n) huffs softly, curling an arm around him, slowly rubbing his side.

Actress Aang lands back down to the group and announces, "I flew all over town, but I couldn't find a single earthbending master." The others gape in horror.

Actress (Y/n) speaks up solemnly. "Where there is a will, there is a way. And now, I will guide you to your way, young Avatar."

The strangest thing happens. A breeze wafts by, blowing Actress (Y/n)'s hair upwards, and her eyes roll back, showing the whites of her eyes. A thunderous, ominous sound beats through the theatre as the actress inhales a huge breath.

"Oh, mighty universe," Actress (Y/n) says, voice booming, and Sokka peeks an eye open, utterly bewildered as she raises her hands up to the ceiling of the theatre. "An earthbender we seek, show me your strength, guide our avatar to victory, leave us with no suspense."

(Y/n) swears under her breath. Toph leans forward, fists clenched. "Here it comes."

The breeze dies down, and Actress (Y/n) gasps, eyes fluttering open, and she collapses, right into Actor Sokka's arms, who pushes her hair off her forehead in a tender gesture.

"What did you see?" Actor Sokka asks, "Did you see the earthbender? And did the universe, perchance, tell you where to resupply my beef jerky strips?"

Actress (Y/n) points to the side. "Avatar Aang, the universe has foretold that your new earthbending teacher will be Toph Beifong!"

A trap door from under a rock prop lifts up, and a muscular bodybuilder-physique of a man pops up, wearing Toph's outfit, only larger. "That's right. You can't find an earthbending master in the sky, you have to look underground," he says and throws the rock prop over the actors' heads.

Zuko drops his parchment he had been holding out in shock. The others burst out into laughter, and holy hell, this was so much better in person. The fact that the Actor Toph had a deep voice and thick calves, towering over all of them (when Toph is the shortest in the group), is about the funniest thing on the planet.

Actress Aang gasps. "Who are you?"

Actor Toph spits, and well - that's pretty on par for Toph. He flexes his muscles. "My name is Toph because it sounds like 'tough.' And that's just what I am."

Toph cocks her head, sticking a finger in her ear as if to clear it out. "Wait a minute, I sound like... a guy. A really buff guy."

Katara grins. "Well, Toph, what you hear up there is the truth. It hurts, doesn't it?"

Toph, instead of even thinking it was a jab, smiles so widely all her teeth show. "Are you kidding me? I wouldn't have cast it any other way. At least it's not a flying, dancing lady like (Y/n)."

"I will throw you out of this theatre, Toph," (Y/n) warns.

"So, you're blind?" Actress Aang asks, waving a hand in front of Actor Toph's face.

Actor Toph guffaws. "I can see you doing that. I see everything that you see except that I don't see like you do. I release a sonic wave from my mouth." He turns to the group and screams, loud and shrill, and it's so exaggerated that their clothes also flutter back.

Then, he pulls back with a short nod. "There. I got a pretty good look at you."

Toph's smile is beaming.


Actors Uncle Iroh and Zuko are standing on a bridge, facing each other as a spotlight lights them, casting their shadows behind them.

"Zuko, it's time we had a talk. About your hair." Actor Iroh points, voice full of grief. "It's gone too far."

Actor Zuko sighs, tossing his hair back which is a long thick wig with bangs falling over his face. "Maybe it's best if we... split up." And dramatically, he spins on his heel and walks away, his hair swishing along with him.

Zuko touches his hair self-consciously.


"I am from another universe, Sokka," Actress (Y/n) says, bowing her head in shame. "I come from a place where metal has a mind of its own. Where there are no benders. Where there is no Avatar. And most of all, where you aren't there."

Actor Sokka looks betrayed, pressing a hand to his forehead. "You've lied to me for so long. How can I ever trust you again?"

She catches his arm, draping herself along his body, looking very, very ashamed, and sad. "I have lied about many things — but I have never lied about how much I love you."

That makes him turn around, eyes wide, and Actor Sokka finds himself pressing closer to her. "Do you really mean it? Do you love me?"

"I do."

They kiss. It's terrible and short and they're smiling a lot, but (Y/n) hears a sniff beside her and finds her boyfriend teary-eyed.

"We're so beautiful," he whispers, voice full of heavy emotion.

"I think the real thing was better."

"Oh, definitely," Sokka says, smiling at her. "No one can truly encapsulate the amount of charm and wit I have."

"Or the ego," she mumbles.

Sokka pinches her side lightly and she snickers, accepting a soft, sweet kiss from him. "I'll never get used to that," Sokka admits after they separate, lips tingling and cheeks warm.

(Y/n) can't stop smiling — at how cute he is post-kiss; how that admission makes her heart speed up; how wonderful he is as her partner.

Actor Sokka breaks up the moment by asking, "So, on your trip to this universe, did you bring along some food?"

Sokka rolls his eyes. "Whoever wrote my character obviously knew nothing about me."


The next scene is the one with an abandoned village where they had once faced Azula — all of the GAang, plus Zuko and Uncle Iroh together in their first fight. They've cornered Actress Azula against a wooden door prop, and Actor Zuko is calling out, "Azula! My sister, what are you doing here?"

Actress Azula, who is wearing pink armour instead of red, bats her heavily made-up eyelashes. "You caught me. Wait. What's that?" And she points to the ceiling, shouting, "I think it's your honour!"

All of the actors turn, with Actor Zuko shouting desperately, "Where?"

With them distracted, Actress Azula takes the opportunity to slip behind a trapdoor, and the other actors are bewildered at her disappearance.


They're in Ba Sing Se now, with the GAang actors fighting Azula and her team, along with the Dai Li.

Actor Jet comes into screen, slashing his hook-sword arm prop as he does so. He is wearing a pair of crazy eyeglasses as the tiny black beads representing his pupils swirl around to show that he has gone insane. Actor Jet twirls around on the spot, swinging his arms around.

"No, Jet!" Actress Aang shouts, horrified. Actor Jet crouches down like an animal, pretending to be brainwashed, and even has a pot belly. "What did they do to you?

"Must. Serve. Earth King!" Actor Jet turns and swipes Sokka who ducks. "Must... Destroy!"

A stagehand on the catwalk looking down at the stage throws a rock prop, which strikes Actor Jet on the head, and he makes a series of groans that are cringe at best. The rock prop slowly floats into stage.

Actor Jet crawls on his knees to ensure that he is underneath the rock prop as it lands. The prop falls on him, covering the upper part of his body but his legs pop out from under the rock, which he hurriedly brings under the rock.

Zuko raises a finger. "Did Jet just... Die?"

"You know, it was really unclear."


On the other side of the set, the Appa players are bound with chains, where Actress (Y/n) is sitting cross-legged, trying to summon the power of Chi, apparently, to break through so many chains.

The blue masked warrior slips in, swords in hand, and points one at Actress (Y/n). "The bison is mine, world-bender."

Actress (Y/n) stands up, face blank, but eyes terrifying. "If you go against me, warrior, you will face the wrath of the universe. You will change the fate of this world for centuries to come. You, warrior, will—"

"No!" The blue masked warrior shouts indignantly. "No, you don't know what I am about to do! You don't know! You don't know ME!" He points to himself, growling. "You don't know me!"

Is this show on crack?

Actress (Y/n) presses her palms together. "With the power of the world, I can bend space and travel anywhere I wish! Prepare yourself, warrior! HAAA!" She postures, face twisted angrily.

The warrior actor raises his swords, yelling back. "HNNNNGGG!"



And that happens — just them yelling back and forth, leaving both the audience confused, and the GAang hysterical, and it subtly reminds (Y/n) of some animes like this.



Actress Katara is in the set of the catacombs of Ba Sing Se, along with Actor Zuko, whose hair has grown longer. He is sitting on a crystal prop, brooding, as Actress Katara twirls her hair-loopie around her finger.

"I have to admit, Prince Zuko. I really find you attractive," she murmurs.

Actor Zuko scowls, snapping, "You don't have to make fun of me."

Actress Katara winces, but quickly joins him, sitting down to stare at his eyes. "But I mean it. I had eyes for you since the first day you captured me."

Katara and Zuko — the real ones, take one glance at each other and awkwardly scoot away from each other. Suki above is rubbing her chin contemplatively.

"I really am sensing the pattern for Zuko's friendships," she comments, counting out on her fingers. "Kidnap (Y/n), capture Katara, burn my home, try to kill you boys — and for some reason, it's working out for him."

(Y/n) bats her eyelashes at Sokka. "Why, of course. I remember when I first fell in love with Sokka— it's when he suspended me in air—"

Sokka swallows roughly. "You really like to bring that story up, huh?"

"I like to see you sweat."

Sokka looks up, as if praying. "Y'know, I did make up for it later."

Oh, (Y/n) remembers — how Sokka had apologized when they were alone in his tent, and he slowly kissed her, interrupting her rambling to press his lips to hers, and then pull back and ask if he was forgiven.

She also appreciated how when she said 'no,' Sokka leaned down, cupping her cheek to kiss her again — and again and again. Until she was panting softly, lips kiss-swollen and eyes hooded, where Sokka looked so beautiful in the lamplight, and his blue eyes were taking her in like she was a piece of art.

Like he couldn't get enough of her - and he really couldn't, because the next second, he was sitting up, pulling her into his lap, and kissing her hard and holding her tightly against him. How she had run her fingers through his soft hair and let him kiss her deeply and thoroughly, and she might have gasped a little when he teased her jaw with nips and kisses.

(Y/n) blinks as Actress Katara laughs shrilly, and her face turns warm. Sokka's attention is already dragged to the play, and she takes the chance to admire his profile, from his sharp jaw to his slender neck. Lovely. Finding it irresistible, (Y/n) presses a kiss to his jaw and takes in his surprise, but she's already leaning against him to cuddle.

They've been cuddling a lot, sue them. They're still in the honeymoon phase.

"The Avatar?" Actress Katara says incredulously. "Why, he's like a little brother to me. I certainly don't think of him in a romantic way. Besides, how could he ever find out about this?" And then actors Zuko and Katara hold each other's hands tenderly.

Aang grits his teeth, getting up, stiff and annoyed, and makes his way out.

Sokka whispers as he passes by, "Oh, you're getting up? Can you get me some fire flakes? Oh, and fire gummies."


Huh. So somehow the GAang actors are confronting Ty Lee, Mai, and Azula, to which Actress Aang leaped out of nowhere and shouted, "Avatar State, yip-yip," which honestly makes (Y/n) crack up with laughter.

But then it reveals the one scene (Y/n) has nightmares about. Where Aang got hurt. Where Sokka nearly died for her.

Actress Azula whips out a blue streak of cloth, and throws one end at Actress Aang, who catches it, and then she pretends to spasm. The cloth gets lowered to the stage, Actress Aang still holding onto it. Her eyes shut as she reaches the ground.

"The Avatar is no more!" Actress Azula declares victoriously.

(Y/n) is glad Aang isn't here to see this. None of them are comfortable or laughing anymore, watching with horror and anguish as the audience begins cheering at the death of Aang.

This is fucked up.


So, the next intermission, somehow, is worse than the previous one. They're in a hallway that's carpeted with red and lined with gold-coloured frames and drapes — very on-brand for the Fire Nation — and they're loitering around.

Suki comments smugly. "It seems like every time there's a big battle you guys barely make it out alive. I mean, you guys lose a lot."

"You're one to talk, Suki. Didn't Azula take you captive? That's right, she did," says Sokka.

"Are you trying to get on my bad side?"

"I'm just saying."

Katara is frowning, scanning the group as she does so, and ends up asking, "Does anyone know where Aang is?"

"He left to get me fire gummies like, 10 minutes ago," says Sokka, leaning against the wall. "And I'm still waiting."

"I'm going to check outside." Katara quickly leaves, ever the worrier.

(Y/n) turns to her boyfriend — her boyfriend!! It always fills her with joy when she thinks of Sokka as her boyfriend. "I'll grab you the gummies. I'm in the mood for fire flakes anyway."

As she walks past him, Sokka latches onto her waist, pressing a happy smooch to her cheek. "If you can grab me—"

"Uh-uh." (Y/n) pats his stomach. "I don't think your stomach should take in more spice than it already has." She knew she had overindulged in those fire snacks and ended up taking a trip to the loo that lasted over an hour — a painful hour.

Sokka and Suki end up sneaking backstage to have a chat with the actors. Sokka is pretty pissed at his barely even 2-dimensional character and vowed to change it. He's already got a ton of notecards he had been jotting jokes down on that could be incorporated into the show.

The only ones left are Toph and Zuko sitting down on the carpeted floor, backs to the wall, and Toph is jabbing at the play and especially Zuko's character portrayal.

"You don't get it," Zuko says to Toph, looking upset. "It's different for you. You get a muscley version of yourself taking down 10 bad guys at once and making sassy remarks."

Toph grins, admitting, "Yeah, that's pretty great."

Zuko's hands clench his knees. "But for me, it takes all the mistakes I've made in my life and shove them back in my face. My Uncle — he's always been on my side even when things were bad. He was there for me. He taught me so much and how do I repay him? With a knife in his back. It's my greatest regret and I may never get to redeem myself."

(Y/n) returns relatively quickly. The play is in its last act so the line to the snack stands were almost empty, and she returns to find Zuko and Toph sitting beside each other on the floor, their knees pulled up to their chests.

(Y/n) takes a seat next to Zuko, holding out the packet of fire flakes which he gratefully picks out a few and tosses it in his mouth, munching mournfully.

"You have redeemed yourself to your uncle." Toph says, grabbing the packet and shaking some immediately into her mouth. "You don't realize it, but you already have." Then, her eyes pop and she gasps. "Oh, that's spicy."

"How do you know?" Zuko asks.

Toph manages to chew and swallow the flakes. "Because I once had a long conversation with the guy and all he would talk about was you."

Zuko slowly lowers his hood, a smile playing on his face. "Really?"

"Yeah, and it was kind of annoying."

"Oh, sorry."

"But it was also very sweet." Sometimes (Y/n) has to give credit to Toph; for all her brash acts and antagonising habits, Toph has a really good heart and seems to genuinely care about Zuko.

Toph continues, "All your uncle wanted was for you to find your own path and see the light. Now you're here with us. He'd be proud." Toph proceeds to give him a punch on the shoulder, who flinches and rubs his arm.

"Ow. What was that for?"

"That's how I show affection."

A little boy cuts past them, but stops to look at Zuko, and comments, "Your Zuko costume is pretty good but your scar's on the wrong side." Zuko's face turns red as the boy scampers off, and he growls.

"The scar is not on the wrong side!" Zuko then huffs and leans back, turning to (Y/n), who is happily munching on the snack. "So... how accurate was your actress?"

(Y/n) raises a brow, putting down the packet to properly, fully judge Zuko. "Did the dancing and flying not clue you in?"

"Well, not that part. The world-bending part."

Oh. Well, that is pretty insightful on his part at least, and she would think that world-bending is a strange thing to believe in, but she is in a world where they can manipulate the elements, there are dragons, the moon is a person, and badgermoles are the size of an elephant.

"World-bending ain't a thing," (Y/n) replies. "Though, travelling through universes is. It's just a VIP only sort of event, and I got a pass."

Zuko stares at her for a long second before smiling unsurely. "Okay, then, keep your secrets."

"Sure thing, Bilbo."


So... something sort of happens when (Y/n) went off to the snack stand.

As she walks along the halls, she passes a room that said, "Writer's Room," and is struck with a question that has been lingering the moment she had seen the play and the world-bending bit. Because it's an outrageous concept and is played as a comic relief in the play.

But the entire episode is a mystery to her too.

Because who had documented their travels? And if they did, they fucked around with it enough that it wouldn't get copyrighted by them, nor with an ending that actually suits the show.

So, she pushes into the room, spotting a man hunched over a script, brows sweating.

"Oh, Izumi!" The writer says without looking up. "Get me more ink! Based on the audience reaction, I'll need to rewrite the part where Jet died. Apparently disappearing under a rock wasn't dramatic enough for them—" he finally looks up and gapes. "You're not Izumi."

(Y/n) shuts the door behind her, shooting him a dark smile. "No, I'm not. I've watched this play, and I want answers."

The writer nods, pulling down his writing spectacles, gesturing to the seat across him, so (Y/n) folds herself on her knees upon the cushion on the floor.

"He said you'd come," says the writer.


"Who did?"

The writer sighs. "The other playwright. He was a strange fellow; kept to himself mostly and just kept writing the script as if the spirits were egging him on. But hey-!" He raised the script and beams. "Critically acclaimed!"

(Y/n) leans forward, palms flat on the short table between them. "You didn't write this script?"

"Oh, spirits, no! I mean, yes, but I rewrote it." The writer looks proud. "When he began writing, it was too dull, too gory, and needed more humour. I just spruced it up a bit."

"The world-bending made no sense."

The writer blushes. "Well, to be fair, travelling universes made less sense. Most of what he spouted was great, but (Y/n)'s character was totally out there. I had to make her relatable."

Oh. Right, relatable.

Because she was fucking flying and dancing. Completely relatable.

But that isn't something she wants to fight about. It's clear this guy — she doesn't even know his name — took a ton of liberty while editing the script. That's not the part that's itching at her.

"Who is the other writer? What do you know about him?" (Y/n) asks.

"He just came in one day with a bunch of scripts that our director loved! The story of the Avatar was a juicy one, and it shows that not even the strongest being in the world can defeat the Fire Nation!"

At a dark look from her, the writer gulps. "Right. So, he stayed until the script was done, and then left. But he did say that a girl might come along, asking about the play and him. I had gotten instructions to tell you one thing — 'Ask the Lion Turtle, I don't have all the fucking answers.' What does 'fucking' mean?" The writer scratched his chin. "It has a nice edge to it. Fuc-king. I should use it in the play; Be the first writer to—"

(Y/n) blanks out the rest of what he is saying.

The Lion Turtle. The previous writer knew about the Lion Turtles, and he knew about them, every aspect of their lives. And he knew she was coming, too. And knew she had questions about this.

Was he... like her? Was her a universe traveller, too?

But he gave her the next best thing. The Lion Turtles are full of knowledge. Which means... she'd have to find one.

(Y/n) snaps her fingers and the writer stops rambling. "Tell me, do you have the script he wrote?"

The writer perks up and pulls himself up to scour the stacks of papers and books behind him, before pulling out a thick sheaf of papers. "Here!"

"And is that the only copy he's written?"

"Well, yes. I rewrote it, but with my additions in my first draft. No single one is alike."

(Y/n) grins.

Three seconds later, she is walking out of there with the papers in hand, shoving it inside Sokka's bag she had been carrying, now in search of the snack stand.

Don't worry, she didn't kill the writer. He's just... out of commission.

Those papers don't belong to him. Or anyone else. Their story doesn't belong to anyone but them.


By the time they gather back into the theatre, the play passed through their journey to the Fire Nation, up till combustion man's death.

Aang stumbles in, looking despaired and embarrassed.

The invasion is about to start, and Sokka is happily munching on flakes, pointing out some dumb looking props like the ugly tree in the corner, whispering to (Y/n), "that's you."

The submarines are surfaced, and Actresses Aang and Katara and looking at one another

Actress Katara says, "I just want to let you know Aang, that I'll always love you." She places her hands across her heart. "Like a brother.

Actress Aang beams. "I wouldn't want it any other way."

They shake each other's hands and nod. Actress Aang unfolds her mini-glider and the rope pulls her up. Actress Katara waves goodbye.

Aang blushes and pulls down his hat as Katara looks away, lips turned down in displeasure.

Actor Sokka, however, is standing with Actors (Y/n) and Toph. "Hey, would you say you and Aang have a rocky relationship?"

Sokka himself begins hooting with laughter, and (Y/n) snorts, shaking her head. Of course, he'd find a way to tamper with the play.

"I hope everyone's ready for the Invasion," Actor Sokka says, and thrusts his arms out with a "Slop-A-Pow!"

The other actors onstage look surprised at the improvisation, but the audience is laughing at the theatrics. Sokka himself is enjoying himself, a bright smile on his face.


The next scene is in the Fire Nation royal palace where they had gotten through during the invasion, and Actress Aang is lowered by a rope in front of the throne.

"We finally made it to the royal palace but no one's home," she remarks.

Actor Zuko walks from the side, a spotlight shining his path. He's wearing his season 1 outfit, but instead of the terrible ponytail, his hair is comically spiked upwards. "Actually, I'm home and I want to join you."

Actor Sokka instantly puts down his boomerang prop and solemnly says, "I guess we have no choice. Come on." And with that, they leave the stage together.

Sokka gets up and stretches. "I guess that's it. The play's caught up to the present now."

(Y/n) tugs him back down, a wince passing her face. "'Fraid not, Bub. There's a last scene."

Sokka frowns. "But it is over. Unless...This is the future!"

As cute as that is, it doesn't last long when Actor Firelord Ozai with the sharpest and longest eyebrows makes a scene, his crown big on his head and the beard looking very fake as it's glued to his chin.

A lantern that's mimicking Sozin's comet is pulled over his head, and Actor Ozai raises his arms dramatically. "With the energy harnessed from that comet, no one will be able to stop the Fire Nation!"

Actress Azula shows up to knee at her father's feet and proclaim, "Father, Zuko and the Avatar are at the palace. They're trying to stop you.

Actor Ozai growls, "You take care of Zuko. I shall face the Avatar myself." He raises his hands and smoke envelops his spot. When it clears, he's disappeared.

Then there's a bit of monologuing, which honestly, if (Y/n) had a skip button, she would've played past the whole Fire Nation royal family dramatics of 'HONOR' and 'ENEMY' and, well, more proclamation of 'HONOR' from Actor Zuko as they battle it out with their colourful blue and yellow streamer props.

And um... Actress Azula shoots her 'lightning' streamers at Actor Zuko, who screams "HONOR!" once more before jumping into a trap door... which must mean he's dead?

Zuko cocks his head as he studies the stage quietly. (Y/n) really expected more of a reaction from him, but with the way he's staring as if he doesn't understand, she realizes it'll probably take him some time to understand that he's been killed by Actress Azula.

She lets him have his last few moments of peace.

A few seconds later, Zuko makes a squeaking sound, and he looks stunned. The GAang give their sympathies through gentle smiles.

Actor Ozai and Actress Aang are next onstage, and Ozai says ominously, "So, you have mastered all 4 elements."

Actress Aang points her staff at him menacingly. "Yeah and now, you're going down."

"No, it is you who are going down!" Actor Ozai says, as Actress Aang looks with horror at the 'fire' streamers spouting from Actor Ozai. "You see, you are too late. The comet is already here and I'm unstoppable."

He whips the streams and throws it at Actress Aang, and she jumps away. Smoke puffs where the streamers strike, and as Actress Aang pulls out a white-blue flag to mimic air, it's useless as Ozai sends his streamers to her once more. She leaps out of the way.

Then it's just a flurry of Actress Aang swinging on the rope in the air as Actor Ozai throws streamers out one after the other (where the fuck is he storing all of them), but then Actor Ozai sends out one last streamer that wraps around Actress Aang like a sushi roll.

Actress Aang struggles, all the while screaming, "Nooo!!"

She falls off screen as the rope detaches from her back. Then, when she falls the tiny distance to the ground, the 'fire' cloth falls over her gracefully.

Actor Ozai is grinning victoriously.

Actress Azula walks onstage, smiling just as evilly. "It is over, Father. We've done it."

"Yes, we have done it!" Actor Ozai declares and punches his hand into the air." Slowly, the platform he's standing on begins rising, carrying him with it. "The dreams of my Father, and my Father's Father have now been realized! The World is mine!"

And behind him, a large banner of the Fire Nation emblem unfurls, and yellow and red streamers pop out on either side of him.

The audience goes nuts, giving the play a standing ovation, and no one notices that the last viewing box holding the GAang is horribly silent, still seated as they watch actor Firelord Ozai in his victory pose.


They've been silent the whole way to the beach. The half-moon shines on the waters as they walk along the shore, and surprisingly, Zuko is the first to break the silence.

"That... Wasn't a good play," he murmurs.

The GAang voices their agreements instantly, all looking unhappy.

"But the effects were decent," says Sokka.

(Y/n) grips his hand as she mutters under her breath, "And the ending is better than you realize."

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